Conyers weekly. (Conyers, GA.) 1895-1901, November 21, 1896, Image 1

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l. XVI. Jury Presentments, , kG u, Rockdale county: f e the Grand Jurors chosen [ sworn for October ad rne d term of Rockdale Sup r Court, beg leave to make , following geneial present tats: PAUPER FARM. iVe find six inmates five (5) jfg S one male four females, u>ne colored female, The ipei's are well cared for and i tented. fhe dwellings are in good idition, neatly kept. The d well terraced and in good of cultivation. We rec nmend that the barn and Dies be removed to a better ation. We find the expenses keeping the paupers to be > hundred and sixty four doi ■ the past eleven months, of $’2,49c for each wi^Hnateper mouth’ We rqcora nd that Mima Tucker col., of ney creek district be taken [the farm and cared for at 3 expense of the county; We further recommend that 3 keeper W. A* Alrnand be twenty five dollars for tra service. COUNTY OFFICERS. ■We find the books of our va Kus county officers neatly, and ■ far as we are able to judge, ■■rectly kept. We reccomtnend ■at the ordinary employ an ■pert accountant to audit the lots of all the county officers, Idthat said make a report of his Idings to the next jury of this lunty IThe hooks of the Justices are Irrectly kept-they are neat pdlegible with the exception of [J. lend W. that Glenn, he, J. J. We W. Glenn, recom P. and Ex J. P., 476th dist. I.M., be removed from office b account of habitual drunk* pneis and that Robt. A . Guinn p appointed in his stead. PUBLIC BUILDINGS, We find the court-house in |ery good condition except a p’.v leaks in the roof to which h call the Ordinary’s attention. We have no j ail worthy the rime. It is unsafe as a prison pd we think it unhumane to pnfine [■ere people in it even if it possible So do so. We re pramend the building of a odern jail at once and that lie following committee be ap tainted to cooperate with our irdinary in purchasing a suit ■We lot securing funds and aiding said jail with as little lelay as possible t-o. wit; H. Y, Word, tv. U. Wallis, Jehu W. hnand, A. H • Swann, J. G. lann.J- L, McCalla, B. H’ ’unimers, John. II. Maddox ■Qd J. M. B, Goode. PUBLIC BRIDGES. Our bridges are iu fair con pition, ry has we find that our ordina¬ had built two new bridges on yellow river this year P*Ve note with pleasure that the bridge at the paper mills is l^eatherboarded and covered, Ie commend our ordinary for leaving this done. We think it is [economy hve to cover bridges and fbuilt recommend that all bridges in the future be weather I boarded and covered. ^ e reccommend that the or jbiuary I sewer pipe purchase a supply bridgc-si of, and as small 1? VVft © K Ilf! f V <> CONYERS; GA 'T SATURDAY, NOV. 1896. across ditches and ravines way, that they be replaced with said pipe as vve are convinced that it will be a great saving to the county. ROAIJS. We have diligently inquired into the condition of the public roads and find the following roads in bad condition. The road from the corporate limits of the city of Conyers to the Ir¬ win bridge also the road lead, ing from the corporate limits of said city, to the Newton county line known as the Covington road.Also the road intersecting said Covington road and lead¬ ing to Salem via Richardson’s crossing. The old Flat Sholes road its entire length o'f the county. Also the road leading from city limits to paper mills bridge, from the city limits to Princeton via the Christian place known as the pine log bridge road . Also road from W. F. McDaniel’s via Rockdale church known as the Macon road. Also the road lead¬ ing from W. F. McDaniels via Mack Parker place to Smyrna. Also the road leading from Mooney’s crossing via Union Grove church to county limits. Also the road leading from Hamilton’s crossing to J. A Treadwell’s. Also the road lead ing from city limits via H. W. Hanuock’s and J- C. Farmer’s to Jno- A. Tread well’s. Also the air line road in Honey Creek dist. Also the road commencing at Richardson store in Loraiue district and running via Dr. Albert’s place to Shady (drove Academy. We find that finger hoards and mile posts have not been put up in many portions of the county, although the same have been paid for by the coun¬ ty and are now lying in a ware¬ house iu Conyers. We find also that the roads are not opened the width required by law. This is true of almost all the roads in the county, and the Commissioners have allowed crops planted in the roads. In some cases, indeed, in many places this has been permitted or allowed un¬ til'it would be difficult for two loaded vehicles to pass each other without serious inconvenience. We recommend that the road Commissioners be required to have the roads mentioned in these presentments put in proper con dition in the next forty days, also that they be required to have all finger boards and mile posts pul in the next forty days, also that they have all the >oad.