Conyers weekly. (Conyers, GA.) 1895-1901, November 30, 1895, Image 1

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Kf / '/ r . M i ii wt •*k / 4 ^ 0 VOL. XV. Bnj|||Bj| ||^l|| y; 8 for Infants and Children*. T HIRTV years’ observation of Ca-iforia, vri th jthg ■p n.tror ago a? ntilIf.on 3 of persons, permit ns to speak of it witfaoiat gnossfng. It is TuatnientioE a hly the Best remedy for In f anta wa d C Mldgoa ; tlie world has eve? known. It -Is hanaleaa. Chit dr an like it. It gives them health, It will brtb thoir lives. In it Moth e r* havo lometMnB wliioh ifl absolutel y Bafe and practically perfect as s% ---- ’ i child ’b medicine. Castoria. destroys Worms . Castoria allays S’everiaimcss. Castoria prevents vomiting Sottr Curd , Castoria cores Diarrheas and "Wind Colio. Castoria relievec Teething Troubles. Castoria cures Constipation and Flatala aoy. Castoria Eentralizea the effects of carbonic acid gas or poiwotiov.s air . Castoria does mot contain morphine, opium, or other narcotic property. Castoria assimilates tbs food, regulates fao stomach and bowels, giving Wealthy and natural sleep. Castoria ia put up ia ono^siao botiloa only. Xt is not eoM in bulk. Don’t allow any oma t o soil yon anything else on the pica or promise ♦Imt it is ’’just as good” and “will answer every purpose.” Seo that yon get C-A-Sjt-T-O-H.-I-'A. The facsimile is nr ever y of wrapper. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. R. W. BAGBY. II. M. SPEER 3B-A-GKB"2T -DISTILLERS, COVINGTON, GA. Dealers fa FINE WINES, BRANDIES, WHISKEYS. We make a specialty of our own make, hand made, copper distilled, PURE CORN WHISKEY. We desire to say that no better or pur er corn whiskey can be found on earth than our celebrated “Cow ser Springs” corn whiskey: We also keep on hand Domestic and Imported Whiskeys for medicinal purposes. We solicit the patronage of our friends in Rockdale and adjoining counties. All orders filled promptly. BAGBY & SPEER, COVINGTON, GA. DR. W. H. LIE, dealer in-— PURE DRUGS, MEDICINES, TAINTS, OILS and GLASS, —ALSO— -V- '4' Spectacles, % School Books, Stationery, Tobacco Cigars ^PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOBNDED_$gr2? UjpYou will save money by seeing me before buying. DR. W. H. LEE. TILLEY & QUIGG, -v- WAREHOUSEMEN AND Dealers In-> L-a-EO/ber, Coal, Siiins-los We keep hand at all times We carry a full line p on Doors, Mantles, Sash, p all kinds of Lumber, Shingles, etc. Paints. Always see us before buying• We can save you money. CONYERS, GA., SATURDAY, NOV 30, 1895. Thanksgiving Songs. TiiatiKs for life and t ' .iA's for lova— Thanks for the hew n-ides warm ; And when gloom* fro >Uy above, Scar.* that light the lorm 1 Thanks fir all out* ea i th’y bliss— Hearts that, truly bear; For the child’*, wife's, it other's ki-s— Ccmpecs'Uioii sweet! Tlrmks for each an ! thanks for all: Still on sea and shore See the heavenly manna fall:— Hunger—thir.-t— no more. if. L. Stanton, i.i Constitution. For the lifting up of mountains, In briglrne*s and in dread; For the peaks where snow and sunshine Alone have dared to tread; For the dark of silent gorges, Where migbtv cedars nod; For the majesty of mountains I thank thee, O my God ! Lucy THANKSGIVING TOPICS Tersely Told to Transient Transgressors. Mr. G. B. Aim and, of Dorsey, Ga-, was up on a visit to his fa t! er, Ah-. H. P. Almand. Mr. Bishop’s little, girl fell down one day last week and stuck a stick in. the roof of her mouth. The stick was withdrawn by Dr. Guinn. The wound was painful but not serious. Dr. Sims gave us a pleasant call last Monday. He has just returned from a four months’ trip to Mexico, and the far west >f our own country. He says hat Dallas, Texas, is the pret¬ tiest city in the west, and the country delightful. Col. Saunders and wife, of Ce dartown,arrived last Friday eve¬ ning, visiting the family of W • F. Hardin and other relatives. The colonel is a prominent law yer of Cedartown. Pie and Mrs Saunders are certainly a hand¬ some couple. Mr. J. M. J. Morgan es in this issue his household goods, stock, etc , for sale, pre paratory to moving to Texas Mr. Morgan’s numerous friends here regret very much to have him leave our county, but wish him bountiful success wherever he goes. The Confederate veteran for November has arrived, full of in¬ teresting reading, especially so to the old “vets” who were in the war. We think every old soldier iu. Rockdale ought to take this magazine. It costs on¬ ly one dollar a year, and it is worth the money. Mr. J. D. Winburn’s sons from North and South Carolina, have returned to their respec¬ tive homes. Their visit home was indeed enjoyable, the only unpleasant part being the brev ity of their stay. Both of these gentlemen are artistic photog¬ raphers, and made some good pictures of the family and iesi dences. The Sunday school children at the paper mills presented on last Sunday a handsome Oxford Bi¬ ble with appropriate inscription to their superintendent, Mr, D. M. Affliand. The occasion was 0 ne of interest, which affected the superintendent and others to ITow pleasant for an of fleer to receive such testimony from,loose whom he has so faith fully instructed! Last Sunday Kev. TT^ F. haiian proa.clled a. good, cal