Conyers weekly. (Conyers, GA.) 1895-1901, December 12, 1896, Image 1

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ti VOL. XVI. •j c^dit Refused To Mrs. Cleveland, ' Washington, Nov. 2?':—The re¬ ! rua liable spectacle of a big dry 8 00 ds firm refusing credit to the 1 of the White House ! mistress ff as witnessed by a throng of . r shoppers several days ago. The affair has thus far been kept out of the papers, though it was whispered around among the friends of the people who were gathered about the coun¬ ter at the time the incident cc enred in one of the stores on Punsylvaliia avenue. While the usual crowd of bar¬ gain seekers were making their purchases.the President’s car¬ riage drew up in front of the establishment. Mrs. Cleveland’s maid alighted and went inside. Stepping toward the counter where children’s dress goods were displayed, she looked over the goods 1 Then selecting several dress patterns she handed the ejerk a note beariug the engraved in¬ scription, “Executive Mansion.” Smilingly, she said; “Mrs. Cleveland said to charge to the President. There was a moment’s hesi¬ tation. The clerk beckoned to the proprietor, and together they talked in low tones' Finally the clerk turned around and stammeringly said. “I am sorry, but it is strictly against our rules to charge goods. I assure you”—he be¬ gan, but was interrudted by the maid, who, with flashing eyes, in an excited manner, exclaimed: “What, you refuse to give credit to the Presidont of the United States?” All eyes were turned toward the girl, who stood staring at the clerk. “We do not exactly refuse to give credit to the President; but, you see, we do not open b>ok account.” •‘Then you doubt my coming from the White House, do you?” “Not ot all; we ouiy regret not being able to comply with Mrs. Cleveland’r request.” The maid to the most popular woman in America turned from the counter and rapidly made her way to the White House a*' i I I m Y- m U m £ 1 FOR THE ASKING OF OUR fGLNTS % A SAMPLE COPY » OF TH- m M “Southern Home Journo!” 9 Ira Ej An Illustrated Story 5 love, adventure Paper of and MYSTERY. S a Contains Short Stories 1 g W by h REMSEN WALTER CR\Y. REEVES, FORP, p. sm „ w, Ters W. G. SI I LIVE, ^ Also as caiis AND attention OTHERS to the > fact that we hevea Branch VSgf ° SJr Atlanta Dreg Store i; Your Town, with one of gSm your A^ent, leading citizens as A our and Fell e^ery P'dnpr Medicine, in the Drtitj. Patent Toilet, etc. Lino S# AI WHOLESALE PRICES : k I One-third less than asked by. your h ome ri rugysst.) ***&£& Ask our Aprent for a Free £ : Copy of theS JLiTftfiJN K(P»i£ & • -T JOURNAL and see for your- v - ‘ Stl1 n ° ,>v tauch money you could lutv - , and yet can S Wm sav © by buying of us. Jf ~ ? J4C03S’ PH ARM\CY CO. Atlanta, Ga. ^ '£p\ ®f 1 WBBOT S REDAN : fMu 63|W / y ? AyAy i ! o VS* r «S y CONYERS, GA„ SATURDAY, DEC. 12, 1896. carriage, fo lowed by a small crowd of curious spectators The manager of the store later explained the occurence. I i We t egret annoying Mr. Cleveland or his wife.’’ he said, “but had we granted the request it would have been a violation of our rules. We long ago found it safer to abolish the credit system and go on a ‘pay one pay all.’ plan. This we were forced to do for our own protection. It is hard enough to collect bills anyway. t i So far as distinguished peo¬ ple are concerned, we have found that they are able to avoid payments, for there is a ‘code of etiquette’ absolving them from the harassing col¬ lector. “However, it was not that we did not believe the White House exchequer is adequate to pay all legitimate bills, but a rule which applies to one, should be enforced without dis¬ crimination.” Who Is A Brother. He who cheerfully comes in when all the world has gone out. Who weeps with you when the laughter world is av/ay • He who considers your need before your deserviugs. He who understands your silence. He who rejoices at your good fortune, condemns your