Conyers weekly. (Conyers, GA.) 1895-1901, June 23, 1900, Image 1

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PLACED IN THE. CONYERS REREAD DY THE VOL. XVIII. 111 A, 03 y\ A*/a t* ... s We will sell you the best goods and at prices that are like yon have never seen before, in order to close t our line in the next lew days to make room for oU otber big shipments, Our line consists ofNew goods, pretty goods and good goods. OCR MR. (jAILEY LEAVES FOR NEW YORK SOON, and our stock must go at a low price for cash. Before buying Clothing, Hats, Shoes, Dress goods or any other Dry Goods, come to see us and see lor yourself, or send for samples. All welcome at this big sale. """ 1 l,ove the Printer As Thyself. if 1 was an advertiser, no ht'tifitr where, I would cultivate ih« friendship of the printer. I dnti’t mean the man who edits [list* paper,and squirts wisdom bel- in 2"die sheet with a baud hij-v.*, but the fellow back in the pimp with a gretn shade over I'-vnyee, and a corn cob pipe in lii* mouth. He is the man 1 w-.iild tell him bow I w-ould Ike my ad set and form a cosn P*ct with him as to this and pat. All this time I should [iNp'tise Ip hospitality at 5 cents ! “boss.” Then if he did the I hi Li thing by mo, I would keep Pm m neckties and suspenders. j I lifts. But I am not a local adver But maybe you are. You Htl over to the office your cop 1 bran ad. It is written all 9 7hs busiest house in Conyers at all times is store. I keep the goods and make the prices low M the people keep Mr. Still and myself busy Niling upon them. People like to trade where Ny can do the best and they find the best place r trade is at my store. We make this announce teat, that others may learn of tte advantage of here and they, too, may come and trade iith ®e and save money. Money is hard to get — , possible-- ... ;; „ should be made to foras _ go as to me and I will help you stretch it out t; You will get the best goods the mArket af — /OURS VERY TRULy, N. T. STREET. ®ll ®«i®w UstefeJf ♦ CONYERS. GA, SATURDAY, JUNE 23. 1900, over a sheet of wrapping paper There is enough on it to cover the sins of mankind. You want it to go in ten inches dou¬ ble. Tne printer sets it up to the best advantage and sends you a proof. You kick because the display is not larger, otdet a border around it and send down a cut that measures 24 37 enis agate, and want the of fice to rush more proofs. Do you know that jou are cursed in seventeen different Kinds of languages in that of¬ fice.? The printers “jeff” to see who will be obliged to set the stuff. The unlucky man goes at it like lie was going to his doom. If he can qnee’ the ad and have an excuse for doing eo, you can bet ten to one that he will do it. No use to complain to the publisher. He those who whispered would think twice first they would corn rnonly see that no serious harm would c me of keeping still till after service. The insult lies again si the authorities of the church, against the congrega¬ tion, A whisper reaches far¬ ther than the whisperer im HLsiines. And wherever it reach es it may rightly stir up indig¬ nation It is a form of ill man¬ ners tbs mors deplorable be-' cause h is scarcely capable of rebuke or suppression^ by any other -meaus than a general sense of good behavior and a ^ educ.ttoe-Bi.hop Hunt ington. Lots of people arc found out when you go to call on them. Faub is one of the things fre queutly found whore it is not. OASTORXA. Hears the Tha Kiwi Yob Haw Alnwrt Bcag# BigaatTU-* •f has confidence in the printers. You mark my words. man who has hts ads set with some style is the man who stands in with the priuter-W. B. Pow¬ ell. iii Advertising World. T&iking in Church. The worst of all kinds of eouuds in church is that of hu man voices not engaged in the 8 ivice, worst, in moral trans¬ gression, Even religious Oli¬ vers ttiou in wrong, pecular con¬ versation is profanity. Com¬ ments on the service itself, if favorable and friendly, are im¬ penitent: if critical, are dis¬ graceful; if comical and calcu¬ lated to provoke laughter, are infamous. For all mutual con munications that appear lobe necessary a sufficient fore¬ thought would in most install ces obviate the necessity. If i ■ * t ■■. a m a Dr. Lee's Sia Fomtain i^IS NOW IN FULL BLAST. When you want a cool, refreshing, delicious, exhilerating and healthful drink call at Dr. LEE’S DRUG STORE. That