Conyers weekly. (Conyers, GA.) 1895-1901, October 13, 1900, Image 1

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THE CONYERS WEEKLY VOL. XVIII. ALWAYS ASK FOR GAILEY S STAMPS! The stamps are good for anything in his house; not only crockery but everything. They are as good at (railev’s as postage stamps are at the post office. The reason we use these stamps is to increase our trade and to give to the customer what we have been paying for advertising. The best way to advertise is treat vour trade right; then ask them to tell their friends. That is why we do the business. We will have our "s?| 3 « &EKoSft pIIceto'S.lIIjdyour money back if you want it. GAILEY DRY COODS COMPANY. lave Your Dotton Ginned At CONYRS OIL CO’SGIM. i Latest MUNGER, System. Makes best TURN OUT. Makes BEST SAMLE. Buyers prefer and pay more for it' jHighest I price paid CONVINCED. for sound seed! TRY us and be L [ Conyers Oil Co’s. Gin. John D. Scott, Mgr. Gin. mm REPAIR S 10 P. If your Bicycle n^eds Repairing, If your Gun or Pistol needs Repairing; If your watch or clock needs Repairing; If your Jewelry of any kind needs Repairing, Bring it to Me. My work is guaranteed to give satisfaction Shop first door above Hudsons. C Bo IRWIN, i. K. SHIPPEY. Longdistance Phone 676 C,.B. SHIPPEY. , Stand Phone 676, J. I SHIPPEY & BBd Live Suet CoDiissM lerctais. [FOR THE SALE OF CATTLE SHEEP AND HOGS. 824 and 8S6 Decatur St., Atlanta, Ga. taosra! Advancements made on all Qattle ssigned to us. The Best Wagon and Stock Yards in Atlanta. WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. Public Ginnery. My ginnery is now in first-class condition and I am leady to to your cotton. My plant was thoroughly overhauled last > ear ^dis ond of the best country ginneries in the country Will be to have the patronage of the people 1 Willjpay the market price for cotton seed where customser M 1 to sell, Very RespectfiullY, I. A- HAMILTON. CONYERS, GA., SATURDAY, OCT 13, 1900. COMPLIMENTARY. Whereas, Hon. E. J. Reagan, Judge of the Superior Court of the Flint Circuit has presided over this, the October term, 1900, of Rockdale Superior Court; and whereas the members of this Bar, officers of this court, and citizens of this county desire to express their appreciation to the Hon. E. J. Reagan who was born and i eared in this county and who studied for tin admission to the bar here; and whereas we have watched with pride the honorable manner in which he has deported himself in private and profession¬ al life as well as the able manner in which he has discharged the du¬ ties of public office to which he has been elected; be it resolved: 1st. That we tender him our thanks for the able, pleasant and impartial manner in which he has presided at this term of the court. 2nd, That we tender him our best wishes for continued success and usefulness in the future. 3rd, That these resolutions be spread on the minutes of this court and published in our county papers and a copy under the seal of court be furnished to him by the clerk. Placed on minutes of court by permission. H, L. Parry, Geo, Gleaton, Secretary, Chairman Brand and Yrauem Jiirors, Drawn To Serve at the April Term 1901 Superior Court. GRAND JURORS. Jno. Bohanan, Jno. E Whitak¬ er, Henry Y. McCord. Levi T, Longshore, M. M. Norton, David C. Albert, Win. V. Almand, Jno. F. Plunket, Jno. R. Etheridge, Robt. F. Farmer, K. M. Warren, Wm. A. Scott, Samuel F. Bohan¬ an, Wm. P. Plunket, Jno. G. Mal com, Jas. H. Peek Sr., Jno. C. Stephenson, Chas. M. Swords, Geo. C. Mitchell, Pieman L. Graham, Jas. M. Williams, Samuel H. Wood, Bartow Walker, Geo. M. Langford, Jas. S. Love, Jas. K. P, Lester Sr., Jno. J. Langford, Jas. B. Lyon, Egbert A. Smith, J. S. Granade. TRAVERSE JURORS. Jas. T. Wheeler, Jos. M. Laird, J. J. Mooney, Edgar P. Guinn, Geo. T. Smith, Jas. J. Swann, Chas. E. L. Rogers, F. G. Dunn, Ephram F. Cook, Jas. M. Chafin, Asa O. Cowan, Josiah S. Owens, Sam’l I. Cowan, Heard H. Allen, Gresn W. Hollingsworth, Jno. F. Plunket, Caleb A . Blake, Jas. W. Spragins, Aug. P. Sigman, Roland L. Huff, Josiafc Brooks, Jno. T. Sims, Joseph Plunket, Jno. H. Huff, Jno. R. Pirkle, Andrew N. Plunket, W. K. Downs. Robt. B. Cannon, Jno. J. Sims, Jas. Y. Hill, William B. Jackson, Adison S. Turner, Otis F. Adair, L. T. Far rill, Joe. W. Reagan, Jas. W. GRAND JURY PRESENTMENTS We the Grand jurors chosen and sworn for October teirn of Rock¬ dale Superior Court 1900, make the the following presentments: COUNTY OFFICERS. We find the books of the various county officers neatly and correct¬ ly kept. We find the dockets of Justices and Notary Public neatly kept, and as the law requires. We find the druggists keep a re¬ cord of poisonous drugs sold, as the law requires. PUBLIC BRIDGES. We find the public bridges of the county in good condition with the following exceptions We recommend that the Ordina¬ ry have the covering over Ogles¬ by’s bridge straightened up. We also recommend that the bridge at 1 ucker s mill be raised 18-inhees above its present height. We also recommend that a bridge be built over stream Jack Keen place in Lorraine trict. PUBLIC BUILDINGS. We find the public