Conyers weekly. (Conyers, GA.) 1895-1901, July 21, 1900, Image 1

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- gf R T§ TO T7I 6 /n Ml 4 ^ "O YKfDJWXV H'i •; ■:'i ! N 1-: • il .H n • . -A--. £ 1 _____ c/J -: ! N LAO t M ;■ V i ii n. o ? ,' a0 J. 1‘;: v vJ2 : I. f • VOL. /V v v V i: in. r ,/r /-•-n n ; *y . f ikMU P E* i P T l5 u 0 Ri 3Y3SI 26 rvA^ I Y ■; . a 3 p*sea H il THE WISE WILL PIK)FIT! fgte ■;, .cs>:;:-irs^saEsasa When you are told that you can save money by trading ' with N. T. STREET it is not an empty asser« , saving oi to tiOE It is a truth that means • a money you if you only take the trouble to investigate it. A GENERAL STORE Carr> mg' any tiling' *> you need 9 and Will be pleased to make you some pn ees that t will convince you if you Will only call at my store. Bring CD ; me your country produce. N. T. STREET. i irw i^ I j« | perfect ‘er'nianeilt Hwiilla j, S J Can only bz secured by g-ood !*! | ljL?dTs&ALdlt diyostion. This can be had uknce''J: by £ r l]e '/ f 0 i. M0SI3C1I - a , T I, . 1 •** $ I Which qukkly relieve all * stomach and liver troubles, V \ J and keep the system'healthy. v Fifty cents buys a bo:: at^ny % l drug store. They are made by % v M, con’s exclusive wholesale £ .?• | drug house. «!• 1 , I rre ray 1 C- £: _ Peek , X i Drug Co. CJ aa. SS "3Z O ^S. X A » |e*ta tha The Kind You Have Always Bought %aatnre '4 of 19) \ X V 1 bl lildiog L\ . 'i i c: (. . mndii ^V'AArVWW* I Now is the time to make improve pients upon your house. We have l&U kinds of lumber, shingles, etc., tod will sell cheap, You can buy ibor shutters, window sash, blinds, tontles etc., at low prices from us. Pi 3 m’t delay the matter until winter pmes. Do your repairing now. bme to us for any thing you want [N the line of building material. WALLACE & Q,UIGG. DEttl njIhLIBERy. My new spring millineuy is now ready for inspection and tti* ladies to call and examine same - My prices will he It- l, ile, and goods and stylish, I hare engaged tb« ’ new of Miss Ragsdale, au expert trimmer and all work wilt !ff dy done. very respectfully, Miss Emma Riey. CONYERS. \ , SATURDAY. JUYL 21 1900. Weekly newspapers are fro quently short on business and are pressed for money, but as a rule they will never adopt inetli 0(Js of moiu , y making w.«ld be d,;..mgin K t„ II, character and hurtful to their readers. Tho Outhbert ! recently refnspd xp-acyept j ruunicaiions ITom two pirtivs who navjug , a new«p .per were controversy,-ev-m when offered pay to publish them T he act is'commendable In a note i lie t . dit01 . rxpWnMl hi , t „ saying that ho feared .puldish iug the communications m'gm serve to widen the breech a! ready existing. In l lie column of a newspaper is not the plac^ for men fo settle their troubles. In the !F-st place the trouble ot uwo men should not be thrust j upon the public : atid again, self respecting newspaper wiR allow i»elf to be ..«d 1 priaa ring for such even when pay is offored. -Moul 1 Observer. ' ire Religious Thought, , Love does gladly and joyous¬ ly all it con do for its objects, and grieves that it cannot do more. 16 counts no loid heavy no rough and uo hour long ! | There is sore need in this day telling iho old, old story of God and IIis wiath, as well as the old old story of Jc.uh and His love. CLd i;i angry with the wicked every day. While IIis love is shown and mercy exten¬ ded to fallen and lost huruani ty. Do we spend as much of our time in prayer 1 as the farthers did? Men who have been sue ceBsf ul in the conversion of souls have been men of prayer. Ab raham-8 pleading for So.!o.u, •Jacob wrestling till tho “day breaketh/ Daniel pleading for full three w eks with ten days* united pleading at Pentocost, are examu!es of wrestling w’ith God - Zion's Herald. 'The man who owes the maker cannot call his soul his own. The man who is always ser ions or always marry is but a half man. Don’t waste rime in ^ * over W I>at mijDH have make the best of what is. Practice may not make the lawyer perfect, but enough of it Yviil sure make him rich. !, bitterest . ... . enmity ., exists . , ‘ e bet^een those who were raerly the , best of friends • • Oua.OI’OH.XA.. Bears the Ths Kind Yoa Have Always Bought Signature of The moneyed man cm i in almost auy gje ety, Tliw Mlin<n«* < Vnti\ii fasf. train j fruiii N-*vv OiirjatiH for Chicago 1 iv;.w 1 1 »• Ji! nit an>l robbed < f a hbuf § 10 000 two utiles Mtiila i t WickliiFe. Ky. ’l int i ran. W;,s ■ H.'iLY'il. The fironian w ; i-; lout-r y liHitinn, w1 11 1h i he expreen ui.