Conyers weekly. (Conyers, GA.) 1895-1901, July 07, 1900, Image 1

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VERTISEM ENTS placed in the ^CONYERS B EAOBYTHEP«> p VOL. XVIII. ^Teii tno x.utn lOditoL-. \ wesfcfn editor, who believes in follies ‘ " \h« truth, printed the fol LingrecenHj: Slmribke and Annie Willie married the j;},Miners were at church hist overling. _ The clnirrli „„ prettily decorated with UH i potted plants borrowed Lmiscnously jr3 , from over the town from peop!e that didn,t want to lend them. The decoration (lo;ie- 1,,K h‘ r protest, by some "1 (],<: member 8 of tho church w ho ueio asked to d<> so by the d hie, and coil Ida t well refuse. Tin huii<.s |re.of the opinion that if the col, Reivers so bent on lm ing a jiili wedding they should ha\t, been [jilliug Lseall to have paid fur someone day gct- to over town a Lg flowers together and taking lliein home again, handsome Sil The bride wore a reristem gown (made at nome), laud the groom was decked out in [ii hand-me-down suit. The ushers wore cutaway coats borrowed 'for the occasion. Sallic Potts was thfe maid of honor, and the con* census of opinion was that she was 2 to 1 better than the bride, The jc uipie took the morning train fur b'c. Louis, where they will spend more money in a few days Uian [Willie cun earn in three months. i 'dFillie says that now he,s n ar¬ med he’s going to settle down. Line of i ur merclnuits thinks it, LnulA have be m better if he had fettled up first. The groom gets nsalary of *$27 a month, which is Limit the allowance Annie has LWi used to for pin money. tint V\ T e j Lwsislt for will’s e;tke, the If//,/laying that it takes no in >re • j fin support two than one wusn,t ! Ii-’. 'The bride sent us a shoe box t i 1 G k H n Our fee returned if we fail. Any one sending sketch and description of any invention will promptly receive our opinion free concerning the pateat ibility of same. “How to obtain a patent” sent upon request. Patents lecured through us advertised for sale at our expense. Patents taken out through us receive special notice, without charge, in Tiis Patent Record, an illustrated and widely circulated journal, consulted by Manufacturers and Investors.” Send for sample copy Address, VICTOR J* EVARS & GO., (Patent Attorneys,) O. Ivans Building, WASHINGTON, O. DEOI UQIbDIDBRY. My new spring millinery is now ready for inspection aad ui's the ladies to call and examine same' \I / p rices will be Mmiable, and goods new and stylish, I have engaged the Fires of Miss Ragsdale, an expert trimmer, and all work will I' 1, [»tily done. VERY RESPECTFULLY, Miss Emma Riey. GA I LEY’S \ s 1 FoiiiHai 5 Sp ciais. •O kinds of delicious summer ' la ss served at this fount. We I tyU r C\ al! to try drinks. ' -- VAi - our ICE CREAM AND SHERBETS Conveniently •a' Served. CALL A r r pULEY’S *! M / W @ OT » / V * Vt A? Cj^ CONYERS, GA, SATURDAY, JUYL 7 1900. full <>f a conglomeration of stuff supposed to be cake, If this is n sample of Annie's cooking we feel snrrj f t) , Willie. Our janitors dog fell ludr to (be caRp* mid now -lie's lying in t !ip cold, cold ground. But this is none of olir funeri.l. j£ \VilJie nn«l Annie are satisfied we've got no kick coining.’’—In— dianapblis News. How Baseball stiu*t«Hl. The devil was the first coacher. jj e coached Eve, and when she g j 0 ] e fi rs t Adam stole second, when the servant of Isaac met Re¬ j )eKa jj t) )e we j] s [i e W;i9 walking with a pitcher. Sampson struck ou jt a good many times when he ^ga^he Philistines Moses made the first run when he slew the F gyptians. Cain made a ba e hit when he slew Abel. Abialutm made a sacrifice. Tho prodigy-. 1 son made d borne run. David was a long distant thrower, and Moses shut out the Egyptians at the Hetl Sea.—Ex. You Will Never Ho .