Conyers weekly-banner. (Conyers, GA.) 1901-1907, October 18, 1901, Image 6

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». B. PLBIET. Full Slunk. General Merchandise. Frices Low. GOO Its NEW. A barrel ul line Cuba Molas fee? ju&t r r f ned. A * ki’.<'s of fancy and family and heavy groceries. Can fare you motKy in this line. Dry Goods of all kinds. goods at lew prices. Tobaccos, Cigars and Snuffs. Soaps o! all kinds at all A prices. fro-leery ware, Glass ware. J tr ware, Bm L.•■*. of all kiud«, Tinw,.16, Galvanized ware, in feet anything you waut in thi* line. Good line of hard ware at lowest prices. Hats, Caps, Shoes, Hunt¬ ing coats, Boots and man}’ other things in this line need ful to comfort. Ladies Capes and jackets. Can save you money here. Guns of all kinds—Cheap. Ammunition of all kinds at lowest prices SPECIAL Have an extra large stock of shoes. Ladies’and Chil¬ dren’s, Misses, Mens, Boys— Shoes to suit all feet at low prices. All guaranteed to give satisfaction,* You will miss it if you do your trad ing before you see my goods and get my prices. Every thing new and good quality and we will give you largest quantity for your money. WEEKLY — BANKER- twrojwrowwwmwwwwwwww QUIGGr & STILL. [•urniizr [jja'iersant! lAfarehcusEinEn. £jST IJuiI<Iin«r Jfatoi i.'il of all Kinds. ^ Brick, Lime, Cement. r e Will weigh cotton this season and will do our utmost to give thorough satisfaction. Bring us yonr COTTON, If you need any kind of build¬ ing material it will be to your advantage to see us. Yours To SERVE, Quigg and Still mmmmmmmiiim im A Horse! A Horse! f now’ have my second lot ol horses this season and will bo pleased to have you examine them. If you want a good horse I have it and will sell it to you CHEAP. You will be pleased with the stock I handle. My aim is to give s?t : sfaction and full value for your money. See me before ycu buy stock. I. L. LANGLEY. ira mu & smite m BUTLER BROTHERS Proprietor MANUFACTURERS AND FINISHERS OF Itallian, Vermont aed gSa Marble. Monuments and gravestones. ofeveky descuiption W. V. Alinand, Agent, CONYERS, Ga. Conyers Public Schools w j "io Wpi} ,-rx SsfM. dii f i L—•/ •A » ZJdJ Sjitsjj TiiSi <D ov J2n) The buildings have beep improved arid enlarg¬ ed. The rooms are supplied with the latest improv¬ ed single Seats and DesRs. The building is heated throughout by steam The following excellent corps of teachers will in charge, viz: • , Pmm\ AH XETEIULR, Snpt. and Prncipal. MK® EUEo AISMDiR^Or©, Asst. MKSa 1»1UY m* MA1TO A1ISS IFIiDIRJRIIi IDEE 1M3SS IBDSSl^ MUTBTIT3SOH II MISS ¥©BBaU, “ Parents having children to educate will do well to investigate our school. Tuition m the Primary and Crammer gra.les free to all resident pupils. ■ ■ - . yf. AM?gelaLle Preparation for As -* simHafmg UieFood md andBegula- Bowels of ling the Stomachs wmEm Promotes D i gesiion.C heerfu L ness and Rest.Contains neither j Opium.Morphine- nor >iiuerfti. Not Narcotic. /ixipeof old fir SAMVEL PITCHER Pumdoii Sad' AlxSetinfi - RochelO SclCS - Hade Seed * fiofiermutl Li CarboniiteSeda - * V&vtStrd Clmditd Sugar Flavor. Winteryn’fyi A perfect Remedy Stomach.Diarrhoea for Constipa¬ tion , Sour Worms .Convulsions .Feverish¬ ness and Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. 2K, - « ■ir* Trr EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. iIIi»©2P3 r ©lie alia Having a beautiful lii NEW an S seasonable jBHWtiilSiil $ 1 cordially invite tl Ladies of this and otlit t Counties to cal 1 at m Store. i FRIDAY ' A Hi Its Mini C/2 nCCKVI r MNMMM > OCTOBER 11,12 1901, And inspect the opening dispia KESPECTI 'TJIjXjY, Hiss Amuiie Raglan Millflsome JSfW Mi LIl)EF>. . full iam. % fiif' This is the liandsomest line off millinery \ve have shown and will be than pleased to slanv }° u i we more The Beautiful Hats We Haye Stock And make you prices that will sa ycu money. "We have a stock of hats that must plea c e all* Miss McCowen, experienced artistic triiu® an is with me this season and will strive to please a -• Be sure to visit us. JiUti£ena oUtihty- mam, For Infant iLSMChilj, The Kind You ft Always i Bough Bears the / Signature /« i-a-3 I & or 9r Thirty Yea THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY,]