Conyers weekly. (Conyers, GA.) 1895-1901, June 30, 1900, Image 1

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£ ^advertisements placed IN THE I i CONY^ S % reread BY the TOL A V VIII. . COSTLY Four hundred million dollars isp 1 what the toiling millions of United States are paying ev year to suppoit the present pjjliatry istabishment of country- f° Ui hundred million dollars! Nearly six dollars head for every man, woman and child in this so-called glorious \»nd of liberty. Are we not bloonuog set of idiots to sit lendy by and p#rmii the deadly upas free of militarism to spring right unc er ou r noses W e u p free people, claim to be a a lo¬ publican form of government, a coimfiy whoso bulwark is its jeoaianry, and whose strength Lte not in uniformed battal¬ ion’s but in the patriotism of its picple. Yet we pay annually more than the German empire does for a standing army of GOO. 000! The way to remedy this growing evil of militarism, ex¬ travagance and imperilismis to defeat McKinley and Roosevelt. Turn the rascals out.— Marietta Journal. - A P, nrisj lvania preacher was recently very much because of the erection of a brewery in his town,-and, in ;.i fervent prayer, asked that fire be sent from heaven to consume it, A little later it was by light¬ ning and well nigh demolished. The brewery men think the minister responsiable and have * rDlwed suit for damages. Had Ik liquor men of the United States been piesentm thy time iif Noah they would have appli »dfor an injunction against the 11 )0d’ Childhood Should be fiade Happy and Useful. To sing, to be merry is our tiis .1 for all chil re i, for child lit-od is tne one Hum of escape fit rn heavy ierponsibili!y r . A ml, old foced broken-hearted • i Id nearly bn aks our heart. T day we study to make the tt cessary work of childhook a j y, a pleasure, so they can mg as they work. Parents h oiild teach them by exam pie Mu j iy over their toils, for all kdcau be made light by a toi'K in the heart. If we could contrast iho con thion of our children w ith . il«*e in Cl'ina and heathen buis we would see how much tans did for childhood when lie pmbed aside hia apostles repre fc'i'tiug as they did the old idea d'hiidreu, and took them io k'i- < ims and blessed them. Fol¬ ding him the best brains are l'b vning to really bless this |* potunglbe ; "i , « U ght, traiDtog '-•'i-into the life of ever} chile. s! ieisnotan Orphan’s Home "' v orld over, except as (he ro ^ condition "f 'he example of the of orphan Jesus. is d| **0(iful except where be has ihe dignity and value of and where his ,lf| been felt. The father-! Kt f l «!d in other lands be 'W can pi, o£ a,,y one eTea t0 be ' f the vilest purpose ' . orphan s He,™ watd, t virUh love j ,eni and wis tin d is the most important lfc of i;f e . i m / ®M»t'@» a € w l' / ❖ \g>> CONYERS. GA, SATURDAY, JUNE 30. Wise and Otherwise. If you would gain frif'iids you must be one. Gratitude is the fond recol lie u n < f the heart, Jnaustry is a good estate and ; tliligt nee is a fair fortune, j —The most tireless followers of i fortune are a man’s creditors. If you undertake to watch a give up all others tasks. The man who looks where he steps never stumbles over ob¬ stacles. Hope often buds when it is cloudy, hut it blooms only lu sunshine . He whose liking for all men is the same has no love for any individual. Love is one of the few tilings that is never displayed on a bargain counter, Success comes to those who make up their minds to do a thing—then do it. There arc too many ladies and gentlemen in the world and not enough women and men. Mere trifles are for more happiness aud more misery than great happenings. The rich man who lias noth ing to do and ihe poor man who can get nothing to do aro boto to bo pitied. Love is like all other diseases when the victim has had a bad case and puihcl through in feels piv-.ud of