Newspaper Page Text
fimmr? WEEK V- I
: v £ s-.;• .•, ■ I 40 :
Li. by B i i 6 ■■■■
. in
am also attracting some attention and ask that you read this bulletin care
iu I taiw V i iiici place your money to the best advantage. Head on:
: :
In Family Groceries I keep the best the market affords.
Flour, Meats, Lard. Sugars, Coffees, Rice, Grits, Meal, Genu
L Cuba Molaeses, Finest. New Orleans Syrup and other good
l-rup?. My prices on these goods are as low as they can be
Lid and not lose money. Place your money here.-
Fruits, Candies, and all Staple and Fancy Confectioneries carried in large quantities, bought cheap for cash and for sale same way.
Best line Cigars Tobacco, chewing' and smoking, and Snufis at lowest prices.
am not being undersold by any house and my goods are <r uaranteed pure
nid fresh at all times. I invite your critical inspection of these goods.
SPECIALS; All Cofftes, Spices, and Peppers ground free. Have See our Mg
nil I go round. Bakei s Bread every Friday and Saturday. \ our cakes
Irdered from Atlanta. I take orders for the best bakery in the city.
A. J, Sbrquiers- The City Grocer.
fsfnmffflf y
s /r
Latest MUNGER System.
best TURN OUT.
lyers. prefer and pay more for it.
price paid lor sound seed,
'EY us and be CONVINCED,
j Conyers Oil Go’s. Gin.
John D. Scott, Mgr. Gin.
i j I
ttrei jfxS g£~HS SfxJ ®T'Ot it SpOf
■f your Bicycle needs Repairing;
your Gun or Pistol needs Repairing;
$ your watch or clock needs Repairing;
ft your Jewelry of any kind needs Repairing,
Bring it to Me.
r work is guaranteed to give satisfaction,
-■lop first door above Hudsons.
Snos and Or
Gor sale by
k P. Tilley.
My reputation is established on Fancy Groceries. No need
to enumerate this vast line—couldn’t do it handy without iai
g or space, You can get what you want in this line here and at
low prices. I will say fo the ladies that they should see me be
fore buying ingredients for fruit cakes. Place your money here.
selves open to discovery by over
acting their parts
If a wife foots her husband’s
socks it is seldom a burden for
him to foot her bills.
We are apt to condemn iu
others what we practice our¬
selves without scruple.
Afflictions are like lightning.
You can never tell where they
will strike until they have fall
Conscience is like a railway
swicch. If it is carefully tend
ed it will keep you on the right
Mirtakkg suit Mo
My undertaking establish¬
ment is well fitted up and
my stock of undertaking
goods is complete.
Attention prompt and ca¬
Hearses free of
W. V. Amand,
Undertaker & Embamer
Interesting Items.
The tiresome orator tries to
make up in length for his defii
cieacy in depth.
Hy pocrits frequently lay them*
FIRE msmiAB.
We represent some of the
best Fire Insnrance Companies
in existence arid ask the public
generally to see us before plac
ing their risks.
Office in Banner office under
To Be Hanged Noveinberl5
Amanzo Glover, the young ne¬
gro man, who was convicted at
the September term of Newton
superior court, will be hanged
on Thursday, Nov. 15, unless he
is respited by the governor.
We hive heard of no move¬
ment, on the part of his counsel,
for a new trial, and do not know
whether the governor will be ask
ed for a respite oi not.
The execution will be private,
j a tfj0 an d no one will be
Emitted except two physicians,
two miu i slerB 0 f the gospel, a
few friends of the condemned
man, and perhaps a half dozen
The public is warned against
asembiing in town or about the
jail, on that day, as it will be
impossible for anyone, not in
eluded in the list above men
tioned, to witness the execution,
Ample guards will be provid
ed about the jail to keep the
crowds away, and to preserve
order-—Covington Star.
“Tli© world Owes Me A
Living If
Far too m any peop.e say‘'the
world owes me a living.’’
is more sound :nau sense in the
expression. The world can only
owe us for what we have done
for it. He who still believes that
the world is owing him, may as
well understand that he must
use force with the debtor t° se “
cure pavment; and had better
be ^ ifc Qr yOU will gefc left.
(^ ran ting the world does owe
yoa a Hying, you must work to
ma ] ie t j ie world give it to you.
Even if the world does owe you
a living some would be too lazy
to collect if Borne people never
learn what they get in this
No limit to this line in my store, I carry the very best good*
manufactured in this line. My stock is large- and varied. All
of Heinz’s goods and many other brands represented here. You
can’t get along well without these articles. All kinds of Sauces,
Apple Butter, Mince Meat and other delicacies. Your money ber*.
A parties indebted to the J. H
Aruand Go., are notified that un¬
less their notes and accounts., are
paid or otherwise arranged within
the next week or ten days they will
be put in bank for settlement or
otherwise put out for colection.
1-^lXLllOl i ifrhDF *J I A I I A »ry% 11 dl o KV/“I 1 LI
m ■
OCfc. *30, JLc/Ov/.,
world; that they cannot get
something for nothing. Those
who try to get a living without
work never succeed. They gen¬
erally get into the penitentiary
and there worK for what they
get. The world needd men of
genius> but lije highest type of
is 8pe iiod w-o-r-k. Bo
^ not s | an d around waiting to
^ int0 partnership with Mr,
Lu< *, f«? Mr. Luck died with
^ iasfc century • Neither wait,
^ Micawbei , f 0 r something to
tum up Micawber found and
you will And. that it is better
go right to work and tarn up
something.—Marietta Journal.
The devil is doing a rushing
business nowadays as well as
everybody else.
Nothing seems to please a
loafer so much as an opportuni-
NO. 45
ty to uother a man wno is busy.
Many a man loves his enemy
because it comes in a pocket
The longer the dog’s day the
shorter the cat's night 1
Some people talk a long time
before you can get at what they
are trying to say.
A woman will pardon want of
sense quicker^ than want of
No man is capable of ruling
others who is unable to rule
The richer a man's food the
poorer his appetite.
A heart full of grace is hotter
than a head full of notions
If some fools were to remain
silent they might acquire repu¬
tations for wisdom.