Conyers weekly. (Conyers, GA.) 1895-1901, December 12, 1896, Image 2

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i'lu tiiUfldg, OIFICIAL ORGAN OF THE COUNTY. i J H. WALLIS. Enteud at the posti-ffiee at Convert u? Second-class mail matter. Saturday, Drc. 12, 1896. ADVERTISING RATES. 8 mo. 6 mo. 12 mo. llTu-li *2,50 14,00 2 “ 4.00 7.r>o 3 “ 7.o(l 12.00 column 10.00 15.00 l 4 “ 18.00 30.00 1 “ 3 ’ .00 50 00 Locals 5 cents per line for fir-t inser tlou ; 2\4 eents for each aubsiqnent in¬ sertion. .Regular adv. 50c. ( er inch for first insertion; 25c lor each subsequent Insertion. SUBSCRIPTION RATE: One year, in advance............... |1.00 Six month?, in advance........... 50c Take this paper. - The inside pages of the Weekly contain only local items this week. Keg of fine Mackerel at M. H. Plunket’s. Trade has been brisk this week and promises to hold up throughout the holidays. Get your tinware from M, H. Plunket. M. H. Plunket is headquarters for tinware. Big stock of candies, cocoa nuts, raisins, oranges, apples and nuts at M. II. Plunket’s. Get your hats, caps, Boots and Shoes at M. H, Plunket’s. Be sure you are right on foot¬ wear. See Summers before you buy. Special Examination. There will be an examination of teachers for special license on Saturday Dec., 19th, 189G, at the Conyers Institute, be gining at 10 o,clock. The ex¬ pense of holding said examina¬ tion will be paid by applicants, •which will not be more than $1,00 for each nor less than 50c. T. D. OKelly, C, S. O. Rev. A. M Pierce who was appointed to serve the Conyers circuit, comprising the follow¬ ing churches, Shiloh, in New¬ ton county, Ehenezer, Zion, Prospect and Snapping Shoals, will make his home in Conyers, He will find a warm welcome among our people. Miss Winnie Ilailey died at the home of her sister, Mrs F. M. Ayers, in this city last Thursday afternoon after an il’ness of some duration. We tfuder sympathy t> the be¬ reaved . An epidemic of horse trading is on. Fayette Almand and Chas. Reagan are driving new ones. See change in W, V. Almand & sou’s advertisement. Your subscription is now due Come in and settle please. Christmas is in the air and the little children seem to thoroughly realize it. Mr. Henry Penn says there is every reason in the world why he should marry and only one obstacle in his way-lie needs the consent of a second party. Rev. R- A, Eakes will preach at, the Methodist church Sun¬ day. Rev A. M. Pierce, paster of the Conyers circuit, is in town. Maj- R. J.Guiun, ot Atlanta, came down yesterday evening. Couyers is getting livelier every day. Come in aud pay your sub jQriptiou, Highest of all in Leavening Strength.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report. Powder Baking ABSOLUTELY PURE Married last Warren Tnrasher and Elo i Maddox. Both are inent and popular young ple of this county and Weekly extends bestwishes and hearty congratulations. Don’t forget to try that New Orleans syrup at M. H. Plun¬ ket s. After a pleasant visit to Miss Nodie Stewart Miss. Lela Thompson has returned to her homo in Atlanta. Thousands of Santa Claus dirt cheap at M. H. Plunket’s. Boys, I am in the fight on fire works for Christmas. M. H. Plunket. An aged negress was so bad¬ ly burned Saturday night she died in a few hours. She was helplessly ill and was left, by her son, on a bed near the lire. The bedding became ignited from a spark and before help arrived the old woman was ter¬ ribly burned. She occupied a home on Mr. S. L. Almand’s place in the city. After a pleasant visit to the family of Mr • W- G. Clotfelter. Miss Potts has returned to her home in DeKalb county Say horse to Will Everitt and you have a trade on your hands. Hehas considerable stock on hand. If you want to buy a good horse see will Everitt. Treat, trade or tjaffic, is Will Everitt’s greeting. He is buy¬ ing selling, and swaping horses these days. a ss PS We will We handle S3 compete - mm only pure C. 5-0 t -o\ with aoy= Drugs. jlggs iH C X m ces. ■V* iM r. 1 | 0 ! FO^ -Sr It •Tj L Si % SANTA CLAUS -r* M'v 'i 1 I » I w LX ’T' he pu'dic is cordially invited to call and examine the cjuality and price of our Chriat mas Goods. It is no trouble but a pleasure to us to show our goods. WE HAVE A VARIETY OF GOODS SUCH AS WILL SUIT THE AGE, TASTE AND PURSE OF ALL Those who buy holiday goods early in the season avoid the rush incident to the week be fore Christmas, and