Conyers weekly. (Conyers, GA.) 1895-1901, August 18, 1900, Image 1

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THE If- ‘X 'll J*| / X w ■» >NYER JU ; GL. XVIII. ft© ‘ t g'fc* fi For next 15 days we will eel! ait seasonable g u» i$ in our full stock of Dress Good* Clothing, Shoes, Hats, etc-, at COST—as wo aro forced »o make room for fall goods that are coming, and will be filling our room almost d tily tfm next season We will have a imich larger stock than ever before, and at price j that will make pjoYe open their ey .-(, i x now . *)rl wear smiles that nothing else but good goods, at. RIGH T prices can cause. a Come to our store and see for yourself, We make no. one thing as a leader, but everything is priced leading Cash buyers to us. We appreciate all past kindness, atid«hnll in treat our trade like we have in past. Good Good-*, Right Prices, having one price to all. Every one welcome at this big sale. future r F * V 1:. m J1 11 H Is § pg^p O jr llss RY DS CO .-■•1 :-. i ail ^ • x & 4* 4*4^41*4* 4*4* 4* 4* 4* 4* CASH HOUSE.4»4*4*4i4i4‘4 i 4‘4 i 4‘4 i 4‘4»;4* rankisrns By a Krank. A man may sit in the amen bruer, pay the preacher, get. jecterl on all the delegations bd n>i a s a free ticket through L pearly gates at last. [Man that is born of woman Lf I ftuvdays and full of trouble. goeth out in the morning [all his glory and strength. Lking that he is the only tilde on tiie beach. Strait U he falleth into politics and the morning finds out he L|i r, any pebble an the beach .all. | the of saving I But for power a | Le L hep.veu would sure! v be a I populated country. i j Ilgc,,c may curl , . Ins . . hair . , Iss for A cheep in t o on earth ,! Lure as you ere born he w ill Lot a goat pen in the great* bond. [f vou want to find out how pch the v/orhi will ms-ss you lien you are gotTo, stick out Ur in the water, puli it oiu oi hunt for the hole. From all indications there inlbe much elbow room in riuienna when Gabiiel blows born. from all accounts Adam was tale of dirt, and we are sorry bay that some nice have fete out of the same material lie hit? day, llktorv givos account of but I person who was cavriod up I a heavenly chariot. Tb« J Insed lability of tl-tis vehicle he again is very reuiofo M. ’"Her the tree of Eden . ill YOU 3 in 3 EI We will run a Shredding ie this season and will Shred fer Com Stalks, Pea Vines, Hay, peks Etc., at $2 per hour for timej Nhiae is in operation. Will not f p for less than the price of one Lst us do your work. & A. Lifsey & E. A. Smith. 1 roNVFRq VVll l ijllO; \ r i A, SATURDAY, /UG 18 1800 . VI %t H k '-■»_ s -i sis ifgj. m m 3 SAL J - Most people turn the other| check when the smiter is t he biggest It is sad, but true, that those whom you most befriended some times become your bitter¬ est enemies. Forgive them gap ing wounds, for such were burn traitors to themselves, their familien, their country and limit God I The thing most generally I lacking in men theio days isl¬ back bone. j There ate patriots in all par- l j ties but the main spring that j keeps the narty rmuting is of-! : They say that truth crushed t,o earth will rise again, iroo t-ho, thal u;!d , t u f K „ fob recover. i | Those who kick up the most about their newspapers nre usu¬ ally the last to plank down the cash for same, There is a skeleton m overv | closet. Kvpthe door fih.-u tm j no mans enjoys n sight of \ o;u> ; no more than you do of lus. The slogan of all political par ties since the world began and will be to the «nd is—turn the rascals out and let us- - i n Some folks are made so cur¬ ious that when you came op with them you can’t tell wheth¬ er they are coining or going. You may cheat the >? :\Y : > '. ds, the deacons and the pre.-tenm hut remember it iYall b > >ked up, and you can’t carry you: pockelbock along when } on go to settle your account. A religious, fool will or-joy An intellectual seof comfortable. Of all the bugs, humbug is the biggest bug of all. The main difference between a pug dog and-a dude is that the pug has a leetle bit the ad I vantage. It’s ail right tc think that you and your folas aro the salt of the earth, provided, youai [()W eVe ryt.ody else the same pi iviiege. The malt who entertaius hie thoughts would not always like his neighbeais i«* see his guests 1 ! Some people uso religion as a. cloak and some use it, as an uro bn.iirt. , Is, is indeed capital if you I have more money than v ou 1 Vlha VVUh ‘. j UOn? ‘ to * The man widi the handsome silk, handkerchief is the one j mobt, afraid <>t sore a tin oat A nun may he Ivonoat as the d<«v long, and sail do a lot of; mischief at night. Danger cannot lie surmoumed ithout danger. A Rutcomart .iddiesoiug log :■ lid: “ 'iino dog, y.