Conyers weekly-banner. (Conyers, GA.) 1901-1907, September 13, 1901, Image 8

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i DVERTISEiEN y Placed in the Columns of this paper w HELP YOUR BUSINESS. Try an ad. about the size of this one--mak8 it interesting leading and the "Weekly.^ ner and its readers will do the rest. All business must be pushed and advei tising ig J great power for pushing. Try This Space. THE EDITOR. The following was sent us by some admiring friend * this week. lt is just possible thatthis essay nsnearly fills the bill, according to the notion of the people, as could be de sired. Tliere is only one chance for we poor devils to get ju-'tice we mn-t learn to d e. However, there is a eon so’ing thought to us—There s for “puw * 5 unless il o lie pays up his subscription: “Id a lifth* country school not far from Princeton, h entry exer¬ cises are regunvly indulged in ev¬ LV ring Gin term an original or ay m ”1 -ie News¬ paper.’ This hitt -r-dav youthful Solomon handled fins subject thus: “N, wspnt er nnslu of paper on wn f u. to yea . is p: luted. The ■n ,k over tne puper see if their names D i*i it, and the women use it t o put on shelves and eicli. 1 don’t know how newspa perscane into the womb I don’t think God does. The Bible says nothin al .at editors, and I never heard of one beiner in heaven. I » , the . guess the editors is missing link them fellers La.k about. The first editor 1 ever heard of was the follow who wrote up the Hood. He has been here ever since. ‘‘Some eiuiois belong to church and some try to raise whiskers. All of them raise he.I in their neighborhood, and all of them are liars: at least all 1 t n >\v, and I only know one. Euitors never die. At least I never saw a dead one. Sometimes the paper dies and then people feel gl id, but gome oiw si art* it up again, Ed itors never went to school, because editors never got licked. Our pa¬ per is a mighty poor one, but we tak‘ j it so nm cun use it on our paiif'y-shelves Our editor don’t amount to much, but paw says he hud a poor chance wheu’a boy. He goes without underclothes in win¬ ter, wears no socks, and has a wife to support him. Paw hasn’t paid his subscription in five years, and don’t intend to.,’—Princeton Re¬ cord.” Stood Death Off. E. B. Monday, a lawyer of Henrietta, Tex, once fooled a grave digger, « ( My brother was ery Ic ” with m derial fev¬ er and jaundice. 1 persuaded lmn to try Electric Enters, and ho was soou much Getter, but continued their use until ho was wholly cured* ! sur Eiec trie Bmers snv*-d his ate. j * This remedy expels initial ia, kills disease germs null purifies the blood; aids digesuoiij t emulates, liver, kidneys and bowels, cures constipation, dyspepsia, nervous diseases, kidney troubles, fe¬ f nale complaints; gives peifect health- Only 50c at Gailey’s Drug Store. FIRE INSURANCE. j-jcELVANEY & BRODNAX AGENTS, We represent some of the best Fife Insurance Companies in existence and ask the public generally to see us before plac¬ ing their risks. Office in Banner office under hotel. A M. McELVANEY. Have you a sense of fullness in the region of your stomacl after eating? If so you will be benefitted by using Chamber¬ lain’s Stomach and Liver Tab let’s. They also cure b-dching and sour stomach. They regu¬ late the bowels too. Price 25c. Sold by Gailey Drug Co. ,A.«l<Iitioiinl Locals. Mr. J. A. Dukes has returned home after several weeks of visit¬ among his relatives in Henry, Spalding and other neighboring counties. Fall goods are coming in with a rush now and fall advertising must of necessity follow. The proper use of printer's ink will bring fine results this fall. If you bought your goods right and expect to sell them right you can afford to tell the people of it. Conyers needs some more dwell¬ ings. Vacant houses are hard to find here. If you want to see the nicest dis play of harness ever shown in Con yers call on Mr. 13. I). Whatley at Brod nax’s. Mr. H. K. McCalla, of Atlanta, paid Conyers a flying visit Sunday. Miss Sarah Sue Langford left Monday at noon for College Park, where she will inter Cox College. She will be missed by her friends. Messrs. Walter and Otis Adair, of Covington, were here last Sun¬ day. Mr. R. O. Gailey, if Gailey Dry Goods Co., returned from New York Monday’, where he bought, a large stock of fall goods. He