-sf^ Mger was driven from hi car f.t, the point of a nil i. The' robbers, six in number, cut. the en^'nio and exprors car mul ran a mile and a half to Foil Jefferson, near thefOliio Riven and within si^bt of the Missou¬ ri shore. There they blew open the ex profs safe, secured valu¬ ables it contained and crossed into Missouri. They dropped one yackage containing §700 on the Kentucky side and another on the Missouri side, both of which w'ete found. Failure after a long persever¬ ance is far better than a disin¬ clination to try. The average man puls a great er value upon a favor ho be¬ stows than upon one he re¬ ceives. • -»• •ir- • ATTRACTIVE FEATURES O? THE ATLANTA Eenii-Weekly Journal In lutdltlon to lt« superb new* *er vioe,,layering tl»e «?orlA at large and (be eonthern *tates in partio nla*% Tbe £emi-Weekly Journal has Eiauy attractive, entortaining ond instructive feature*, invaluable tor •outliern liomei and farms. EXR0K6 KEWS SEKVICE. The service of the Associated Pres*. brinfe-Ing- the newa from all parts of the world, ts supplemented by the special Hew* service of The Journal In Georgia and the southern statea, and the tele trams and letters of Its Washington cor respondent, Mr. James A. Holloman, who r m w wecU1 ntt(>ntlon t0 matter, at the. national capital which interest the people of tba aouthern atatea. eT-ECIAI. FEATURES. In addition to tlio contribution* of these and hundreds of local correapon dents. The Semi-Weekly Journal will, from time to time, print letters from farmers who have distinguished them aeiveb by success In particular things, showing how they achieved such results. Toe semi-AVeek.y journal has a d , ‘ tlngulshed list of contributors, Rev. Kam Jones, Hon. John Temple Graves, Mrs. \V. H. Felton, Hon. C. H. Jordan and others. bah jokes. s "VTTl wh ° the St. Paul of his generation, will con tlnue to contribute his breezy letters. ^^ ^ l^TuuVwi" wisdom and originality and »eason*4 wilh hard —• MRS. W. H. FEETON. Mra. W. H. Felton, the George Eliot ef the south, has taken charge of a new department, to be known as “The Coun try Home." This distinguished lady la known far and wida by the power of her pen, and her ability was recognixed dur¬ ing the world’s fair, when she waa ap¬ pointed to represent Georgia. She has of late etlrred up much enthusiasm life by and her j letters and speeches on country the means for making It attractive. ; JOHN TEKPiE GRAVES, Contributions from Hon. John Temple ( Graves will be printed from time to time, j Mr. Graves Is one of the prince* of the ; Y'.Ya “TYX".,'. : orator, a fearless writer and an Indepen¬ dent thinker, whose utterance* have had ; much to do with thaping the policy of Georgia , b educational . Institution* and . political! had their eHoct In recent campaign.__. , HON. C. H. JORDAN. The agricultural department 1* il charge of Hon. C. H. Jordan, chairman the j j of the committee on agriculture In Georgia house of representative*. He 1* | a / successful and practical farmer, born lr raised on the middle Georgia planta t lon, where he now reside*. Hi* crusad* for diversified, *elf-*ustalnlng agriculture ] 4Ild 'hi» work for the establishment of farmer*’Institute* have made him friend* j ail over the south and Semi-Weekly his practical Jour- talk* I twice a week In the aa ; constitute one of it* best feature*. I j The Juvenile department, containing letters from young people all over the ^ i um boy* fijU^ ^_ V r :o. 2 a ull onii •■: i ilil ? ; j \ R f T **, ? i R K * in il l l . 2 ! 1 if, il 1 1 1 i V «... i J >. Will recei t V r c* / ft a ear ioai ice next wi'CK andean supply a e.S ? i j i. Prices will be reasonable ICE COLD ERaHKS OS’ u u. 1^4 KINDS SERVED AT MY FOUNT. ALL ENVITBE TO PATRONIZE ME. Bicycles I for sate «i t4 t low prices. Bie)c*S I- rei>E ; e» ii riY:. ? done ot short notice and inbest manner. z ee me. W. W. T. STEWART. p ? t ! l Il ?! h T i- A ilW ’ oi a When yon want a good, safe turnout, one that you can drive with PLEASURE AND SATIoFaC HON One that looks weli and goes well, call on nie. WX^>«iv Good drivers furnished if desired Terms very reasonable. M. H. MELTON rnn»: | urn mm ■J SyMi r;T a p Our fee returned if wo fail. Any one sending sketch and dese: ; lion of any invention will promptly receive oar opinion free concerning the patent¬ ability of same. “Iloyv to obtain a patent” sent upon request. I’atents • secured through us advertised for sale at our expense. Patents taken out through us receive special notice , without charge, in The Patent Record, an illustrated and widely circulated journal, consulted by •> Manufacturers and Investors. Send for sample copy FftEE. Address, VICTOR J. EW&m & GO., (.Patent Attorneys,) Evans Buildings ffV w&SMemrans, e. fJa mmwm G ALLEY’S Sofia FoiiiKani 9 points. -o 0 All kinds of delicious summer drinks served at this fount. We lAVite ^ ^ a.! tO tl'jE dl’inllS. GUT ICE GREAM AND SHERBETS Conveniently * Served. C A r r GAILEY’S FOUNTAIN. Brin«> „ your job work to THE WEEK L office and . — LfCt tl C'tllVti • 1 y c5 ” >0