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*r~- I , m1? CONY mo VI ‘-j'lrrT ®l a\ su v
1 1 JLJ i in < i a
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g 11 5plSSfi ^ ^| | K«s"»Sf &, ! I -I K> 9 6ft sl- ,^Mim tLkMlir@ J a ill III y mtf if ft H* S' \ fi;r#g*5«!SKffiaS ~■
. rs3SS33r r^r^mrsana
tf la y ■ ; ! ~ii'Tt: *:
j^a^SaSBEB^S^ESSeaESCSSBESKSSSB 1 Si 1 la i bh n
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» oft* % r * WWW WMA * vv^ warn mtsaa 9M0 A wtwjur e en atMT * re s o •,e» «fl»i«VY Genei - } mMt* l Mere turn m a mm I « * * »■ i ?. 0 % *> •JIM* se o i ■/r ■. ■!■■ t •> •' l \ i A « i % kuTa/t^ mt&mm
& A n » < i.
Almand Co. we el ntiouoce to the peopte o )!**&** this section ‘V it i we ; v, ? & > t »»A'V •** vr \ r
» £ &
1! >" r\** s v mi janaraa ft-fXi aw ft l»v& i ess. Our stock is large 4*-# T nd varied and our prices rule low.
nd share libe WVfvKi * a
w • i* U i r e i jdtM, m*m *obf e to s meet the favor of the people a the fair r n mr % ii c % T 4 tU0* w*" of tx the A > ftSr*. v old 1 r > iftsrtdf’
+ troiuige. r it is our intention to mainta 9 pi.vw r i reput Sk0 n.
w , *0 for honest t and fair dealing with* nil- Our stock ofh bry*i. *• C' a O’ •n fjA'J r> 0* - 1 X cv c* -ss*
h5>n:i ft • r
HUM in ,, CO
h- knMa s to buyers as it contains genuine aiewnia 3a rgams.
* 1 • week.
jookou t for Our add ne ext
M 0TiiTg4?-tffiI i /
M himwu - Ji
«™ M l i Mill f* IV* 4 | h%? v| m* 1 . rf /
rid L || | 3 ^ k 1 s j/sA-. -
Have your cotton ginned at Conyers
Latest MUNGEB -System, ! I
i Makes best TURN OUT.
B lyers prefer and pay more for it. |
Eighest price pa lid for sound seed I *j
TRY us and be CONVINCED.
Conyers Oil Go’s. Gin. t ]
John D. Scott, Mgr. Gin.
-- -
r** u '• '**&* mw lvgwar
r-1 %**•*«■ 5 i » dBB i SCTS-r ** — ■nHB m~Tg E
i -a I ! P* ”•* i I It th! I 4
k hr s M fS^f s
v^> f ALL KINDS kf
Mn |i a k»n*viM*y 1 mmAw W r rr«*to*l • i 117 VV OiK 1*
J M i .M s u
bone on feliort notice anc
in 2'ootl condition.
Ir'.i Earrill, special Horse Slioer, guarantees perfect work
y. r D r.orsc will not cork himself when Farrill turns him loose,
hart, general smith
P. G, & R. W. TUCKER.
I'tU.KiSw Figures 3X«3
C;-. : isg-e X-,e|»tisiJatoi*ss
-S ext Session.
L 1 n entation in the legis
tGu j. for several counties
c • a may he changed when
ih 1 • * i i ! of the present censn ;
• ! > ki uk u '
1 r ti e constitution of
Vi Dm ex counties hav
] . ! K ..« population
»e:«.*a! assembly, Ike 26
L:y-. st are allowed two
■ie the remaining 105
It'. -; »♦* ♦ ach.
vi r,i
•I..,, ...le^
ill. Te.i JTto
< '.. C
; u.
CONYERS, o •\ SATURDAY 3 9. L/ul F P • 8 1900 .
