Conyers weekly. (Conyers, GA.) 1895-1901, December 28, 1895, Image 4

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THIS AND THAT. Items From Our Exchan= ges. Only ten mortgages have been foreclosed in Coweta county this year. The farmers are out of debt and prospering in that county* An Ohio man is working up location near Waycross for tire settlement of a large colony of farmers from the Buckeye State' About 4,000 acres of lands have been purchased. A Lowndes county negro stole a coat in the morning, was caught, tried and convicted in the city court and before sun¬ down of the same day was in the convict camp, serving his time.—Tifton Gazette. A newspaper says when a man becomes a grumbler and fault finder it is pretty clear that he has failed to keep up with the progress of tho day, and that if he was ever useful he has outlived his day .--Barnes ville Gazette. Maj. William C. Heard, a midget, who for a number of years was a newsboy on the Georgia railroad and who has been one of the most successful museum freaks in the country, died at Atlanta Saturday. Maj. Heard was 29 years old, weigh¬ ed 47 pounds aud was less than four feet in bight. The very fact that war would necesitate not only the free coinage of silver but tho large is¬ sues of greenbacks is sufficient guarantee that the single gold standard policy of this adminis¬ tration will never allow the question to go to tne extent of war; It would knock the gold standard higher than a kite.— Augusta Chronicle. It is laughable to witness the attempts of certain political pa¬ pers to get comfort from the exports of breadstufls in ’95. If anybody can become hilarious over the fact that it took more grain this year to bring us less money than wo got last year, he deserves a monument either as an acuto discoverer or on an abject embecile.—Ex, The Rochelle Solid South says that ex-Speaker Crisp, by his stand for silver, has brought the venom of Georgia mugwump papers on his head aud that the said papers are doing more good work to elect Mr* Crisp to fill Gordon’s seat in the senate than any others. By their abuse says Tho Solid South, the people begin to realize what their champion is doing for them; they, in turn will rally to his support, and teach those cuck¬ oos that Georgia is still demo¬ cratic—notwithstanding their labor to the contrary. The city of Rome is entitled to a great deal of credit for the enterprise displayed by her citi¬ zens during the present year. Their first move was to secure the location of the Massachu¬ setts cotton mill, which invest¬ ed over $600,000 in its plant without a dollar being contribu¬ ted to the capital stock in Rome. Another large Eastern mill, and work will commence on its erec¬ tion at once. Over $600,000 will be invested in this plant. A large proportion of this stock, however, was subscribed in Rome. There was considerable competition among other cities to secure these valuable invest¬ ments, but whether by luck or pluck, Rome outstripped all of her competitors .—Ex. You say people don’t read vertisements? How is it you read this one? - 0*2 on !i cs n nu til i to-D /.-vi I • i 0:3 Hi cr~> IliUk \iP UOlOGMi. a -O' Poaitivrly the <>nn Remedy for the treatment of NERVOUS F.X: I AUCTION, Simplo find Gp.ivavaud forms of --DYSPEPSIA tti-d- P vLPIT 'mi'X - OF TffK-BKAliT Doe»'your food sour after eating? Ariivou ea-ily conlu e l and excited? tin you get u;> in the.morningtlrod and uurefri tshs.i, and with a bad taste in the in. u hV la there a dull, cloudy seofiation, at¬ tended by disagreeable feelings in the hea t and eyes?’ Areyouirrllable and restless? Does j our heart thump and cause you to gasp for breath after climbing a (light of stairs? Does it distress you to lie on the left side ? Dave you impaired memory, dimness of vision, depression of mind and gloomy forebddings? Those symptoms mean that you arc suffering from Dyspepsia and Nervous Exhaustion. There is no other remey extant that lias done so much for this class of trou¬ bles as Scott's Garbo-Digestive Gornpound. ■ [f our "case has resisted the usual methods of treatment we arc particular¬ ly anxious to have you give this Com should We guara^^in remedy fail to every produce c = the d our most gratifying