‘iori’y ' For doing your level best. For your faith in humanity* For being kind to the poor. For hearing before judging. For being candid and frank. To" thinking before speaking, For discounting the tale bearer. Forleing loyal to the preacher, For standing by your principle . For asking p trdon when in ror * Fertile inllueuo of high m<» lives. For bridling a slander/ ti; ton gun. dread and distress. We caunol <ee that any vf ihe discussion ** has proved tbit, the lightning rod has been of the leart n-e At best this would be negative pi oof were it possible to pro¬ duce it. As it stands, however, rural districts are the home of t he lightning rod and the place where lightning does nearly all its damage • We do not see many lightning rods m cities, nor do we hear much about ihe evil ffect-s of lightning in them. * < A 8cientirt says itiera are 100, 000 hairs in the average wo¬ man’s bead, Tho number hairs in the average man’s lie d riopends on the length of time ho has been married. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of # I [ NEW buggies; good buggies. We ha ve received a number of new buggies , first-class buggies, handsome • ; that well, • - bugg t weai fmrm run well and look weel; buggies that sell well because they are great values, MCELVANY & RRODNAX. For being generous with an on- • my. For being square in biiaiiie&g I ! deals. Fur sympathizing wit Ii tiro op piffisvtL CASTOniA. Bears the Tho Kind You Have Always Bought Signature cf •— The Fear of Lightning;. At this time of the year when thunder showers are frequent, nervous persons suffer ihuch from the dread of lightning. Jcieutist endeavor to comfort us bv telling us on tho best author ity that there is little danger to life from lightning. The Kim tn a 1 Review m it’s last i-sue Says: Tne fact of the maffnrsrt ins to he that lightning; shohh vm-v nearly harmless. *Sotoe whore ilium 'm tiundred poop'd ate ki ! die it annua > iiin tho U inied^tutes. out of a oopubition of nearly eighty million people; moie are kiiled by the nails in 1 heir shots i r by falling chini neys • The real trouble seems to be that thousands of people arc badly scared sever&l times every sutuim i by lightning, or rather bv the thunder that ac ootfipani(jit( L< , ar btJ jt frotn U9 to shake the fait h <>f any mu soul who believes <fe I foather lifi-d ti) he a haven of! safety during a thunder storm. Che utnchonojvd rules about siti ng in drafts or near open windows or standing reee are wml! worth obse rving, ! esp-ciiby if tiscy give individ i u ils alleviate' his mortal i^iav Striding i\ \ ;<T j c c--» Now is the time to make im prOV6111^11 tS UpOH 3^0111' llOTLSe We " kllld-S # Ol* lllllluGF, Sxllllg’iGS, i * i Jl3,V0 clll v and will sell cheap, You can buy door shutters, window sash, blinds , mantles etc., at low prices from us. Don’t delay the matter until winter comes. Do your re V for paring now. Come to us any thing you want in the line of buid material. WALLACE & QUIGG. SUM M151 V t liXUMES. - Y Will receive a cttr lead <>t ice next week and can supply all comers, Prices will be reasonable I0E COLD DRINKS OF ALL KINDS SERVED AT MY FOUNT. ALL ENVITEE TO PATRONIZE ME. * A.'* Bicycles for sale at low prices Bicycle repairing . • done nt short notice and in best manner. £ee mi. Of w \V. T. STEWART. i . Mob's Liwy Stables; When j ou want a good, safe turnout, ane that you cat drive with PLEASURE AND SATIsFaCTION Ono that looks wt'Ji and g>)es well, call on me. +m< Good drivers famished if dosirec 7 Terms very reasonable. ; : H, MELTON BPECIAE FEATURES. ' In a/ldltlon to tha contrlbutfohs of > those and hundreds of local correspon¬ dents, The Serpi-Weeltly Journal will, from time to time, print lexers from farmers who have distinguished them¬ selves by success In particular , things, showing how they achieved such results. The Semi-Weekly Journal has a dis¬ tinguished list of contributors. Including Rev. Sam Jones, Hon. John