Conyers weekly-banner. (Conyers, GA.) 1901-1907, October 04, 1901, Image 6

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It Happened in a Drug Store. “Cbm day Iti't winter a lady came t<> my drug store and asked for a brand of cough medicine that .I dirt not have in stock.” says Mr. C. R. Gnu din, the popular drug¬ gist of Ontario. N. V “She was disappointed and wanted to know what cough jneparati >o I could • recom ni'Uid. I said to her that 1 could freely recommend Chamber¬ lain's Cough R< rued / and that she could take a bottle of the remedy and a i ter giving it a fair trial if sue did i 01 find it worth the mon¬ ey to I.ring back the bottle and 1 would refund the nrice paid. In the course of a day or two the la fly came back it! companv with a friend in need of a cough mediei e and advised her to buy a bottle of Cnamberlain’s Cough Remedy, 1 consider that a very good recom¬ mendation for t he remedy.” It is for sale by the Gailey Drug Co. To St. Louis Conference. Ilev Jno. S. Tilley will leave Conyers to-morrow morning for St. Louis. He has been given an appointment by Bishop Candler in this Conference and his station will h> Cabanne, in the St. Louis Dirt riet. Rev. Mr. Tilley is a young man of n Mgnizial ability and is look¬ ed upon one of the most prom isin , v«iung ministers of the Meth¬ odist church For several rears past ho hus been pet footing his ministerial educanon and his friends here confidently expect him to rise rapidly in his work for the Master’s kingdom, The gootl wishes of our people go with him to his new field and all hope that his labors may prove abun¬ dantly successful. R Fiendish citticK. An attack was lately made on C. F. Collier cf Cherokee, Iowa, that nearly proved fatal. Itcame through his kidneys. His back got, ho lame ho mild not stoop without great pain, nor sit in a chair except propped by cushions No remedy Helped him until he tried Kleet/ic Bitters which effec¬ ted such wonderful change that ho writes lm feels like a new man This marvelous medicine cures backache and kidney trouble, pu nli‘-s the Ho, d and nuilds up your health. Only 50c at the Gailey Drug Co. Rockdale Superior court will Convene next Monday morning. The civil docket is light but the criminal docket will probably be heavier than for several terms past When you lmve m appetite, do not relish your food and feel dull after eating you may know that vmi need a dose of Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets. Price ‘25 cents. Samples free at The Gailey Drug Co. Misses Fannie Stansell and Mag* gie Hardin left this week for Athens where they entered tin* Normal school. Judge A. C. McCnlla made a bu¬ siness trip to Warrenten Thurs¬ day. T\ V'l 2S&Georgia 1® Agricultural SEA. College Mm c£3 Maim Building. -gjlTION. ij£ ifFFi flV USV-rSs D AHLONEGA, GA. A college education In the reach i f all. A I>. 11.IS., Normal and Business Man’s courses. Hood 'ai-oratories; disci|>ine; healthful, (rood invigorating-cll it'tes -’ilitnry moral anil velipiou. influences. Ch atxst board in the i->tate 'I ir a nice of country pre Ittcejexpenses from £75 • > $1?0 a rear; board in dormitories or teachc pri uef. all .iili. faculty s. 8i«?cial of u'me; license course fo, all uuder the eontr. of use University. A college prepar¬ atory cias-v t o-eduiatiun of sexes. The insti¬ tution founded specially for students of limited meant. bend for catalogue to the President ’ * S. Stbwast, A M. WEEKLY-BANNER. QUIGG & STILL. Lumfier QealErs arfil WarehousErnen. — iiuilding Material of sill Kinds. 1 ^! —«£» — Brick, Lime, Cement. We Will weigh cotton this season and will do —**9 our utmost to give thorough satisfaction-. Bring us yonr COTTON. If you need any kind of build¬ ing material it will be to your advantage to see us. Tours To SERVE, ■ ■ and Still —o Quigg uiuiuauuiuuuuiuuumuuuuu iiuu A Horse! A Horse! I now have my second lot of horses this season and will be pleased to have you examine them. If you want a good horse I have it and will sell it to you CHEAP. You will be pleased with the stock I handle. My aim is to give satisfaction and full value for your money. See me before you buy stock. I. L. LANGLEY. AN ARRAY OF STYLISH find BeautifiiHg flesignad MillinErg. OPENING. Oct. 7 th, 8 th, 9 th. A General Invitation is extended the ladies of this and adjoining counties to inspect our beautiful line of goods. The largest and hand¬ somest stock of Millinery ever shown in Conyers. MRS. G. y. COWAN. * BUTLER BROTHERS Proprietor MANUFACTURERS AND FINISHERS OF Itallian, Vermont and Geor= gia Marble. Monuments si lid gravestones. OFEVERY DESCRIPTION W• N . Almand, Agent. CONYERS, CRu i V' I:! miiim li.tii ST 0 RI 4 iiHiiUHiiniii j ANUgetable PreparationforAs slmUaUng the Food andReguia- of | ! ting the Stomaciis and Lowe Is iljfeaivfSMHunREN; , 1 Promoles and Rest.Conlains DigeslioR.CheerfuU ness neither Opium.Morphine nor Mineral. NotNIarcotic. Jietipe of OhUirSAMUELPITCHER Punyjtui Seed' st!x Senna * lloelielU Solis - xlmse Seed e Pemsnnint Bi tarbonateSodfr - + Cltaified }% 11 H-Se#el - v/utiert/ipeti Sue;.v Flavor. Tlon, Aperfecl Sour Remedy Stomach,Diarrhoea forConslipa Worms .Convulsions .Feverish¬ ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. FacSunile Signalure oF NEW YORK. At b tnonlK-i old JjUosis-.^CirYrs EXACT copy OF WRAPPER. iiilliBWF ©jp®sli| Having a beautiful lin oi NEW an 1 seasonable I I cordially invite tin Ladies of this and otliei Counties to cal 1 at mi I i Store. OEM, Wj FRIDAY JED SAT OCTOBER IU 2 1101 9 And inspect the opening display B13 SPECTF UI JUX Hiss Aon!© Raglara Miiditnif M%W ML 1J T> V. - Si IttW’ FALL 1BDL % •TIP OPENING MONDAY TUESDAY AS® WEDNESDAY. DETIIHEH 7th, Bth and 3th. This is the handsomest line of millinery we have eii « shown and we will be more than pleased to show you entire stock. You are specially invited to call on opt days as you will be able to see these new goods to tv ten satisfaction, Everything new and of latest styles. W e have a stock of hats that must please alb Miss McCowen, an experienced and artistic ir* trifflH is with me this season and will strive to please ad. Be sure to visit us. JdiU £em Stihop. I The Kind you s Always ossgl Bears the Signature v i I * i I SI For si Thirty Year •J li * THE CENTAUR COMPANY. NEWYOBKCIT*,