buildings of the county in very good condition so far as we have been able to as¬ certain. PUBLIC ROADS. We find the public roads of the county in as good condition, as could be expected, considering the rainy spring and dry summer, ex¬ cept the road leading from city limits to Irwin bridge, and recom¬ mend that it be put in proper con¬ dition as early as possible. We recommend the roads throughout the county be widened to the lawful width. PA UPKR FARM. We find the buildings in fair condition except the main dwelling which needs roof repaired on north side. We find the farm reasonably terraced, and in very good fix. We recommend that the Orchard be re-set with fruit trees, where trees have died, and that the or¬ chard be enlarged with 25 or 80 trees. We recommend that a portion of the farm be sowed down each year so as to improve the land, We find the sanitary condition of the premisss good. We find 6 inmates; 2 white and 4 colored. We recommend for cause that the present keeper of the farm be removed, and that C. Humphries be appointed in his stead, at no greater cost to the county than at present. We find the average expenses of the farm for the past 6 months, less the burial expenses to be $6.39 per capita per month. PENSIONS. We have examined the pension list submitted for our considera¬ tion, and as far as we can learn, find them correct. We recommend that jurors and Court bailiffs be paid $2.00 per day and riding bailiffs $3.00 per day for the year 1901. We find on examining the tax that a number of failed to return their property at what wo think a fair value, and have Been proper to raise the same to what we think right, aggrega¬ ting to the amount of $22,525.00. We here-with attach an item¬ ized list of the same and recom that the tax collector be required to collect the same as required by law. We recommend that the follow¬ ing committee, W. P. McDaniell from Town’district, J. T. A. Mc¬ Collum from Honey Creek district, W M. Richardson from Lorraine district and R, H. Cannon from Sheffield district confer with the Ordiuary for the purpose of build¬ ing a vault in the Court house for the safe keeepiug of the public re¬ cords. We recommend that these pre¬ sentments be published in the coun ty papers and that they be p a ; d if5.00 each for the same. In taking leave of your Honor, Judge Ned Reagan, wo take this 0 pp 0r tunity to express both our personal and public esteem for your Honor. Appreciating your valuable services as well as the courteous regard for our duties, we return our hearty thanks for the same. We feel that we voice the sentiment of all cur good citi¬ zens in expressing our appreciation to your Honor, for your exalted position as a gentleman, a lawyer and a judge. Being bom and raised among us, we have watched with special pleasure and admira¬ tion the sturdy upward trend of your career to prominence and po¬ sition. It gives us satisfaction to present our regards and feelings to your Honor, and feel that we are doing both a duty to ourselves and to our citizens in calling atten¬ tion to this feature in our present¬ ments, hoping it may serve as an inspiration to others of our boys, who may take hope for larger and nobler ambitions, to which your Honor has so assuredly attained. We also extend our thanks to our worthy and efficient Solicitor General, W. T. Kimsey, for cour¬ tesies shown us during this session of the Court. All of which is respectfully sub¬ mitted. J. M. Almand, Secetary. W. V. Almand, Foreman. Ordered by the Court that the foregoing presentments by the Grand Jury be published and paid for as therein recommended. By the Court, Oct. 5th. 1900, W. T. Kimsey. E. J. Reagan, Judge S. 0., F. C. Presiding. The above and foregoing is a true copy of the Grand Jury pre¬ sentments, Oct. term Superior Court, Rockdale County, 1900. L. H. Sigman, C. S. C. Pianos and Or¬ gans for sale by J. P. Tilley. NO. 41 CITY BABBEB SHOP HENRY REAGAN PROPRIETOR. My shop is comfortable. My towels are clean. My tools are always keen. My attention is respectful. My aim—to please all. Give me a call when you need dressing up. H. H. MCbONAL & SON PRESIDENT DENTIST*. All work guaranteed to please, Office up stairs over J. H. Al mand & Go’s, store. Conyers, Ga F1BE MICE. HcELVANEY * BRO&tyAX AGENTS, We represent some of the best Fire Insurance Companies in existence and aek the public generally to see us before plac¬ ing their risks. Office in Banner office under hotel. McELVA NEY & BRODNaX • Msriiiig d Entail i Mg. My undertaking establish¬ ment is well fitted up and my stock of undertaking goods is complete. Attention prompt and ca pable. Hearses free of Charge. VV. v. Amand, Undertaker Embauer Georgia Railroad. For information as to Routes, Schedules, and Rates, both Passenger a si Frsifll. write to either of the undersigned. You will receive prompt reply and reliable, information. C C McMILLEN, A G JACKSON G A Pass. Dept. GP A. G H WILCOX, 8 A., Augusta, Ga. S E Magill, C. D. Cox. Gen’l Agt. Cen’l Agt, Atlanta, Athens. W Wardwick, W C McMillea Gen’l Agt. S. F, A P A.. Macon. Macon. MR Hudson, W M M# Govern. T. P.4P.A, Agt. Att — t a, m. Jkmgmat*