Newspaper Page Text
fcr* he <•. eiders cUeekl^*
ttAiAiil lILNTl. , IT ,
CFFK / LOllliLN tl 1 |
* -—
Ei.r J :ir the post* 3u\- h! C«>av«r» »
■■>• COI*<i-< Id'-' a nil .out et
>A ITUbAV, Julv *21. 15*00.
1 ■■ ,'.s a cent* |>ei Im* f**r , rtr*t „ uuer
, u i cent, for each »ubt*qne;ii in
e\v rm<i.
SiLJiseliiPr.OX ICA i'Jfi:
One yeur, iu ndvniice............. |l 00
biv nnMttii', in «'Ji»nee........ ........*H h *
Some people may not like .to
acknowledge it but there is no
way of dodging tho fact that
the Congressman from t be oth
Georgia district is gradually
winning his way into the hearts
and affections of th-a people ol
the South, lie is lo» broad of
mind and generous of heart t‘>
confine his ministrations or ser ¬
vices to the people of a single
district as is evidenced by the
fact of the great number of in¬
stances in which he lias turned
aside fo help those from every
8®ction of the country who have
appealed to him after all othei
effort had been exhausted. lie
turns no one away but Helps he
of Florida, Alabama, South
Carolina or any oilier staTo with
the same cheerfulness vvitfi
which he goes about a service
for His beet friends—bis home
pe iple. He never lose* sight
of the fact that his preferment
comes of tho people and this is
one secret et his immense pop¬
ularity . Another tie that holds
him in the front rank of Geor¬
gia politics is that of Ins great
iuilueuco in Washington. Hu
has ever proved himself more
than a match for the depart¬
ment officials, VT hen he cells
upon them In gels ail ho asks
for and it is graciously tendered
him, He is one of tboso force¬
ful and tOBourceful fellows who
has but slight acquaintance
with mid no uso in the world
for the wold fad. Again, lie
doesn’t forget his friends, neith¬
er does heoveilook his
Ho sometimes treats them so
kindly that they reform and
rom« come his fits earnest earnest suppoiters. simnorters
lie is a loyal representative ot a
people who appreciate bis abil¬
ity and fitness for the place he
fills and should he so will he
- 3S& ’•A
He offers great inducement, for your trade. When
you buy of him be satisfied you get the best the
market affords at right prices-
4”r 4* ■NT MSS THIS Ti. tram
Toere is no need to pass it. It is a good place to
stop and buy what you need. You get it right and it
is sent to you
stop at A. J. Summer’s Grocer Store.
And let US fill yotir wants.
hold his seat in congrats
a* ti representative of the 5th
Georgia district until he tries
,,f the orduoiM fitlties of the
place . But, is there no in on
reward for the servant of whom
it. iuhv he said. •'well <lon**?'
(a there no of her place h) ivhicl
fie iuhv he assigned 'hat wil
enable him to do more for his
neot • 1 and his country? The
brilliant record . It® liHS .
p.J»C ’fl
of the people in Congress w >nln
be eclipsed by the Bams Living
ton in the senate, Hm pas
service to thy party in Georgia
and the south and his record in
the House is reason sufficient
for bio advancement,
We know not whether he as
pires to this honor, but the fit
ness ami worth of the man,
with the good that lie could do
would prompt us to say to him
hap we the authority. come up
• -^* •*- •
Conyers and Decatur played two
games of baseball on the home
ground last Tuesday. The first
game was played in the forenoon
and resulted in a score of 12 and
f> in favor of the visitors. Hulsey
and Lafitte did the battery work
for the visitors in this game while
Smith and Newsome figured for
the home team. The game was a
good one up to the sixth inning
when tho home team went to
pieces and lost the game.
In thn evening a large crowd
'u the red at the ball ground to wit
ness the last game. The home
boys hail concluded to win
hist game and as the visit >rs were
cap b'o of putting up a good arti¬
cle of ball it was generally conced¬
ed that the game would be a good
one In tliis game Cox and La¬
fitte did the box work for ihe vis
itoni nnd Brnuan and Gleaton
stood for the home team. From
the start it was apparent 1 hat the
game was to be a battle royal
The box work of both learns was
of a high order, nnd the last five
innings ware played without run
getting on either side: Branan
and Gleaton were invincible. The
visitors could not find Branau’s
curves nnd their score in tlie con¬
test was held down nt 8 runs while
the home team crossed the plate
nighttimes. The game was well
played throughout afid the people
were HornbuckU delighted. the first for the
visitors behind played bnt great made ball. friends Lafitte by
liis gentle manly department and
fine ball playing. Hulsey and
Cox pitched great ball for the vi?•
and are both clever you up
gentlemen. Brannn of the horn,
(wim jg o|Jo of tl)l) fneteat youni
pitchers in the state. Smith, win
was in the box iu the forenoon foi
the home team is the best all
around ball player we know. He
isgrent as a short stop.
