Conyers weekly. (Conyers, GA.) 1895-1901, July 14, 1900, Image 1

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{^advertisements i placed in the L Lconvers E SEAD BY THE VOL. X VIII. ELECTIONS OF | A BACHELOR. y woman that belongs to pi libs has uo business to b long to a man. At' a man gets married he never gets what he wants to eat except by accideut. . y women is always mortified (o death to know that her hired girl has found out that slje false bangs. pickled olives wore for women to take to picnics #n ,l make their husbands sick all the way home. Most married men would be at home oftt-ner if their Lei'C at home less. A man never knows whether 8 woman is really beautiful or cot till he has seen her without her corsets and with no collar on. Every woman has a story a bout a man whose wife died | and his hair turned gray iu a i single night, I fc'bow me a girl’s bureau and I’ll tel! you her favorite actor. Ananias probably made most of his reputation while he was courting. Lots of :-.ien who won’t ever be arrested for bigamy have got one wife too many. The women who refuse to fell tsar ago to ihe cetti-us man m gem rally eld onotigh to 'MMl A O 3 A I - r ~--, , description of Oar fee returned if we fail. Any one sending sketch and any invention will promptly receive our opinion free concerning the patent j’oility of same. “How to obtain a patent” sent upon request. Patents secured through us advertised for sale at our expense. Patents taken out through us receive special notice , without charge, in The Patent Record, an illustrated and widely circulated journal, consulted by Manufacturers and Investors. Send for sample copy FREE* Address, W 6 QTOR J. EVMNS & CO., {Patent Attorneys,) O. {Vans Building, WASHINGTON, O. DEUI EQIlililDEKY. My new spring millinery is now ready for inspection asd Rite the ladies to call and examine same - My prices will be IE: -onable, and goods new and stilish. I bare engaged th* sit es of Miss Ragsdale, an expert trimmer, and alHvork will !i. : ! f< prrly done. VERY RESPECTFULLY, Miss Emma Riey. GAILKY’S tfoda Fountain Spoials. O 0 All kinds of delicious summer 'kinks served at this fount. We t h- te a!! to try' our drinks. ICE GREAM AND SHERBETS onveniently (Al.l/ Served. AT NleY’S fountain. il$ ®u«« % m \ A ■<*% n CONYERS. GA, SATURDAY, JUYL 14 1900. know better. War makes a few heroes, hut married life makes all the rest. There generally isn’t very | much in h man who can carry unbreHa just right. I an When two women discover that they have hate on that are i alike they begin to hate each other. Probably no real rich girl ever has a chance to find out that g [ je j s ugly, No doubt two people can live cheaper than one. but nobody ever saw an instance where ^ e y did. A man with a tie on that his wife thinks lie looks well in is almost as rare as a woman with’tiroes on that are big e nough—-New York Press. —-- u will cure Constipation and s The Cu!illicit Leader truly says; ( i Judge Candler, by hi action in fining heavily several women of the ’half world’ in Atlanta and telling the grand jury that fhe owners of the honscs rented to these women wiio occupy them for immoral purposes ought to be indicted, shows that he is not afraid to do bis duty. If we had more judges like Jno. S Candler the social evil, whicn is one of the greatest curses of tin age, might be ie,settled. * I 0^3kSTOniA. Dears tho I i.o Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of ‘ Tin- only trouble ‘bout iliese (Mlleg^s,” said tho old man, ‘is ■ hn i - <-blicatoa a hoy in furrin ItngiMges, and wden he gets ho i - n goes to plowin’ be cus¬ ses the mule in Latin, an’ tho poor uuedicated creatin ’can t ondevata-n* him!—Atlanta Con > t -; ion. • -*< CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Eears the Signature of IN LEGAL LANGUAGE. *■ If 1 were io give you an or¬ ange.” said Judge Foot ot To¬ peka to 1) O. Mr (Jr ary , “l would simply bay ‘f gw you the orange, bur. should rhe trails be entrusted to a lawyer to put io writing he would adopt hiaf '"’ “I hereby give, grant and convey to you all my i,ner Ba , right, tele and advantage of and in said orange, together with its rindj. skin, juice, pulp and pits, and all right and advantage therein, with full power to bile, suck, or otherwise eat the same, or give away with or without rind, skin, juice, pulp or pile, anything hereinbefore or in any otlier deed oi deeds, or any in strumen's of anv nature or kind whatsoever to the contrary m wise notwithstanding. 1 1 any Two of the most proruinpnt papers of New York make the action of the Philadelphia con¬ vention the occasion for expres¬ sing their opposition to Mr. Mc¬ Kinley anu Mr. Bryan. They are the Herald and the Evening Post. The Herald thinks that if McKinley were antmitled by a desire to do what is beet for the count iy he would retire in favor of Mr. Roosevelt, and that the democratic managers would manifest the same good spirit by throwing overboard Mr. Bry¬ an and con ing out strongly for Mr. Cleveland. The mg Post, culls M;. McKinley a weak man well good intentions _ nd Mr Br} an a strong man > ho means mischief, ft hopes ‘ia ; a tandid. te w lio c<>mt*imp > im less with ii talfigeuco and L ootl principles wijl yet I,*? of ’oie l to the voters. B neems tout the only thing for there i vvt emin -m journals to do is t.« takt to the woods.