Conyers weekly. (Conyers, GA.) 1895-1901, December 21, 1895, Image 1

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m ^5 O V0L.XV. A uatejEy mi i m for infants arad Children.. T HIRTTT million* years’ of persons, observation perm it of m Castoria to speak with of it without tba p atroasge guessing;. of It is tmqueatioaa'bly the bast remedy for Infa nta aa d Children the world has ovor known. It is harmless. Childress liko it. It give* them health. Kt will save their lives. In it Mothers hare something which is absolutely safe and practically perfect as a child's medicine. Castoria destroys Worms. Castoria allays Feverishness, Castoria prevents vomiting Sonr Curd. Castoria curesJBiarrWsa and Wind Coilo. Castoria relieves Teething Troubles, Castoria cures Constipation and Flatulency. Cas toria neutralises the effects of carbonic acid gas or poisonous air, Cas toria does not contain morphine, opium, or other narcotic property. Cas toria assimilates the food, regulates the Btcmach and bowels, giving healthy and natural slee p. Ca storia i» put up In ona-size bottles only. It ia not sold in hulk. Do n't allow any one to sell yon anything else on the plea or promise that it Is ‘‘just aa good” and “will answer every purpose.” See that you got C"A°S-T**0-R-I-A. The fae-mssaile is r>w every signature of wrapper. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. R. W. BAGBY. II. M. SPEER -DISTILLERS, COVINGTON, GA. Dealers In FINE WINES, BRANDIES, WHISKEYS. We make a specialty of our own makej hand made, copper distilled, PURE CORN WHISKEY. We desire to say that no bethr or pur er corn whiskey can be found on earth than our celebrated “Cow ser Springs” corn whiskey: We also keep on hand Domestic and Imported Whiskeys for medicinal purposes. W'e solicit the patronage of our friends in Rockdale and adjoining counties. All orders filled promptly. RAGBY & SPEER, COVINGTON, GA. I Dr. W. H o Lee’s Dragster© I • HH S HEADQUARTERS FOR : * SANTA CLAUS * Be sure to examine my stock before buying any thing in the way of PBBSEITTa DR. W. H. LEE. , TILLEY &OUIGG, K-WAREHOUSEMENsAND Dealers In-: Cb*' CD £b 2 - 7 J-L. fL - TT i O sS keep on hand at all times J I We carry a full line of nice 111 kin ds of Lumber, Shingles, etc. Doors, 51 an ties. Sash, Blinds ard Always Bairns. see us before buying • We can save you money. ob work artistically exe */ cutecl at this office. CONYERS, GA., SATURDAY, DEC. 21, 1895. RANDOM NOTES. Mr. John Day, our county, expected to leave last week for a trapping tour in southwest Georgia. He will liunt all fur boaiing animals in general and beaver particularly. Mr. Day is no novice in the business, hav¬ ing been engaged in it for four¬ teen seasons past. The lime lie thus employs is between crops, and lie spends the holiday sea¬ son in camp. The business has thus far been profitable to Mr. Day; he informed us that his re¬ ceipts for furs had never been less than $100 per month, and that upon one occasion he re¬ ceived §16 for one skin. It would appear that the natives of the southern portion of the State would cover the field and that there would be no opening for an outsWen, but such is not the case, for it is a fact that com¬ paratively few people who en¬ gage in trapping are successful, the reason being that they do not thoroughly understand it. It is like a great many occupa¬ tions—“Easy when you know how.” Mr. Day is of the “know¬ ing ones,” as nis success attests. However, he says, the business is not so good now as in time past. The editor of a country news¬ paper is happy when a subscri¬ ber pays for his paper, The next best thing a subscriber can do for the editor is to whisper an occasional vord of encourage ment but when both these ,. best of things” come together, verily the editor’s cup of joy bubbleth over. We have in mind several persons, who, besides leaving us a dollar better off materially, have left kiud words which lin¬ ger in our memory long after the dollar has found its way to our creditors, notwithstanding we exerted all our miserly in¬ fluences to retain it. Mr. Tyner, of Philadelphia, has been in our city this wpek. He came down on a hunt for partridges, but had poor luck the first day or two. However, he hoarded what he killed and will take some Georgia quail to the city of Brotherly Love theyTiU have^beejfdeatTabout ten days, and I fear, will have lost the genuine flavor. We are not croakers, but we think the exposition will do a great many people more harm than good. A number of farm ers who would have paid up this year have spent from one-half a bole to two bales of cotton in seeing the exposition. Thema J iority