Gleaton, Nrwsome, MoCalla.
Clark, ii fact till <»f Hie home
t'*am plnjul great I all.
The next gam* bit wean th*s«1
two t<nm* will he plived at Ifith
• m i m on Wedn -odiiy August let.
Kverrh'-dr enterested in good ball j
sin uld sec this game.
Meeting Closed.
The pro'rjcted g r»ice which
has h^on held the past week at
the Baptist church closed this
morning. 'fhe meeting was
.IIIH I *f much benefit to the Chris
tatt p oplc who attend-d the
mt vices and two souls were
blessed by conversion. K» v.
L unar Sims, an earnest young
Minister of Jonesboro t com uci
d the ineetengs the last tew
la>s and greatly edified the
congregation at each service
!, y hie earnestness and devo
non to cause in which he la¬
hot s. If is hoped that the
meatfng has resulted iu much
permanent good.
Rev J no, F Wallis has
f o conduct a meeting at Buck
head Baptist church. Theme -
i ng l e^an last night.
Pears the :>, The Kind You Have Always
• -*•
A route is reported, by which you
enn (ret within thirty-six miles o' llie
m oi; that is, “by wav of” tbs new
telescope at Paris. Hie distance of
! Paris may seam to preclude yeu from
iiiakin'r tli« trip; but, as the tels
Seo|>< w : ghs only twenty-one tons,
they in > v. by and It), bring it around,
as a tert show, from Ullage to vil
age. and then your ch >ice will eeine.
■« Rvi ry one ought tli have a claim
on •v'erv one,” says Edna Lyall only
tti* world is so eaten lip r ith aalfish
ness and pride, that it will not see it.”
The exact truth is: every on# lias
thet claim,-God gives it. The world,
i*ig true, largely puts It “out of
{ nt." and thus “out of mindbut
not outof exis f "iice; and not out of
the certainty* f confronting us in the
last day, belore the face of the Giver.
| Y SKIN A=F; RE? I 2
Y That's what it feels lik-. but tl's A
Eriema thai causes all th t turning.
A itching, red, | imply, acaiy sk n, that
Y you Wjh to be ajfalch ng all ihe
A time, and i’s only
I Watts’ Eczema t, I*
i Ointment
That will r-ally cure it. as well 4* A
rin wotm, tetter, barber’s i ch, end Y
£ alitkn d'iei*es» Twentydiv*
4* pays for a bo* at an drtlg t 0 r t. • S
y We make it in Mac-. but udi et \ |
£ who'.etale only,
Y : Taylor & Peck
Y % Drug Co.
• -el' •
Bear, the The Kind You Have Always Bought
IW \ <* <> i
I W: 1
I I ifjj
It Beiaaiss To So a
Whether in all this
country better quali
ties or prettier pat
can be found than j
at our < t Special Sale"
DrosS Goods),
Slippers and
Spring- Clothing’*
1000 yds. dimity was
6 1-2 now only 5c 9
1 case new percales
xOc goods at 7 1-2 + o
—hi nen i 1 " r ’•gsaEgg^SBSgg
Special sale on
Embroidery and
TT Jj|9,CwS.
8 Cents Gingham onlv 5c.
25 cents ?ilk Gingham 19c.
18 cents P.qne 10c.
LadlC8 Vests Slid pants only UR*.
Ladies + c butnmer vests to . close , oC.
dUU ROD ,1 uoz ny iin«P nose ana nnd t half dir lines nose 5 o to to
19 cenis. About . , , halt price. .
75 doz celebrated B & B collars
! and cuffs just received.
It will pay you to inspect this
“special sale, J * Wo take stock
about August 1st.
Cash Coupons given with ev -
ery sale. Palmetto fans free.
The coolest place in the city.
% f
7 .• >«
Aik Sommers.
TI! 1 MSI SO®.
The Kind You Have Always Bought, and winch lias h
in ST# use for over 30 years, aml bas has been home the signature" op
., -r---—’ made under his p er
All Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-as-good” are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare,
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant, it
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colie. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend.
>7 Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Pianos and Or¬
gans for sale by
J. .P Tilley.
Notice to Creditors.
GF.ORGIV, Rockdale County:—
This is to give notice that I have
administered oil die estate of Dr. J.
A. Stewart, deceased, and have re
reduced the assets of said deceased'*.
estate to cash, nnd all persons hold¬
ing claims against said estate are
herebynotifieo to present them to
me, as I shall proceed at the expira¬
tion of this advertisement to pay'out
all funds in my hands belonging t<>
said estate.
J. H. Almand, Ad ms.
This May 19, 1900.