—Colum¬ bus Em.|uirer~Suu, Now is the time to make im¬ provements upon your house. We have all kinds of lumber, shingles, etc., and will sell cheap. You can buy door shutters, window sash, blinds, mantles etc., at low prices from us. Dou’t delay the matter until winter comes. Do your re paring now, Come to us for any thing you want in the line of buid ing Diaterial. WALLACE & QUIGG. NEW BUGGIES; GOOD BUGCIES. We have received a Dumber of new buggies, first-class buggies, handsome buggies * • buggies that run well, wear well and look weel; buggies that sell well because they are oreat values. MCELVANY & BRODNAX. SUMMEi > { t)X cm fV ill 1 *GC 01 * VC '-W <i CHI* IO I 0 (1 1 (){ . , 110Xt l 1C*J M'CCK H 11(1 Cftll • supply all comers. # * *' W iH be 1^1801011)10 ICE COLD DRINKS OF ALL KINDS SERVED AT MY FOUNT. ALL ENVITEE TO PATRONIZE ME. Bicycles for sale at low prices. Bicycle repai” torn* t done at short notice and inbest manner, bee me. W. W. T. STEW ART. Mia’s Livery Stables; When you want a good, safe turnout one that you can drive with PLEASURE AND SATIsFaCTION One that looks well and goes well, call on me. Good drivers furnished if desired Terms very reasonable. M. H. MELTON Bliilding M^feuiui! :r.'- /ICVFRTJKEMENTS FLACEO IN THE TtCONYDRS BYTKEFCOftU NO. 28. Ueii. ;■ reiu iin )>o .r iiian ao (j'liitf WffiH.’ -it. the of vtiur guou itrtnie. N -»b!e to mg'«ts are j nvelrt r.hat you simuhl Wear in the r li' ad. rvuvrvrr i HI m UT Good Ideas l | I 1.11 U'l f'4 vjj fit — mEy bo seenrerl by our aid. Iddress, 1 Ja a B3 j*S the PATENT iitCORO, Subscriptions The Record $i,Gu iiaiilmore, Md. to Patent per Annum* • -»-C£» A~ 0 4 a 1 m mM m % |Sj3SP;V •J.(X iVM - ^ Trade Marks Designs Copy rights &c. Anyone ascertain sending a s!;ctch opinion and free description wliethe may &i» quickly intewtlon !•? prohnhly our p-ticntable. ('ommunl.M. r f lom> HtrieM v cor ii<; out in!. 1 land hook on I *nf ents cent free. Oldest n : ;onc>* for Mmui Rocuring patent*. Patents taken through ft Co. receive special notice, v. it boat t iwg a, in tho Scknlifle American. A handsomfily lllnalralnd wpcWt. I.nrpo.t p!r cuIatUm «{ any oniontlBo J.iurual. Term... fH a year; four rnontljs, Jl. Sold byui! New nowertenlers. York MUNN Branch ^ Bo. 36jero:!j F Wa.liinutun, ^ l). C. Office, (Kd HU Lr ATTRACTIVE FEATURES OF THE ATLANTA - Semi-Weelcly Journal. In adaition to it* superli news ser* vice, covering tlie world nt largtt And tlio southern states in partic¬ ular, The Semi-Wfeekly Journal h.i» Many attractive, entertaining and instructive Jojvtnrca, invalnalilo io* ■onthern liomea and farnts. STRONG NEWS SERVICE. Th* *ervlc« of tha Associated Pres*, brlnelng the new* from all parts of th* world. Is supplemented by tho special nows service of The Journal In Georgia And tho southern states, and tho tele¬ grams and letters of lta ■Washington cor¬ respondent, Mr. James A. Holloman, who will pay special attention to matters at the national capital which Interest th* people of the southern states. SPECIAL FEATCRES. In addition to th« contributions ot these and hundreds of local correspon¬ dents, The Semi-Weekly Journal will, from time_ to tlm?., print letters from farmers who have distinguished them **lves by success in particular things, showing how they achieved such results. Th* Semi-Weekly Journal has a dis¬ tinguished list of contributors, including Rev. Bam Jones, lion. John Tempi* Graves, Mrs. W. H. Felton, Kon. C. H. Jordan and others. ■AM JONES. Rev. Sam Jones, who has been called the St. Paul of his generation, will con¬ tinue to contribute hi* breezy letter*, written In the course of l-.Is travels, from different partB of the country, full of wit, wisdom and originality and seasoned with hard sense. MRS. W. H. FELTON. Mrs. W. It, Felton, the Georg* Eliot •f the south, has taken charge of a new department, to be known as "The Coun¬ try Homo.” Tills distinguished lady 1* known far and wide by the power of her pen, and her ability was recognized dur¬ ing the world's fair, when she was ap¬ pointed to represent Georgia. She has of late stirred up much enthusiasm by her letters and speeches on country Ilf* and the means for making it attractive. j JOHN TEMPLE GRAVES. Contributions from Hon. John Tempi* Graves will be printed from time to time. Mr. Graves is one of the princes of the lecture platform,a man of extensive travel and experience, a gifted and eloquent •rator. a fearless writer and an indepen¬ dent thinker, whose uttoranccs hav* had much to do with shaping the policy of Georgia's educational institutions and kav* had their effect in recent political campaign. i HON, C. H. JORDAN. The agricultural department la lgl charge of Hon. C. H. Jordan, chairman •f the committee on agriculture in tha Georgia house of representatives. He la A successful and practical farmer, born and raised on the middle Georgia planta¬ tion. where he now resides. Ills crusada for diversified, seif-sustaining agriculture and his work for the establishment ot farmers' institutes have mads him friend* all over the south and his practical talk* twice a week In the Sami-Weekly Jour¬ nal constitute or.s of Its best features. JUVENILE DEPARTMENT. Th* juvenile department, containing letters from young people all over th* country, with interesting storie* of Ilf# and advontuie. will csjtUlni* to Attr**l UM tMf-A &e4 ___ - t* _