faults sympathizes with your sorrows, is at hand to help in misfortune, and a safe fortress in trouble. He who when he reaches the top of the ladder, does not for¬ get you, if you are at the bot¬ tom. Ile who to himself is true, and tnerefore, must be so to you. He who is the same today, when prosperity smiles upon you, and to-morrow when ad¬ versity and sorrow come - He who guards your interests as his own, neither flatters nor deceives, gives just praise to your good deeds aDd equally condemns your bad acts. He who is the same to you in the society of the wealthy aud proud, as in the solitude of poverty: whose cheerful smile sheds sunshine in every com pany He who will oe a balance in the see saw of life. Communicated. Editor Conyers Weekly;— Rockdale countj can boast of two as faithful members of the Legislature as any county in Georgia, in Dr. Stewart and Hon. R. H. Cannon. Dr. Stewart is a leading member of the Senate, and such is the high estimate placed upon his good judgment in all mat¬ ters of legislation that his views are as much sought as any member of either house. Dr. Stewart is perfectly devoted to the people of his county aud senatorial district. He is a grand old-time gentleman hicrhlv esteemed by all the sen ators and represenatives. Mr. Cannon watches closely every bill that comes up iu er house that cold directly affect | his constiluency.He is the friend of the farmer and all classes of the laboring people. Helegis lutes as much for the poor as the rich and there is not a member in the house or senate who mm ^ . i \'i It \;j ! j ......j .2 AX cgcfablc Preparation for As similating ting Ike 5 tomachs ihcFoodandRegula andBowels of Im^NisYCHichREN J 2 . m Promotes Digeslion,Cheerful¬ ness andRest.Contains neither Not Opium.Morphine Nahcotic. nor Mineral. | Reape of Old DrSAMVEIPITOHEIl Pumpkin Seed"' Alx. Senna * fiocfulU Suits — Anise Seed * i Pppcrmint Ri Carbonate - Soda/ * Clarified yVarm Seed - \iinleryrccn Sugar Flavor. . tion. A perfect Remedy Stomach,Diarrhoea, for Constipa¬ Sour Worms .Convulsions .Feverish¬ ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. Tac Smuts Signature of HEW VORK. jay- I 3 EXACT COPY OF V/RAPFEE. more faithfully attends to all his legislative duties He is a member of several house com¬ mittees on all of which he makes a punctual and valuable mem¬ ber. No county in Georgia is more’faith fully represented than Rockdale is by Dr. Stewart aud Mr. Cannon. Asa house reporter of its proceedings I was glad to see the complimentary notice which the Atlanta Constitution gave Mr. Canrou in a recent issue of that grand paper. House and Senate Reporter. Watts—Did you know they could may whiskey out of saw¬ dust? H’m. Last time 1 was in At¬ lanta I got hold of some that I think must have been made from the buzzsaw itself . I ? * - I . > I k. H He is stopping with us because we have what lie wants for the little ones and because lie can buy them of us tor less than he can get them elsewhere. The holiday goods we have in stock are too nu merous to be mentioned here, so we invite you to call and make \ our selec¬ tions before the Christ rush sets in. 31. H. Plunket. THAT THE FAG-SIMILE SIGNATURE -OF IS OIST THE WRAPPER OF EVERY i BOTTLE OF a Oastoria ia put up ia oso-size bottles only. It Is not sold ia balk. Don't allow anyone to sell yon anything else on tho pica or promise that it is “just as good" and "will answer overy pnr pose." -SOT See that yon get C-A-S-T-O-B-I-A. Tho fio- A - is on every wrapper. An illustration of the proverb that it is an ill wind that blows nobody good, occurred tho oth¬ er day in Indiana- A whirl wind visited tli9 Decatur section. It gathered all of the corn off sev¬ eral farms and deposited it on the land of one man. This man refuses to give it up un it can be ideutiliod and ownership proved by the parties claiming it. The claimants have begun a law suit to recov er their property. There is immediate demand fora Solo mon in Decatur.