gospel sermon at the Baptist At the conclusion lie proposed a ’..own prayer meeting at right. This was appointed, and Bro. Buchanan conducted the exercises. His talk together with that of B'-o. O’Kelley, of the Presbyterian church, and Bro. Sanders, visitor from Oe dartown, made the exercises very interesting and profitable, There should be more meetings. A. W. Shields, a colored man from Washington City, made a speech on the streets, in front of Dr. Lee’s drug store, last Satur¬ day evening, giving whole¬ some advice to the negroes. He covered quite a number of points in his speech, the main thought of which was to counsel his peo¬ ple agaiusr. emigration to Africa or to the West. lie travels on his own expense, taking what¬ ever contributions are given,and said he expected to visit every town in Georgia, warning the colored people and bidding them not to be taken in by agents who get their money upon prom ise of free transportation, etc. He dealt Bishop Turner some severe blows for the position lie takes m coloniza ion of ihe ne¬ groes, etc. FOR SALE. I will sell at my heme, near Smyrna camp ground, to the highest bidder on Wednesday, Dec. 4, the following property : l mule, 1 horse, 1 cow and calf, and kitchen furniture, ■ora, fodder, cotton seed, farm ug implements and three lino logs. J. M. J. Morgian. A drowning man would have little use for a method of rescue which would require clays. A dyspeptic doesn’t want to bother with a remedy that is going to take weeks to show its beneficial effects. The Mount Lebanon Shakers are offering a product under the name of Shaker Di¬ gestive Cordial which yields im¬ mediate relief. The very first dose proves beneficial in most cases; and it is owing to their un¬ bounded confidence in it, that they put 10 cent sample bottles on the market. These can be had through any druggist, and it will repay the afflicted to in¬ vest the trifling sum necessary to make a trial. The Shaker Di gestive Cordial relieves by rest ing the stomach and aiding the f jjg e8t i pn 0 f food. Laxol is the best medicine for children. D ictors recommend L in place of Castor Oil. MILLINERY !! \\ prepared . to , sell ,, E are now our lady friends any and every thing in our line cheap without for the cash. Gall and see us fail. Nicest and prettiest goods in the latest styles. McDonald & Guinn. NO. 48 From Manassas to Appo* mattox. —Tins great book by the first Lt. General of General Leo’s anny of northern Virgin Hon. James Lougstieet. is ready for the public, Lisacou seientious ami correct history of the war between the states, told in a plain unvarnished style, yet in such a. manner as to keep the reader's interest to the cud*, Gen. Longstreet was a great commander, upon whom (Ten. Leo depended in emergencies, He has written an impartial history, giving the Confederacy her proper place, showing the bravery and valor of Southern soldiers and the justice of the cause for which they fought. This book will be sold by suh seripliou only, and we would he glad to oave everybody come in and subscribe at once. The law¬ yer, the doctor and the literary man as well as every old sol¬ dier should have it. The Youth’s Companion is a feast that comes not once a year, but once a week, ft is not on¬ ly always an appetizing feast, but always strengthening ana refreshing, too, This being Thanksgiving week, The Com¬ panion has, like everybody else, provided an unusual supply of dainties and good things, with special courses appropriate to the season. NOTICE! Those who owe me for black snuffling will please come for¬ ward as soon as possible and set¬ tle their accounts, for I need the money'very much. All are ac¬ quainted with my condition. 5 8t YV. Gr. Cr.OTFELTKR. TO THOSE WHO OWE US. We have placed our notes and accounts in the hands of Lui. ,i R. Maddox for collection, AH parties indebted to the firm will please give immediate attention t) their accounts. Respt., 5 St Rosser & Guinn. NOT in UXE OTHERS There is a difference between medi¬ cines and medicines. ' Those of to-day. as a rule, differ from those of tiie past in many respects. be¬ Fully as great is the difference tween I)r. King’s ROYAL GERMETUER and the ordinary medicines of to-day. It is unlike them in Ts4E.SE FIVE TMINCS: 1. It does not taste like a medi¬ cine. It is as pleasant to take as lemonade and makes a most refreshing drink. 2 . It never nauseates the most delicate stomach. 3. It does not swap off one dis¬ ease for another, lt does not setup one form of disease in order to relieve another as is so often the case. 4. lt contains no alcohol or opium in any form and is always harmless even when given to a babe one day old. o. It does not patch simply, it cures. It reaches as nothing else does to the hidden sources of disease in the blood and removes the cause. It does this with an ease and power that have never been equaled. For all troubles of the Blood. Stomach, Bowels, Kidneys and Nerves, and lor all forms of MALARIAL 1’OISON it stands pre-eminent— without a rival or a peer. CF-Sold by druggists, new package, laree bot tla, IOSDoeco, OueDollor. Marmrauturedonlyby THE ATLANTA CHEMICAL CO., ATLANTA, GA. write iob. 48-page book, mailed ikes. FOR SALE BY DR. W. H LEE. WE DO JOB WORK!!