Conyers weekly. (Conyers, GA.) 1895-1901, December 07, 1895, Image 7

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A. Phenomenon. there has always been an inclina t0 believe in the existence of a in . the , body , 0 f nervous energy “ E embles the flow of a current of it re both in its tangible aspect jectricity, it* remarkable physiological The nerve centers of the ,, l/or ts ganglious, all start ^ nerve ’the brain as a distinct focus. p® here ra <liate system the with nerves minute proper ten (complex Listhat i to sensations of the gi ve f 8e well the most 4 agonizing, nature—the as blow as of a cudgel , he tickle of a straw being equally j as readily perceptible. Although determinations of a positive char¬ ter have ever been made, the gym ‘ ([I8i or electric fish, is a type of or j s to in which the two functions closely allied. The discharge 8 a re controlled and owe their L,sr qualities to that the the nervous fish falls system into j»h an extent > jiiausted condition if so irritated ,its reserve fund of material for ^rieal used. phenomena becomes too Uly k America the eel, which is South by the to Lirtby driving and a allowing number of them horses to j, the river t;e jve the discharge from the fish, iich, when thus weakened, were from the w’ater. In cases of lo aotor ataxia the nervous energy is ilacking that the irritation of any 4 arouses only after a deliberate in ival the sensation expected. The jdual transmission of nervous force forcibly illustrated when a needle is sorted in the flesh ; frequently ten conds elapse before the impression conveyed to the brain. There is no mbt that the mysterious adjunct of rre tissue is of a most perplexing ss Let a nerve center of the Irain Liy be affected and the part of the controlled by it loses movement fed sensation. The almost structure L composition of the brain hides Cfthin it the secret of all sensation, he slightest thrill of its particles by mean a thought that will shake le earth with its importance—its (jietude means either sleep or eternal (ttce.—Electrical Age._ Confinement and Hard Work Moors, particularlv in the sitting posture, Lie far more prejudicial exertion to in health the than air. ex¬ mire Igard muscular open sedentary woi-kers are far too weary li'ter tiiein office the hours air. to take They much often needful need a tonic. exer open seek invigoration Ifkre can thoroughly they than Hostetter’s more cer [hiiily and from fomach Cdapted Bitters, a renovant exhausted particularly force of Citure. to recruit the Use also for dyspepsia, kidney, liver Wrheumatic ailments. One of the greatest tasks would be to try to everybody. | [ Dr. 8.1; Ki'mer’s Kidney and Swamp-Root Bladder troubles. cure Pamphlet and Consultation free. Laboratory Binghamton. N. V. Some people like rare music, but most of Hem prefer it well done. Hows This! IVeoffer One Hundred Dollars Reward for inyoaseof Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hail’s Oatarrh Cure. O. _ F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo, , „ li . e, the undersigned, have known F. J. Clie¬ nt for the last 15 years, and believe him per ply pi financially honorable able in all to business out transact any obliga- ons carry ton made by their firm. psT&TRU ax, WholesaleDrugg’sts, Toledo, balding, Rinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Hdl's Druggi-ts, Toledo, Ohio. internallv, Catarrh Cure is taken fting [ir directly of he upon the Price. blood 75 nnd mucous bottle, fold aces t sy-tem. -. iter by all Druggists. Testimonials free. ilnthers Who Use Parker’s Ginger Tonic bsktthatit benefits more than other medi ines for every form of distress. ake Care (your physical