Conyers weekly-banner. (Conyers, GA.) 1901-1907, October 11, 1901, Image 2

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td td ^xxam*. GQ Loioc-rJ* CS2 h-& Go Vi xo THE DRUM n GO’S. All kinds Ink, Fads, Pape re. Pencils, Pons and Crayons '<unn tiOS a (UBl’A Wv.t» wo o UiaMr.sttM I UMMUAl n St ' i garni 0 - ft Vi ? yi L • ■ ifou save money by trading at The GAILEY DRUG GO’S STORE. can Conyers Weekly-Banner. CMULOrfj'.N CF F OCKD ALE CGOSTT . — — J. L .V A LUIS Esitg. Entered at tbe po-u*fiice mail at < '»yers as vcolei -class matter. Fhi LAV. Oct. 11, 1001. f« , first . t , io-er Locs’s ccr, ;iir.° r Ho? 2‘* ^tit* - '■•'■qneni inch in* lertiori ralv T/ f kt for 8r-t in-er'ioij: 2-> tot tM M, b ii e<i n 6 nt »nserson. H fix RIPTION HA I E: One year, in advance............... ,|I (k« Six month*, in advance........... Ce G'v.e Ag“ ’-aia. C «c. The Oak Grove Farmers Co operative “' Agricultural Club held interesting . .. meeting .. , last a very Saturday night. Several im portaut subjects were discussed, Next meeting • "ljl -n v- b- held l.ij on Thursday 3 night. H Oct. 17. 1901, which time Mr. fcmitn . , 01 . De T nt Kalb county and Hon. \V. L. Peek will s-peak for ua. The ladies are e.~f ecially invited to Conte and bring tluir huabauds, Pons and daughters w ith them. Brethten attend your club meltings, Organization is the foundation of civilization II L White, Pres. B. C. Granade, Sec. Tot Call in 1M1 id “One hi or my A e wa s with Croup,” writes - Mrs. J. C. -Snider, of Crittenden, Kv., “it -‘.etued it would strangle be foie we con ! d get a doctor, so t\e gave it Dr. King’s New Discovery wiiich gave quick relief and perum nentiy • ured it. W o always keep it in the house to protect our chil¬ dren from Group and Whooping Cough, It cured me ot a chronic bronchial trouble that no other remedy would relieve, Infal fi¬ bie for Ctughs, C*dds, Threat and Lung troubles. o ! >c and $1.00. Trial bottles free at the Galley Drug Co. The Evening News is no more The paper was suspended with the issue of last Saturday even¬ ing. The News was published at a loss to the stockholders of nearly two thousand dollas a month d ning R 9 life. It was a ep'eodid paper and the people regret its death. Wljat’s You Face Worth Sometimes u fortune, but never, if you have a sallow complexion, a jaundiced look, moth patches and blotches on tho sKin,-all signs of Liver Trouble. But Dr. King’s New Life Pills give Clear Skin. Ii^sy Cheeks, Rich Compaction, Co.* Only 25 cents at the Gailey Drug CAS WWrtjing Bean toe figauom dt Read the legal adds. Ordinance* CovERixo Contagious Diseases. Ee it ordained bv tbe Mayor and City Council, of the city of Conyers, it is hereby ordained. Iba* any person or persons residing within the incorporate limits of said city, when they believe or have any cause to be Here, tnat a contagious disease of any kind exists in their family, shall at once be free of charge to persons resid h w j t hiu sail city, and if such physi-; be ^ian shall pronounce the disease to anv let*fever. of the followingSmallpox. Meningitis, Rose¬ Diphtheria, Yeiiow fever, ola. Scarlettua, Colera, then they shall report same to the City Physician or his agent ar once. Sbc. 2- H shall be the duty of the head of the house to isolate the patient «u patients when it comes to their that any of the above men l c* •ttagioos ’diseases exists in the hou.~Jic.le Sr.c. it. Tlo person or persons shall be ah in and out of the roomer rooms txi- r»t the physicians. If any one el-e ^^,4 the room then it shall be the duty of the head of the house to cause said person or persons to be con lined, in home suitable place, (that isis olated? for a period of not less than five At ttoe expiration of fDe days »bf*y shall call in or cause legally to be called in, the city physician or his shall appoin agent, aud if he pronounce said persou or persons entirely out of danger of contracting the disease, then with pireper fumigation, the said person or persons fchall he discharged. If the raid pihysician does not pronounce said person or piersons entirely our of danger then he will order them to remain in the room or rooms until he sees proper to turn them out. Sec. 4. No article cr articles shall be removed from infected rooms except un¬ the direction of the City Physician. Sec. 5. At auy time the city physi¬ deems it proper for any patient or patients to be confined in a pest house shall order said persou or persons to be cai ried there at once. tt wardor nur^r S U whh ^ h SUS? S iV n C n Fhvsichm or Z> his w,Si 1 Sly LiUv an ^ Mt L miS JJf" ‘ ’■ “ , :‘ : u I nit* su Sec. 20 20 of of the the amended amended char- char oi sa < Sec. 7. The City Physician or his le appointed agent, shall at any and times have authority to go into auy and ail residences of