Conyers weekly-banner. (Conyers, GA.) 1901-1907, October 11, 1901, Image 8

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Grand Jury Presentments. We the Grand jury, chosen and sworn t • serve for the fall term, 1001. < f duel dale Superior beg lt-avf to submit the following general presentments: Public Buildings. fiiiti the jail i„ g oo„ condi ti.-n and ueufly kept. W« «'•;« *"« Court house and giouiuls in gu- d condition, we a! fco that th- Ordinary has had lmilt a vault f< r the safe keeping ot .1. . cords of the Coun ty, as n-oomnend^d by our last ea'rr™g U m tin abo , ho I has l l. i eame; ■ some ■ - tlier much m-cdeu repair.-* in ana around the Court house. Pai i kr Farm \\ e have examined into the con dition of the pauper farm, We find four inmates, one white, and three We find they are well eared i *r. and that the ap« art merits are neatly kept, We find the farm and orchard in g< M M l condition, well terraced cared for. We find there are soiue leali- in the roof ot the main dwel¬ ling and recommend the same be stop; d. The other buildings are in good condition. We c< nun end the Present in¬ cumbent for the manner in which he looks after the farm. r W find Public. the f ridges Fridges. of the conn-j | ty in ‘-'>d condition, w.tii the j fuiiowing ■ xeeptmns: | \\ - find that Daniells bridge j over south, river, i? in dangerous coi.difi-.n. and recommed that the same be repaired as soon as practicable. Wealse recommend that the : ridge near Union Grove church be repaired at once. Public Roads. We find that our public roads are in good condition where, they have been worker! under the new Fystem, others in fair condition conquering the recent rains. We find the work done on the public i ads by 1 he Ordinary has been satisfactory and recom mend that he continue in the same manner, and that no County Com¬ missioners be appoin'ed. \\ recommend that the Ordi¬ nary proceed at once to have the county Jim run between DeKnlb and Rockdale counties. Pensions. We bavoexamined the pension list presented for our considera tirn, and recommend that no names be dropped for cause. Notary Public & Justice Peaces. W e have examined the dockets of the Justices of Peace and Nota¬ ry Publics in the different dis¬ tricts, and from the records shown, they appear to lie properly kept. But we find from other sources that the Justices of Peace in some instances are not keeping a com¬ plete record of all cases coining be¬ fore them, and recommend that all cases be docketed as soon as war rents have been issued, and l ot hold them over pending set¬ tlements. We find tho Auditors report a very elaborate one. showing that no irregularities exist in the books of the following County officers: viz, the Ordinary and Treasurer. We find a small amount of in¬ terest, that Collectors E. T . Cook and W G. Clotfelter failed to col¬ lect frtm delinquent tax payers, which we note was never collected before, ami we recommend that thev be released from paying the ba me into the Countv treasurer. We further recommend that the Tax Collector of the County be required to keep cash book the record of all moneys And disbursements made. That he be required to issue Kdol f? Dyspepsia Cure digestants and digests all kinds of fcjjg food you want. The most sensitive cured after evervtbing else failed. It xiietiDg unnecessary. Pleasant to take. K ^ "bEt do you good Prs xbj rviredonlybyE.C.DvWiTTiCp.,Chicago, si. bottle contains 2ii timestheoOc.size. «,f »ach year on all unpaid taxes, that he collect 7% interest on ^ game from that date until paid. From the Auditors report we find that the Sheriff keeps no books. We recommend that the Sher iff keep a book upon which to en¬ ter the names of a ! l prisoners corning- under his charge, and to state what disposition has been j j made of said prisoners, stating the amounts of fines imposed, if paid,! by whom and what disposition j was made of the proceeds. If fines worked out, state to whom the prisoners were turned over and for what length of time. That he shall keep a record of a q money’s coming into his hands fiom the Or hnary, and any other source pertaining to his office, for n .j ia ^ purpose, when, and liow imicn. : We also find from the Auditors report that the Sheriff has failed to account for t he following bonds that were forfeited: W, J. Dot tery for $100.00 and Cornelius Mc¬ Whorter for $100.00, and recom¬ mend that the same be collected at once. We find from our tax digest that some of the property was re¬ turned for less than its value, and we herewith attach a list of the same, and reccommend that the same be collected as the law re¬ quires. We find the druggists keep a record of poisonous drugs sold as the law On account of the absence of the County School Commissioner, we are.unable to make any report, from his department. We recommend that Grand & Petit jurors and Bailiffs he paid $2.00 per diem and riding Bailiffs bo paid $ 8.00 per diem for the year 1902. We also recommend that these presentments be published in the official Organ of the County and that they receive $ 10,00 for the same. We tender our