Tempi* Graves, Mrs. W, H. Felton, Hon. C. H. Jordan and others. SAM JONES. i Rev. Sam Jones, who ha* been called the St. Paul of his generation, will con¬ tinue to contribute his breezy letters, written in the course of his travels, from different parts of the country, full of wit, wisdom and originality and seasons^ MRS. with hard W. sense. H. FEETON. I Mrs. W. IT. Felton. th« George E!!o» ef the south, lias taken charge of a new department, to ba known'as "The Coun¬ try Home.” This distinguished lady 1* knpwn far and wide by. the power, of her i pen. and her ability was recognized dur¬ ing the world'* fair, when she was ap¬ pointed to represent Georgia. She has of > late stirred up much enthusiasm by har lettcra and speeches on country Ilf* end the mean* for malting It attractive, JOHN TEMPLE GRAVES. Contributions from Hon. John Tempi* Graves will be printed from tlm* tp; time. Mr. .Graves is one of the princes of th* lecture platform,a man of extensive travel and experience, a gifted anti eloquent orator, a fearless writer and an indepen¬ dent thinker, whose utterances hav* had much to do with *hapingr the policy of Georgia's educational Instftutione and have had their effect In recent political campaign. < t HON. C. K. JORDAN. Th? agricultural department t* la charge of Hon. C. II. Jordan, 'chalrmut of (he committee on agriculture in th* Georgia house of representatives. He Is a successful and practical farmer, born end raised on the middle Georgia planta¬ tion, where he now resides. His, crusad* for diversified, relf-sustainlng agriculture and his work for the - establishment of farmers'Institutes have made h^m friends *H over the south ar.d his practical talk* twice a week in the Semi-tVeel^ly Jour bp. 1 constitute one of its best features. jrvrrriEE department. The* department, containin. :«tters from yaur.g people all tjver th* country with interesting stories of Hf* and adventure, will cent lout t. *ttr*«< Mtt h8JT| Jtfifc — *4 ADVERTISEMENTS placed in the ■%-CONYDRS ' f* ARE READ BY THE PEOPLE, NO. 27. ‘•We !, ! I n dn-adfu! ti i ■ r tiefob «v made at mu' ii,a,:ir i) f ••fI<UV SO? 1 • '• ii.-l i f ! be Wo m ! l! « i' lib¬ to p/1 v it dm i deb.l, » J‘1 on our •: - * i .0 " odvr half v, nr, tut id • ntiv < \if TL i' gymnn a \vh el.'tudiaipipe!i» Journal. *■ m WWftffiQ S |iVB eft *3 PATENT liny be secured Good by ideas I l'Jb b a T 5 ™ 1 B our aid. Addreas v the piVfENT Rtco'p.o, Subscriptions Record Baltimore. MS. to The Patent siJJOpor <o>cum. • • 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE r T\ v Trade Marks Designs Copyrights &c. /\rronn sending a pketcfc and description may Quickly ascertain our opinion free wliether aii invention is probably patentable. Communion* lions strictly cor.tldcutlal. lliuulbookon Patents ocnfcfree. Oldest jiureney tbrou^h for securing patents. Patents taken Munu & Co. receive special notice » wit bout charge, in the Stkntific Jfmerican. wnpitlv. culation A linndsomoly lllustrntprt t.nnrnst cir¬ of any aolenUtio Sold Journul. U’erma, IS a rear: four months, fl. bynll newsdealers. fMN&Co. 38,Broa<1 ^ New York llraaoh Olllco. C.W V St., Wosliinjjion. D. C. ATTRACTIVE FEATURES y». OF THE ? ATLANTA AY* 1 Semi-V/eekly Journal. In addition to its superb news ser¬ vice, covering the world at large and t>.c southern states in partic¬ ular, Yiio Semi-Weekly Journal hAS many attractive, entertaining and instructive features, invaluable fo* southern homes and farms. STItOXG NEWS SERVICE. The service ot the Associated Pres*. bringing the news from all parts of the world, Is supplemented by the special news service of The Journal In Georgia anJ tha southern states, and tha tele¬ grams and letters of Its Washington cor¬ respondent, Mr. James A. Holloman, whs will pay special attention to matters at the national capital which Interest thf people of the southern states. 1