Conyers weekly. (Conyers, GA.) 1895-1901, July 28, 1900, Image 1

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rircpp 'JL m .y -;L Vi •v - v k J o CL XVIII- m K3BEBSW SEJ—eSE ft 1 1 m 3*33 THE WISE WILL l’KOELT. When you are told that you can save money by Ta ding with N. T. STREET it is not an emyty asser W “ It is a truth that means a saving of money to rouif you only take the trouble to investigate it. A GENERAL STORE. ©P SSL k.a* 4@; ( Carrying anything you need and ill be plea ed to make some you pri pcs t hat will convince you it you will hlv call at my ^ store. %/ produce. z me vour country N. T. STREET. jjetter From Haj Aimand, j The following letter was re jfived by Mr. -f . M. Almand on L 20th inst, from his brother, Lj. E. H. Ah)iand ( who is ■oneiing Oapt. of Co D 29th pantry, in the Phillippmes. peletter is dated r.iloiing, I.'Snnd of Masbate, P I. May 20, 1900 It sat >: Now that we are in ^session of our island, true liy promise, L attempt to inn a <1 Mi led account of my Lugs b>v tb« ia u t thirty days finy are pregnant, with inter— wing happenings. to myself, pi! possibiy no thirty days of Bbildins Miflcrial. kv Now is the time to make improve ssnts upon your house. We have ill kinds of lumber, shingles, etc., id will sell chsap. You can buy 'or shutters, window sash, blinds, unties etc., at low prices from us. O! n’t delay the matter until winter nes. Do your repairing- now. Lois to us for any thing you want - the line of building material. WALLACE & Q.UIGG. PEffl IIJIliLIDEKV. My new spring millinery is now ready for inspection a»d T * ’he ladies to call and examine same- My prices will be tble, and goods new and stUish. . I have engaged the F*; Of Miss Ragsdale, an expert trimmer, and all work will ' ? ;r f ly done. very respectfully, Miss Emma Riey. % SATURDAY, JUYL 1900. CONYERS, OA, 28 my life will ever he so full or events, and they of a nature so prominent. rapid¬ The time has flown so ly that I c*n hardly realize that a m on lit 1 ms passed since our leaving Paco, Mamla. The uervous-tenr-hm whwfli wr have sustained is something I that could only have been pro duceri by the fact of our going i ro practically unknown islands to plant O d Glory thereon ruH t | )e Spanish were in pos | session once but they only oc Cupie 1 the coasts and left the interior to care for Itself. The expedition was to the inlands of Marinduque, Masbate, i’icao and Burios, and was tin— der command of Col. Hardin o c our regiment. One battalion of iufai t y, the 1 st ba lalli u 29 I nft. composed of Oo’s A. B and A n D., and ,.wl t wo Maxim, Movint Xor Nnr denfelte, wasthe landconlingenl. The Gimboats Helena H»«d V.l laloboa escorted , us. the . T u. t .j ». A. i J’. Indiana was our means of transportation aud the Launch . , Baltimor,. accompanied to in land i rig. On the afternoon of April 20. the tt'O >ps of the eXpeditlofl eni harked and the launch Kansas City transferred them from Ynda Mon un nj, at the foot of Luneta Drive, the place , the known as La Glorietta, and is j , below Fort Santiago, . to the 1 st i Indiana i winch i ;_i. i„„ lay in • ,i._ the bar l,„„ bor about two miles out. Tho loading of company, quartermasters commissary ai d ordnance stores took another twenty-four horns,anfl then we wtighod anchor. It was about seven o’clock p. m. on the 21 st when Corite appeared en our port, and before ‘‘taps” Oarri gidor was passed. We arrived at Batangas in rhe early morning of the 22 nd. l he 22 nd 23rd, and the 24th. were used for discharging car¬ go, that we had on hoard for the 38th loft., which has the Batangas Province in charge We left Batangas about sun¬ down ot‘ the 24*h, and the morning <*f lhe 25til found US in fight of M, irmduque and , . hi ( a shut time lhe anchor chain rattled d wn the prow of the vessel and the Barrio of Layloy J J which is the part of the city of Boac was seen nestling on the waters edge. Boac is the capilal of Marin duques, and hae the Governor’s residence, a fine school and a magnificent church, the altar I Of Which iS a marvel of ingen- J nous workmanship. It is high¬ ly finished in silver and gold ' gilt, the figures very finely carv-; ed. some of the faces of the effigies being of the most robes! es quisite ivory finish. The PS01 by the piiests in their mini istr UJ 8 must have , cost , quite sums »s they were of Hi * 1 velvet and trimmed in silver, and gold, law Co. A. was designated to he left and I thought at the tin ei •hat. they certainly had the pick but now 1 guess that, we are as well fixed as any of them The landing narLv at. Marin duque was Co’s B, and C. m» der general command of Col Hardin, B landed first and met wi$Hr no resistance, whit < ilags appearing