debonair young gentleman, Elgin Stewart, has become an adept in the dispensing of drinks and he will always be pleased to srveyou. A western fraternity editor ceivedre the following unique letter: “Seud me a few copies of the paper which had the obit uary and verses about the death of my little child a week or two ago. You will publish the enclosed clipping about my neice's marriage. And I wish you would mention in your lo¬ cal columns, if it don’t cost me, that l am going to have a pub¬ lic sale and will rent my farm, aRo that l have a few extra oalves to sell, Send me a cou pin of extra copies of the pa¬ pers i his week, but as ray time i9 out you can stop my paper, as times are too hard to waste money a newspaper. T» e Weekly gives you all the uews. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. ihi Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the j Sl^Yature of M 1 GAlLJi Y’S Soda Fountain T i o- -o A1 kinds of delicious summer drinks served at this fount. We invite a!! to try our drinks. ICE GREAM AND SHERBETS Conveniently Served. CALL AT ; GAILEY’S FOUNTAIN. DECK njIliLIPERY. My new spring millinery is now ready for inspection and linvite the ladies to call and examine same* My prices will lie rKasouable. and goods new and stylish. I have engaged the ervices of Miss Ragsdale, an expert trimmer, and all work will be prop? rly done. VERY RESPECTFULLY, Mies Emma Riey. The lich man who lias noth¬ ing lo do and the poor ruan who can get notbiug to do are both to be pitied. A chronic Joafe* 1111s -a place in society corresponding to that oocupi *d bv a week in the veg¬ etable kingdom. Some men are such deep thinkers that their thoughts never got to thesinfice. No man needs to bo instructed in the art of spending money. Subscribe for this paper. * BO YEARS* EXPERIENCE 9 i * ’S& g ffi a MaW ar, Y Marks • AMBHEin* r :?IGNS r rr?TV ^ c;r n iohts Ac. Otilckly Anyone iucortiiln .rnfltng n opinion .ind free description whether m»» Inrentlon om- »n strictly Is confidential. probably patentable. Handbook Communlra t ton h on entente aont free. Oldest taken agency for oecurUn! Co. patent*. special patents through ohargo, Munn & receive notice, without la the Scientific American. A hnndsomely of Illustrated weekly I.nrccst etr. dilation any sctantUlo Sold journal. Terms, ft • year r four months, $L by all newsdealers. MUNN&Co. Office, 36 B » B flu ^ NewM Branch m Washlugton. D. C. Tills I*:ipcr Is The Offlelhl Os^m Ol’lloekdaie County NO. 25 A’'*. r r. Ilopk'j31>i DEN T1WT. CONYERS, - - - GEORGIA Office in Night building. Work guaranteed. F. T. Hopkins, I). D. S. --—— • -o CITY MRBER SHOP HENRY I E AtAN PROPRIETOR. My shop is comfortable. My towels are clean. My tools are always keen. My attention is respectful. My aim —to please all. Give me a call when you need dreenng up. ■m Georgia Railroad. For information ne to Routes Schedules, and Rates, both Passenger m YL j #• J 1 write to either of the undersigned. You will receive prompt reply and fllinhlc, information, H! McMILLEN, A G JACKSON G A Pass. Dept. G P A. O H WILCOX, S A., AugttNin, Gu, S F. M.-igUl, C. 1). Cox. Gn’l Agi, Cen*l Atrb Atlanta. Athens. W W Hardwick W C McMUlen Gen’i Agt. 8. F. & FA. ' Macon. Mncoh. MR Hudson, W M Mr Govern, T.F.&P. A. Gen’i Afct. Atlanta, on. Augusta f 1 1. Kate Iv. I have opened up my repair shop in the Post ‘jffice, and am noiv pre¬ pared to do all Kinds of repairing and clean¬ ing of Jewelry* 1 lave seen in Conyers before this. and the people Know my work. I will appreciate the patronege of the public. Very Fesp. A. J. Strcm. Your Doctor Knows Your doctor knowa all about foods and medicines. The next time you soo him, Just ask him what ho thinks of ?SC0ITSMSI©!!* V of Cod-Liver Oil with Kypo- ; t Wo aro willing \ / to trust In his answer. :< Tor twent y-flve years doc- 1 tors have prescribed our ! Emulsion for paleness, v/oak f ness, nervous exhaustion, and ( for all diseases that cause loss in flesh. Its creamy oolor and Its ’ j pleasant taste make it es- . pecially useful for thin and V i delicate children. cod-^ f Nootherpreparationcf £ liver oil is like It. Don't lose time and risk your health by % M j takingr something unknown and untried. Keep in mind % 3 that SCOTTS EMULSION/ has stood the test for a j quarter of a century. ( joe. »nd fli oo; all drurp ts. SCOTT* BOWNE, Chemkts,New York. / - - ■■■