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nave made every purchase ooKinS’ to the holiday rade and will be
X CJ need for *' Phone
0 tj e nil demands. See me for ail you any occasion.
A. J. bummer •
tjonsew* ^ 4 J SiV
N i 33 S»» 7 “HS! 1
JLl - I E i B— B
If your Bicycle needs Repairing;
If your Gun or Pistol needs Repairing ,
If your watch or clock needs Repairing;
If your Jewelry of any kind needs Repairing ;
Bring it to Me.
My work is guaranteed to give satisfaction.
Shop first door above Hudsons.
Co rt. ds, pencils, °nd inks.
tasw fa :na 53 »KJ 23 lH „flt | g m I’SHWSM !> ooExmam m
T, fllJTo I P 1 TEST Basil Ite
lo The THE patent JgCOTR^
Patent Beocrf S 1 AJ 0 aer anntffi’.
!‘- n 1 homasville Times
h- a fully of the season:
hoe -• c killin’ h near at hand
already faint odors
F oe, spareribs and chit-
1 the frosty air. And
N onm, persimmons and
3 ; - r e about ripe and ready
CONYERS, \ Oi C 4TURDA X I 7 3 NOV- 24. 1900 A
for pulling, plucking and roast
ion." Aye >ti« true. Bui
whj]e Georg i an8 a re reveling in
the realization of these good
things, let. them not forget to
arrange to increase the crop of
things to eat next year. With
smoke houses and corn
cribs, and good times m Georgia
will last all the year, whatever
cotton may do.-Savannab
The Paris Exposition closed
Monday evening Nov. 12 f,h, with
the uc-ual evening illumination
The attendance, however. was
small, visitors being kept a wav
by a drizzling rainfall. Official
statistics show that the exposi¬
tion was a giganic success from
the point of view of attendai ce
which was double that of (be
exposition of 1889 , when 25,121
975 passed the gates. When
the gates of the exposition doe
ed Monday evening more than
50 , 000,000 persons, had passed
Found American Products
John McDonald, a ICtnsas
journalist who is touring Scot¬
land, says in a letter to one of
the papers of the sunflower stam
that ne recently went into a
store in a Highland town and
inspected the goods displayed
for sale, finding among them
the following American pro¬
ducts: Corn. flour, canned beef,
canned peaches, canned apricots
canned pears, rolled oats, wash
boards, churns, cheese, hams,
salmon, apples, forks, ho >s. axt e
.hammers, saws, joiners’ tools,
braces and bits. “This partial
list of things U 3 ed in a Scotch
mountain village,” says Mr.
McDonald, “will give some idea
cf the immense trade
the United States and Great
Britain • ”—Ex.
Beauty is a thin veil used
some women to hide their im
ilnDgilmancentinuestoBearch H • q is about the only
for after lie has found it.
Warning to Cigarette
5 makers*
Emanuel Haskins, a 16
old boy of Fail-bum, (la., died
a few weeks ago from blood
poison. Caused by r molting cigar
ottes. The young man had been
blowing an oidinary French
harp until his under lip had be¬
come sore am! iidlmied- The
physician decided that the nice
ine or other poison from the
cigaretb-s cume in contact with
i,he sore lip ami thus produced
rt e fatal result- The sufferings
of tho youth were I enable and
his head and face were swollen
beyond recognition.
The cigarette smokers in and
around Conyers should profit by
the mistake of this once vigorous
and healthy boy and quit the
filthy and dangerous habit at
Of course it is too early to
talk about the tickets for 1901 ,
but what would be thought of
naming candidates for 1920 ?
Jackson’s friends in 1829 , deter¬
mined to renominate him in 18
32 , and selected Van Buren as
the candidate foi 1836 and 1840
and Benton for 1844 and 1848 .
Yet Benton’t name was never
before a nominating convention
and every president from 1836
to 1852 was a‘dark horse.’—Ex.
Says an ameteur poultry fan
cier •‘The only money in
chickeDS is what they swallow.’
The rainy day sklr is a clear
ing off garment ; clear off the
sidewalk. *
Some people are called cranks
just became you can't turn
For Rural Free Delivery.
Assistant Port; -Vr General
Johnson Heads for
Washington, November 20 —
Mi enthusiastic plea tor a wide
expansion of rural free delivery
w made in the annual report of
W M Johnson, first assistant
postnnistf i- genera 1 He says
that the extraordinary develop¬
ment of this system during the
past twelve montba und* r the
stimulus" of appropriations of
$150 GOO for the fiscal year 1899
1900 . and SI 750,000 foi the fis
dal year 1900 01 , is conclusive
as showing that hereafter it
must he a perra.iueufc and ex
panding feature of the postal
administration. The
can now be extended aet sw iftly
as congress may direct, or as the
means permit, until it covers ail
those portions of the United
States now reached in whole or
in part by the more primitive
methods of the postal service
which have come down to us
aim st without change from col
times. 4 his change Mr.
believes can be effected
without excessive cost to the
No matter how honest they
thev are, the policemen beat!
, h( / cltv .
Every man LlieVes ho can
run a newspaper, or manage a
political campaign. .
Tlie feC 3 of the earth has not
been thoroughly washed
the flood.
Help your neighbor and if he
i» a mao he well help you in.
NO. 47
Pianos and Or¬
gans for sale by
J.P. Tilley.
I i src» it kin 0 li kkla WI
1 ss=SS ,
My undertaking establish¬
ment is well fitted up and
my stock ol undertaking
goods is complete.
Attention prompt and ca
p a j ; ] e .
Hearses free of
W. V. Atnand,
Undortaltoi* Embamer
Fills IliMS.
We represent some of the
best Fire Insurance Companies
in existence and ask the public
generally to see us before plac¬
ing their risks.
Office in Banner office under
Joe, ‘
When a fellow becomes so
smart that he cannot learn
from his broiber fe.lo vs hois
ready to fall down where no
one will pick him up.
Be no more than just to your«
" 0t be ' JDJ ' u9t
eig or,