Conyers weekly-banner. (Conyers, GA.) 1901-1907, August 09, 1901, Image 8

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Consl if lit io33. iai*y OH< 5 i*. $2500 CASH. Tlio Constitution now offers $2500.00 in Cash Prizes to agents for the very best agents work during the first quarter first year of tli? new century. O mi ting all contest, except for agents, they place the whole sum to the i.genPtj credit and make the terms equitable distributing it over the w‘. tern lory. To arrange thL South has ' i n divided j . !x *. sections, u . follows; 1st Section . \ 1 -3 ' • .?■ il Carolina, > rilina n ■ Florida. 20 Sec Got a . masses, Ala bama and Mississippi. 8d Section. Georgia. 4th Section Louisiana Ar kansas, T xas, Indian Territory and Oklahoma. This making about an equal number of suberiptions accord iug to The Constitution’s list as it now stands. THE CASH PR 5 ZES ARE: For ldgM-st list from ANY ago lit, Jan - 1st to April 1st. 11)01, from wiion:: Territory.............$ 400,05 For the highest list it; EACH of 1 1 to above four divisions from Jan. 1st to April lu 1001. A F TEll the above general prize is awarded........................................ :mo<. For the second highest list for the three months in eacli Seo¬ tion................................................... ICO.iO For tlio third highest list for the three months in cacti se'— tion..................................................... 50.00 the fourth highest list for fepree months in sec tion f „............................................... 25.00 , ’or tho fiI IIi highest list for the three'months in each sec tion.4,................................. ......... 15.00 'ortho HHjgEp'oo Jlxth hi go list list for montlisin each sec- 1 0.00 in each section.....$ 500.00 M. Total for four s* ( lions..... $2000 00 For tie ten next higiiest lists i from the whole territory at F random, not taking any of a fiove prizes, $10.00 each..............$ 100.00 Total cash prizes from Jan. 1st to April 1st 1001 $ 2500.00 The subscribed s to be renewed for the three months covered by this contest are 48300 names* These with the new eubscrip tionis secured will doubtless run tho list up appreciably in every section. Every newspaper read - er in the whole South wiU be given un opportunity to get on our list. The Constitution wants good agents every where. Men who will get out and canvass and 1 hustle for new business. Many who have to go over t.ieir own and adjoining counties on bus¬ iness can take the Constitution along as the best side line. Country doctors, tax collectors, rural route mail carriers, nur¬ sery men, farmers and good workmen, could all realize among these prizes and make their comm is ion besides, A fair salary } fopositiou for any The Weekly - Constitution rnaxe? special feature of its ag ed CVer by Col. R. j. Redding, J ment farm, and a man who is recognized as an expert on all j agricultural topics, The Cousti! ution will send a gample copy free to any one sending his own aud the names B^eix neighbors. BL 5S am! m f-x- & r v m ii. 9 R - iM 1 m V: •• a *. m 99^ mm m M if •si* L ; e •s- ■ pfc A- :■ . ''W. a? a # m 1 m Y* m. m & m.: wmjjh *’• m 1HE GAILEY DRUG CO. The Constitution should in every southern home. This paper and the tion one year for $ 125 . An Or dinance. (Licensing Dogs.) Bo if ordained by the May¬ or and City Council, of the city of Conyers, Ga., and it is hereby ordained by authority of the same, that all persons owning dogs in said city shall be required to pay a special license of one dollar per an¬ num for each dog owned. A tag shall be furnished free, by said city, to all persons paying the tax, which shall be worn by the dog. All dogs not provided with the proper tag shall be taken up by the authorities and killed after the tlii*d day unless the spe¬ license fee is paid by the Sec, 2. Be it further or¬ dained that it shall be the du¬ ty of the City Clerk to keep record of all tags issued and a description of the dog wear¬ ing same. Be it further ordained, this ordinance, having been read the third time in open shall beof force Aug. 1st. 1901 . Chas. G. Turner, Mayor. J, II. Wallis, Clerk. Call at The Weekly office secure tags. AN ORDINANCE ( Directing Physicians.) Be it ordained