on every house and the crv of “Amiga” from the lips of every native that was met. C landed and then B began the advance to Boac which was about one mile from Layloy and at Boac the same conditions existed and the town when the troops arrived was practically deserted, with the possible exception of two Span¬ ish troops, and an Englishman who, while not a prisoner, the insurgents had under surveil ance TO BE CONTINUED NEXT.WEEK. ATTRACTIVE FEATURES OF THE ATLANTA # WCCiCiy f 1 JOUiHal* T 1 c,Cmi~ In addition t* It* anporb now* *cr vice, covering the werld at larg* E,,d A* ■®«thara state* la partle ^ ^ 8eini . w , ekly j#wm1 manybutraetiTe, •ntertalaia* and l»*trwctive features. inw*UaUe fei loutlinn ^ borne* and farm*. - strong news service. Th« service of the Associated “rest bringing the new* from *11 part* of the end the southern *Ute», end the tele £ Will pay »pcciol *ttentlon to matter* ai the n ‘ t!on " Rlpltal wh,ch ,nUre,t tb ‘ people of the *euthern *tate*. ® PEnl Ai< rEATtlREE. In addition to til* contribution* of tftpse and hundreds of local corr**pon dsnls. The Semi-Weekly Journal will. from time to tlm*. print letters from farmers who hav* dIsHngutehel them »clvc» by luccea* in particular thlr.c*. ghowirK how they sieved »uch r«*uit». The Semi-Weekly Journal h** a dl» tln*ul»hed list *f contributor*. Including Ilev. Sam Jones, Hon. John Tompl* Grove*. Sir*. W. H. Felton, Hon. C. H. Jordan and other*. BAM JONES. Rev. S*m Jone*, who ha* been oelled the St. Paul of hi* generation, will con¬ tinue to contribute hi* bTeeay letter*, written In th* courae of hi* travel*, from different part* of the country, full of wit, wisdom and originality and *ea*one4 with hard *en»e. MRS. W. H. FEXTON. Mr*. W. H. Felton, the George Eliot of the »outh, hae taken charge of a now department, to be known ae "The Coun¬ try Home." Thle distinguished lady la known far and wide by the power of her pen, and her ability wa* recognised dur¬ ing the world's fair, when ene wa* ap¬ pointed to represent Georgia. She hae of late stirred up much enthusiasm by h*r letter* and speeches on country Ufa and the meant for making It attractive. JOHN TEMPLE GRAVE*. Contributions from Hon. John Temple Grave* will be printed from time to time. j, Jr (j raveg | g en * of the prince* of the lecture platform, a man of extensive travel and experience, a gifted and eloquent ! orator a fearless writer and an Indepen- j *•"* ,h,nk * r wht> ~ «*•«■“• h * d - much to do with shaping th* poller of Georgia* educational Institutions and have had their effect In recent political campaign. HON. C. H. JORDAN. The agricultural department 1* If chars* of Hon. C. H. Jordan, chairman of the committee on agriculture In the ! Georgia house of representatives. He 1* a successful and practical farmer, born and raised on the middle Georgia planta tlon, where he now roildoo. Hle crusade for diversified, solf-sustalnlng agriculture and his work for the establishment of farmer*’ Institute* have mad# him fr!«r>d* all over the south and hi* practical talk* , w i ce , we *k m th* 8 *mi-w*#kiy jour con » tUuf * ° n * ef lu >> * lt * ,atur «^ jtjvenxle department. ^"‘^ounrVeTp^^.uTv.V' 1 !"* ■ country, with int*r**ting »tori*» of Uf*, aad adventure, will eentlnue to attract ^ ^ v -J ro CO CY S «J i :k- M 3 \N»- EL ■* - V> UXCEIE 5 . Will receive ti o«> r load of ice next week and can supply till comer* k* • Prices will be reasonable ICE COLD-DRINZS OP ALL KINDS SERVED AT MY FQUW m \ ALL ENVITEE TO PATRONIZE ME. Bicycles for sale at owl prices. Bicycle re pa r * kJtw tip done at short notice and inbest manner. Idee me. W. W. I'. STEWART. litas’s Lmj Stab ;es When you a good, safe turnout one that you cm drive with PLEASURE AND SATIsFa C HON Ono that looks weli and goes well, call on me. Good drivers furnished if desired Terms very reasonable. M. H. MELTON ■ il I#* I Our fee returned if wo fail. Any one sending sketch and description of any invention will promptly receivo our opinion free concerning the patent¬ ability of same. “How to obtain a patent” sent upon request. Patents secured through ns advertised for sale at our expense. Patents taken out through us receive special notice , without charge, in The Patent Record, an illustrated and widely circulated journal, consulted by Manufacturers and Investors. Send for sample copy FREE* Address, VICTOR J. EVANS & CO., {.Patent Attorneys,) Evans Building, WASHINGTON, O. O. m GA [LEY'S Soda A Si)oi 0 . o —o All kinds of delicious summer drinks served at this font. We invite a!.' to try our drinks. ICE GREAM AND SHERBETS Co n veil ion 11 y Served. CL\_T a! a "AT GAILEY’S FOUNTAIN. Bring your job work to THE WEEKL office and get ti eated right.