health. Build up your sys Wt tone your stomach and digestive organs, maseyour appetite, enrich your blood, drive »t all impurities and prevent sickness with cod’s Sarsaparilla le One True Blood Purifier. $1; 6 for $5. iood’s Pills “An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure.” An ounce of healthful food is better than a ton of medicine. USE 9 r\ w * . UUv IV W n wet L « 7 And throw away the medicine bottle. H PARKER’S HAIR BALSAM Cleanse* and beautifies the hair, i Promotes a luxuriant Restore growth. Gray . Never Fails to Hair to its Youthful Color. 1 Cures scalp diseases it hair falling. 50 c,and$I.U0at Druggists_ TURKS STILL ACTIVE 1N THEIR OU TRAGEOUS BUTCH ERY OF ARMENIANS. Protection From the Porte is Con¬ sidered as a Farce. The London Times publishes a dis¬ patch from Julfa, dated November 28th, saying that the Armenian vil¬ lages between Persia and Van, proba¬ bly to the number of forty-six, have been destroyed bv the Hamidieh cav¬ alry. All the reports say that the number of persons killed was very large. The refugees are mostly going to the city of Van. There will probably be a massacre in Van soon. Cannon are trained on the houses of the .Armen¬ ians and the trees along the streets have been felled to give free range to their fire. Reports say that the Hamidieh cavalry are raiding the en¬ tire province of Van and committing horrible atrocities. Many women have been carried to the mountains. Van is the only place that has been untouched by the Kurds, who are seizing large numbers of sheep and cattle. The whole population of the village of Jurtalon, numbering 200, have been killed. The Hamidieh cavalry attacked Kotomr, a Perdan village, but were repulsed by the gar¬ rison in the fort. Turkish regulars waited outside the village to join in the prospective plun¬ der. After being repulsed the Hami¬ dieh cavalry destroyed the small Per¬ sian village. Armed bands of Arme¬ nians are entering Van from Persia. One band fought the Hamidieh cavalry for two days near Serai. Many are reported to have been killed. The cavalry withdrew and plundered and destroyed Serai. Many nestorians in the Basbkota district are reported to have been killed. A JUDGE INDICTED. The Grand Jury Didn’t Like His Dispensation ol Justice. The New Orleans grand jury has returned indictments against Judge Jas. C. Moise, one of the two judges of the criminal district court for slander and oppression in office. The indictment grew out of an attempt several days ago by District Attorney Butler to enter a nol pros in the case of Henry Bier, a capitalist, who had been tried and convicted of perjury, committed in trying to hide matters concerning the purchase of the New Orleans Traction franchise. Since his conviction Bier has con¬ fessed, and it is believed his testimony is vitally essential in the trial of M. J. Hart. Judge Moise refused to permit the nol pros to be entered, and a heat¬ ed colloquy between the court and the district attorney followed, in which the court was forced into saying that he viewed the conduct of the district attorney’s office with suspicion and committed the district attorney to jail for twenty-four hours for contsmpt of court. The latter official and the attorneys of Henry Bier brought this to the at¬ tention of the grnud jury, which was much prejuced against M. J. Hart, with the abo ve result. _ Mob Lynches Two. Joe Robertson and Ozias McGaha, negroes, who were Friday morning sentenced to twenty years each for assault in the circuit court at Lewis burg, Tenn., were taken from the jail at Fayetteville, Friday night, by a mob of 300 men and hanged in the courtyard. _ ATLANTA MARKETS CORRECTED WEEKLV. Groceries. Roasted coffee 