Conyers weekly. (Conyers, GA.) 1895-1901, December 07, 1895, Image 4

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illsl < sfwwows mm & V m r M A* ■Vj- REGULATOR wm GOOD FOR EVERYBODY and everyone needs it at all times of the year. Malaria is always about, and only preventive and relief is to keep the Liver active. You must help the Liver a bit, and the best helper is the Old Friend, SIM¬ MONS LIVER REGULATOR, the RED Z. Mr. C. Himrod, of Lancaster, Ohio, says: “Simmons liver regulator broke a case of Malarial Fever of three years’ standing for me, and less than one bottle did the business. I shall use it when in need, and recommend it.” Be sure'that you get it. A Iways lock to • the RED Z on the package. And don’t forget the word REGULATOR. It is SIM¬ MONS LIVER REGULATOR, and there is only one, and every one who takes it is sure to be benefited. THE BENEFIT IS ALL IN THE REMEDY. Take it also for Biliousness and Sid-: Headache; both are caused by a sluggish Liver. J. H. Zeilin & Co., Philadelphia. flic meekly 7 OFFICIAL ORCAN OF THE COUNTY. J. B. & J. H. REESE. Enteied at the postoffice at Conyers us second-class mail matter. Saturday, Dec. 7, 1895. ADVERTISING RATES. 3 mo. 6 mo. 12 mo. j Inch $2,50 If 4,00 $ <P6 2 •* 4.00 7.50 10.00 4 “ 7.50 12.00 20.00 fa column 10.00 15.00 25.00 '% “ -* 00 50 3O.00 00 100 55.00 00 ;; I Locals 5 cents per line for first inser lion ; 214 cents for each subsequent, inch in¬ sertion. Regular adv. 50c. per for first insertion; 25c for each subsequent Insertion." SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One year, in advance ................ $1.00 Six months, in advance............... .50 Mr. DuBiguon will speak in the house of representatives next Tuesday night. We give our readers this week the President s message. It is worth perusing. Read it. Hon. Hoke Smith made a tell¬ ing speech in the hall of the house of representatives last Tuesday night. Hon. Tom Reid was elected on last Monday Speaker of the House of Representatives by the Republican majority. lion. C. F. Crisp was voted for by the Democrats. This puts Mr. Crisp as the leader of his party in congress. The editors of the State and we imagine everybody else, ex¬ cept a few, do not desire to have the law so amended as to givp the letting out of the county ad¬ vertising into the hands of the superior court judges. It would not be at all satisfactory. It is n< t necessary to argue the ques t ou. The trustees of the lunatic asylum have elected a new offi cerfso stated) for that institution at a salary of $1,800 per annum. What his duties are we do not know, but his qualifications seem to be his familiarity with the ologies—such as pathology, physiology, histology, bacterior ology, ophthalmology, laryniol ogy, etc. The Bush bill has been defeat¬ ed in the legislature, and, we think, rightly so. We believe Its provisions were unwise and would have failed to accomplish the end intended by its advo CJtes. 1 he May to do the liquor business is to wipe it out with out qualification by a law cov eriug the whole State. Gov. Atkinson sent in this week to the legislature an able specie! message upon the sub ject of lynching, which more frequent and more serious. Something should be done. The time will sron come that friends of him wiio is will shoot down at sight lliesup posed lynchers. Our country w,n the, be in a terrible stale of anarchy, Concerning the Election. [Communicated ] Editor. Conyers Weekly : 1 feel called on to ask the good people of Conyers to stop and think: The issue of today’s elec¬ tion may make or mar the fu¬ ture of our beloved city. Will it be for the interest of Conyers for us to have a wrangle over the municipal election? If so, lot us have it; if not, don’t let us play the fool. Personali¬ ties should not come in this race; whether this man or that man wants the office is no concern of ours. The main issue, and, deed, the only one, in this race is, who shall control our public schools and how they shall be run. The free schools for Con yers is a fixture ; the question is how shall they be run. This mat¬ ter should be settled outside of party or personal ends. Any man who brings personal or self¬ ish motive in tire race, should be set down on. He is not fit for any place in our gift. The deluding of the ignoran t voter to accom nlish personal ends will not pay in the end. “Evil birds come home to roost , > > Your children and mine may suffer by it. Cannot the good people of Con¬ yers get above petty differences and elect a mayor and council that will be a credit to our city? I hope so. “EGO.” A tired stomach is very much like a sprained ankle. If you suffer from any of the symptoms of dyspepsia, your stomach is tired. It