To whom it may concern : — Jito. TL
Alinand, administrator of Dr. .1. A
Ste vari, lab-of said county d< s a« d
h„ for s lett ntaue Ids of dismission final Oturn amlapjlh-d ad
-rs as such
ninistrator and twill pass l :. nfm i * lie
qf me on thp first M()lu , y hl o ct 0 b«r.
(0. Given under my hand and of»
flc'al signature, A. this M. July Rrd, lOoo
Helms, Ord.
GEORGIA Rockdale county.
To whom it may concern:—J. C.
I Stanley, administrator Stanley, of tlie estate
of Richard deceased, has
filed his final return as such adminis¬
trator and dismission made application from his for let¬
ters of said trust.
And I will pass upon the same on the
first Monday in September 1900 Giv¬
en under my hand and official sig¬
nature. this June 8th 1900.
A M Helms, Ord.
GEORGIA Rockdale county.
To whom it may concern:—A. A.
Born, administrator of the estate ef
Mis.. NC Almand, deceased, liasffi
ed his final return as such adminis¬
trator and made application for let¬
ters of dismission from his said trust.
And 1 wii 1 pass upon the same on the
first Monday in September official 1900.
Given under my hand and
signature, this June Hth. 1900.
A >1 Helms. Ord.
• -e e
GEORG IA Rockdale county.
To whom it may concernE H
and J M Almand, guardian of II B
Almand liave filed their final return
»s such guardians and made applica- this
rion for lettersof dismission from
said trust, mid I will pass upon the
same on the first Monday in August
1900. Given under my hand and offi¬
cial signature, this June 80 1900.
A M Helms, Ord.
GEORGIA Rockdale county
To whom it may concernMrs.
F, H Maddox, late of said county
i deceased, having lfiade application of
rbr a twelve months support out
die estate of said deceased and the
appraises appointed, having set a
nart the same and filed their return
in mv office and this is to notify all
persons concerned that I will pass
upon the same on the first Monday
in August 1900. Given under my
hand and official s'gnature. this Ju¬
lv (fill, IWJ0. M Helms. Ord.
Pianos and Or
sans *? by
ccrv;;> ill •
I hereby announce luvself/mtidf. j
date R*u*k for onle Clerk county of subject Superior to the Court J)em-1 of j
oorutic for past primary. support and I thank will ni>preciate| tlu> pwpbl
their votes in the coming:ejection. I
Very Rcsp-ct/iil/y. j
L H Sigumn,
I hereby announce my candidacy
for County Treasurer, subject to tliej
Democratic Primary. In this con¬ ting-1
nection I wish to poeple speak who my have las twpi
gratitude to the ask
ported me in the past ami coni-1 tlmm
to give me their support in the
ing election. I will appreciate re*l
election more than the people can im»l
agine. - Very Respectfully. A Dukes.
I announce my candidacy for re
election to the office of Sheriff o
Rockdale county subject to the Item
ncratic primary 1 will appreciat
the support of the people and P™ 11
se a faithful discharge of the <1 ufiei
*l the office if elected. I thank tin
.e«>ple for their support in the pus
uid hope, that my official record ha
proved satisfactory to them.
Very Respectfully, Austin.
\V 11 M
I am a candidate for re-election t<
the office of Tax Collector subject ti
the Democratic primary. I iu-4 c'j
support of tiie people because J nee
it jiiiu am in a position to «Pi ,r, ,,l ® I l
oh. I hope that an j w j
:t very mu thougut a»j
jive my candidacy a consist*ni i
vote 'or me if they can Respt. 1
do 0S so. ° Very Clotfelter.
Complying with the request of mail
•citizens, I hereby announce uia
if a candidate for re-.lectioi e
representative, from Rockdaleci ?
tv, subject Thanking to the Democratic fronds tor pi J
y respectfully my
favors, 1 am
I myself a caiHiuhV f<
announce «*! .
re-election to the office • :
ceiver of Rockdale county* * 1
co the Democratic primary* li '
o the people the past luc and tl, ? as
■ us support in *
* accord me the same ° ! ‘ ce .j
v lsh:n
Vftcr this round inucH oi ,
l don’t wish to ask too the J
people but earnestly desire
’.rt this time.
To the voters Of R .ckdale c ° unt
candidate for re-elec ion t
it., a of said c" u
.flic*- of Ordina-y prm ' '• (
the Democratic ; '
ect to «•
accou-u of the heavy the
State taxation, building m
and having practically the county* to ie>
che bridges m improvements < • ( a
rious other with ^
to contend »» i
tgainst the county* !,1 -‘
. *
»eeii very mirtlena.m.®. atTai
state tin* county a -
co ll, aiik
good condition* and «>pii - k^ t ti
pie for past favors co..t...He«l.»upp>
uier.ted their y
A M Hoi"
x\ f r.
Office in Night building- j
Work guaranteed. Hops ias, V. P* 1
f. T*