‘ 3
d«iri» g tlu*. pa?t H) > hdf'i, |
I h<- g I! ,r; U IS t Du i
si (Gh Kppl’i • ! UHll 'Iit, i>
s. in | ijp C«*!.i!)iy U ill Ijn rti|i>W -
ihiY<- meailxus.
'tie csiii|Retioii of the 1
At’te p
reiurns it v. iI] he neces
fo? the general asses N T t-o
tlio state, so as to
a.-; t ear as practicable each
district contain the same popu
lati «n.
i!d congress not ch.range
t asie of represetation Geor
•.. ill I>e entitled to another
Conirvcssflifc n in w liich event it
will i o n cess ary for the legible
tnra k> r« district ail tbecongres*
die ic-hs in the elate.
One ong; esstnati is allowea
for evt-iY 171 000 inhabifams,
uud the' ,/sviief is now that Geot
v. ii uri ly get one more
representat-ivein conyiese. A -
the matter now fetatuis, Geor*
gia has i.1 repiesentative nd
wht.-n another is added i s dJ
give the Democratic party u se
1 mere vote in the national bmiy.
! it it probable that the census
red ms olG eorgia vviil be made
L w u in time iur the Geno al
TYMY-ral t sembly. winch meetts
j ihe fouith Weduseday
t\n . io take uio necessary at
Nicws From (he Phillip
^ ^Conner
—j-rr- - |
laski and Dooly.
In ‘south Georgia there, are
several counties which have for ! .
ged fir ahead of some of the
r cou dies now having two
repris-ntafives. It is claimed
bv some of the ciizena of Irwin
W ilcox and Worth counties that j
w ill certainly win a a addi I j
r ,;oi. :I n pivsenative eacti
B=i.r,™nlv in "'“ Ie ° e " r
increase in population and such j
in mcrease at to justify its claim |
is being put forward by its citi-
7 ,ens
^ 12
on'v eutitdp now ,o two
M«co*« h„ d.«»a
to popuia
private letter has been re
m tins city from a South
bov, who is with Ihc.
States troops in the Elul-
7n w hich he tells of the
ot arms and aiuuin
It om this con try to the
This fact was denied
time ago. Tho corres
pjndeui says, however, that he
was present w hen a great box,
which haii been carefully mark
ed ‘machinery . /; was being
tl . arjg f erec j t0 a dray, and in die
, 1Juve . I)g the box fell and bro« e p
pen. Instead of holding ruachin
ry it entained about one ! nn
s and agreui qo.nlitj if
amnuntiou. .he stun was smur
gkd tu for a hrm m tlie F n ip
pmes mid was etnl Hum this
cotm rv •
f .;^Z S Z
.or oil <l>egun s » were
cced.aoaovoo oia^ooi
iD «it,.,ao ttaLlaudo wwturu-
fO !ii fo* 1 (iif* rnnsf>n’, r i lH' in
r- 1 m a: )'■ '■ v « ! t v Oiing ( nmiijh to
p 11 *■ i! ( ir ai ’a In ti I!uo
i-f uid 1 nv ;inri imptoTttl
nil s for ) ( ns inoi.ov than tin*
gt'Vf'n - :nst ist nlk wed them for
the old ones.
The writer of the letter said
iliat the war in the Philippines,
in his opinion, was not hing more
nor lees tl'(Bn a .political strug
gl and ih it it could he ended
on mightv short notice if the
United Staffs wanted to do it
The K>'d : rs, lie said, were tired
of the dull ' r aifare and wanted
to see the tiung ended.
IlieH 31an.
A writer in the outlook deH
cnbea a ride he once took
au old farmer in a New Eng
land village, dating winch some
of the men of the n igiiboi hood
caret under critKv-m. ‘f
ing of a pioniinent man in tlie
village, 1 said: ‘He is u man
ruearic?' ‘Well . sir,’ the faim -r
replied, ‘fie hasn't got much
money, Imt he’s mighty rich-’
ile has agio.Ideal ot laud thou?