22.10 100 ib oases. Green —Choice y13*j; fair 20c; prime 19c. Sugar Standard granulated 5c; off granulated i/i~. ~~~~ New Orleans white 4%c; do. yellow mixed Syrup—New Orleans open kettle 25@30c; Teas—Black 12%@20c; sugarhonse 20@35c. Rice—Head 6c; 30<®65c; green :.0@5f’c. sacks, $1 35; do. bb;S. oboice 5%c. Salt—dairy, 70c. Cheese-— $2.25; ice cream 90c; Matches—65s common 50e; 2<X)s Pull cream ll@ll%e. $2.75. Soda—Boxes Oc; $1.30@$1.75; 300s 7c; Crackers--Soda 5}^c ; cream stick ginger snapi 8c. Candy—Common W. SL80; L. 6}f; fancy 12@’.2^. Outers-P. Shot—$1-30. W. $1.30. Powder—Rifle $3.7). Flour, Grain and Meal. Flour, first patent, $4.70; second patent $4.25; straight $3.70; fancy $3.60; extra fami¬ ly $3.35. Corn, white 45c; mixed 44c. Oats, white 33c; mixed 30c. Ry 0 * Georgia 75c. Bariev, Georgia raised 85c. Ha.Y, No. 1 timothy, larg * bales $1; small bales 95c. No. 2 timothy, small pales 90c. Meal, main 43c; bolted 40c. Wixeat bran, large sacks 7oc small sacks 77%c. Shorts $1.05. Slock Meal, *1 Cotton Seed Meal 85c per 100 lbs. Huljs, $»• per ton. Peas, 75e per bu. Grits $2.7o. Country Produce. Eggs 20@12c. Butter-Western Creamery, ?0@22%c; fancy Tenn. 15@18c, choice U/,. Georgia 10@12%c. Live poultry-Tur keys 8a9c f lb; hens 25@27%c; Dressed sp rlD « chickens, 12%*22%; ducks 18@20c. ducks poultry—Turkeys 12}£@I4c; Irish !& i oe ?— 14 ; chickens 10 @ 13 %c. bbh 50 69 P° ? bu Burbauk $ 2 . 00 @ 2 . 5 fl $ a c P°‘ at0 ? a Tennessee bu. 40 @ 50 c. Sweet 40 @ 45 c $ bu. Honey— Strained 8® 10 c; m the comb I 0 @ 12 %c. Onions 60 o ? bu; dms. $ 1 . 75 . Cabbage l%a. 3 c. Provisions. Clear rib sides, boxed ice-cured bellies 9c. Sugar-cured hams 10%<®12%C; California Sc. Breakfast bacon 10^. Lard—Best quality 6%e; second quality f%e. compound 5 l /,c. Cotton. Local market closed Q iiet; middling 7 15-16. Our Celestial Visitor. The comet discovered at Lick ob¬ California,on Nov. 17th, by C. D. Perrino is now about 84, miles from the sun. The dis¬ tance will decrease and reach a mini¬ mum of about 20,000,000 miles on December 18th, at which time its an¬ gular distance from the point where its path intersects the ecliptic will be 2G3 degrees. After December 18th, the distance from the sun will again increase. The object is net visible to the naked eye, but its brightness is increasing very rapidly. It will un¬ doubtedly be visible with telescopio assistance within a few weeks. Unfortunately, however, its ap¬ proach to the sun will bring it into the morning twilight, and the difficul¬ ty of observation will be increased thereby. It is now 1} times as far from the earth as the sun is. A Governor’s Opinion. Everybody knows ex-Governor Robert Tay¬ lor, ot Tennessee. He says: “I have had oc¬ casion to use Tyner’s Dyspepsia Remedy and find it an admirable aid to digestion. Taken easi¬ before lecturing, it imparts a vigor and ness of feeling which fs very desirable. I am convinced that it is a first-class remedy for aiding digestion. if Tyner’s Dyspepsia Remedy is “Especially eating.” taken after bottle. For sale Price 60 cents per every¬ where. FITS-topped free by Du. KEink’s Great Nerve Marvelous Restorer. Treatise No tits after and first §2.00 day’s trial bot¬ u-e. cures. tle free. Dr. Kline, 931 Arch St.. Phila.. Pa. Hindercorns is n Simple Remedy, But ,t takes out corns, and what a consolation it s! Makes waikingapleasure. 15c. at druggists After physicians had given me up, I was aved by Piso’s Cure.— Ralph Erikg, Wil iamsport, Pa., Nov. 22, 1893. Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup for children leething, softens the gums, reduces inflamma ;ion. allays pain,cures wind colic. 25c. a bottle. *55* Sailn A" if m. wm IS Ml by. kl 'A Ait!