Conyers weekly. (Conyers, GA.) 1895-1901, August 11, 1900, Image 1

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i M u 'r^S B ___fi...^l m 1 1 nut m 4 si m V VJJ % H © H _B__ A VOL. XV111. Pu . . took r . u We have just finished taking stock, and find that we have too many summer goods, clothing, shoes and tats, that must go at a price that will make the buyer smile, as he has never done before. people with cash should come to us for goods, as we do nothing but a CASH BUSINESS and mark our goods to please Cash Customers, Having One Price to all. We would quote prices, but expect our dis¬ tomers to do that. Our goods speak for themselves. m it Letter From flaj Alrr.and CONTINUED from last week. The Indiana having discharg¬ ed her cargo for this place left us on Saturday about two o’¬ clock p. m. I made quite a num¬ ber of friends on my trip down among whom was a young doc¬ tor named Lowry whose father was a prominent Methodist cler¬ gyman in our state, and Phelps Whitmcst, quite a noted mag KZ-iue correspondent. Last Saturday night I was in¬ formed that the i n gurgents is ad sent Col. Hardin a letter asking for a conference, and that I had been s<-h cu d by him to escort the centering par I was handed an unsealed letter, which was directed to the Chief of the Filipino Forces at Mabo. at w Inch place they were, about seven miles down the coast, and ordered to be ready to embark at six forty-five next morning. Sunday fish, and to take a proper guard. I took thiity men of my own company When the morning came, at the appointed hour, 1 respond¬ ed to the whalf, hailed the J>al ttmore, and was soon aboard Then going to the Helena we took aboard the pilot and inter¬ preter. We steamed out of the Iturbpr and soon came m eight of \labo. The channel into 'Lbo harbor is very dangerous and we bad to make our way with extreme caution, and fie qmut and often were the /sound nigs, before we stopped in three f.,thorn water. itben ordered the cutter, from .lac Helena, which we had tow¬ ed, to be brought alongside, and placid in Us stern a large white U'g. Two Filipinos from the lhuimore had already been se ctihid as messengers, the one to the cuttei the other to take th. message. The liule boat ,n <ul« its way to the shore with ' white flag of protection. Ti e messenger lauded and winded his way to the di i rev Up the hill there were of life when we first '» '•nil tii« shore but as toou as V appeared that w*> were ooni mio their harbor, the town 8i- '’"(J alive. Hero,ami there 11 on a galloping hon-e, a men going from a i, U M ! o a in the biusb, cover i using njy glasses I could Kmup of soldiers uudei i* ! a beyond the nipa sh ’cks i.H tovtrtd the blow of the u, est the shore. From ■ 1*1 V diy messenger disap- CONYERS, r. u n \ , SATURDAY, AUG 11 1900. peared to view until he have in again we gazed watching every quivesing leaf and every waving branch. However, soon we saw our little brown messenger coming down the toituous trail from the church, and wading out in¬ to the stream to the little boat which had ia Ihe .meantime with its emblem of peace, re¬ mained on the coral beach. He brought a message asking that I hold the bout until my mes¬ sage could be conveyed to the chief. It was just 9 o’clock a in. Pretty soon a party of horse¬ men were seen coming down to the beach. White flags ap¬ peared and I sent my boat off to the commissioners. The boat came ba. k and with it. were those Filipinos, on? the VI) jor commanding the forces in Mabo, one a 1st Lt. of Infan¬ try, the other a civil clerk. I received them on the boat > ordered the Baltimore to head for Palonag. The return pass¬ ed quickly. and soon along the couipanionway of the Helena, we found ourselves. I imme¬ diately reported to Col. Ilardin. presented my charges and re¬ turned to my quarters on shore About four o’clock irt th af ternoon I was ordered to bring ray escort on board the Balti more and report to the Helena. Here I found Col. Hardin, the Filipino commissioners in the act of signing a paper, sur rendering the entire arms of the Insurgent forces. This signed. ■‘A dios i ? was was said and soon I had m v passengers on board,and steam ed away for the little town down the beach. We arrived at Mabo promptlj and I sent the three commissioners ashove, un der the white flag which come back and was duly lowered its day of service being ended. The surrender took place Sun day May 20th. After a long wait from about g< v f, n o’clock 1 a. rn. until five o’clock p. m.. we were called to attention by a bugal call pre arranged as a signal. The bah talion was formed facing a dia good road which the insurgents were to occupy. The right res* ted on the