Conyers weekly. (Conyers, GA.) 1895-1901, September 29, 1900, Image 1

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THE VOL. XVIII. MONEY Lost In Conyers! ; ‘ - :■ ■ By any one who buys their Dress Goods, '-'hoes. Hats, Clothing etc. without seeing the big shipmentsarriving daily for the M They have bought in large lots m New York and Boston and yon "will be glad to •*> 0 they doing, it shows plainly what tho 0 buy of them, when you first hear what are a> CASH will do in market Go and see these new goods and you will thank us • They give cash trading straps-on each 10c sale which is a big help to their customers. a HaveYour Cotton Ginned At CONYERS OILGO’SGIM. Latest MUNGER System. Makes best TURN OUT. Makes BEST SAMLE. Buyers prefer and pay more for it. Highest price paid for sound seed! TRY us and be CONVINCED. Conyers Oi Co’s. Gin. John D. Scott, Mgr. Gin. K. SHIPPEY. Long Distance Phone 676 C, B. SH1PPEY. J, Phone 67 6 , Stand , J. L SHIfPEY & HO. Live Stock a 11 FOR THE SALE OF CATTLE SHEEP AND HOGS. .,.,1 and 8SG Decatur St., Atlanta, On. liberal Advancements mads cn all (Battle A ssignod to us. The Best Wagon and Stock Yards in Atlanta* WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. r=___ ttuthisg and Wood Work! * ALL KINDS 4 ’ Repair Work Of New and Done on short notice and in good condition. Ira Farrill, special Horse Shoer, guarantees perfect work Your horse will not cork himself when Farrill turns him loose. COLUMBUS HART, GENERAL SMITH P. G, & R. W. TUCKER. Public Ginnery. % ginnery is now in first-class condition and I am ready to ^ your cotton. My plant was thoroughly overhauled last > ear ond of the best country ginneries in the country • Will be Lj pi to have the patronage of the people' ['Lll’pay h the market price tor cotton seed where customser to sell, I. A, HAMILTON. CONYERS, GA., SATURDAY, SEP. 29- 1900. Pianos and Or¬ gans for sale by J. P. Tilley. Jurors Drawn to serve at the Octo¬ ber term of Rockdale Superior Court; grand jurors. Benj. O Granade, Andrew N Plun t " > t, John J Farmer, Jas. C Plunket, W V Almand, John T A McCollum, John H Mad¬ dox, Jesse M Almand, B H Summers, Geo. W Warren, Geo. J Hollingsworth, Wm. M Rich¬ ardson, Eward C Granade, J MB Goode, J F King, Joel S Johnson, J K P Lester, sr.. Jas. P McDaniel, Henry T Stewart, John W McDaniel sr., Eli J McDaniel, John W McClung, Jas B Lyon, C B Hudson, Geo. W Walker, J J Langford, Josiah James. Andrew J Pierce, Robt, H Farmer, C Humphries. TKAVERS*, JURORS. Chas. E Lyon, Asa D Ham¬ mock, F G Dunn, Wesley A Browning, James A Myers, P G Tucker, James S Love, John G Johnson, John J Cowan, J S Black, Joel A Owens, John B Godard, Samuel J Bowen, Wal¬ ter K Downs, Robt. J Carr, D A Pucket, R O Gailey, Z T Al¬ mand, Robt. E Bradford, G W Wilson, W F McDaniel, Wil¬ liam A Scott, M M Norton, A H Brooks, W A Johnson, R B Vaughn, R A Hudson. O S Hay good, Wm. S Sims; W M Park¬ er, Robt. Hollingsworth, L F Scott, Geo. Plunket N StJohn, AL Plun- Veal, Chas. M ,John F ket Foi- Sale.—A small farm con¬ taining 25 acreB, more or less, with good dwelling and outhouses and good well of water, one and miles from courthouse. Call on or address H. F. Treadwell, Conyers, Ga. Bless tie Fatherless With Oie Days Work. The State and all its people are being constantly helped by the Orphans’ Homes of the dif¬ ferent churches. These reach down and save the helpless lit¬ tle children who would be crush¬ ed in the crowded thoroughfare of life. Many a fatherless, un¬ protected child is lifted just in time to save it from sin and ruin, Our North Georgia Orphans’ Home is the largest in Georgia, having now 155 orphans, gath¬ ered without question of denom¬ ination but only of absolute des¬ titution, from almost every county in North Georgia * The trustees, Messrs R A Hemphill, Georga Muse and Asa G. Cand¬ ler try to lift up the more than 200 orphans annually helped at Decatur by the threefold gospel of training heart, head and hand,— religion, school and reg¬ ular work—each contributing its essential to real character build iug. With a family of orphans and THAN 0THER8! «‘Lower than others, • t is what our patrons say of our prices* This holds good throughout our entire stock, and we wiil keep it so. 4$ Gent’s Furnishing Goods. In this department we have unusual bargains to offer our customers the goods are new and will give splendid satisfaction* When you are ready to buy call and examine my stock. A Most Varied Stock To Buy From. I can sell you rlmost anything you call for and at a lower price than you can buy it elsewhere in the city. If you doubt this try around and then Come to me. 1 can promise to prove aM I say. WILL BUY ALL YOUR PRODUCE Yours for trade, N. T. STREET. workers, nearly 200, the expen¬ ses necessarily count up. After getting homes as rapidly as good ones arc offerred the home is crowded and there are now 30 orphans begging admission. For enlargment of cottages, school and kichen, for immediate use $5000. is greatly needed . We ask every member of our churches and friends of the or¬ phan to keep Orphans’ Home Work-Day Saturday, Sep. 29, and give one full days earnings to God’8 own children, The money can be sent through the Methodist Sunday Schools at their special service for the or¬ phans the next day or direct to Rev Howard Creemley, 200 Oak St. Atlanta. Let every tender hearted friend, young or old put in their best days work and give it to the orphans. These darlings of the dead neg¬ lected or helped by you will re pay your children in like coin. A message from Galveston tells of rioting between blacks and whites which adds innum¬ erable horrors to those already desolating the city. Conflicts of unruly negroes and law-abid¬ ing citizens occur constantly; fifty negroes have been shot, most of them for robbing the dead. Whole gangs of blacks have in many cases driven the rescueing whites away their work. A vigilance com¬ mittee is being formed. Two thousand, three hundred and fifty bodies have already been carried on to barges and dump¬ ed in the gulf. Two hundred were buried at Virginia Point, and hundreds are buried at oth* School Books pads, pencils, and inks. 1 ! School Supplies OF ALL KINDS AT LOWEST PRICES. GAILEY DRUG COMPANY. GENERAL REFAIR SHOP. If your Bicycle needs Repairing; If your Gun or Pistol needs Repairing we If your watch or clock needs Repairing; If your Jewelry of any kind needs Repairing; Bring it to Me. My work i® guaranteed to give satisfaction. Shop first door above Hudsons. C. B. IRWIN. er points along the coast, and scores of bodies are coming shore at Virginia Point. The loss of life will go beyond 5,000. and gome estimates place it at 10,000. At this time, however, chaos is reduced to order, and matters are reaching rapid im¬ provement; NO.‘46. CASTOR IA Jor Infants sad Children. lit KM Yn Din Atwijj tagtt vh*