himself, Missing Words Supplied. A short time ago the Fluid, delpbia l’ress gave thefoliow ing as a summary of the plat forms of tne two great parties as they have been adopted iu various States this year, The Republican platform: We endorse- We rejoice-— We glory We are proud of Wa heartily support We entrust- Democratic platform • We repudiate— {j&We mourn- We decry- We are ashamed We condemn— We denounce— We disavow Lest some one not familiar * Bliilding Mdfenal, Now is the time to make im provements upon your house. We ave a u kinds of lumber, shingles, gtc., aild. Will Sell Cheap. YOU Call ShllttOrS, 'WllldOW _ l)Eiy dOOT SaSJl, mantles etc., at , low . blinds, prices LIS. Don’t delay the matter until winter comes. Do yonr re pairing now. Come to us lor any thing you want in the line of build, ° u ing material. WALLIS & aUIOG. v\ ith the political sentiments of' the day should stumble in an effort to fi.l in the blanks above the Los Anglos Herald come to the rescue end fills out the blanks in follows: We endorse—imperialism. We rejoice—in ti usts. We glory in—Hannaism. We are of—McKinley’s re c ird. as n Hopper. We heartily support—a bank¬ ing currency We entrust—the country to boss rule. We commend—Militarism. That is the Repubican plat¬ form. We repudiate—imperialism. We mourn--the substitution of boss rule for popular gov¬ ern men t. We decry—the control of money system by the banks. We are ashamed—of the in the Pbillippines. We condemn—imperialism. We denounce—Hanmisru. We disavow—militarism. That is the Democratic plat¬ form ,0*i which do you prefer bi stand. CASTOniA. Dears the The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of m 11 i!i w «< * W<! n s'. W'm & 1 % i Before Retiring • « «« take Ayer's Pills, and you will sleep better and wake in better condition for the day’s work. Ayer’s Cathartic Pills have no equal as a pleasant and effect¬ ual remedy for constipation, biliousness, sick headache, and all liver troubles. They arc riraT"St a .he y “«" out tile annoyances experienced pil’s'on’die'tnarket^Ask your druggist for Ayer’s Cathartic Pills. When other pills won’t help you, Ayer’s is THE PILL THAT WILL. Mon’s Livery Staples; When you want a good, safe turnout, one that you can drive with PLEASURE AND SATIsFaCTION One that looks weli and goes well, call on me. Good drivers furnished if desired Terms very reasonable. M, H. MELTON Every man i» anxious to ht>!p| his neighbor when lie dori’t need j it. One way to git a tead is to raise cabbage. Very few people have weak eyes from looking on the bright sido of things. The life of an Australian na¬ tive rarely exceeds fifty years • In 1800 there were 220 horses in Australia, and iu 1000 there are 2,000,000. In a short timo the Japanese population of Sen Francisco will reach 20,000 • Some husbands vi ould do si most anything tojrendor their wives unspeakably happy. I ft 7 ! V u Or. Lee's Sofla Man g^TIS NOW IN FULL BLAST. When you want a cool, refreshing, delicious, exhilerating and healthful drink call at Dr. LEE’S DRUG STORE. That debonair young gentleman, Elgin Stewart, has become an adept in the dispensing of drinks and he will always be pleased to srveyou. SUMMER f UXUE 1 ES. ¥0taMmi4rs Will receive a ear lotid of ice next week and can supply all comers. Prices will be reasonable ICE COLD DRINKS OF ALL KINDS SERVED AT MY FOUNT. ALL ENVITEE TO PATRONIZE * Bicycles for sale at low prices. Bicycle repairing done atshort notice and inbest manner. See me. W. W. T. STEWART. < 33 4 is s c £ . i f) ^GEORGIA a24orr^/jt ABOVE SEA. Agricultural College 1 Main BuiUMng. Rtt m Ell m f ss | DAHLONEGA, GA. A college, education In Urn reach ( f nil. A.B., Normal and Bualuesa Man’s courses. <',00(1 laboratories; licaltlitul, good invigorating moral and Cli¬ nt to; military discipline; Cheapest bonrd in the mllifious liifliiBitccs, state.; abundance of country board produce; in dormitories expenses from §75 to S1S1 a year; Special license for or private fauiill s. all course under the teachers; full faculty of nine; control of iho University. A college he propar- insti¬ atory class. Co-education forstudentsof of sexes. 