-> m tlm county opened tlie width required by law in the »«t forty • L-“irlin^" mid be tween A lexand er’s store and T. H. . Hardin’s residence. UVe recommend that in the e vent said Commissioners fail to open up roads to proper and legal width, and put in proper condi¬ tion the roads mentioned in these present merits, that they lie fined for failure to do so. In putting in mile posts, we reco inmend that the Commission ers have distances carefully meas ured. We recommend that the Ordi nary furnish road overseers wifli blasting powder, fuse and drills, when requested to d< o so by road Commissioners, for blasting rock and removing other obstructions from tlie public i oads of the county. of roads in We find no record, the Ordinary s office. We recom- mi EAST 681 * i AVegelabh Preparation for As¬ similating ting the Stomachs liicroodandReg and Bowels da¬ of Promote and s Digestion,Cheer ful ¬ ness Rest.Contains neither Opium,Morphine nor Mineral. Not Narcotic. * flsape of Old VrS/J^VELPlTCUEH a Pumpkin Seed* \ Jlx.ScrjiC * JiochelU Sails — Anise Seed * ■; Jlppcrmint Carbonate - Soda JJi * Clarified }Vo/7n Seed Sugar - . WurdnyreM Flavor A perfect Remedy Stomach,Diarrhoea, forConstipa tion, Sour Worms .Convulsions,Feverish¬ ness and LOSS OF SLEEK Tac Sunils Signature of ' NEW WORK. MfifSH HI 2 ' EXACT COPY OF V/RAFFEB. Three Years Ago. w> Knaner Was Cured Of Chronic Catarrh—His (hire Remains Permanent. C. \Y T . Kuaner, Sheldon, Io¬ wa, writes as follows: “I had beeu troubled with catarrh for over two years; so bad at thafc I could not work Hut two or three days in a week, I tried two doctors without any relief. At times 1 was so bad that I could not hear. After using nine bottles of Pe-ru-na I was completely cured and be¬ lieve Pe-ru na will do .all you claim if the directions are fol¬ lowed. 1 heartily recommend it to all who are afflicted with catarrh. I should call my cure lasting, for 1 have been working in an elevator for three? years (amoijjc the dirt and dust of wheat*.)’ No greater test could be made of any cure, than three years’ exposure to the dust and dirt of a graifi elevator. This letter i a sample of those vve receive daily. They corns unsolicited and unrewarded. They ex press the sentiments of the wri¬ ter in words that are direct- and forci b le. . A book on catarrh will be sent to any addiess by The Pa ru-na D r u g M a n u f a c t u r i n g Company, Columbus, Ghio. mend that he procure a book, which shall be known as a “Road Book, ? 9 and that a record of all the roads in the county be kept in said book. We recommend that our Ordi ll a i - y have a flat bridge built # ti¬ cross McLane Creek, near C. T. Smith’s. We recommend that a third ci.. s s road be opened from \\ . I>. Peek’s, running in south-west di¬ rection to Covington road, *oar Jno. H. Scott’s residence, a dis tance of about one mile. PENSIONS. 7th. We recommendJl-Jiai : . M • I j Chandler be stricken from the pension roil. PAY FOB JUi 8th. We recommend that Ju- QPP L-.^ THAT THE FAC-3-MILE SIGNATURE -OF s? ■o*** - ® -T a4?M£&: IS ON THE ft '-■9, / OP EVERY BOTTLE OF a Im ft CantoSa i3 pit tip in oro-size bottles only. It is not sold in bulk. Don’t allow anyono to sell yon anything c!sO on tho plea or promise that it is "just as good” anil “will answer oveiy por pose.” ■63“ See that yon got C-A-S-T-O-B-I-A. none- a - — ‘taj* simile ,/is oa Ami*. “ ■ ■■ rors and bailiffs receive $2.00 per diem and that riding bailiffs be paid $‘>.09 per diem for their services for year 1897. We thank Judge Candler in be¬ half of our tax payers for the prompt manner in which he expe¬ dites the business of his court,and in behalf of all law abiding citi zans for the able manner in which he enforces the criminal law of the state. Our Solicitor General, W. T. Kimsev, has aided us in the dis¬ charge of duties. We thank him, and command him as a faithful and efficient officer. R es p e* 1 1 f u 11 y s u b m i 11 e d, A. J. Fierce, Foreman. JI. Y. McCord, Secty. Ordered by the Court that the foregoing general presentments be published in the Conyers Weekly and Rockdale Banner, and that each be paid Five