Conyers weekly. (Conyers, GA.) 1895-1901, January 05, 1901, Image 1

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; 1 f w n?) ! 4 <k 4 r*T^-vr*af-<3p j kk ' t ! 00 k i L .ro 8 ~^Tf~ ^ -- f J> ‘r*m _-- Of /V>. r A < 2 ^ 1 -j * 1 k 'J..: ■* .. , ul © I ■a o r~' W y.'* I 1 / 4 r 1 * r / A. i « % m ^sroaraaog-r . vV m -■ t &wwL _JL M >t oanCV. RTj»* % « We wish to thank each and every one in our county and the adj arirg counties for the liberal *■ r* ‘ c uon-age. extended us during th© past year.- 1900. It shows plainly to us that our customers have found cut that we Buy Flight and Sell Eight, by our large increase of business. Assuring each one that we will c-ottiano to be, in the future as we have proven in the past, LEADERS in LO W£S f PRICES, and wishing for all a prosper ous new year, we premise t f> U c c ssist you by saving you money on each purchase made of the * . • ■ . ±r & ; E - t w mm- as* ; A /•j m j ? «r # m m a.: -ar ■mm THE CONYERS CASH HOUSE. ‘ j Christmas Events Chronicled,. The Happeelrrgs cf Christmas Week Recorded for Gyr Readers. The Christmas holidays in Conyers were ideal in every par tioular ana the people as a unit have et joyed the season of good the utmost, limit. Good order has prevailed, and the happy .Ohiistnias season has passed without rtcording any! Kl.ocbinK d«U, l.aK.d.e. i» he depl-red, or ev.-ma ro bring uliame upon the fair name of our city. Eidi d ty has furnished tmj ivmeiit for all and-fill have marked j the season conspicuously with splendid behavior._ This fuel should m ike us proud of our town and people for not every Corn u.imiIy of near two thousand people can say so much in this age of extravagance in all things. Conyers is a good town, h r people are good and The Wkkk* ],Y wishes for them many Christmas seasons such as the one just past. Hi ' ^ T K IpS S. Monday Night. The Christmas tree at the Methodist church on Ohiisfmas eve night was rnjoyt d by boui old and young The tree was loaded with i aiid.-otne ptesents an, i many hearts were gladden ed by the remembrances from !,li tt , ' *'^ . t ^ 1 ‘ s 1 ' ’' Lj W r: , - r>« ! wmle ! , mimbets ; (■ piv. d.presents of .-iuali boys delivered them T!ie tree wa& a splendid suc~ cess and the hearts of the young tv-to especially made glad Tuesd&y Night * A huge congregation aseem ble.t at the Presbyterian church V !„ r« a beautiful Christinas tret was in readiness for the u ldmg of numerous presents * FU ,a,?! of recitations and muioe h’ad been arranged and was r- uried out, in which many litii' cUidren participated. It was ail very interesting and pleast: g. D C Albert : a l Otto Oo f 1 or announced the names tipo i t ie various prevents and Biuall h =ys delivered them. Tlie general management was directed by Fastor Wm. Ctokes find v.'Ho very successful through CONYERS, m w. c: o < *■ V.! I ! A \ i \T X • i; Y 180 ! out. Wednesday Ni-gM Tho Christmas tree at the jj a ptist church was the event of interest and the house was W( ,]j wt-en the Superin tendant. Mr ■ J M Ahnand, requested the choir to sing, 1 he tree was well loaded with presents and after l lie song and prajer strvica Stosr 3 . D W mandand „ h Wall,, callertihe names upon the P acka K e 3 they were promptly delivered by small boy s. Many glad hearts were in the church that, night. At all tlie Christmas trees music by the choirs was of high order of excellence and K r <' a! ’iy pleased all who were present ■ Wo learn that the rft0ple enjoyed Christmas tress at one or two of the and that the occasions were marked by good behavior. For Infants and Children. Tflg You Have Aiwsys Bought Bears the - Signature 0 * y t Thursday Night The Mayor and City Council men With the School Board and Oilier friends, enjoyed an oyster supper at the Courthouse. Everything was arranged in perfect style for suehan occasion theevening wa* enjoyed by all present, Speeches were ! L V !,ia ^ : iyor and to vetal other gentlemen and at a sea f ‘ M • » i.m hour ah repahed to hair homes hearing pleasant 'hm.Kh,, of ihnpoouUr obv of ficialoand their generous Christ nias spread . Friday Night. The batupiet given bv (lie KV.igbts of pjthins at, Masonic Halloo Friday evening was one of the most enjoyable events of Cue holiday season - The. com mittce having the affair in hand spared neither time nor *>x{t*>ttt'o in preparing for the occasion and wisely called to their as— sisiance a number of ladies who heartily joined in the p re para tion. The large hallway con tained one continuous table which was leaded down with palitable dainties of every kind, Many people were present and feasted joyously tothe delight of the Knights who did ail hi thoir power to make the evening for all. It was expected that an-add taps would'bo delivered but bv Congress,,g'U.n, hb„K r e ce ,' ve a au uryem call lo return to \v„bin»o n . could not be This hitch in tho pro pr un vvas remedied by calls u p.,ii tf \i ,a. P 10nilll( °bizf