church, on our left were the two Maxim Nordnii felts, and left of Ihe field pieces was a division from the Helena under Lt. Evans. Col Hardin. Capt. Moore and their respective slaffa escorted the insurgents in. Col. Hardin, Capt. Moore and Gov. Trivinnio headed the col¬ umn. The column marched in fours until opposite our centre then halted and faced our line, presented arms and so did we. They, the insurgents "groun¬ ded arms. The formal surrender took place by the presenting of the sword of the M;,j >v command¬ ing the forces (o Col. Hardin the sword was returned The arms were collected and placed under guard they num¬ bered ninety four. The insur¬ gents turned over four lo-dro nes to us, who were sent to Manila, A bafctaliion parade follow ed, and the deferred guard 1 mount. After supper and in¬ formal reception was held at headquarters. The Helena left at six o’clock a. m. of the 22nd and the Bal titnore with Col. Hardin and staff on hoard left at 2 o’clock p. in of the same date. June i i. I have been waiting for a mail boat to finish this letter but as not a boat to carry tnaii ha* shown up 1 decided to finish and drop you a note as to my¬ self. Nothing of note has franspir ed since writing of our landing, We had an earthquake on the night of the 29th of May. I am in splendid health regards to all who As ever your brother, E. H. AlnimJ. Try one of those cigars caaled “Dr Lee’s Sweet Hose,” 5 for 5e. A great many people say these ci iTQ ] £ SI110 MMMl P ^ as 'veil, as the O V HA 01 <1^0 oc cigar. T t S' * v one or them only cent. Dr W. H. LEE. OIL MILL. Under the utpervision of Mr. Uhas. Swords the Oil Mill is being equidped with new ms ";r; Z the start that enterprise will tie in shape to run night and dav vvit.hout a babble. Everything ha 8 i,,e,.dm.«ri K hi, l n,im,r,.eo pie should feel proud that this. ........ ..... .......... nMt \ Thete is every reasbn to he 'Zn.r.^.rir uZr. ,h ‘“ Mr. Swords has devo Gd hig entire time and attention to the improvements at the mill for several months past, and will have charge of it when the man ufacturing season opens. Here’s to his success all along the liue, « — Phi in j -welry that a I Lief runs away with is likely to be chasedf Only the very poor man is ab¬ solutely sure of his friends. CASTOR IA Foi' Infants and Children. TJlg Kjfijj YOU H3Y6 AlW3jfS BOUght j Bears the "* Signature'of FOR SALE. A good seven room located, res idence, centrally convenient to Churches, /n « j m-v , II fc bCllOOiS, 1)01)01 il 11(1 OUSl ness part oi t* town. a fSieely ’VT * 1 l ^ finished ^ throughout, O clos et8, good water, servants house, good garden, etc.. for sale cheap, on liberal . t i OI). L. A. Lee. Conyers, Ga. ■■ey. •Ji »! !fi Our fee returned if wc fail. Any one sending sketch and description of any invention will promptly receive our opinion free concerning the patent¬ ability of same. “IIow to obtain a patent” sent upon request. 1 stents through us advertised for sale at our expense. Patents taken out through us receive special notice , without charge, in The Patent Record, an illustrated and widely circulated journal, consulted by Manufacturers and Investors. Send for sample copy FREE* Address, VICTOR J. EVANS A GO "9 (Patent Attorneys,) Evans Building, m WASHINGTON, O. C. The rich man has troubles of which the poor man nothing. , Honesty is a poliey on which anyone ci n afford to pay the premiums. A spare moment is a golden nugget of time, The gossip and the hypociite are twins. • -«•< 50 YEARS* EXPERIENCE ■ 7, -» %&—aigfcjgfgEBR Trade Marks ”rrW Designs Copyrights Ac. AnyoTi* .endlrt* n nicety .-nil dwsrlntlo" ina, quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an Invention is probably patentable. Comrntinlca t tons strictlv co» fldentlal. Handbook «n CatenU eenfc free. Oldest sgency for Munn ae.eurlr.K patents. Patents taken through A to. receive tpeeicU notice , without e narg e. In the Scititlific American. A handsomelT ll)n.«trnt«1 weeklir. I.nrBP't Hr cuiation four or months, any scientlllc $1. Sold JocrnoL by «J1 newadastara. Term*. »3 » yea.! IWfiSKSSSSW NO. 30. j Mauy a married couple could money out of what a bach e'or spends. It takes a smart man to con ceal from others what he doesn’t k ow. A FRICANA will cure Syphilii and OK Sores to Stay Cured. | Permanent Health | Can only be secured by had good by digestion. This can fee the use of the perfect remedy J for indigestion and flatulence, T.&P. Stomach Tablets, I Which quickly relieve all «£ stomach and keep the and liver healthy, troubles, | system v & Fifty cents buys a box at any drug store. They are made by $ Macon's exclusive wholesale £ drug house. ? f The Taylor & Peek | Drug Co.