needs a crutch. We must relieve it of all work for a time, or until it is restored to its natural strength. To do this suc¬ cessfully, we must use a food which is already digested out¬ side of the body, and which will aid the digestion of other foods that may be taken with it. Such a product is the Shaker Diges¬ tive Cordial. The Shakers have utilized the digestive principles present in plants for the manu¬ facture of this article, and its success hasibeen truly phenome¬ nal. You can try it for the nom¬ inal sum of 10 cents, as sample bottles are sold by all druggists at this price. Laxol is the best medicine for children. Doctors recommend it in place of Castor Oil. You can earn $5 each dav “giv¬ ing” our indispensable house¬ hold article away. New plan of work, making experience un necessaryand success certain for either sex in any section. Sam¬ ple dozen free. Credit given. Freight paid. Address, Melrose MVg. Co , 90 Melrose Park, Ill. Mothers 9 Friend Cures Rising ■ I have been a midwife for many and in each where “ MOTH years. ease ERS' FRIEND" was used it accomplished won ders and shortened labor and lessened pain, it BREAST known, and worth the price lor that alone. Mrs. M. M. Brewster. Montgomery, Ala. Sent by Express or mail, on racoipt of price, fl.OOper bottle. Book “To Mothers” mailed * ree ' 8RADFIELD REGULATOR CO., Atlanta, Qa. SOLD BY ALL DBUGQI8TB. Limp Through Life racked by Rheumatic pains. It handicaps your whole career. Of course you wouldn’t if you could help it—and you can. 0 f CP* cs # {jjREr ani^euakio goes straight to the Liver, where Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Dys pepsia, Headache and most other ills start. It cleanses this organ and makes it active again—the acid leaves your blood, and you’re cured. Testimonial below. 1 have been chronic treated rheumatism for general for debility and without relief. Three ten Ies years any has cured bott of your medicine me. S. F. CLARK, Wr-rrentoc, Fla. Ask Your Druggist or Merchant For It. CULLEN & NEWMAN, Sole Proprietors, Knoxville, Tennessee. For sale by H, P. & D. M. Ahtaud & Co. and Stephenson <fe Turner, Conyers. Ga., and W. E. Kings, Kings, Ga From Hanassas to Appo= mattox.— This great book by the first Lt. General of General Lee’s army of northern Virgin¬ ia, Gen. James Longstreet, is ready for the public. It is a con¬ scientious and correct history of the war between the states, told in a plain unvarnished style, yet in such a manner as to keep the reader’s interest to the end Gen. Longstreet was a great commander, upon whom Gen. Lee depended in emergencies. He has written an impartial history, giving the Confederacy her proper place, showing the bravery and valor of Southern soldiers and the justice of the cause for which they fought. This book will be sold by sub¬ scription only, and we would be glad 1o oave everybody come in and subscribe at once. The law¬ yer, the doctor and the litprary man as well as every old sol diet’ should have it. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castona. TO HOUSEKEEPERS. If you want a splendid cook book the “Rural Home” sells for $1, but any and all of our subscribers can have the Week¬ ly and this book for $1.25. This proposition is good for both old and new subscribers. The cash is required to avail yourself of the proposition. Any one bring¬ ing us five new subscribers and $6.25 will get a'book and the Weekly free of charge, and each subscriber will get the premium also. Now is the time for the ladies to get a 350 page book containing over 1,000 receipts, printed on the best paper and handsomely illustrated and bound. X.XJMBSE. We keep a nice line of all kinds of Lumber and Shingles. Tilley & Quigg. FREE MEDICAL REFERENCE BOOK (64 pages) for men and women who are afflicted with any form of private dis ease peculiar to their sex, errors of youth, contagious diseases, female trou bles, etc., etc., Send 2 two c ? nt stamps, to pay post a § e> to the leading specialists and physn. 'TTTAMLDj-Seyeral trait worth > v ' / gentlemen or ladies to travel in Georgia for established reiiablv hous-*. Salary $7S0 and expenses. Steady position. Enclose reference and self addressed stamped envelope. The ha Dominion Bleg., Chicago, Company, Third Floor, Oma¬ ill. wE WILL SO so Steplra l Turner’s. T-jr/*E lea bn that Stephenson & Turne * \ bought the first new bale of cotton raised in Rockdale county this year. They stand at the head in the commercial business of our little city, as cotton buyers and general merchants. Go to them for your goods they can undersell anybody on Bagging and Ties, Meat, Flour, Corn, Meal, Syrup, Molasses, Seed Rye, Fresh Turnip Seed, Sugar, Coffee. Salt at 65c. for large size sacks. T