of these didn’t stay long enough to the , show . at , , leis- - view uro and comprehensively. Per haps the only lasting impression made ypon some was that made by some worthless midway show. Children Cryf tn Pitcher's Castoria* THECOUNTYNLWS. RICHAUDSOX RI1TLKS. [This h tier week.] arrived too lute for publi¬ cation lat-T, Rainy weather! Bad on inov ers and traveling men. Mr. G. W. Simmons’ family will move to their home in Gw In nett county tomorrow, We re gret to give them up, but wish them much success in their new home. Several of our people went to the exposition last week. Miss Willie Morris visited hci cousin, Miss May Morris, in De Kalb county last week. Rev. Patilla, of Lithonia, preached an interesting sermon at Union Sunday. We are glad to claim him as our preacher for another conference year. Mrs. B. F. Bowen is slowly re¬ covering after several days’ ill¬ ness. Miss Moseley, of near White house, was the guest of Miss Fannie 'Willingham last week. ( i Independent,” we can guess who the young lady was. SEABE. A splendid line of glassware and crockery at Jones’—going CHEAP.f TRIED FOR YEARS. Mr. John R. Tarver, Dalton, Ga., says; “June 5th, ’95. This is to certify that I have used Royal Germeteur in my family for the last five years for various complaints, viz : Indigestion, bowel troubles and general de¬ bility, and find it all that it claims to be. In fact I would not be without it in my house. J J If you would know the value of this great remedy in family, send to the Atlanta Chemical Co., Atlanta, Ga., for 48 page book, free. New package, large bottle, 108 doses, $1. For sale by Dr. W. H. Lee. A full line of jewelry at J. W\ Jonefe’ store. If you’re in doubt whether your trouble is Indigestion or Dyspepsia, just take a lew doses of Simmons Liver Regulator for it will settle the whole question. < t I have tried Simmons Liver Regulator for Dyspepsia and find it just the thing to relieve me. A small dose after meals is ( sure to prevent Indigestion.”— g. S. Perkins, Sharon, Ga. “It is the best medicine to aid di gestion.”—J J. Black, Duncan, Arizona. Go to the store of Mr. J. W. Jones for your goods of every kind. SAW MILLS. $160 T0h$900. ENGINES&B0ILERS To suit. 100 in stock. Large stock of* SHAFTING, PULLEYS. BELTING AND SUPPLIES. LOMBARD* CO., AUGUSTA. GA Sigaci : I i p “mgs2$ 4 I® S’ E iV.-i- nrr ’ Oi . S» J» 0 film mpm > PPlff ► IlfSill NO. 51 Arrest disease by the timely use of Tula’s Liver Fills, an old and favorite remedy of increasing popularity. Always cures SICK HEADACHE, sour stomach, malaria, indiges tion, torpid liver, constipation anc j £ ]} bilious diseases. TUTT’S Liver PILLS MIDDLE CtEOECtIA D ATLAMTC R. R Effective June 12 , 0 a. m., 1S95. BEAD DOWN. KKAU HI’. 101 103 STATIONS. 102 104 a.m. r.M. J*.M. A.M 7 15{ d! I 05 lv Miller]geville ar 7 50:12 55 7 2 I 10 “ Eaton ton June “!7 45112 ?<> 42 i 32“ Meriwether i i 7 25112 25 12"05 P. M 8 25 I 50 “ Dennis ‘• 7 06! 8 30 2 15 1 Flatonton lv 6 40 11 31 9 10(2 !fi I Eaton ton ar 6 BO! 11 35 0 30 1 35 Willards “ 0 15 11 03 .4 36! 2 55 . ( Aikenton “ 5 58 10 45 9 4 M3 05 “ Maehen “ “!r> 5 45 10 35 9 631 i 0 ■ Sliady Dale 15 4 o ! 10 JO 10083 1 09013 31 20 Broughtonviile Kelley “ “|5 22 07 |l in 0 16 00 ■■ f 1015(3 39 “ MNewborn ‘•|5 05 9 45 102 .13 48 “ Carmel June ‘14 57 c. I030j3 54 ( ( Ilavston t 6 '4 50| C- 25 1350; 4 02 “ Starrsville “:4 40 Ci 10 10)2.4 1055|4 19 17 “Covington Covington June‘‘J4 “|4 20| 211 X GO ar £j@P*U<<nnect railroad. with /S^igy-Trains all day trains on connect at Maehen with M & N trains for Ma¬ con. Madison and Athens. Connect at Milledgeville with trains for Augusta, Macon atul other points south and east. J. W. PRESTON, General Manager. THE LITTLE ONES Are the joy and sunlight of our homes. Use all care to keep the little ones in health. Do not give them nauseous doses. You can overcome their troubles with Dr. King's Royal Germetiiar. They all like to take it because it does not taste like a medicine, but like a lemonade. It cures colic »» young children, overcomes all bowel troubles, gives good digestion, anc j q n ; e t ( healthful sleep, As a tonic for weak children and as a remedy for use in teething, it is the greatest in the world, C^Sold by Druggists, new package, large bottle, 108 Doses, One Dollar, Manufactured only by The Atlnta Chemical Co., Atlanta, Ga. Write for Book, Bailed Tree. FOR SALE BY DR. W. H. LEE Moorman £til! t)ofa+ij«.ri)e£<!) your Wko y m t&ke doey t)°t ipterejk •• D^lichenors Antise ptic Alv/a/i jf& ^cO&e^olej s\/r<2,& Crsuppi 0 !' £°iit a t tj;g htcplt in <!/. a. s bye tv r for* it e/ta^g ot^ert I ; a C tu P2 r3 I—, ADVERTISE