Conyers weekly-banner. (Conyers, GA.) 1901-1907, November 08, 1901, Image 7

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fro 2} (par ©orrespomdeRtsTT interesting ITEMS FROM OVER THE COUNTY -qvjT— From Ebsnez er. having some cool weather W'e ai’ e which is somewhat at this writing disagree able. Plunket, of Jackson, vis ! yirs. J° e this community this Ijted relatives in week- visited bis sister at M r.SJP° ttS this week. .Who is very sick, j a cks°u who has Miss rhessie *■ Thompson, ’ S. J. Potts. the guest ot nf Mrs i'u» been d to her iioine at Jackson, has return e Ga. and mother, ol Morrow, Mr. VaU Ga .^visited Mr. L. L. Har din’s familv tliis week. entertained Thursday W,!l,vgivi,. ° p -.v.«-.'H nice time. ly in.mng. All pres e nt report a Warren Head, of Albertville, Mr. moved back to Georgia. It A] has like the ssenis that there is no place red bills of Georgia, W ! Hardin, of Conyers, was Mr. Sunday. seen in out midst Tam bow. The Children’s Friend. You’ll have a culd this winter. Maybe you have one now. Your children will suffer too . For coughs bronchitis, grip and other -roup, complaints One Minute vmter fails- Amts r )Ug h Cure never , "ntly. is ple-smit to , |'l,, tiste It very and perfectly Wi.ic ester Ky c B. George, little girl attack¬ , ; rite9 , ‘-Our late was night and ed with c.oup one was so ho rse she could hardiy sneak. We gave her a few doses of One Minute Cough Cure. It re ]j„ved her immediately and she to sleep. When she awoke nest morning she had no signs ot lnsrsene&s or croup Gailey Drug Co. From Smyrna, Messrs. Chas. Plunket and Arch Ford were in Klondike Tues¬ day night. Messrs. Polia Ford and Ernest Left witch, with Miss Denie Pow¬ ell and Myrtle Miller, were at church at Smyrna Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Robertson visited Mrs. Mary Hollingsworth’s fan ily Sunday afternoon . Messrs. T. K. Sharp and J. Y. Hill are sawing lumber on Mr J T. Sims’ plantation, for the new church building Mr. and Mrs. Wade, of Rock¬ land, visited Mr. and Mrs. Pleas Fins Saturday night, Mr and Mrs. Ben Howard vis¬ aed their parents here Saturday ■Bid Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Sims enter¬ tained their friends with a pound party hoia Saturday night given in r of Miss Belle Hollings¬ worth. kev. Mr. Rusk, with Misses Mitinij Cloftfelter and Mol lie Raghllal, of Conyers, were at church Si ere Sunday. Messrs. W. G. and D F. Clot of Conyers, -were guests ^‘Mr. Sandav. s. F. Bohannan’s family Jane Young, of Easton, Ga • 18 visiting in our community. • -j 1 Lef twitch, of Redan, was in r ‘ lir community cue day last 'veefc. Mr. f G Belcher visited relatives near Macedonia Su day. l Mrs. L b Pal mer will sell part ofher furmi l ng tools, two horse Wa gon p; c t public day x, > a outcry Thurs j L L e t everyone who c »u uo Sl) c ;me. ‘ Belviua Blinkins.” .4 Kind You Have Always Boats# 51 i/ WEEKLY - UAMKTt SOUTU CONYERS. The long looked for wintry weather i3 upon us, with its dis¬ agreeable forcefulness. Messrs. Dock and Ed Christian visited in Salem community re rently. Nr. and Mrs. R L Almand, of Covington, spent Sunday with rel¬ atives here. “Coming events cads their shad ows before,” is certainly true of the man who owns a dog. Mr. Pat Townsend spent Tues¬ day in C ivmgton trading horses, The farmers are waiting for rain and frost to begin sowing wheat, Bet us have a big crop, of this ce¬ real. It is the easiest crop we raise. Mrs. G B Almand stopped over Sunday with her sister on her re¬ turn from a visit to Madison. Mrs. Rufe Christian, sr. of Pace, spent last Saturday with Mrs. M. R. Christian. Cotton prices keep going down ; when it strikes the bottom it will rebound. Mr. G. B. Almand, of Ingle side, visited relatives here last Sunday, returning home in the evening, accompanied by his wife and children. Mr. T. M. Armstead, of the Gate City, spent one night last week with Mrs. Martha Hollings¬ worth. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hays, Sr., of Hayston, visited the family of Mr. Dave Vaughn recently. Mr. R. L. Hale returned from Covington Saturday evening, hav¬ ing completed his work-there. Mrs. Roland Vaughn, and son, of Pace, spent last Sunday with the former’s mother, Mrs. Ander¬ son, of this city. If the cool weather continues it will cause some porkers t-> squeal for the last time. It was with deepest sorrow, we learned of the sad, and untimely death of Mr. Grier Almand, of Atlanta. To his young wife and orphaned babes, mother and brother, we offer our heartfelt sympathy, May God help them inasmuch as He has so severely afflicted them. Vashti. Spreads LiKe Wild-Fire. When things aie “the best” they become “the bestselling.” Abra¬ ham Hare, a leading druggist, of Belleville, O., writes: “Electric Bitters are the best selling bitters I have handled in 20 years.” You know why? Most