Conyers weekly-banner. (Conyers, GA.) 1901-1907, August 30, 1901, Image 1

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J ' >2 SB B M g ft > % - • WEEKLY - BANNER VOL. XiX. local news items ■ j Short <.«■ Paragraphs, Personal and Otherwise, Gath= ered for our Readers. Don’t forget the school rally at Smyrna Sep-t. 7th. A general in vitation is extended the public. Mr. James Melton, of Moultree, was v, i ;th his father, Dr. M. H. Melton, this week. Maj. R. J. Guinn, of Atlanta, is to speak at the school rally at Smyrna Sept. 7th. James White, Bryantsville, Ind. says DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve led . sores on , both , legs j iea running Doctors He had stiff* red six years. failed to help ban . Get DeWitt’s. Accept, no imitations. Gailey Drug Co. Mrs. Cobble Battle of Moultree, D 011 a vis : t, to her uncle’s family Dr. M. H. Melton. Mr. S. H. Wood left for Winder last Tuesday. He goes to take charge of the Merchant ile busi ness he bought there. He is a golended gentleman a good busi ness man and has many friends here who wish for him much suc¬ cess in his new field. Don’t be satisfied with tempora¬ ry relief from indigestion. Kodol Dys pepsia Cures permanently and coin pletely removes this complaint 1; relieves permanently because it allows the tired stomach perfect r st. Dieting won’t rest the stomach. Nature receives supplies from the food we eat. The sensi¬ ble way to help the stomach is to uso Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, which d g. sts what you eat and can’t help I ut do you good. Gailey Drug Co. Mr. R. C. Ellison, of Atlanta, visited friends in Conyers Sun¬ day. The sermon by Rev. Mr. Trout¬ man at the Methodist church last Sunday morning was both inter¬ esting and edifying to tho large congregation that heard it. Ile is f aniest and fluent and holds the att ikon of hearers well. .Hi cases of cough or croup give tin* ;ii tie rno One Minute Cough Ctu-“ The;, rest easy and have no fear. The child will be all right in a little while. It never fails Pirns int to take, always safe, sure and almost instantaneous in ef lect Gailey Drug Co. • Li." Clara Langford, of Atlan¬ ta q nt Sunday with Miss Sarah Sim Lm gford. Naffer Horace Morgan spent Sin day with friends in Oxford. Mr. Curry Moon, of McDonough B P ( -'-ni Sunday with friends in Con yeN. • * -au ctions, cuts, burns, scalds and so n s of all kinds quicklv heal e <! Tv IMVitt’s Witch Hazel Salve. Cert a 11 cure for piles. Beware of count*.-; fits. Be sure you get the original—DeW Co. itt’s. Gailey Drug ihL- Juanita Cook has returned to her home at Oxford alter a pleasant stay with friends here. Mi's. Smith has returned to her honio at Harlem alter a two w r eeks visit to her daughter, Mrs. J. W . Boll, i ■ > i 'nomas, Sumterville, Ala • " | 1 Was u 1 commenced suffering from taking dyspepsia Kodol Dv ; >e " a Cure. I took several bottl es '■ can digest anything ” Koch ■ spepsia Cure is the only Gon containing all the h -stive fluids. It gives ' Hi He Fenple, By The PEnpls, Fur The. People. CONYERS, GA.. FRIDAY, AEG, 30. 1901. Mr. Robt. Langford, of Atlanta, spent a few days here this week. After a pleant visit of three weeks to Mrs. C. K. Gailey, Miss Dallas has returned to her home at LaGrange. 0. 0. Buck, Beirut, Ark., says: I was troubled with constipation until I bought DeWitt’s Little Ear ly Risers. Since then have been entirely cured of my old complaint I reccommend them. Gailey Drug Co. Miss Sadie Tucker has been the guest of Miss. Berta Anderson, of Covington, this week. Miss Frankie Norman was the guest of Miss Johns, of Social Cir¬ cle Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chick spent Sun¬ day with relatives in Social Cir¬ cle. Messrs. Claude Osborn and El¬ gin Stewart made social calls at Social Circle Sunday. If the action of your bowels is not easy and regular serious com¬ plications must be the final result DeWitt’s Little Early Risers will remove this danger. Safe, pleasant and effective. Gailey Drug Co. Mr. Zack Hanna, was a visitor to Conyers last Sunday. Miss Etta McRea, of Decatur, is the guest of her sister Sirs. Dan Jones. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Eakes and daughter, of Augusta, visited rel¬ atives here a few days last week. Mr. Henry Everitt spent some time with friends and relatives at McDonough this week. Mr. Jas. A. Dukes spent some time at and near Locust Grove this week. Mrs. SH Allport, Johnston, Rn says: "Our little girl almost The strangled to death with croup doctors said she couldn’t live but she was instantly relieved by One Minute Cough Dure. Gailey Drug Co. Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Almand spent Sunday with their son at Social Circle. Miss Carrie Dukes visited rela¬ tives in Atlanta this week. Rev. W. R. Foote, presiding el¬ der of this district, spent Sunday in Conyers. Misses Nancy and Clara Crosby, who have been with relatives in the county for several weeks, have returned to their home in Alaba¬ ma. Mrs. Price and daughter, Miss Maggie, of Pine Barren, Fla., aro on a visit to relatives in Conyers. Mbs McCollum, who was the guest of Miss Willie Mae Hamil¬ ton, has returned to her home in Atlanta. Mrs. Troutman is on a visit to relatives in Rome. Judge A. C. McCalla attended Crawfordville court this week. ^ rs - e\, Shipley and Miss Allen, olAmer icus were in Conyers with friends this week The' r are ontheirwav to Arkansas, wh ere they j will