thanks to his Honor Judge John S. Candler for the ablo and efficient manner in which lie has presided ovef our Court and to our worthy Solicitor for all courtesies shown us. Respectfully Submitted. J. M. Almand, C. G. Turner, Clerk. Foreman, It is ordered by the Court, that the foregoing general presentments by the Grand jury be published and paid for as therein reccom mended. By the Court Oct 9th 1901. W. T. Kimsey, Sol. Gen’l. John S. Candler, J. S. C. St. Mt. Ct. ST JURORS. Drawn to serve April term Rockdale Superior Court, 1902 . grand jurors. Wm. F. McDaniell, Caleb A. Blake, Chas. Reagan, JohuF. Kiug, Jas. P. Nicholson, W ui. O. Clotfelter, Gleun H Owens, Jno . H . A'maud. Itobt. H. Can uon , Thos. a. Elliott, J. M. B Goode, WEEKLY - BANNER • Jno, C. » ESTABLISHED In 1800. ■$s • &• lie was the foremust salesman for the largest house iu Conyers for 15 years, and} u j Gi business for himself for 10 years. He has the leading business of the town after G W ' J ys&nj „ e Show and display have no part in his store. Solid, reliablo business has Biada F C11C opular with ail and he will be fclad to supply you with everything in the ration, H uesof You have nothing to do but call for what you want if you fail to see it, and the p j r m terms will be lower thau the lowest. We buy Country Produce and pay the highest J ces for Cotton. Don’t go out to buy Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes or anything else as we have lh «» Gs ^ aQ ^ I’ es ^ st J‘ es * Miss Ola Reagan and Messrs. Lola Granade, Walton Granade and your 1 !U J servant will wait on you * Your Iriend, Jno. C. Stephenson. Tax Collectors Notice. I will be at the different Court grounds for the purpose of collect¬ ing State and County t*xes on the following dates: 24. Nov. Sheffield, Sept. 25, Oct. 21; Honey Creek, Sept. 20, 0:t. 29, Nov. 26; Lorraine, Sept. 80, Oct. B0, Nov. 29. The remainder of the time, I may be found in my office in G. A. Lucas’ store in Conyers, Ga. The books will close Dec. 20th, and all taxes not paid by that time, will draw 7% interest Lom that dtae until paid. Respt. W. G. Clotfelter, C. T. FIRE IHSORAHCE. flcELVANEY & BRODNAX AGENTS, We represent some of the best Fire Insurance Companies in existence and ask the public generally to see us before plac¬ ing their risks. Office in Banner office under hotel. A- M. McELVANEY. W. Cowan, jr., A. M. McElvauy, Jos. Pluuket, Jas B. Norton, Joliu W. Mc Dauiell, sr.. W. J. Williams R cbard A. - Hailey, Joliu A. Hamilton, Jeff C. Baker, ZarkT. Almand, Jos. W. Carter Henry T. Stewart, John G. Mann, John J. Cowan, Allen D. Summers, Sidney \Y T . Rodgers, Wm. B. Parker. traverse jurors. M. W. Granade, sr., Jas F. Mitchell Jesse W. Jones, Idus M. Walker, John T. A. McCollum, John H. Nolan, Chas, B. Hudson, John J, McClelland, John R. O'nedl, Chas. Z. Norton, Jas. M. McDonald, Ben D. Whatley, J. Howard Turner, Columbus R. F. Watkins, A. B Osborn, Chas. G. Turner, Geo. W.Whit ley, Jos. N. Stanley, Geo - W. Wilsmi, Clias. N. Pluuket, Calvin A. Webb, W. J. Chandler, Geo A. Street, David T. Vaughn, Josiah J. Graham, Thos. L. Peek, Sr., Jas. M. Williams, A. S. Wooley, John A. Hammock, Ben C. Penn, Jos. H. Peek, sr., Same A. Helms Wm. T. Potts, Josiah J • Peek, Wiley C. W ebb'. FOR SALE. The farm of J. F. Harris is now for sale. Any-ono desiring a good farm will do well to see him at once. -- Kcdol ByspeflSta a CUPQ FALL SEASON AT Lll, We have increased our stock and now carry a splendid lineof FANCY and FAMILY Groceries, Good line of CaNNED GOODS, PICKLES. Etc. Everything you need in the cook room at lower prices than you can buy the same elsewhere. This is no idle talk—will se 1 e.ieaper than others, Try my Tobaccos, Cigars and Snuffs—have large stock, Will keep up my Seda Fount at all times. If you want to save money try this store. Thompson Stewart. For Sale or Rent. My house and lot near roller flouring mill. For terms etc., see Henry E. Ray. Mtrtaif ill kilim I I My undertaking establish¬ ment is well fitted up and my stock of undertaking goods is complete. Attention prompt and ca pable. Hearses free of Charge. W. V. fulfill cl, Undertaker & Embamer F. T. Hopkins, DENTIST. CONYERS, - - - - GEORGIA Office in Night Building. Work guaranteed. F. T. Hopkins, D. D. S. CA.STORIA. Bear?- tae % Kind Yoa Harc Always 308$* cure HI V FOR RENT. I have a couple of dwellings, in good repair, 5 and 6 room house#. Will rent cheap. Call on F. M. Ayers. e —« <X> ► • Geor § ia Railroad. For information as to Routes, Schedules, and Rates, both hmm ni Fniji 1 write to either of the undersigned You will receive prompt reply wd reliable, information. C C McMILLEN, A G JACKSON G A Pass. Dept. G P A, A O DAWSGN, S A., Augusta, Ga. S E MagiII, C. D. CoX. Gen’l Age. Cen’l Agt, Atlanta. Athens. W W ardwTck, W C McMill*®' Gen’l Agt. S. F, A PA. Macon. Macon. S W Welkes, W M McGovern, T. F. A P. A, Gen’l Agt. = Atlanta, Ga. Augusta .Attention JLa«Iie s ' Mrs. Mitchell has just r? turned from Atlanta where she ha? studying the late t styles i° making and invites those sire work of this kind, to call 011 her at her home ou Mill su--G