by the Mayor and Council of tiie City of Conyers, and it is ordained by authority of the same, that on and after the passage of this ordinance, it shall be unla wful for any physician or physi¬ cians, practicing: in said city, to de¬ tect any of the following eontageous diseases: Small Pox, Scarlet fever, Yellow fever, Cholera and Diptheria in said city, without reporting same within 12 hours to the M »y° r of said or physicians failing to o o be o> 2. conduct upon conviction shall be purnish ns prescribed in Sec. 20, of Amen¬ Charter of said city. Above ordinauoe read the 3rd time passed, this July is. 1901. C G Turner, Mayor. J H AN’all is. Clerk. ^FRICANA will cure Syphilii and 01$ WEEKLY - BANNER- Astounded The Editor. EditorS A Brown, of Bennetfcsville S. C., was once immensely surpris¬ ed. “Through long suffering from Dyspepsia,” lie writes, “my wife was greatly run clown. She had no strength or vigor and suffered great distress from tier stomach, but she tried Electric Bitters which helped her at once, and. after us¬ ing four bottles, sue is entirely well, can eat anything. It’s a grand tonic, and its gentle laxative qualities are splendid for Torpid liver.” For Indigestion, Loss of Appetite, Stomacnand Liver trou¬ bles its a positive, guaranteed cure Only 50c at Gaiiey Drug Co. For Isale. A ladies bicycle, good as new, for a small price. Call at this of¬ fice. They Are in iiiverv Town People who w.'sn to he enterpris¬ ing until it begins to look as if it might cost something. People who want good public buildings if they can be had with¬ out increasing the taxes. People who 110 not, eo to church because they do not like the min¬ ister ; others because the contribu¬ tion box is passed People who wisn some One else would open anotner store, shop or market because tnev are unable to be trusted any lunger by those al¬ ready doing business. •People who will tell you what your neighbor says about you if you will promise not to tell w} 10 told you. People who want goed walks and streets—if tire poor, unfortu¬ nate drinking men will pay for them. Men who do not need to work because their wives or mothers are supporting them Girls who nave nothing to do but dress, fix up ana walk around, try to look pretty and catch a beau, Old maids wno gather up all the news to repeas Women who do not make their home pleasant for husband and children because they must be continually away from home tending societies or to other pco pie', affairs—Orange Observe. The stingy man is always a close observer. Did the whale Jonah avos in have to eat enough to satisfy the iuner man. ?! BUTLER BROTHERS, Proprietro MANUFACTURERS AND FINISHERS OF ♦ ' Li ItallSan, Vermont and Oeor= gSa Marble, Moimments nml gray estones. I 1 OF E VER V DESCRIPTION• w. "V\ Almmul, Agent 1 s UK Ui B 1 st=* B My undertaking ment is well fitted up and my stock of goods is complete. Attention prompt and ca pable. Hearses free of Charge. W. T. Airnuid. Undertaker «& CITY BARBER HENRY REAGAN PROPRIETOR. My shop is comfortable. My towels are clean. My tools are always keen. My attention is respectful. My aim—to please all. Give me a call when you need dressing up. FIRE IBMM HcELVANEY & AGENTS, We represent some of best Fire Insurance • . and . oxis ence ass. , the , public P"”** 1 !* *? SeS 1,3 before P 1 ^ mg their risks. , Office in Banner office under hotel. McELVA NEY & BRODNAX* JS *]£J Bears tto The Kind Yon Have Always Bough! Signature cf IV • r iC • Hopkins X>EJ\TIfc§T. CONYERS, - - - - GEORGIA Office in Night Building. Work guaranteed. F. T. Hopkins, D. D. S. H. H. MCbONAL & SON PRESIDENT DENTISTS.*** All work guaranteed to please Office up stairs over J. IL ma nd & Go’s, store. Oonyeks, . . . • • Ma. Georgia Railroad. For information as to Routes, Schedules, and Rates, both j 1 write to either of the undersigned You will receive prompt reply an<l reliable, information. C C McMILLEN, A G JACKSON G A Pass. Dept. GP A. G*H WILCOX, S A., Augusta Oa. S E Magill, C. D. Cox. Gen’l Agt. Cen’I Agt, Atlanta. Athens. W AY ardwiek, W C McMilleu Gen’l Agt. S. F, & P A * Macon. Macon. MB Hudson, W M McGovern. T. F. & P. A, Gen’l Agt. Atlanta, ca. Augusta CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bears the Signature of