said city when he believes or has cause to believe, that exists any of the contagious dis mentioned above, investigate same and shall give directions from time to time, how the patient or patients shall bo cared for and looked alter, investi gate and when necessary, fumigate the ptemisis. bol.S c pr L Q StaleS 4 11V lf . r<on takTuu who Am o" 11 come S h ! he is not able*to bear am- or all of the xpences that mav accrue in canying out the above ordinance, then he shall be ext muted laid and said otherwise exneuces will be Unix perims by citv, the person or shall* bear all expences that may accrue except City Phvsicians *ervices Sec. 9. Any persou or persons disre garding the instructions herein set forth and that may hereafttr be given by the City Physician, shall be deemed guilty of misdemeanor and punished the Amended as pre¬ scribed in Sec. 20 of Charter of said city. The ordinance was read the first and second time and on motion the rules were suspended, the ordinance read the third time and passed. Tins September 16, 1901. C. G. Turner, Mayor, J. II. Wallis, Clerk. •--• • • VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. 150 Acres of good land for sale. Two miles south of Conyers, ad¬ joining lands of Arthur Whitaker C, M. Swords, known as the Dr. Posey place. Easy terms. For further information call on John H. Aimand or G. W. Posey 1 Conyers. Ga. WF.KKLV-BAN.NEB- John H. Airnandj Pres., C. B. Hudson, V.-Pres, \V. J. Eakes, Cashier, BANK OF ROCKDALE Successor to JOHN H. ALMAND, Banker. INCORPORATED UNDER THE LAWS OF ( iirAnn ) K ( ll T A A T - ORGANIZED JUNE 1901 With the following Board of Directors: John FI. Aimand’ G. B. Hudson, H. Y. McCord, J.C. Stephenson, J, J. LaDgford, R. W. Tucker, W. J. Eakes. Will do a general banking business. Exchange bought and Old. Loans made on approved paper on application. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE TO DEPOSIT¬ ORS FOR DOUBLE AMOUNT OF THEIR STOCK. Accounts of firms and individuals solicited.' HOURS 9 a. in. to 3 p. m. H. H MCbONAL & SON PRESIDENT DENTISTS, All work guaranteed to please Office up stairs over J. H. A1 maud & Co’s, store. Gonyerf. , Ga — a—* ►- • - Sale of Lands fm Bank ruptcy# ClTffM^Walke”°Ite/eve* iu 6 ]^ E"£efSonii Bank! ruj.r, after due notice to all parties at interest as required by law. I will before the Conn House door in the city of Con vers between the legal Imttrs of sale ou the first Tuesday in NuVember 190K the following describ ed property to-wit: All that tract of land in the 4tii District of originally Walton, then Newton, now Rockdale County, in the State of Georgia, in known and distinguished the plan of said District, as being the South Side of lot no. 292, containing sixiy two and <>ne half acres more or less, and bounded on the North by lands of James Thomason, on the east by lands of J. W. Cowan, on the South by lands of It. B. Camion and on the West by Bitr Haynes Creek, Also at the same time and beU -place, fifty ..f l«ml originally lying: ami IN niton, in the 4th District oi then Newton now Rockdale County being part oi lot no.-id-and bounded on the North by lands of John Day and Mrs. Cooper on East by lands of D C Meyers, on first above desciibed tract of land and on W est bv Big Haynes Creek. All of said lands to be sold under said ort \er free from any liens or eu vumbrances. Terms cash. This Sept, 24 1901 . S' E. Brodnax, Trustee in Bankruptcy. For Dismission. GEORGIA, Rockdale County. To whom it may concern:— W. J ■ and J. E, Maddox, adminis¬ trators of H. J. Maddox, late of S lid county deceased, have made their final return as such administrators and applied tor letters of dismission from their said trust and I w ill pass upon the same on the first Monday in January 1902. Given under my hand I and official signature, this Oct. 10, 1901. A. M, Helms, Ord. For sprains, swellings and lame¬ ness there is nothing so good as Chamberlain’s Pain Ba m. Try it. For sale by the Gailey Drug § Co. TVotice of Legislation. Georgia, Rockdale Comity, A bill will be introduced at rhe next session of the legislature to be entitled, An Act, to prohibit the catching or raking fish from any of the streams of said county bv means of any seine, cast net, or sim lar device or devices made ‘for the bagging of fish, or any trap, or darning up the strea i s for the space of five years. The law not to jrohibit hooking or ordinary baskets. This Sep. 12, 1901. D. J, Hudson. GEORGIA. Rockdale County. Will be sold on the first Tuesday ih^Shousl^^mUySK in the legal hours of sale, to the hign est biddrr for cash, certain property of which the following is a descrip rion—an undivided one-seventh in terest in all that tract or parcel of land, in the 16th District and m the city of Conyers, Ga., known as the vVTJlis Irwdn place, and the place now occupied by Mrs. Susan J. Irwin, con taining Forty acres more or less and bounded as follows: On the East by J. R. Irwin, Dr. C. H. Turner and Mill street; on the South by C. G. Turner, and on the West and North bv lands of C. H. Turner and C. G. Turner. Said property being in pos session of Mis, Susan J. Irwin and the one-seventh individed interest levied on as the property of M. C. Ir win, Deft, in tifa who is heir at law of estate of Willis Irwin, deceased, to satisfy an execution issued by the Superior Court of said -Almami County in fa M)1 against .