Conyers weekly. (Conyers, GA.) 1895-1901, October 27, 1900, Image 1

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CON WEEKLY. Y0L. XVIII. OUR DUTY IS TO SPEAK! SPEAK OF WHAT ? HONEST VALUES STITCHED WITH TRUTHFUL WORDS.thout FRILLS! FACTS, NOT FAWtoj He have white goods, StoS nSrSsa'sSrtrtiT'SrtV*'V.V. %«*SS line ’of Gent's Furnishing Goods is Great, and m Styles to riteveiy ’ • properly appreciated, and all are low priced goodness. SHIOES: SHG9ft: SHOES: SHOES: SSIOBIS: Hot only good shoes for perfect For uSST.,^ Slbf Shoefh.v^neve^ been'turaed'’do,n. Miss^f.wd substantial savings, Fov mn ’ Z e f ^ invited to see these shoes. children's fine 3hoes, we have all kinds. You are ppippc THAT WILL SURPRISE AND PLEASE YOUr 8, mcan?so , P i« goods of all kinds and Notions would in get ail our varieties. prices ever Honest the couuteis, good. »t a c - Pwhw-P ^ ^ m »t ‘yyiw^yoShew We ouTpricea pleased you are patrons-the sure to bo kind plca.ed, that stay. 0» b*lhng goods not wo would rather you K°ods - . come ouco we f ee l sure you will come again. want riM.k»»g spoalc for themselves, so do not come and let our anu .^LY-hiCioo for money ahan the “other fellow.” money bark for a faulty fit or a brok«. prtMMM. Zn friends. We want your trade, but not unless we ca.u give .you vou more more tor your yom n n y 0 But Always, 12 we sell to your deserve and secure larger share m the future. noe, for past patronage, we hope to a HEWLITT, REAGAN & DOWNS. 1 -tH 82*“ CZ3 SE 1 cAMERSj i * t Have Your Cotton Sinned At CONYRS OIL COS G1M. Latest HUNGER By stem. Makes best TURN OUT, Makes BEST SAMPLE Buyers prefer and pay more for it* Highest price paid for sound seed TRY us and be CONVINCED. Conyers Oil Go's. Gin. John D. Scott Mgr. Gin. ■ IT your Bicycl© xi®6o.s Rop&iring , If your Gun or Pistol needs Repairing; If your watch or clock needs Repairing; If your Jewelry of any kind needs Repairing; Bring it to Me. My work is guaranteed to give satisfaction. Shop first door above Hudsons. C. B. IRWIN, LongDistance Phone 676 C, B. SHIPPEY. J, K. SHIPPEY. Phone 67 6 , Stand , J. L SHIPPEY i BE Live M Coiiiss* SraMs. FOR THE sale of cattle sheep and hoos. Decatur St • 9 Atlanta, Ga. l and fcwal a-oaxvcemeivts on all gattle Assigned to -as. The Best Wagon and Stock Yards in Atlanta# WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. e ATLANTA DAILY ^ Running a Special Oam Paign OfferOnly $1.00. Th# Oonstftuition, of Atlanta, *> is low offering its daily CONYERS, GA.. SATURDAY, OCT- 27, 1900. the Republican Nationol Con¬ vention at Philadelphia in June, The Constitution always covers the news completely, and this offer will perhaps test the capacity of their full pland In connection with the $1,00 Campaign offer, each such subrcriber may cast a ballot naming his choice of judgement to the Democratic and Repub¬ lican nominees for P,esident and Nice-President, and $225 in prizes will be given to the ac cu r ate ballots. The sooner you send for it the longer you get the paper for your dollar. Pianos and Or¬ gans for sale by J. P. Tilley. and Sunday editions complete to new subscribers, from tne date the order reaches that office umi i j u |y 7th, fer only $1.00, July 7th will take the subscriber past the date of the Bryan Nominating Convention at as, city on July 4th. In Georgia Railroad. For information a a to Routes, Schedules, and Rates, both Pump d M0k. write to either of the undersigned, You will receive prompt reply and reliable, information. CCMcMILLEN, A G JACKSON G A Pass. Dept. G P A. G H WILCOX, S A., Augusta, Ga. 3 E Magill, C. D. Cox. Gen’l Agt. Cen’l Agt, Atlanta, Athens. W W ardwick, . W C McMilleu Gen’l Agt. S. F, & P A. Macon. Macon. MR Hudson, W M McGovern. T. F. & P. A, Gen’l Agt. Atlanta, ea. Augusta Uateig aai kda t up My undertaking establish¬ ment is well fitted up and my stock of undertaking goods is complete. Attention prompt and ca pable. Hearses free of onarge. Amand, Undertaker At Eaibamer o a. s to aa x use. . Bears tie The Kind You Hava Always Bough Bignataie ef w * INSURANCE. HcELVANEY &BROBNAX AGENTS, ‘ We represent some of the best Fire Insurance Companies in existence and ask the public generally to see us before