they get the pick of the stock. We have been dealing; in this class of goods so long That we have learned where to buy to the best advantage; what to buy that will suit the people and how to price the goods so they will go. Very respectfully, DR. W. H. LEE LangIey=Penn. Mr. Idus Langley and Miss Georgia Penn, the amiable daughter of Mr. H. C. Penn, were married last Thursday evening by Rev. Mr. Fincher. These are most worthy and popular young people with hosts of friends who wish for them a life of happiness and plenty, and the Weekly heart¬ ily congratulates them. The Gailey Drug Co. have the prettiest and cheapest line of Christmas Goods in town. We have just opened up a large line of sample notions— some genuine bargaius to be distributed among the people. Chas. B. Hudson. If you are looking for Santa Claus go to Dukes. The Gailey Drug Co. have the nicest line of Papeterie in town. When you buy of us one time you are sure to come again. Our prices will win you. Chas. B Hudson. When you look at our shoes and get prices on them you will buy.—Chas. B. Hudson. Everything in the way of Christmas can be found at Dukes, We have an elegant line of dress goods aud they are mark¬ ed so that you can buy a pat¬ tern. Chas. B. Hudson. Good news of new goods at Summers’ big Store. Rev. Martin Defoore will fill his regulsr appointments to-day and to-morrow at Rockdale Baptist church. The bears were • in town Thursday and not only the small boy but many large onej enjoyed their presence. We are informed that the churches will decide what thev will have for the enjoyment of the little Christmas next Sun day morning, It O presumed that each of them will have something as has been the cus¬ tom for Years. Wm. H. SIHPKIN5, Attorney at Law. OFFICE UP STAIRS IN THE NIGHT BUILDING. Poes a general practice. Charges reasonable Collections a specialty Precures loans on farm lands a low rate of interest. SIX YEARS OLD , The Fern dale Rye or Bourbon is six years old and is ship¬ ferndale from ped our direct Dis¬ RYE tillery to the consu mere, BOURBON thus absolute insuring pur¬ ity. We never sell to the whole¬ sale and retail dealer, thus sav¬ ing two profits to the consumer. Femdale Rye or Bourbon is highly recommended by phy¬ sicians as a typical whiskey for medicinal and family uses. A trial order will insure your future patronage. Ferndale Rye or Bourbon $2.65 per gallon. No charge for jugs or packing. Money must accompany all orders. Regarding our respon¬ sibility we refer you to the City National and Citizens Savings Banks; of Paducah, Ky. Awaiting your valued com¬ mands we remain, Very respectfully yours, SAM STARK DISTILLING CO. Paducah, Ky. DfflTISTJT. I have opened an office in the uiicLtig formerly occupied by Dr. J. J. Seamans, and solicit a share of the patronage of the people. R. A, Jones, Dentist. CITY MRBERS 1 P. - HENRY REG /-in¬ proprietor. My shop is comfortable. My towels are clean. My tools are always keen. My attention is respectful. My aim—to please all. Give me a call when you need dressing up, Notice. I will buy your fat beef and milk cattle. Also your dry and green hides. A . B. Ozborne Notice Tax Payers. Tax Books opens Sep. 18, 18 96. for State and county tax. Will be at the precincts as fol¬ lows:— Sheffield—Sept. 23; Oct 14. NOV. 4. Honey Creek—Sept. 28. Oct, 12. nov, 2. Lorraine—Sept, 29. Oct, 13, Nov, 3. Conyers—Most of the time until Dec. 20, 1896, when books closes. E- F. Cook, T. C. Rockdale county, Office at Stephenson & Tur¬ ner’s store, Conyers, Ga. ; Tuft’s Pills Cure All Liver Ills. ARE YOU l BANKRUPT inheakh, constitution undermined by ex« t in , by chsre travagance eating, garding the laws,of nature, or physical capital all gone, if so, NEVER DESPAIR Tutt’s Liver Pills will cure you. For sick headache, dyspepsia, sour stomach, malaria, torpid liver, constipation, biliousness and all kindred diseases. Tutt’s Liver Pills an absolute cure. LT 7 S£BBR. We keep a nice line of all kinds of Lumber and Shingles, Tilley & Quigg . diseases op the skin. The intense itching and smarting inci¬ dent to eczema, tetter, salt-rheum, and other diseases of Chamberlains the skin ia instantly aiiayed Skit". by applying ... Eye ana Ointment. Many cured very by Dad cases It is nave equally been permanently it. efficient for itching piles and a favorite rem¬ edy for sore nippies; chapped hands, chil¬ blains, frost