results. Please remember that the appellation Patent Medicine does not apply to I ^ Scott’s Carbo-Digestive Compound. It is a prescription put up by a lead¬ ing pliysiciau who has made stomach and nervous troubles a specialty for years. We court investigation and earnestly urge all physicians to write us for the formula of SCOTT’SCARBO DIGES'l'IV E COMPOUN D, which we will mail on application, that tin y may satigfy themselves of its harmless char¬ acter and excellent virtues. Scott’s Caibo-Digestive Compound Is the moi-t remarkable remedy that science has produced. medicines It has have succeed¬ ed where all other failed Sold by all druggists everywhere, $1 per bottle. Sent to any address in America on receiot of price. Don’t forget that we cheerfully re¬ fund your money if results are not sat¬ isfactory. Order direct if your drug¬ gist does not have it. Address all orders to i ■ 9 I? TOPEKA, IvAS. LITTLE ONES Are the joy and sunlight of our homes. Use all care to keep the little ones in health. Do not give them nauseous doses. You can overcome their troubles with Dr. King’s RsyalCerraetuer. They all like to take it because it does not taste like a medicine, but like a lemonade. It cures colic in young children, overcomes all bowel troubles, gives good digestion, and quiet, healthful sleep. As a tonic for weak children and as a remedy for use in teething, it is the greatest in the world. CS r 'Sold by Druggists, new package, large bottle, MS Doses, One Dollar. Manufactured only bv * The Atlanta Chemical Co., Atlanta, Ga. Write Tor AS-P»ge Book, JUiled Free. FOR SALE BY DR. W. H. LEE SL525 U RMITURE prices. Send 6c, for post A 30 aa tig UiaiCat. American Furniture Agencj. P. O. Box r>S, GALENA, KAS. ADVERTISE! ADVERTISE!! B ¥m\ TS Wm m i i © J i a i 1 l§! ■ for Infants and OhiSdren. tw/iwm aa T HTILTY y j » n r3 » n^ g ervc/doTi '<? Gast oTir. -cHttli ■pn.ivoi fsn" million-i of r?Br*0SB, p ermit ns to speak cf it Drithoni gcosiiing. Jit iv ar-gneetlona blT ih o boat remedy for Srfantr. nrzfi Ghlldr-sa tin wc-TJ tI hna cvnr hz av rsi. II i s bnvir.lcag. Ghildrca Win it. I t fr-i voB *bcm hoclilt. St -wiia dacir livm, Hr. it I&o-thcxs ».ave pocvtlbln'r -arhinh is absointolr safe «gd practically peTfac *_fl»a c bild’n irif.iliclne, , CJat.toria, &safarays ‘Worms. Cast r-ria allay a ?c 7 crx sI httogs . C&flioria y rov oTyta vomiting Sen? Cnrcl. CJ&stnrits ogres KiiaTrimoa aa& "Wind. Colic. ClmiioTia roHevcfl Teething Troubles. Csstorfa onrea Con stipatioa aad Fifttalea oy. Csstoria acntralhoa th e effects of carbonic acid gas or po iacBi ms Caatoria does not contain morphine- opium, or other nurcotic propert y. Castorla asnimUatos the food., gepnlatos the aterar.c.;. and bowela, givtog Ticalthy nniF. natural sleep, Cast or?ft h put up faa owe-size bottl e s snly. St Is act sold la hulk . Don’t e’Iow any one t o ecII yon anything elge oa the plus or prom ise that It is just aa good” send “ grill aaagsr every purpose.” So® that you get C-A-S-T-O-R-E-A. The fec-simllo la on every afgatotaro o $ wnppur. ©Iisldresi C?y for Fjtc5i©r 5 s C^storia. — y -— )j( Jj^lTo Wo ML OFM^S [LOU 0 © ^ :IS HEADQUARTERS FOR: * SANTA CLAUS * Be sure to examine my stock before buying any thing in tk e Wfiy J of —2S3ktC^.S PEESE1TTS.— DR. W. H. LEE. H BICYCLES! CTOS jMIGHEST Kl GRADE OiNESTLY MADE For beauty, strength, lightness, durability and easy running qualities, no other bicycle can equal the Victor. Buy a Victor and know you have the best. OVERMAN WHEEL CO. Makers of Victor Bicycles and Athletic Goods. BOSTON. NEW YORK. CHICAGO. DETROIT. DENVER. pacific coast. SAN FRANCISCO. LOS ANGELES. PORTLAND. Columbns, Kan., says; “I was delivered of TWiflSS in le3s than 20 min¬ utes and with scarcely any pain after using' only two bottles of ^“MOTHERS’ ^ FRiEND” DID NOT SUFFER AFTERWARD. matted free. BRADF1KIJ) UEGFTATOK CO., ATLANTA, CA SOLD BT ALL DRUGGISTS. SAW MILLS. $160 TO $ 900 . ENGINES&BOILERS To suit. 100 in stock. Large stock of SHAFTING. PULLEYS, BF.LTIXG AND SUPPLIES. LOMBABU& CO., AUGUSTA, GA Arrest disease by the timely use of Tutt’s Liver Pills, an old and favorite remedy of increasing popularity. Always cures SICK HEADACHE, sour stomach, malaria, indiges¬ tion, torpid liver, constipation and all bilious diseases. TUTT’S Liver PILLS foes Man ^tiil i)0.