& wmm SM OIVI3 ENJOYS Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is and pleasant and refreshing to the taste, acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, the Liver and Bowels, cleanses sys¬ tem effectually, dispels colds, head¬ aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro¬ ducer, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from substances, the mosc its healthy excellent and agreeable qualities commend it many to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs IS tor sale m JU dent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist Who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. LOUISVILLE. KY. NEW l ORK. N Y, good positions SKCURUD BY STUDENTS BISKS Pirns Supplied will Help Richmond’s Commercial College, Established iSS4. Send for Calalogne. savannah, ga. ? 9 A DAY SURE.™ * VlS iBand we will .bow you bow to m ,ke S-S a work day; absolutely teach eure; free we fur¬ nish the nnd you lwei you work In the locality where you -rKjrjft. seuu us your nddress and we will explain the business fully; profit remetnoer $3 'or we guar- ay’s an tee a clear of every; trfir* w,,rk ao-olntely sure; write Uetrelt, st Blek, ones. KOVAL HA.SUFACTURING COMPANY, Boa LB, A busts Wasted ht Entirely every State new. l “Ji® Comet' 1 Camera. Address Aiken, Gleason & Co., X. O., Da Crosse, w is. On One Am of is what Mr. Louis Treadway made. i YOU CAN DO as WKLL by getting the best plants, which are furnished by W. D. BEATIE, Atlanta, Georgia. Catalogue FFtEE. S' You’re clipping- coupons V * when you use Pearline. Isn’t every clipped saving, big or little, a coupon that’s m r \ A * ’‘N* . * Saves ine satisfactory washing and ? exertion That p’aid and ? saves way and cleaning And of on hard where’s saving both with work than a Pearl¬ sides. more and by drudgery for you yourself—while it’s in ‘ saving actual money to your pocket, such clothes and time and health. It’s by just savings as these that genuine coupons come to every wise and thrifty woman. *'5 , v Yt Tty\ <10 Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report Rya - Baking Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE Another Victim. “That football game the other day,” observed Wrigley, “made me black and blue.” “I didn’t know you took partin any football game the other day,” said Spangler. Wrigley. sat “I didn’t,” said between two excitable girls in the grand stand, and every time there was a good play made each of them grabbed me by the arm.”—Chicago Tribune. It will be a surprise to many to learn that there are no national holidays in the United States, their creation and appointment being left entirely with the states. The acts of congress re¬ garding public holidays all relate solely to the District of Columbia. Cashier—Isn’t the head bookkeeper acting suspiciously? I think he’s President—Why, no, working harder than usual. Cashier—Sh ! That’s just it!—Chi¬ cago Record. IPS Blight costs cotton planters more than five million dollars an¬ nually. This is an enormous waste, and can be prevented. Practical experiments at Ala¬ bama Experiment Station show conclusively that the use of Kainit ” “ will prevent that dreaded plant disease. Our pamphlets are not advertising circulars boom¬ ing special fertilizers, but are practical works, in this contain¬ line. ing the results of latest experiments Every cotton farmer should have a copy. They are 6eut free for the asking. GERMAN KALI WORKS, York. 93 Nassau St., New NATURE’S WAY: , g ^ rgaaon why th „ perl d ed i ng childbirth should i>e full of discomfort JpJjTd briif* a^eebng of^read It tothemother. is the abuse Nature does nothing wrong. ?