1 asked' ‘No, sir he li uinYot
much land, either, bat he is
mighty rich.’ The '' " old * . ..... ....
with a pleasant smile, obs« rved
ixiy puzzled look for a moment,
•and ihen explained*, ‘You s :*e
lie liasn.t got much money, and
he hasn’t got much laud but
still he is rich, because lie nev
hi went to bed owing any man
a cent in all his h o lie
was e Si as he wants to live, and
he pays as he gees • he doesn’t
owe anything and I e isn’t afraid
of anybody; he lells every man
die tfuili, and do i his duty by
himself, his family and
neighbors: his word is as good
as his bond, and every man, wo
man and child in the town look 8
up to him ami respecs him. No,
sir, he hasn’t go' much land,
but he*s a mighty rash man
because he sgot all he wants. ) )
Chicagonnd llic wontli.
Home Tx-i!>n ne
Tlie capitalists and
of Chicago have their eyes on
tlie South, They believe
during *l:e next ten years
Southern States wiil show
K r.a,.« devetopme,,,and
iiU P 0 , o d ta 0
hwtory of the country.
'Ibru, xoo. .h- tat
uoa of al! to toat thoro «o mil
•« »'T*^ v-.-w -MJ
VV JiYrd # : g UbM dv R^- c ^
HEAD- t w -it# jk QUARTERS
The Galley Drug Company.
linns of dollars capita!lying idle
in the hi ii.p of Chicago await¬
ing investment. To tho wide
awtdke Weatern ruotieyed man
the South appeals particul it In
08 a of i’u Id iuvi.*’fio t t.. It is j
predicted that« n duapi.'ecl ttpj
capital Itreaks lutbs that it '.villi
j ] pour southward in a mighty vy! j
I u ruins.
j Because of tile labor troubles
C’h?cago ( it is said, that tne
capitalis’s bavc been timid a
bout going into any kind of new
,'euterprii e, but now that the sit
j nation U beconndeg meie set
ted the >u‘unm season is ex¬
peeled to witness an opening of
the flood gates of capital.
Southern investments whidh
make a good showing will
id and a good ctiance of getting
a Inigo share of Uus ia 1 this
autu mn.
For ufauts aud Children.
j j The Kind Yea Have Ateajs Beagfet
1 Bears the
Signature of
j Public Ginnery,
My ginnery is now in first-class condition
and I ain ready to gin ycur cotton. My plant
v/as thoroughly overhauled last year and is one
of the best country ginner'. e*s in the counury.
Will be glad to have the patronage of the pec
Will pay the market price for cotton seed
’/rhere customers wish to sell.
Very Respectful!,
T\T iv n , 34
iJm k
Traqe Marksj
CoevmoHfa Ac.
C’tli'.K'^ / uvnnn i.set.'t'UuH our n. McPlob O'diuoii fiQO rt^RCflpMun whotnc- t»
rtv.- ip urohRbJf pmctutuhi#. Coftmiimfitv
I lp?»« : *; i.*l}y »' fbJdijtf.t!. HtmflbGOk OH PnfBtittt
i3o*it f f "Up. t-P, oideut if lest nuonuy MiruUtfh fur s' , , u. h ln/: Co, patent*. receive
IVetitu takett Mutm
y; filin' ucttCJ* V/UhOUt cunrgG, lu the
firtMiffc Htetritaa.
A h«« Hnmriy iHustrflfrr! wooH*. T,nrtrr?pt cJr
r niai k*n of nr,y ru in • ‘>\ti o journiil. Turnnf, i?.3 ft
y *Mi ; tour rooiHhn t IL LfOi-J by nil nown<looiern.
i1ljNNff:Co. 38, ^«-New York
Branch OlTlcc, If Ub.% V/aaIiinr<ton. I). C.
iMm 0 ii liik
My undertaking establish
rn 3 ut is well fitted up and *
t >y stock of undertaking
goods is complete.
Attention prompt aDd ca
pa bin.
Hearses free of
Uiiftertalier & Emhmner