key are silling nails for less than anybody else, as ihey bought large quantities when they were very cheap. Get your Hardware from them, Shoes, Clothing, Dress Goods, Trunks, Furni¬ ture. jgpgST - Rocking Chairs almost to give away. HW*The best place in town for Tobacco—smok¬ ing and chewing. Cigars, Fine Cream Cheese at 12|c. per pound. Harness and Saddles, Lace Harness and Sole Leather at a bargain. Horse Collars, Brooms, Rope, Buckets, Tinware, Lard, Hams, Steelyards, Crockryware, Sheeting, Checks, Hats, Caps, Books, Laces and thous¬ ands of articles not herein mentioned. Come everybody ; everybody invited to come ! You shall have our best attention. Don't fail 1.o come, as you wiUhse money by staying away from Stepkaa £ tar’s. ?• M CTO © BICYCLES® M1GHEST Honestly GRADE ' made For beauty, strength, lightness, durability and easy running qualities, no other bicycle can equal the Victor* Buy a Victor and know you have the best. OVERMAN WHEEL CO. Makers of Victor Bicycles and Athletic Goods. BOSTON. NEW YORK. CHICAGO, DETROIT. DENVER. PACIFIC COAST. SAN FRANCISCO. LOS ANGELES. PORTLAND. ROCKDALE SHERIFF'S SALES. Will be sold on the first Tuesday in •Tanuary, in said next, at within the court bouse door county, the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder, for cash, the following property, to wit: One hundred one and one-fourth acres of land, more or less, same being tne north half of land lot number three hundred and nineteen(3l9) in the Kith district of originally Henry now Rock dale county, Georgia. Said land levied on as the property of George P. Jones, to satisfy an execution issued from the eitv court of Atlanta in favor of Home & Foreign Investment & Agency Com¬ Jones. pany, limited, This against said Geo. P. 5th day of December, 1305. VV. H. M. AUSTIN, Sheriff. Will be sold on the first Tuesday in January, next, at the court house in Rockdale county, within the legal hours of sale, to'the hialie t bidder, for cash, the following property: A two-rifihs undivided interest in sixty-five acres of land, more or less, lying in the 16th district of originally Henry now Rockdale county, adjoining lands of J, L Pate on north, Mat Hen¬ ry on east and south and John Miers on west. Part of land Jot 25S. Said two fifths undivided interest in said land, levied on as the property of A. T. Ham mock and Harriet A. Hammock to satis fy an execution issued from justice court of 473t.h district, G. M , of Rock¬ dale ciunty in favor of G. W. & A. P. Gain against said A. T. Hammock add H. A. Hammock. Levy made by T. H, Simonton, L. C. This Nov. 28*h, l«95. W. H. M. AUSTIN, Sheriff. Also at the same time and place the following property, towit: All that tract or parcel of laud lying and Georgia” being in Rockdale county, state of Zachrr, bounded on west by lands of John M.’ D. H. Roberts and Sarah E Fretwell, Maylor, Abby on south Griffin by lands of C. M. and George W. Heaton, river on and east lands by wateis of the Yel¬ low’ of estates of J. A. B Stewart, deceased, and J. A. Stew art, deceased, on north bv 1- nds of Sa rail E Fretwell and A. D. Summers and Frank two hun- Your Job Work ttn l dred a id eighty acre?, m >re or Ies?,. lev > f, d o:i a- tun property of Susie C. Grif fin in the hand* of J. ft. Griffin, admin Gtraror of Susie C. Griffin, deceased, <o sui-fy two fi fas or exe nt’ons issued from Newton superior court—one in fa v,r> f nf -j* A. & l. D, Stewart for the Stewart Bros, acainst .1. H.Grif administrator 0 f S. C. Griffin; the in favor of H. W. Means against II ' k'lffin, administaator of Su s 11 j fa>1 ‘ 1 '■ Dnfbn- W. H. Levin M. AJSTIN, to satisfy Sheriff. both - Dec. (1, 1395. LETTERS OF DISMISSION. Georgia, Rockdale County. - All Whom It May Concern : R. W. Tucker, administrator of A. B. E. Hardeman, deceased, applies to me for letters cf dismission from his D ust as such administrator of eaid deceased' and 1 will pass upon his^ appli ation on the first Monday in January, said 1896, at m_v Given office under in Con¬ yers, coun*y. my hand and official signature this Oet, 3rd, 1895. A. M. Helms, Ordinary NOTICE TO CREDITORS. All parlies holding claims against the estate of Joh : L. Scott, deceased, or his widow, will please present same to J. D. Scott, Conyers, Ga., by the first of January, 1896. W. W. Scott. Executor. NlV 27,1835. CITATION. Georgia, Rockdale County.—Martha Carter,co: , having applied for a twelve month's support out oftheestate of her late husband, James Carter, col,, de¬ ceived. and the appraisers appointe I liMving tiled their return in my offic-*. tbl- is to cite all persons concerned tba 1 "u' P HSS u P on the same on the firs: Monday iu .January, next. This Dec, 5,1895. A. M. HELMS, Ordinary.