Dollars for pub¬ lishing the same, the grand jury having so recommended. By the Court Nov. 13th, 1896. W. T. Kimsev, Sol. Gen’P. John S. Candler, Judge S. C., Presiding. J hereby certify that the above is a true copy of the General Pre se: itments of the Grand Jury at the October adjourned term, 1896. Given under my hand and offi hil signature, this Nov. 14, 1866. W. T. Hi sox. Clerk S. C. Rockdale county, G. Mu. Editor:— 1 believe you are willing to see fair play, If so, please publish the following card just under the Grand Jury Pre¬ sentments : 1 was very sorry to see the ven om manifestedin the above pre ment; but as his honor, J. S. Candler, saw proper to ignore it , can I, and pity the poor pas¬ sion guided ones.’ Many of the jury are ashamed of it. Yours Respcty, Dk. J. J. \V r Glenn, . N.P. 476 dist. G. M. Notice, Ail persons arc forbidden to bunt, or oiderv/in i trespass on °' ,r uanda. mclos < or uuiuclose 1, under ty of lac.. II. A. Smith. J. P. McDaniel. A. J. Smith, J. A, Lifsey, TILLEY &OUIGG, -> WAREHOUSEMEN AND dealers In X-TUEn/toer Heal, We keep on baud fit all times We carry a full line ol nice i!l kinds of Lumber, Shingles, etc. Ifoois, Mantles, Sa-h, Blinds and 1 ’Hints. Always see us before buying- lie can save yen money. Kuhns Photographs. 5ti5I Retains The Lead. Why? Because they are the most prominent—The Best—The Finest —The cheapest. MEDAL AND DIPLOMA AWARDED XL DM BY TIIE COTTON STATE EXPOSITION. “V Islt Tlier G-siller^, Whitehall street, Atlanta, Ga. n UniaaggS erra T“ir-f"**'^-^ GTVD I! ■ 3 ?rr~ I M HERD TO SERVE THE PUBLIC. My turnouts are strictly first-class and perfectly safe. My prices are reasonable and my patrons always pleased. Don’t fail to call on me when you need any kind of team. ’Jas. W. Swann 1806 - 1896 . S3 V J. I (. Rlmaiid Go., ili'ili SAVE YOU SliONEY, COTTON BUYERS We always keep on hand* full and complete line of Dry Goods, Notions, Hats, Shoes, Clothiug, Groceries and Bagging DO cl nd 1 I ies. • See us Before you buy your Dress Goods, Shoes, and Clothing and in fact anything that you have to buy. We always pay highest market price,for all kinds country produce. Yours respectfully, J. H. Alrnand & Co. Arbitrary English Lang¬ uage. We 11 begin with box, and tho plural is boxes,but the plural of ox should bo oxen not oxes: tho one fowl is a goose, but two are called geese, yet the plural of mouse should never be meese: you may find a lone mouse or a whole nest of mice, but the plural of house is houses, not bice; if the plural of man is ni¬ ways called men, why shouldn’t, ti^e plural of pan bi called pen? The cow io the plural maybe cows or kine, but a bow if re peated is never called bine, and the plural of vow is vows, never vine, If I speak of a foot, and you show me your feet, and give you a boot, would a pair be j called beet? Jf one is a (ootli and) a whole set are teete, why! .•HSbjeih”’ ' '*If thUmSul ot l ’ J0t! ‘ l ’”; ir is this and the | plural is these, should the plu ral of kiss bo nicknamed koese? Then one may bo that and three maj be those, yet hat in the plural would never be hose, and the plural of cat is cats not cose. We speak of a brother and also of brethren, but though we may say mother we never say methreu; then the mascu line pronouns are lie, his, him, Hut imagine the feminine she, shis, shim. 8o the. English, I think, you all will agree, is the lauguage you ever dkl see.—Ex. NO. 45 Register. The registration books are now open, for tho registration of voters in the city of Conyers for the election of Mayor and Aldermen, to ha held on the first Saturday m December, 1896 . M. IT. Rluket. Clerk. City Council. St Lit; Erf tma S l MMO H5 mm REGULATOR THE BEST SPRING MEDICINE need fcgyg’SST* it most to wake 5S“bK.?S * op your Liver. A 'iY r *’ r ''ri s on Malaria, Fevei and Ague, Rheumatism, and many other ills which shatter the constitution and wreck health. Don t forget tlic word Regulator, ri ic is Simmons Liver Regulator you want. The word Reg¬ remedies. ulator distinguishes it from all other LfVER REGULATOR And, 1 resides this, SIMMONS is a Regulator of the Liver, keeps it properly at work, that your system for may The be kept blood in good condition. I REGULATOR. take Simmons -1VER ■ It is the best Mood purifier the difference. and corrector. Try it and note Look for tbs RED '/. on every other package. You wont fird it on any Liver medicine, and there i > no other REGULATOR-the remedy like SIMMON5 LP'ER Be Kingof Liver Remedies. sure you get it. ■I. U. £ei)m & Co., L'liifa.dUnhia, lv 'f