Conyers weekly. (Conyers, GA.) 1895-1901, June 16, 1900, Image 1

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GO TO GrAILEYS SAYS THE WEEKLY. tol. XVIII. BUYINC AND SELLING RIGHT. ^ *1* i/jf* I buy for cash-all my bills are discounted and I am able to sell cheaper than you can buyelsewheie for that reason. Mystock is kept up andyou cangetwhat you want when you cal 1 on me. All goods delivered promptly to customers n reach. I envite one and all to come and trade with me. M H. PLUNKET, The City Grocer. NEW buggies; good bucies. We have received a number of new 6uggies, first-class buggies, handsome buggies: buggies that run well, wear well and look weel; buggies that sell well because they are great values. Don’t buy buggies until you see ours and get our prices. We expect to save you money if you buy a buggy of us. MCELVANY&BRODNAX. AFRICAN A will cure Ec*em» »nd C» “ orrh to Stay Cured. 1 ffaicbes Mi Saw. I have opened up my repair shop in the Post Office, and am now pre pared to do all kinds of repairing and ing of Jewelry* I lave keen in Conyers before this, and the people toow my work. I will appreciate the patrcnege of the public. Very Resp. A* J. Strom. story of queen victoria. A v. liter in the London Quiv w, ‘hs the following story of y u *M ii Victoria and vouches for 111 ’Huh. Wnen the queen was ■ta sev-n or eight years old, lird i-et her heart on a cer dell which she had seen in liho P v.indow. She had to *«t, however, until she could tl e price, six shillings out i ®! her pocket-money, At last 4oll came and the ( oveted *as laid for and received. * 6tor y proceeds fol cws; j as A nd n m.with the prec oi s ^ upon her the lit arm, bade the shopkeeper CONYERS. GA, SATURDAY, JUNE 16. 1900. good afternoon and was about to step from the door, when a poor, miserable looking object met her eye. He was standing but a couple of feet away and seemed as though he were go¬ ing to speak to her, attracted, doubtless, by the innocnut kind liuess of her expression and the tenderness of her blue eyes, But though his lips moved, no sound came from them. ‘Do you wish to speaK torn*? a sked the little 1 idy stay ing her steps. ‘Encouraged by her winning voice, the poor man said, in trembling accents, “I am very hungry. I would not ask for help if I were not ready to sink with hunger. “He looked famine from his eyes, “I am so sorry. I havo no money or else—’ “His lips trembled forth a humble ‘thank you, lady,’ then he shuffled on his way, hunger impersonate. < < < Slay!’ murmured the little owner of the new doll. There was a quiver iu her childish voice and a moisture in her eyes as she spoke, wait a min ute, please.’ “She stepped back into th“ shop, approached the woman behind the counter and said. “Oh, please, do you mind tak¬ ing the doll back and keeping it for me for a few day s longer ? ‘‘*Ceraihly I will^* replied the ehopkeeper: 1 and you wish ine to return you the money?’ <’y e8 . if you please.’ “fuis wag done aud the little L hurrying out of the shop, placed the whole of the money in the hands of the starving man. ‘Tie was like one thunderstruck. Never bad bouty rained uyon him in such profusion before. “The object of her bounty mur¬ mured in a low tone, though loud enough to reach her ear: “‘If the Almighty made you a bucen, it would not be more than yo nr gooness deserves! J M ____ What One Woman Thinks. No friends are better than made believe friends. The best blessing a child cau have is a good mother. A man must think a great deal of his wife to go with her to pickouta new spring bonnet. The gas bill is a light con sideralion, but it generally manages to cast gloom over the household. Some people look at their own faults through a telescope; at oihers’ through a microccope. If conductors were discharged every time a threat is made of reporting them, the cars would j be at a standstill. A FEW RIDDLES SOLVED. Feet have they, hut they walk not—stove*. Teeth have they, but they chew not—saws Eyes have they, but they see not—potatoes • Noses have they .but they smell not—teapots - Mouth* iiav© they, but they taste not—Rivers. Ears hav - they, bat they hear not— cornstalks. Hands have they, but they handle not—clocks. Tongues hav* they, but they talk not—Wagons. CITY MIR SIP HENRY FEAGAN PROPRIETOR. My shop 18 comfortable My towels are clean. My tools are always keen. My attention is respectful. Mj aim—to please all. Give me a call when you need dressing up. I M In ■\ <«g 19 I Before Retiring • • • • take Ayer’s Pills, and you will sleep better and wake in better condition for the day’s work. Ayer’s Cathartic Pills have no equal as a pleasant and effect¬ ual remedy for constipation, biliousness, sick headache, and all liver troubles. They are sugar-coated, and so perfectly prepared, that they cure with¬ out the annoyances experienced in the use of so many of the pills on the market. Ask your druggist for Ayer’s Cathartic Pills. When other pill* won’t help you, Ayer’s Is THE PILL THAT WILL. .....- < -*♦*-«- BO YEARS* EXPERIENCE Patents innoi Oman* Copyright* Ac. Anyone ascertain eendln* » .ketch eptnten .nil fr*awhether description may a* enlckly is probably nor pstentebl*. Commonly*, lurentlnn strictly eonfldantlal. Handbook on Patent* ttoni Oldest for aeeorina^atenu. sent free. a*ency throuab Mann A Co. recaWa Patent* taken sritboatcharit*. to the •ptriot Scientific notice, American. ittfi&vrs&uP A grass widow it one who ha* succeeded in getting unmarried, NO. 24- Melton’s Livery Stables; Wjien you want a good, safe turnout one that you can drive with PLEASURE AND SATIsFaCTION One that looks well and goos well, call on me. a Good drivers furnished if desired Terms very reasonable. M. H. MELTON Rale City fame 1 Marble Comply. aa -4i Tcasv ar,, Atlanta. gcorgia, a, H- POTTER, MANAatft $raotival jDosigntrs and Sculptors Dealer In GEORGIA, Em<iterii mid Foreign Granite and M«Lrl>lc5. Mail orders given personal attention. ^■fk-^angggiBii SUMMER i UXUEIES. Will receive a car load of ice next week and can supply all comers. Prices will be reasonable ICE COLD DRINKS OF ALL KINDS SERVED AT MY FOUNT. ALL ENVITEE TO PATRONIZE ME. Bicycles for sale at low prices. Bicycle rep 4 o • » O' done atshort noti CO i mu inbest manner. tLoe me. W. W. T. STKWAltlV-