Conyers weekly. (Conyers, GA.) 1895-1901, December 19, 1896, Image 1

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VOL XVI. NOTICE: The cily (6X books are now open for receiving taxes for 1896 and will close on December 19tli 1896 W* B Smith Ci y Tax Calleetor. NOTICE. All those who are indebted to roe for blacksmithing are noti¬ fied that their accounts are now £ast due, and that I am obliged to collect the same. You are expected to come and settle at once and save cost of collection. 12—4t W. G. Clotfelter. NOTiCE. I am prepared to do any kind of mechanics work on short notice. See me or call at Week¬ ly office.—J. F. Wallis. Our Cnyers Agent. Marbut & Reagan, is our Conyers Agent, for pickles sweet and plain, sauce, dressing and prepared mustard. H. J. Heinz. Notice. All persons are forbidden to hunt, fish or otherwise trespass on our lands, inclosed or uninclosed, under penalty of law. A. J- Smith J. P. MoDakiel. A. J. Smith. J. A, Lifsey 1 i r. i i i eper r Ktt i ■y .* FOR THE ASKING or OUR #G NTS * A SAMPLE COPY . ^ OF THE “Southern 4 An Journal Illustrated ” a Story LOVE, ADVENTURE Paper of AND 1*3 MYSTERY. mi Contains Short Stories 111 by REMSEN CRAWFORD, such WALTER REIVES, writers us AND W. G. OTHERS S'JFLIVF, d I Also calls attention to the % « $ fact that wo have « Branch w§ 4. of cur Atlanta Drug Store in Your Town, with «>nc of your Agent, leading and citizens «ei! as our every¬ «S»2| thing in the Drug, Patent WHS Medicine, Toilet, etc. Line at WHOiESAif prices fj & •*k x% (Ono-thirdless«ianasked by your homodruggasc.) Copy oV tbVsJijf hern*hone 1 «?fr ij<™-muchroonoyyou ■•T MvrbybivinlroV'Sf can V* Iirnucii ainDHifv rn fir b S' u innrrRi * p DTI A-1 nr y W fe* Z . 4 'Cv^vX.L t 2CV* I S ~s ve ANGhat Y on want for % 4 i Christmas * 40 barrels very line apples 20 to *30 cents per peck. Raisins 10 30 boxes Loudon Layer cents per pound. 40 cents 10 boxes oranges 30 to per dozen. Come early and avoid the rush. 10 Center street € fSUT A o y f A 9 4 CONYERS, GA„ SATURDAY, DEC. 19 , 1896 The “One Horse’’Farm.!*. Southern Cultivator. Times change, and people are shifted from one point of obser¬ vation to another, and, later in life, we are often, because of our past experience, enabled to see things to a better advantage than we could see at the outset. When vve were a boy the man who cultivated only •‘patches”—hoed his crop chief¬ ly, and devoted his time to gar¬ den truck, poultry and the like, was regarded as a “oue-hoss” farmer, aud held in contempt by the man, or at least by the sons of the man, with the broad acres, new appliances and spanking flue teams. But things have changed. The staple crops have run away down in prices. They don’t pay good interest on the tine fixtures of the big teams and the broad acres. A new system is n accessary. The “oue-hoss j j farmer must be imitated. The acreage of cotton, corn and wheat must be cut down. The home larder must be looked to first. Diversified farming must be resorted to. The South¬ ern planter must become the Southern small farmer. He must grow fruit and vegetables and raise his own meat, his poultry, his eggs, honey, and the like, and not depend on cot¬ ton alone to sustain him. He must live, as it were,nearer the house: must think of the crib, the barn-loft, the cellar, aud the smoke-house—must stock up for home consumption, and raise a small surplus of each to sell in order to get him that which he cannot raise, but must have. In this line lies the farmer’s redemption. He can work out his own salvation if he will pursue this course. Let him make his wants as few as pos¬ sible, and his surplus of each product of the farm limited. then the consume!S in the Clt inswho do not produce will seek him out, because they must live. rr 1 , ho farmers , then . he „„ „ come the master muster of or the me situa- situa tion, and for that which he pro duces lie is bound, under such conditions, to get good prices. _T? V -- --" Her Application. ? 