bites, and chronic sore eyes. V or sale by druggists at 25 cents per box. TryBr. Cady’s Condition Powders, they are just what a horse needs when ir. bad condi¬ tion. Tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. City Market I will keep all kinds of fresh Meats, Fish, Oysters and Vege¬ tables from now ou till further notice. Beef by the quarter— Four quarter 3£ to 4 cents. Hind quarter 4^ to 6 cents. Prices on other articles close. Call on me. A, B. OSBORNE . Fire Insurance, I write all kinds of city or town property—country dwell¬ ings, barns, gin houses etc. Good reliable companies and honest rates. See me. A. M. McElvany. F. M. AYERS, Dealer in Drugs, Medicines and choice Family Groceries, Con¬ yers, Ga. SHERIFF SALE, GEor gt a Rockdale County. bouk will be sold before the court door, iu the town of Conyers, » county, between the lawful hours® sale, on the rtist Tuesday in 1897, t he following described proptyw wit; One tract or parcel of land, an® being parts of laud lots Nos. Jut ,. and 816 in the 4th district of origin*'. Walton, now Rockdale county, c s. n , , srsfSi 5 ? J 3 II «» f the Ea-t by lands oi land- 0 and others, on the North by “ 6 J. Iv. P. Lester and others , West by I. C. Eubanks and other-, Levied the South on by by T. virtue D. O’Kelley of ami and to ^ perior to satisfy one of Ufa said issued county from in f. be^ ( court T. L. O’Kelley against f. This I'enants in possession notified Dec. 2 , 1806 tin, Sheriff. w ^ n M< Aus Adv. $5.28, I Also at the same time and haif place acres ^ of I be sold sixteen and one follows: I land more or less bounded as BerryWe . , j,W dale county, -- property property ot of , rs - j J No.— No.— as as the me vj tu Griffin, or Abbie 1 r ? r V N 'owe!i and of a against Mrs" J.V ?v«*uT£ Griffin, District in¬ n justice Court 462 Newton Count}*. & Irwin is tbjs M The firm of Hale disco’ved by mutU al consent, Hale paying all bills and debts. hale* Subscribe Advertise. DON’T HESITATE 3 about sending for our Price ListJ H mailed free. We warn you to have uJ J M copy. And we want to tell you || anything in our line of hiuutets J you may want to know. Write it M Ask us questions. We vt tnamrfi] turers of att kinds oi woodwork IH §8 Doors, Sash, Blind*, MouWi»| Porch Work, Stair Work, M 1 Shingles. &c., lor m m [CHURCHES RESIDENCES ICOTTON IsCHOOL HOUSES MILLS |STORES, &c. AUGUST A LUMBER C0„ AUGUST*, < LEGAL ADVERT! MENTS ’•!! Letters Dismissions, Geokgia Rockdale Co Mrs. W. J. Mann, guarlia 00 (| Edwards, nee Mann, has applied discharge from her guardanshipoi ward. This is therefore to notit, persons concerned, t hat I v?il| pai| on said application on the first M in Jammy, 1897. 0I and if no good c to the contrary be shown the ; ame - be granted. This Sep. 30, 180 ; A. M. IIelms, Odd, To GEORGIA Rockdale Cousin, I I all whom it may concern; Luther J, Almand has, in due fa applied to the undersigned administrate!] fnj J maaent letters of said the estate count}’, of deceased, Jno. I Almand, Intel I and I will upon the same on ihe first Mondart January, 1897. J 'I Given under m 5 hand and signature, this Nov. 24, 1896 | A. M. Helms,Otfi Adv. $3,00. GEORGIA Rockdale Comm: | To all whom it mar concern; W, Peek . guardian f> r W. h. applied] Ohrl.-i and Rufus L. ChnViau, has ine ship for of a sard discharge wards, from this is his therefore! guard notify all persons concerned, to I their objections, if any they have,i or before the fi st Monday in M«ii 1S97, else he will be discharged In his guardianship as applied for. Witness my hand ami official tin ture, this No \ 21, IStIG. Adv. fee $6.00.] A. M. Helms, Oil, ■ J Georgia Rockdale Coutnl Mrs. M. A* Posey having applied oftil fi a twelve months support out estate of her late husband T C, Pom deceased and the Commi.nonerj iM pointed having filed their return! period mv office, this is to cite all concerned that I will pass upontba same on the first Monday in Dewmbei 1896 this Nov. 5th 1896. A. M. Helms Ordinary Adv’g $3. Georgia Rockdale CowrrrJ Mrs Su-au A. Perry, having applied tlM for a twelve months support out of estate of her late husbimd James 8, Perry deceased, for her self and two minor children, and the Comniiswri appointed hav’ng tiled their return ia 1 my office, this to cite all persons con¬ cerned that I will pass upon rhe s*®* on the first, Monday in December Kit This Nov-eth 1996 A. M. Helms, OiH>. Adv’g $3,