ns who were present and who res ponded most eloquently; VN hen the hour of departure came it was with a feeling of regret that the guests left the hall and all agreed that this was an 0CCaiJ ° n ,0 1)6 rem * mbered , ' At The Race Track, | Fifteen hundred people niember Thursday of Christmas ! week as a day of genuine f m 'and frolic. At 10:JO o ciock p.ornptly the program was read to the waidag crowd and soon thereafter the fun began Bicycle racing, foot racing, Jmrce racing, show cf fine stock climbing the greased pole and riding tho hatred kept the mui tiiude roaring with laughter shouting excitedly for hours We have yet to encomit' r the present, who was not entertained. This is enough for iho few geiuleno u a ho up tnoaitrtir in :es=s than Mr, F oyd Puinkot wonNJlie mj4 race, going the in tithe and taking the prize ,T'>. The foot, race was won by Vernon McDaniel with Mr ly a close second. in iiie col,>ird foot race Les¬ Collins led wiin > tow art n just behind him blowing a steaiu eitgiiio. Four lun-oes entered the first race, Mr. Aliuhiid’e Princess, and 'dr, Lang Gray Sam were favoriu-u. won the race easily. other running races ere* much enthusiasm, The trotting race between Mr. Loyd’s mare and Mr. Bose Bioduax’s coif was enjoyed by all. Tiiese are two very fine animals. President, Turner’s trotter needs' further training, was the verdict of the people present. Mr, Neely succeeded in reach pjg (.lie top of the greased pole and was promptly paid one dollar. A small negro hoy accident* ally ’rode th , barrel and when » d»ll.r for the feu, h» ey es resembled ,m hr,es, Uie , u „ mM „ ■ Messrs. C G Turner. y jr x>rodnax ( J N Hale, J P Tilley, ^ 4 Sharj) and others managed the 3 (f a j r an d to them belongs the credit, of itrs success. The people were all pleased ancl it is t i, E intention of the piomoters to inaugurate a per inanent series of such events f0 r the future- Experience and more thorough preparation wdl improve them and the public will be inert) appreciative. These events may lead to a coun ty fair for Kockdale m the near future. Prize linspsction. On Christmas day the Conyers Volunteers were inspected by Major Irwin. The Co. made a handsome showing. After the iaspectioa the Company sGold was awarded to.Me, Eon Norton on account of hie having the cleanest gun, After award* m(? {ne mM , a , tr) Private Nor ton bv Capt Ainmnd the Co. mnrt .p ed to lh o regular drill ground aero^a die B K where a J)W() of fhe p 0 . W8 b made, T[ic Co . w j } have its annual p ,d Z) mill the last Friday night Feb. 1901. ________________ . I.^.J , F p l, A a CENTURY vL. • ,1 . rv i AGO. -'* ■ Memphis Commercial Anneal. (Tim hundred years ago a man could not take a rido oil a slcamboH t. 11 m could, notjm from Wash ington to New , ul; in a low hours. ,, He , had . never seen . an eleett , , 10 • light or dreamed of an electric car. He could not send a telcgr-im. lie couldn’t talk tlnoiigli the telephone, and lie had never heard of tlie hello girl. He couhl not ride a him ole. TO OUR BUSINESS MEN, WHO ARE THE BEST THE COUNTRY AFFORDS. It gives ii? genuine pleasure to say a few words concerning the business men of Conyers who tire, we names iy f>*dieve, as good .as any the country can produce. Tiny ato wi»l-i awake sll lWe Iim0 and it i, .rl.lon, when »„y o„o of them fail, to any buotwa . , ,, 1 hey are sagacoo. and , mm . and . lhd tbeir , dealings are clean and methodical. ft, is geldom that a custpni er has cause to fall out with a merch mt in this town, l air and | l0nes)j (i-oatment of all is Hie unvarying rule among them and thus it is that Conyers is noted, fur anil near, as a most favor ed trading centei. Our business men are enterprising and progressive, econorn ical> t Iibera!i a „d it is these distinctive merits in her business ’ men that makes Conyers the best town, from » trading . ViPW - point, in this section of Georgia, The VPekkhy is glad to epeax these truths of our business ni"n and hopes that it may ever be able to sify its much for them with tho same earnest sincerity with which itsperks to day. osaeosaro- • # « -mccrz&cs You get the Weekly and the Weekly Constitution one year lor $1.25. . NO Mo could not. <h '1 in a «t- n.v. rapher and dLum a Inue - 1 le had never received u type¬ written co rmuinicatH!ir He had never heard of the K«rm theory or worried over bacilli and bacteria. u„ had never looked nleft'RM before a photographer or had his picture taken. Go m.-ver haard a phonograph talk or saw a kiimtnscopo turn /> u *■ «a. UgHt; lie had never taken a ride in * an elevator, He had never imagined such ^tiling as a t> plotting machine or a i v j in writer, He lord ‘V'Vmp u«od anylliiiiL but. a wood n plougli, 1 * Ho had never seen his wife using a,sen iug machine. Ho had liiiver struck a nia'ch on bis pant? or anything else* In short there were several tilings that hu could not d ) and several things he did not know