-o 1 Si).ip. You vm. 3 only u dog and 1 vas a man, but 1 visit 1 you. Yen you want go mil bed i ou shust durna round t limes and lay down. V-n I mid der bed in, 1 leave to Jock «P der place and viod up der clock and undreaa mine seif, and mine vile coles, den the baby cries and 1 had to vawk ip ---lid down, then hyml), r e.hus got 10 bleep its tiuie to get up again. Ven you get oup v vs atretch yourself a couple of >!m?s and you are up. I haf to light the fire and put on the ket r.R-, scrap some mit my wife al¬ ready, and then maybe I get some breakfast. Yon play a rognd all day and I Iriva plenty u PI i i , okimithing and Wood fork! ALL KINDS 4 Of New and. Sepaii , u r ^.|. Done od short notice and in sood condition. Ira Karrtll, special Horse Shoer, guarantees perfect work Your )ior*-e wdi not cork himself when Fan ill tur.*.s him loose. COLUMBUS HART, GENERAL SMITH P. G. & R, W. TUCKER. of drouble. Yen you die you still have the best of me, you shust lie still. Ved I die, 1 have to go to hell yet. Bryan save a small army and a well disciplined militia are e~ nough protection for this coun¬ try in ordinary limes. A St. Louis heiress is so ten¬ der hearted that aha can’t be induced to strike a match. A crank ia a man who lias a Jifferen hobby than your own. Coal, wood and g;v are prom¬ inent among the words that. burn. Battleships aro Well supplied with shells of the ocean. 'The ma,n who patronizes sa _ loons of an finds himself in a P- JC '• —• -< o^r— • FOX? SAI.E. a seven room resilience, con (rally located, convenient to Churches. Schools, Depot and bus iuess part of tovun Nicely finish¬ ed throughout, closets, good wa¬ ter, servants house, good garden. idc., lor sale cheap’ tm liberal ty n n8 . Call on L. A. Lee, Conyers, (in. • -« • ^ P ierfect Health *j. ermanent y ^ an on t y j,e recurfd by trood j digestion. of This perfect can be remedy had by Z the use the : 4. J for indigestion and tlatulence, 1 o .^1 T i.isi.MORiacniaDM (*f P Tablets. $ X Which quickly relieve all ^ f stomach and keep the and liver healthy. troubles, ^ system X Fifty cents buys a box at any A ^ % dru^ Macon's store. exclusive They are wholesale made by X y X drug house. f r Peek % l The Taylor & v Drug: Co. 5 * : Mustard plasters naturally come under the he id of smart articles. It is better to he taken by sur¬ prise than to ba taken by the police. When pride heads the pro¬ cession poverty always brings up the rear. Somehow the homely girl has fewer enemies than the pretty one. But few peop'e ever get so full of emotion ihat they have no room for din tier. When a girl is wrapped tin in herself she is able to go by the itialee. We all want to go to heaven hut there is no demand for rap¬ id transit. CASTERS A For Infants a nd Children. The Kiild You . AiWSJfS .. Ooiigtlf n h2¥0 ! Bears the Signature of — Ui i E i 6 k ! Our fee returned if we fail. Any one sending sketch and description of any invention will promptly receive our opinion free concerning the patent ability of game, “IIow to obtain a patent” sent upon request. Patents secured through us advertised for sale at our expense, j Patents taken out through us receive and widely special circulated notice, without journal, charge, consulted in Thb Patent Recobo, an illustrated ^y. Manufacturers and Investors. ^ 1 Send for sample copy FREE. Address, victor •/. eyaws & co . 9 •at (Patent Attorneys,) Evans Building, MS WASHINGTON, O. O. . ! t’i a ^ 1 ry one of those cigars called ii l)r Lee’s Sweet Hose,” 5 for 5e. A great many people say these ci- 81 s s mokc as well as the average 5e cigar. Try one of them only 1 cent. Dr W. H. LEE. NO. 31 - / } 1 :\ £X »'• < ,'r; : ■iL< v •■’ B*s» 'Aw - 3 T O j£%. S3 *3? O' STS. 3T ,/&» . -ClMTS tbo The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature V *u44 of ORANDMA had CONSUMPTION and I am afraid I have in¬ herited it. I do not feel well; I have a cough ; my lungs are sore; am losing flesh. What shall I do ? Your doctor says take caro of yourself and take plain corl - liver oil, but you can’t take it. Only the strong, healthy person can take it, and they can’t take it long. It is so rich it upsets the stomach. But you can take SCOTT'S i ' EMULSSmt It is very palatable and easily digested. If you will take plenty of fresh air, and ex^-clse, and SCOTT’S EMULSION steadily, there is very little doubt about your recovery. it; There are hypophosphites in they give strength and tone Up the nervous system while the cod-liver oil feeds and nourishes. 50c. jnd .00, sll druggists, SCOTT & BOWNIi, Chemists. New York.