£yH)eri)ce<h A+jjy your Who ?yt*5f take iptcrcji-" doc5 t)of * to ■ O^'tiCheDors Antise ptig Alv/a/i cVrc.& jta Keep a it it) 4., a.J,Kyev/rdru^^i§+ •}$« ^ ctljer*. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS Cures Inaiswsi.ou, Biliousness, Dyspepsia ISala rfs, Nervousness, and General Debility. Piys^ c: was rccommeaci it. All dealers sell it. Genuine * is trade xa&rk *ad crossed red lines ©u wrapper a I i DR. HATHAWAY & CO fU ,.B>Mf!^SJ^uSS£SS£SSSS^Si£S&f^Z-’Si- I y o&vg dticn. No interference Seminal witii business Weakness wSilctsine mcdicbSss. * cvcryw!ier e tree from fex and Sexual BehilDv mm i producing u^ousnes^ossesf ptaples and Wotcbis cn the v^.«k.. pofrorf relwr^neree and bVahf^wer“n?^e“#nd^ren®lb-n^°^ b a strcn Stfccn (SJ . parts and mfes you fit for marriag?. week , 'j &mm . “Ilssliiisip truments. Many i ether doctors fcavc failed. Can give you proofs. cured after Rheumatism I ft fever and pain in joints—a cure is bound to take place. Hand statement cf a0SC5 renc ve B i for Booksssys^M I»Ieu B'o. 2 Specialists Ko. cure, 1 “ Take no char.scs and obtain the bent by consulting the Leading in the Unite'* g* a(M '' § ' HONESTY DR. HATHAWAY & € a SKILL HJ- tens-4s¥?5iei««K 22i4 South Broad Street, 'VTUASTf A, GA. Word to fly Friends =THE PEOPLE o o = I T. I THE country is to be congratulated u pon the favorable con so ditions which greets us at the opening of the present sea have n. The people owe less for this year’s expenses than they ever for one year, and the increase in cojtton of about $15 per bale will enable them to come out in good shape. At this every class Believing should in rejoice, the early for spring as the that farmer prices succeeds jvould be we all succeed” goods much higher ^and both for as well as cotton, I bought my goods early bought for the cash, and I am now in a position to sell any line of goods in my stock as low as any house in the country. I am where I can defy competition in DRY GOODS, NOTIONS CLOTHING, SHOES, HATS and alJ kinds of wares and grocer¬ ies. I have a good stock of new' goods and of the best grades. I will buy your cotton and^other marketable produce, and pay the very top notch for it. MILLINERY! ' MILLINERY!! I have one of the most accomplished milliuers evei in Con¬ yers, Mrs. W. J. Eakes. She has been in Atlanta for some time studying and posting herself upon the very latest styles, and she comes liome “up-to-date” with what the ladies want. I have given this department extra attention in the purchasing of my stock this fall, and such bargains as I will give have never been known, so when you wantahat, bonnet, feathers, ribbons, laces, tips, gloves, veils or any other goods in this department, no matter what, call and see me before you buy and you can rest assured of the best in material, latest in style and lowest in price. F rom October 9 1895, u i SKal IB kmznd March 1st, 1896, my terms wiil be CASH. Thanking my friends for their liberal patronage in the past and soliciting it for the future, I am most respectfully, J. J. LANGFORD, COMMERCE*ST., CONYERS, GA. John tl. Hkqqnd, Banlysu, Gonyeus, Qa. j.. Vault facilities for valuable papers Solicits acconts of firms and individuals. Any accommndations, consistent with safe banking, extender. SPEC 1 ALATTFNTION GIVEN TO COLLECTIONS OF ALL KINDS TILLEY &OUIGG, v-WAREHOUSEMENjAND Dealers In-> L’U.nQ. 1 o®r,Coa,l, Sja.iaa.s’les We keep on hand at all times We carry ^full line of nice all kinds of Lumber, Shingles, etc. Doors, Mantles, Sash, Blinds ard Paints. Always see us before buying • TFe can save you money. Job work artistically exe* */ cuted at this office. R. W.BAGBY. H.M. SPEER -DISTILLERS, COVINGTON, GA. Dealers In FIPjfE- WINES, BRANDIES, WHISKEY5. We make a specialty of our own make, hand made, copper distilled PURE CORN WHISKEY. Wo desire to say that no better or pu * er corn whiskey can be found on earth than our celebrated “Ucw ser Springs’’ corn whiskey: We also beep on hand Domestic and Imported Whiskeys for medicinal purposes. We solicit the patronage of our Mends in Rockdale and adjoining counties. All orders filled promptly. GA BAGBY & SPEER, COVINGTON,