—Ex. An Iowa man bet $1-0 that he could ride the flywheel in a saw mil). And when his widow paid the bet she remarked, sym¬ pathetically : “Bill was a good kind husband, but he didn’t know much about flywheels - ” TILLEY &OUIGG. WAREHOUSEMEN AND deaiirs In X--a.:mbar &pal, Siiin^ics, We Ue« p on hind nl al! We earn a lull line ot nice all kinds of I,umber, Shingles, etc. I Di ore, Mamie?, Sh»|i, Blinds and i’ainis. Always see us before; buy iny- Ht ciin save you money. Kuhns Photographs. Still Retains The Lead. Why? Because they are the most prominent—The Best—The Finos —The cheapest. MEDAL AND DIPLOMA awarded TLEM IIV THE COTTON STATE ExrosrnoN. TTisi t 'X'Un.elr Ora,ller;y% 33£ Whitehall street, Atlanta, Ga. T ‘ ! ! ersi errs ■j i i* ] C<*! ‘ * ! V c::nzj 0 : • in i * ,.**■ ■ c • i M HERD TO SERVE THE PUBLIC. My turnouts are strictly first-class and perfectly safe. My pi ices aw reasonable and my patrons always pleased. Don’t fail to call on me when you need any kind of team. Jars, W. Swann jsem 1866-1896. -J&J J. I f. /Ihiiand Go., U 31 h SAVE! Yoil IPQMExY, COTTON BUYERS. We always keep on hand a full and complete lino of Dry Goods, Notions, Ilats, Shoes, Clothing, Groceries and Bagging nd Ties See us Before you buy your Dress Goods, Shoes, and (Clothing and in fact anything i,hat you have to hoy. We always pay highest, market price,for all kinds country produce. Yours respectfully, J. H. Almand & Co. tProrr. Journal of ITcdldiv, _ Prof. W. H. Pecko, who ^ makes n specialty of k Epilepsy, doubt treated has and without cur¬ ed more cases than any I ' living Physician; is astonishing. his success Wo have heard of cases of 20 years’ standing i'1 is cured him. by Ho | St valuable publishes a work on I I case, this which d i o - ho sends i t h a tle of his absolute large bot¬ cure, free to any sufferers who may-send their P. O. and Express address. We advise nnv one wishing a euro to address Jrof.w. II. PLLILL. sr. l>. f 4 Cedar St., Her/ TcrS Notice. A .1 persons are forbidden to hunt, tis’i or otherwise trespass on our ands, inclos 'd or tirrndose i, under penalty of law. II. A. Smith. J. P. McDaniel, A. J, Smith. J. A, Lifset BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE. Patents | i j "’'UPF, i TRADE MARKS, I DESICN3, | COPYRICHTS Clc. Anyone gendlni? ft sketch and description invcEti.,nii:< may quickly ascertain, free, wimth-r un iu America, we have a waaiiiiiKt/m offlfe. ■peclainotioefn the”*"* 1 VB SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN ;; I beautifully illustrated, largest circulation of j any $1.50 scientific months, journal, bpedmen weekly,terms$3.00 copies and a Hand year; ! six Book on Patents sent free. Addr< esa MUNN & CO. f 361 Jlrotidway, New Volk. Subscribe for this paper. „ -aga i NO. Register. The registration hooks aro now open, for t lie registration of voters in the city of Conyers for the election of Mayor and Aldermen, to be held on tho first Saturday m December, 1890 M.H. Dluket. Clerk. City Council. SIMMONS <h si REGULATOR THE BEST SPRING MEDICINE is Simmons liver regulator. Don’t forget to take it. wake Now is the Liver. time you need it most to up your A sluggish Liver brings on Malaria, Fevet and which Ague, Rheumatism, and many other ills shatter the constitution and wreck health. Don’t forget the word Regulator, it is Simmons liver REGULATOR you want. The word REG Ui.ATOR distinguishes it from SIMMONS all Other remedies. Liver And, besides Regulator this, REGULATOR is a of the Liver, keeps it properly at work, that your system may be kept bLood in good condition. i-os i he tak, Simmons LIVER REGULATOR, it is the best blood purifier difference. and corrector. Look for Try the it and RED note Z the on every package. You wont find it on any other medicine, and there is no other Liver remedy like SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR-the Kingof Liver Remedies Be sure you get it. *■ u. zeiiin * Co., rbwtd^ig&f* f> (