8 8 i " d y "Z many m T obsticles and dim- ditti culties to childish minds. ....." Ili: j ' '''I'MiMiHUIMi UHlUIHlUitHi'lldlimumniimnTrrr^-rr^ £ m AVege table Prcparationfor As¬ similating the tlteTood and and Regula¬ ting Stomachs Bowels of IXFAN IS C HILDWKN - Promotes and Digestion,Cheerful¬ ness RestContains neither Opium,Morphine nor Mineral. Not Nahcotic. Rutpe of Old DrSAMUELPJTCBEB. Pumpkin Seed* A'lx. Senna * PocJitUe Sails — Anise Seed * Pppermint Jh Carbonate - Soda > * Clarified. fiivm Sced Sugar - . lifafayrvtm Flavor. / tion. A perfect Sour Remedy Stomach,Diarrhoea, forConstipa Worms .Convulsions.Feverish¬ ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. Tac Simile Signature of NEW YORK. nr exact copy of wrapper. ■‘■.■iit.'.'/fifj. “Spell ferment and and give its definition,” requested the schoolteacher. n ' - "Vif’VJ*. •' •• REGULATORS THE BE8T f or g e t to take it. Now is the time you ^”8^,12Mkjfivi and Ague, Rheumatism, and many other ills which shatter the constitution and wrec ^ health. Don’t forget the word REGULATOR. g It is SIMMONS LIVEN EGULATORyoawaBt The word ulator distinguishes it fro* all ether liver'regulatoe Is a Regulator werk, that cf the Liver, keeps it properly at your SVStcm J m*V YHF PC kept Ri OOIi in j£OOU f-atr* COnailiOn. Si VI hKC/NS LlVEI^ PHD RECHJI-ATOlLlt Try fe the it best and bleod note purifier and corrector Be sure you get it. J. H. Zeilln & Co., PlUIadelplila., I *■ THAT THE FAC-SIM1LE SIGNATURE : —of i > IS ON THE ; WRAPPER OF EVERY ■j BOTTLE OP tv is Oaatorla Is pet tp in ouo-stze bottles only. It is not sold in bulk, Don't allow anyone to sell -ii yon anything else on t'no plea or promise that it is "just as good" and "will O-A-S-T-O-E-I-A. answer every pnr poso." AS* See that yon get la oa wry wrappar. “F-e r-m-e-n-t, ferment, to work,” responded a diminutive maid. “Now place it in a sentence, so that I may be sure you un¬ derstand its meaning.” said the thacher. “In summer I would rather play out of doors than fei ment in the school house,” returned the small scholar with such doleful frankness and uncon¬ scious humor that the teacher found it hard to suppress a smile. Subscribe for this paper. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE. i TB ,K8 ’ desicn8 ’*e. copyrichts quickly Anyone ascertain, sending free, a sketch whether and description invention mfcjr an is enti . ?SSv. SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, munn & co., 361 Broadway. Mew York. 600 pounds nuts 10 to 15 cents per pound. 1000 pounds candy at proportion¬ ately loW prices. Fresh Cranberries in quantity. Celery on Wednesday of next week. Yours to command. Marbut <& Reagan t TILLEY &OUIGG. *> WAREHOUSEMEN AND d'-iers In goal, Sibils. W’e keen on hind at all times ffe carry % fail li«» • *i«« .ill kinds of Lumber, Mhingle.-, etc. Doors, Mkui'esj >*‘li, Blind* »Pfl I'iinr*. Always see us before buying • Tic can save you money. Kuhns Photographs. Still Retains The Lead. Why? Because they are the most prominent—The" Best—Th. Fines —The cheapest. medal and diploma awarded teem by the cotton state EXPOSITION. ■Visit Tluair < 3 -a.llex 3 T, 33^ Whitehall street, Atlanta,Ga. Liven Fuel ait It Site. I M HERE TO SERVE THE PUBLIC. My turnouts are strictly first-class and perfectly safe. My prices are reasonable and my patrons always pleased. Don’t fail to call on mo when you need any kind of team. Jas. W. Swann. gw- 1866-1896. J. tf. A.Inland Go., mhk SAVE YOa JRGNEY, COTTON BUYERS. We always keep on hand a full and complete line of Dry Goods, Notions, Hats, Shoes, Clothing, Groceries and Bagging nd Ties See us Before you buy your Dress Goods, Shoes, an(d Clothing and in fact anything that you have to buy. We always pay highest market price,for all kinds country produce. Yours respectfully, J. H. Almand & Co. FrorA V. 3 .Jounm 1 of fMirS n [s Prof. W. H. Pcckc, who makes n specialty with of i Epilepsy, doubt treated has Otlt nnd cur d ed more cases than any i living Physician; his success is astonishing. Wo have heard of cases of ao years’ standing: cured by him. He valuable publishes a work on this dis¬ ease, which li o sends with a largo bot¬ tle of his absolute cure, free to nny sufferers who may Bend their P. O. and Express address. We advise nnv one wishing a cure to address ?rof.W. 11 . PEEKE. P. D., 4 Cedar Ct.„ Zfew York NO. ^8 Dolls-Toyj- Jewelry -Vases etc. We hive « holiday stock large enough to furnisli nil the people with Siintii clause and lutve some left over, therefore, id order to dis pose of it, aU we aYo trying to i»et the people to see our li le. This wi I relieve ns. ns our prices cant be luplirated hero if J. Langford’a.