*_“ ^Xtty'healthy with comoarative women go through Mature the in¬ ordeal ease. ge t strength generally and locally. IYIcELREE'S WINE OF CAROUI theming robi trial, shortens labor, lessens pain and confinement of its danger. One Dollar a Bottte. SOLD BY ALL DRU GGISTS. ~ osBortixrE’s SouMnedd AND School of Slio rtlirtiicl AUGUSTA. business GA. from day or No text books used. Actual aal entering. Business papers, college illustrated curr noy ec¬ good-i u-ed. Send for handsomely city. logue. Board cheaper than in any Southern marlin repeater. -V, 5 2 O MARLIN Made in 25-20,' 32 ?M, e 38 - 4 ?®™i 44-40 Repeaters Calibres. made. Only Solid Top and Slde-eJeCtlng Fire Arms Co. All Other Calibres ready. The Marlin Conn. Catalogue free. New Haven, A Cat’s Whiskers. Nature is an economical dame and never indulges in useless gifts. If she gives an animal or plant an appendage of any kind, we may be sure that it serves some wise purpose. Take a cat’s whiskers, for instance, which may seem to yon to be merely ornamental. They are organs of touch, attached to a bed of flue glands under the skin, and each of these long hairs is con¬ nected with the nerves of the lip. The slightest contact of these whiskers with any surrounding object is thus felt most distinctly by the animal, al¬ though the hairs themselves are insen¬ sible. ~ AjifHTA^POSil'^ e^lRE^TOiyUGN A Hist of Reliable Business Houses where visitors to the Great Show will be properly treated and can purchase goods at lowest prices. STILSON & COLLINS JEWELRY CO., 55 Whitehall St.. Atlanta. Ga. Everything in the Jewelry and Silver Line at Factory Prices. $35 PAYS S< FORA IIOl.ARSiilIN FULL OrtUlLS: $35 SULLIVAN & CRICHTON’S w And School of Shorthand. Students from *20 Si ate«. I Penmen in Faculty- yj O flta oku 4 five. *SIJ l«MVA.\ tfc lfl« IT i >v . Pi vor Street* Atlanta, 4«n. O/ *Poi0— FtNt 'MILLINERY. 78 Whitehall St Atlanta. Ga. D TO AVOID THIS USB 0 N TETTERIWE S The ONLY painless and harmless c ▼ CURE for the worst, type of Eczema, ar I Tetter, Ringworm, ugly rough pat oh a ea on the face, crusted scalp. t Ground itch, chafes, chap*, poi pim¬ oak. C ples. Poison flora ivy or -on In short ALL ITCHES. Send 50c. in H stall, ps or cash to J. T. Shupt rtne, Savannah i. don’t Ga,, for it. one box, it your druggist keep Atlanta. You will find it at 0«as. O. Tyner’s, For Slyle, Wear anil Comfort, glooiM Shoe Co. 14 WHitohall «t. If in visiting^ ATLANTA you do not find iti the Manufacture* Building that large portion of the EXPOSITION DEVOTED TO Tfte Piano ..PRE-EMINENT IN ARTISTIC TONE QUALITY.. Or anyway, if you think of buying • piano, write to either The John Church Co. CHICAGO. NEW YORK. CINCINNATI. OB THE EVERETT PIANO CO. BOSTON And you will get valuable information irair a VTtTVfOTOlit CO. does half the world’B •firFrames, re')' St ec I Towers, Steel and BurzSaw Feed Steel feed Cutters nfopk Gri ntiers. On application it wl "ill ' of these articles the usual that price, It will it furnish make* unffl January 1st at 1/3 Send for catalotfu. Tanks and Pumps of all klnua CbicSXV Factory: 12th, Rockwell and Fillmore Streets, An Unheard of Offer 1 JBB H This Columbus $56 00 Buggy Full Leather with shaftB, Top, Genuine sent any wSf where for examination on re gUX RapN/zA 1 /\ c*iiptof$5. Brewster Spring* if deHred. None better retsiled —|*t $ 00. Absolute guarantee \y f0T one y ear - If exac,, y ! )S represented, pay nearest bank Vuiii J the balance, $60. Price $53 3$ 4 -*bh with order Draft, registered letter or money order. * , Ca American Baggy Co. ssr | CTS. CL CURES WHERE All ELSE FAILS. Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use ^ 25 in time. Sold by druggists. a Au N. U Forty-nine, ’95.