has been very busy this week opening and marking these new goods. See Ins announcement in this paper. FOR RENT. Good residence for rent until Christmas cheap. See me at once. L. A. Sharp. We regret t j announce the se- — BANNER- vere illness of Miss Annie Ragland. It is feared that she has typhoid fever. Miss Berta Anderson has return¬ ed to her home at Covington, at ter a pleasant visit to Miss Sadie Tucker. Miss Cowan has returned to her home in Atlanta after spending several weeks here with her mother Mrs. Georgia Cowan. Rev. J. \V. Stokes has returned from Crawfordville, where he has been holding a series of cervices. Cats and Braises QaicKly He .iled. Chamberlain’s Pain Balm ap¬ plied to a cut, bruise, burn, scald or like injury will instantly al lay the pain and vvnl heal the * parts m . less time than any otlr fl er treatment. Unless the injury is very severe it will not leave a scar. Pain Balm also cures rheumatism, sprains, swellings and lameness. For sale by ley Drug Co. • Georgia Railroad. For information as to Routes Schedules, and Rates, both Paapi a si Mgls «r: write to either of the undersigned You will receive prompt reply and reliable, information. C C Me MILLEN, AG J A CKSON G A Pass. Dept. GP A. A 0 DAWSGN, S A. Augusta, Ga. S E Magi 11, C. D. Cox. Gen’l Agt. Gen’l Agt, Atlanta. Athens. W W ardwiek, W C McMillen, Gen’l Agt. S. F, &P A. Macon. Macon. S W We Ikes, W M McGovern, T. F. & P. A, Gen’l Agt. Atlanta, ca. Augusta --• ►- • A Night of Terror. 4 < Awful anxiety was felt for widow of the brave General Burnham of Machias. Me ,\vhen the doctors said she would die from Pneumonia before mom ing” writes Mrs. S. H. Lincoln, who attended her that fearful <r night, but she begged for Dr King’s New Discoveiy, wlricli had more than once saved her life, and cured her of Consump tiou. After taking she slept ail night. Further use entirely cured her.” This marvel ous medicine is guaranteed to cure all Throat, Chest and Lung Diseases. Only 30c and $1.00 Trial bottles free at Gailey Drug Store. me Mmi a him m BUTLER BROTHERS, Propmtro MANUFACTURERS AND FINISHERS OF Italliao, Vermont and Oeon gia Marble, ^ 3Iointmeii( s and g-rayestoiies. j OF EVERY DESCRIPTION m W. "V. Almaiid, Ag'ent CONYERS, Ga. a , anperlairrs Cougtl ' Kennedy 1 J a Great ~ . Hie soothing and properties of this remedy, its pleasant to taste and aad permanent cures have made a great lavorite with people everywhere. It is especially prized by mothers of small dieu , foi «• co.ds.cioup , i and , whoop , ing cough, as it alwavs affords quick . , relief, ... and , . as it contains uo opium or other harmful drug it may be given as confidently to a baby as to an adult. For sale by Gailey Drug Co. ----- a-a.s‘ror2.iA,. Bear? tne The kind You Have Always Signature /L at ---- IU. r L\ Hopkins, iOENFIST. CONYERS,------GEORGIA Office in Night Building. Work guaranteed. F. T. Ho])kins, D. D. S. _ Cured of Chronic Diar rhoea After Thirty of Suffering. ( 4 I suffered tor thirty years with diarrhoea and though I was past being cured,” says Jno. S. Halloway, of French Camp, Miss, ‘ I had spent so much time and money andsuf fered so much time that I had given up all hopes of recovery, I was so feeble from the effects " of the diarrhoei that I could do no kind of ’abor, could not even travel, but by accident I was permitted to find a bottle of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and af ter taking several bottles I am eutifely cured of that trouble. I am so pleased with the result that 1 am anxious that it be in reach of ail v ho suffer as I have' For sale by Gaiiev Drug Co. m -'rs L • Dyspepsia Our Digests what y(M?sat o(| preparation contains ai! fails the food to cure. It allows The you most to sensiti eat; you want . can ByitsuseM ie of dyspeptics have after everything else tailed, formation of gasonthestt if can’t help hist do yea g< Prepared only by E. C. DeWitt&Co.,® tnesOc. The SI. bottle contains 21s times ii Sj:_ase_™. apa* II My undertaking establish is well fitted up and my stock of undertaM is complete. and d A ttention prompt 33 free of Charge. AV. A". AiuaiiA Undertaker Sl EniP ;Uliel H. H. JVLCbONAL & SO? PRESIDENT DENTISTS'* All work guaranteed to 1 ea * *| up stairs over J. H. & Co’s, store. CASTOR^ Child For Infants and ^ w Jjjj Kjtld YOU H3V6 3ear . the ^ gn „ture of (