plac¬ ing their risks. Office in Bander office under hotel. McELVA NEY & BRODNAX H MCbONAL & SON ^BESfDENT DENTISTS. All work guaranteed to please Office up stairs over J. H. Al mand & Go’s, store. Conyers, , . G.A CITY MBBEE SHOP HENRY REAGAN PROPRIETOR. My shop is comfortable. My towels are cleau. My tools are always keen. My attention is respectful. My aim —to please all. Give me a call when you need dressing up. Branan G-ets Turned Down. A lively meeting of the Fifth congressional Democratic exec¬ utive committee was held in the Kiser building at 11 o’clock yes¬ terday . called for tbo purpose of taking action on the charges being made by Mr. O I • Bran¬ an that the nomination of Hon. Lon F • Livingston for congress from this district was irregular. Mr- Branan appeatd to make a statement ; but as he refused to recognize the gentlemen present as the 1 „aiiy constitut¬ ed Democratic committee, they declined to hear from him. un¬ less Mr; Branan would agree to abide ihe action of the commit Hon. Frank P • Rice, who was elected chairman at the con gressiooal convention held in Atlanta last June, presided 4 very warm colloquy took place between Mr. Rice and Mr. Branan, some of it partaking of a oersonal nature. I ! Do you recognize this as the regular Democratic executive committee of the Fifth conges- NOTICE. All parties indebted to the J. H. Almand Co., are notified tlaat un¬ less their notes and accounts., «• paid or otherwise arranged within the next week or ten days they be put in bank for settlement otherwise put out for collection. Luther J* Oct. 1900. sional district? i ) asked Chair man Rice. “I do not,” said Mr. Brauau. t I Then you have made a mis¬ take in appearing before us. We cannot here your statement.’ concluded Chairman Rice. At this Mr. Branan took hi* departure and the committee unanimously adopted the follow mg resolution, each member present signiughis name thereto; Whereai, Chat. 1 Branan hat openly declared that the nomination of Hon. L. F. Liv¬ ingston for the fifty-seranth con¬ gress from the Fifth congestion al district was irregular and void: Therefore, be it resolved, That the executive committee in and for said district (Fifth Georgia), affirm that the nomination was regular and open to all who wished to enter, and we com¬ mend the Hou * L. F. Living¬ ston to the Democratic voters of the district as the nominee of the party. F. P- Rica, chairman; Wm. Schley Howard, sec. Dan M’oill, Thomas J . Day , J- A. Guinn, O • N ■ Allen , John B. Hutcheson, proxy ForC. H;Hutcheson. Mr. Branan said after the meeting: “The foundation was this morning that will do me a great deal of good in my can vas*. This gathering of sev«n Democrats Lad an opportunity to correct au injustice before it was to late, but failed to do so. I am always willing to correct a wrong. I only recognize the»e gentlemen a* a body of Derna- NO. 43. crats who met to si4ymi#« #*» interests of a special candidate. I contend the proper com aitfce* has uever taken action • I trill only recognize tho coraenitiree appointed two ye*r* ago, and they have neve*' met I* hear my statement a» regards reform metholb of koldtj*$a De«i«rat¬ io conf res9i*ual friraary*' dZ-.v Galveston sm4 ofefctfr Disasters, The GaItmc** tornado 1# tte greatest diastttr which ha* »v*r been known in America. But other lauds have suffered Jt»#h greater catastrophes through i>k* convulsions of nature. Tn 1755 Lipbon vas destroyed by a great earthquake whieh killed40,000people. In 17IS th* city of Messina was deateeyed from tho same cause and lOl.OOt people lost their lives in that city and surrounding province*' A storm visited India in 1S64 whtoi cost 45.000 lives. In 1876 a hur¬ ricane swept acr»*# the della of the Gauges accompanied by a deluge in which mera iii*» iQO, 000 people perished* Back of the modern iu«t*«CM we have no statistical record. But the the Los* of lif* m Pompeii and Herculaneum when Y«sa* vim,poured out lava in th* y»»r 79 of our era, mutt have to** enormous. And, if we deair* t* to venture into the realm of le¬ gend, who ean say that milSos* were not engulfed when Aiku & 1 * disappeared beneath the • Augu-na Herald fMMtlM Tht Kild Yds Haw Alwgy* _ «