make their home in future, Dr Q u i g£ r has returned from a visit to Indian Spring and Tallu lah Falls. We made a : lies t v is to Forsyth last Tuesday and 'found that thriv ing city enjoying a fair t hare of the prosperity that seems to vail throughout the state and the South. Forsyth is only 26 miles distant from Macon but this does not seem to interfere with her commercial or industrial progress. The courthouse in the center of the square, surrounded by a beau¬ tifully kept lawn, is a credit to the town and county. Monroe Fe¬ male College is, perhaps, the most important institution in the city and great preparation is being made for the opening about two weeks hence. A cotton factory and an oil mill add much to the business activity of the town and all in all Forsyth is a splended lit tie city. Col, J. E . McClelland, of Atlan ta, made a business trip to Con¬ yers this week. Miss Lena Bishop made a busi¬ ness trip to Atlanta Monday. Master Frank Butler has return¬ ed nome after a pleasant visit to relatives at Greensboro. Mr. Lawrence Butler has return ed to Greensboro where he has been engaged the past year. Mrs. It. N. Berrien has returned to her home at Waynesboro after a protracted visit to her parents here. * < 2 > ►- • For Sale or Rent. My bon o and lot near roller flouring mill. For terms etc., see Henry E. Ray. For tesalc. A ladies bicycle, good as new, fora small price. Call at this of¬ fice. Jno. C. Stephenson. ESTABLISHED In 1890. OES>~ He was the foremost salesman for the largest house in Conyers for 15 years, and has been in business for himself for 10 years. He has the leading business of the town after 25 years ex¬ perience Show and display have no part in his store. Solid, reliablo business has made him popular with all and he will be glad to supply you with everything in the various lines of Dress Goods, Notions, Trimmings, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Clothing, Trunks, etc., -Groceries of all kinds: Meat, Lard, Flour, Meal Corn, Oats, Hay, Bran, Can¬ ned Goods of all kinds. You have nothing to do but call for what you want if you fail to see it, and the prices and terms will be lower than the lowest. We buy Country Produce and pay the highest pri¬ ces for Cotton. Don’t go out to buy Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes or anything else as we have have the new est and best styles. Miss Ola Reagan and Messrs. Lola Granadge, Walton Granade and your humble servant will wait on jou Your Iriend, Jno. G. Stephenson. House Party. After a week of uninte; upfced pleas¬ ! m-e, the house party guests of Miss Sarah Sue Langford departed last iThursday morning. There were nine ladies of that age, to which | young ladies aspire and when reach* ed, time no longer ages until they are led to the altar. A prettier or gayer bevy of Georgia daughters would be hard to find and the sad faces of the Conyers gallants, who played the ar¬ dent roll to the gay and beautiful creatures, elicits the beliel on the part of those whose pathway has led them past these days of torturing doubt, that the impressions made by these lovely young forgetfuls is caus¬ ing heartaches in manly breasts. It was a season of joy for them all-r-a mingling together that makes strong friendships and dispels illusions; a living together for a happy season that promises years of pleasant re¬ collecting. The stay of the young ladies in Conyers was a source of pleasure to many and it was a week of social gayety. The fair hostess looked safe¬ ty to the pleasure of her guests and each some new interest awaited them. The end came all too soon—the sea¬ son of joy is past -the boys inconso¬ lable. Thuusday we came to the House party gay. And here six days and nights we stay. II On Friday morn a new girl came, And Friday night we entertain. III On Saturday morn the boys came ’round. And each for him a new aiil found. IV But Sunday morn was clear and bright. We went to church and tried to do right. V On Monday the boys of Conyers vay, Carried us to the river on a wagon of bay. VI NO. Tuesda v was a rainy day, We stayed at home and games did l>hty. VII Wddxrsdav, at s ! x on pleasure bent. All t he girls to a jolly tea went. At eight that night, to a party did go, ’Twas given to us by our friend Bekto. But Thursday morn the weeping came, For then the girls went home again. Sung to the tune of “Good bye my lover, good bye. “JUDY' . Mr. Clias. Rodgers, who is now em¬ ployed by the Walton Oil Co., will move bis family to Social Circle as soon as he can secure a house. He has a splendid position and we wish him all success. We are informed that Mr, Jno. E. Whitaker has sold his farm to Mr. W. B. Parker. Mr. Parker will move from his plantation on South river to Mr. Whitaker s place in order to se¬ cure scheol advantages for his chil¬ dren. Wo welcome Mr. Parker to Conyers and hope that Mr. Whitaker may not get too far away fr m us. The farm that Mr. Parker has bought is very valuable property. Mrs. Martha Nelms and daughter, Miss Mamie have moved to Lithonia. This move was made to accommodate Mamie v. ho will teacli at that place this term. We hope they may like their new home. Mr. Elliott Minor and family are now residents of Conyers. They oc¬ cupy the Gailav residence on North street, We welcome them to Con¬ yers. For Rent. Three or 4 nice rooms for rent at the I). M. Almand old home place. F.r particulars see S. L. Almand. Keep your eye on the Weekky ! Banner.