Conyers weekly-banner. (Conyers, GA.) 1901-1907, September 27, 1901, Image 1

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f lONYERS 4 & ,r I U & - BANNER € ij L. XIX. LARGE STOCK GENERAL MERCHANDISE! I Will Be Able to Save You Money if You Give Me Your Trade W JAMMU A* -t---*•■ BOUGHT 1 % GND WILL SELL CHEAP. Make Your Headquarters at M. H. Plunket’s. You will find in my store, everything that is Usually kept by general merchants. Dry Goods, Shoes, Hats, umbrellas, Parosols, etc., at prices that will prove a saving to you . Envelopls, Note Paper, Box Paper, Iuks, Pens, Pencils, etc., at money saving prices. My line of underwear, Plain and Fancy Shirts, Hosiery, etc., are as good as the market affords and marked to sell low. Calicos. Checks, Sheeting, Drilling—at money s ving prices. Examine my line of Jew© ry. Fine gold rings, pins, buttons, etc., and will sell cheap. Prettiest line of table linens in town 1 Call j all( j j 00 j 5 - through. No trouble to show goods. Am in a better position than ever before to off^r you untold bargains Got my prices and exam ine my goods before you buy. Large line of Crockery, Tinware, Emerald ware, Churn and Jar ware. Splend id stock oi Hardware, Nails etc. Large stock of lamp goods at low prices. Big stock of Tobaccos. Cigars and snuffs. Leading cigars: Rose of 'Plymouth 1 Humbolt and Jackson square Can give you bargains in this line. M lowest prices. V Fine selection of canned goods at An immense stock of heavy groceries at prices as low as can be sold by any house in this section- We guarantee to save you money and give you the highest price for your country produce. _ DO YOU WANT A SHOT GUN? : . * & ‘j If you want to buy a shot gun see me. I have them of different grades and will sell them cheap. Have some ex . tra fine fkdd guns. Also all kinds ammunition at right pi ices. You can save money by trading at c H. PLUNKET’S. BI Thn PeepIe, Be TIth PeepIe, Fur The PeepIe CONYERS, G.4.. FRIDAY, SEPT. 27. 1901. NO. O