° said ■ L*}' M. C. Irwm. & Co., Defendant and party in possession .ottfied as required by law. This Oct. _nd, 1901. IV. H. M. Austin, Sheriff. . ui: fit? \ 4—- 4 fa r m - - Page is the best and cheapest fence ou earth for all purposes Several thousand rods already up in Rockdale couuty. Scotts Page Fence Agency, C. E, Reagan, Manager. - WANTED! Ladies to do writing at homo during leisure hours. Guarantee $20 00 per month, for one year. Send stamped envelope for reply. No fake. Box 500, Decatur, Ga. CASTOHIA. Bears the The Kind You Hate Always Bought Vlguatme ot For Dismission. GEORGIE. Rockdale County Arnold Whitaker, Executor off H. Smith, deceased, has made v final return and applied for letter,! dismission from his said trust and will Monday pass pass upon the same'oJ 1st in November, 1901 ] , Given under my hand and offa signature, this Aug. 7th, 1901. A. M, Helms, 0 r Q , GEORGIA, Rockdale County:-. To whom it may concern. W. H. M. Austin, Admr.. fl e i non, of the estate of Tkeophilns S ton, deceased has in due form ** moi for an order to sell the real estate applied belonging to said deceased’s estate’ ^ I will pass upon the same ou the der Monday hand in November official next. Given T my and signature u Oct. 9th, 1901. A M. Helms, Ord. GEORGIA. Rockdale County. I I By virtue of an order of the court bt| of Ordinary of said county, will I sold at public outcry, on the first Tuesday in November, 1901 »t the! usual hours situated of sale, in said the fol lowing to-wit:I rent I estate couuty, eon-1 All that tract or parcel of land morel sisting of three hundred acres, or county, less, in and Honey bounded creek District, follows: said On| | as £1 the West by lands of estate of T Oglesby and 1). F Junes, on the North 1 I by Ed Grier and John Baird. East by J H Edmunson, and South by South Kiver- Said land s..ld as the prop, erty of Levy Oglesby, deceased, for the purpose of paying debts and nuk ing distribution. Collateral deeds * and mortgages on above described lands are held by John H. Aimand, Mrs. Ellen Oglesby Price and others who agree to make proper acquit ances to purchasers upon payments, rheir debts, and allow the property to r>e sold for this purpose. Saif land will be sold in four separate par¬ cels. . Terms of sale cash. The administrator will take pleas¬ ure in showing any or ail of the »• hove described lands to any one whs may desire to see or probably pur¬ chase the same, Tins Oct 2 1901 J. T, Stansell, Adni'r Estate of Levy Oglesby, deed. GEORGIA. Rockdale Co, By virtue of an order of the court of Ordinary, of said co intv, and i» accordance with the will of deceased Will bo sold before the Courthouse door in Cuiiy- -s, Ga., be ween the lawful sale In* ii‘s, on the first day in November, 1901, the followm? deseril l-cd real state belonging to the ■ esta re • it J. K riper, deceased, to-wit. Three fiundnd and seven acres of land, more or ie?s, in one body, hold! parts 10th lusrrict of land I f >ts said 110 s., county, 114 and and m »«• jj | - joining lands of J 110 . H. Maddox,J” W. Maddox, liss rcott. and otter, a s > twenty 1 . n-e acres, part o‘ ; • l-'t no. unkno vn, in said district. » joining lands of A L Veal and others also twentv-t-iree acres, in said ( trici, lands of l<>c J * 110 Parker , unknown, and others. adjoin!^ A fordistributianMp™ land to be sold Termsc vided bv deceased’s will. This Oct. 2 1901. Piper aid N H J. H. Ogletree, Ex-r’s of J- F Piper GEORGIA. Rockdale County. By virtue of an order of the of Ordinary before of the said Courthouse county, t J j- 1 . sold lawful » , Corners. Ga., between iionrs, on the first Tuesday u * ember, 1901, all the real estate longing to the estate ot to-wit- B°P. ' - - lingsworth deceased, . .. hundred acres of land, nv»re t in the 10th district of said 1 and parts of land lots east 110 s. by Hj o j and b uinded on the li ®®J ^ Mrs. W B. Jackson, North a» H rv by M. Tucker, and Vest by ciecj Aims. Being the place where ed resided at the time of hi ^ . John H. Aimand holds a qU it deed to this land but agrees 1 ]8 claim on payment of his debt cash. This Oct. 2nd Hollingsworth. 1901. -* , dmr u . J. IV. Kodol Dyspepsia Cur* Digests what you eat '