1 limited tution founded for specially catalogue to the! resident. means. Semi * A'M. S. STBtvaxr, SB5^~ADVE WI3SMENTS . PLACED IN THE BY THE NO. 26 CGyVSSSTT'OSC^X^K. flit f-c liBiis «igc,v,u:a si • <2- ► o A FRICAN A will cure Rheumatism anfl *» Scrofula to Stay Cured II Mete Ians if. I have opened up my repair shop in tht Post and am now pre- pared to do all kinds of repairing and clean¬ ing of Jewelry® I have be:-n in Conyers befort this, and the people know my work. I will appreciate the patronege of the public. Very Resp. A. J. Strom. ATTRACTIVE • v FEATURES OF THE ATLANTA Semi-Weekly Journal. In addition to its «nperb newi ser¬ vice, covering the world at lurg® and the southern states in partic¬ ular, The Seiul-Weekly Journal has many attractive, entertaining and Instructive features, invaluable fat southern hernia and farms. STRONG NEWS SERVICE. The service of the Associated Press, bringing tiie news from all parts of the world, le supplemented by the special Itews service of The Journal In Georgia anJ the southern states, and tbo tel® grams and letters of Us Washington c. 0 f« respondent, Mr. James A. Holloman, whe will pay special attention to matters at the national capital which Interest the people of the southern mules. (SPECIAL FEATURES. In addition to the COlitrtbUttoflS dt these and lyindreds of local correspon¬ dent*, The eemi-Weekly Journal will, from time to time, print letter* from farmer* who have dlutlnguiebed them •elvee by auccerij in particular things, thawing; how they tr-hleved such reitiltt. Th/s Seml-Weol:ly Journal has ft dig tinjpn'ihed list of contributors including Rev. Sam Jone*, Hon. John Tempi* Graves, Mrs. W. H. Felton, Hon. C. M. Jordan and others. BAM JONES. I Rev. Sain Jones, tvho has been called the St. Faul of hi* generation, will con¬ tinue to contribute hi* breezy letters, written in the courae of hi* travels, from different parts of the country, full of wit, wisdom and originality and season*! with hard sense. MRS. XV. IX. FELT0XL 1 Mrs. W. IT. Felton, ih* Oeorg* EU*t •f the south, has taken charge of a new department, to be known as "The Coun¬ try Home.” This distinguished lady I* known far and wide by the power of h*» pen, and her ability was recognized dur¬ ing the world’s fair, when she was ap¬ pointed to represent Georgia. She has ol late stirred up much enthusiasm by h*f tetters and speeches on country Ilf* an! the means for making It attractive. JOHN TEMPLE GRAVES. Contributions from Hon. John* Graves will b® printed from time to tlntf. Mr. Graves Is one of the princes of th* lecture platform,a man of extensive travel and experience, a gifted and eloquent •rator, a fearless writer and an indepen¬ dent thinker, whose utterances hav® ha! much to do with shaping the policy ®f Georgia’s educational Institutions an! have had tbelr effect In rscent political campaign. i HON. C. H. JORDAN. i The agricultural department t* It Charge of Hon.'C. II. Jordan, chalrma* of the committee on agriculture In th® Georgia house of representatives. He I* a successful and practical farmer, bom and raised on the middle Georgia planta¬ tion, where he now resides. H’.s crusade for diversified, self-sustaining agriculture and his Work for the establishment of farmers' Institutes have mad® him friend* all over the south and Ms practical talk* twice a week In the Semi-Weekly Jour sal constitute one of Us best feature®. JUVENILE DEPARTMENT. Th® Juvenile department, cVntalnia! letters from young people all over th* country, with Interesting stories of Iif* and sdv*ntur®, will oontlnu® to attra*f Ik* b*f* Mi , _