diseases begin in disorders of stomach, liver, kid¬ neys, bowels, blood and nerves. Electric Bitters tones up the stom¬ ach, regulates liver, kidneys and bowels, purifies the blood strength eus the nerves heuce cures multi tudes of maladies, It builds up the entire system, Puts new life and vigor into any weak, sickly, iun-down man or woman. Price 50 cents. Sold by Gailey Drug Co. East Conyers. Several from our neighborhood are attending the singing class at the Baptist church and all are well pleased and report Bro. Langston a8 as u a splendid spienuiu teacher. We would be glad if all of our people would take more interest in singing, as it is olio way we may all take part in d raising God when we go to the house of Worship. Mrs. A M McElvany and Mrs. Way man Tucker visited in Litho nia Wednesday. Messrs. Ed and Ward Crumbley from Ilenry County were visiting in East Conyers Monday. Master Ear] Tucker !ms recovered from a spoil of fever. We East Coirnrs people hope for great tliii gs f • >r •*ur part of the city on account, of the build¬ ing of the new cotton mills. “Eula.” R Physician Testifies < 4 I have taken Kod<d Dyspepsia Cure and have never used any¬ thing in my life that did me the good that did,” says County Phy¬ sician Geo. W. Sceoggs of Hall County, Ga. “Being a physician I have prescribed it and found it to give the best results.” If the food you eat remains undigested in your stomach it decay* there and poisons the system. You can pre¬ vent this by dieting but that means starvation. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat. You need suffer from neither dyspepsia nor starvation. The worst case quickly cured. Never fails. Gailey Drug Co. • v- % WEST CONYERS. The rain has been much enjoyed by us all and let us not complain of mud as dust will make mud. Mr. Arthur Whitaker and family spent Sunday at the home of Mr. P, G. Tucker. We are sorry to know that Mr. A N Plunket is not so well this week. Mr. Joe Bently was down to see his mother and friends Sunday. Glad to see Joe with us. Speaking of women and folding beds.—a man can shut the latter up. Mr. Add Turner and family en¬ joyed Sunday in the country. Mr. Howard McDonald from South Conyers was the guest of Mr. Luther Hollingsworth Sunday The newest thing in flannels is— a baby. Miss Hattie Wallace will leave this week for an extended trip to Savannah and Augusta. Mr. and Mrs. Harden spent Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. J D Scott. Mrs. Gee and daughter havo been in our midst this week. They speak of moving to Conyers. We welcome them back. Mr. .T J Carter was at home Sun day with his parents and friends. Rev. Mr. Graham visited in West Conyers while here. Mr. Emory Albert was at home with his family last week after an absence cf quite a while. Several of our young people went out to Smyrna Sunday and re¬ ported a delightful time. “B* not to busy with your own career, However noble, that you cannot hear The sighs of those who look to you for help. For this i 9 purchasing success too dear-’’ Miss Know All. Modern Surgery Sur¬ passed “While suffering from a bad case of piles I consulted a physi- of cian who adviso mo to try a box DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve,” 0 DeWitt’s Witch Hazel g a j ve [ 3 a splendid cure for piles, giving relief instantly, and I heart ily recommend it to all sufferers c„ S rffprv g is unnecessary to cure p^yitt’s Witch Hazel g aly g cure all y case. Cuts, Duma, bruises and all otner wounds are also quickly cured by it. Be -re of eounterfeUs. Ga.ley Drug Co. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digits wbat you fat. | u-: WfWr m m I P 7 A & £ p m . ^ sS Tlie Kind You Have Always Bought, and wliiclt has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signatnre of and has been made under his per¬ sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-as-good” are but Experiments that triiie with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare¬ goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotie subktance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of ■ ^1*1. S’ * 4 The KM You Have Always Bought in Use For Over 30 Years. THE CCNTAUR COMPANY. 11 MURRAY STREET, NEW YORK CITY. Conyers Public Schools a rail Tgtot Xml* etnjj Wzm< Jaiyist. Tiie buildings have been improved and enlarg¬ ed. The roorns are suppled with the latest improv¬ ed single Seats and DesKs. The building is heated throughout by stearrp The following excellent corps of teachers Will be in charge, viz: FliF. Ms ILiEITCIKlEIRp Snpt. and IV'ncipal. MIS. 1,1, ANBE2BB0H > Asst. MM^ MUY Ma IAITIK 4 4 MISS MI1IE IjJEE MISS BE88IB MUTCHBS89K U MISS J0SEPMIHE W033MIX “ Parents having children to educate will do well to investigate our school. Tuition m the Primary and Crammer grades free to all resident pupils. QUIGG & STILL. bumber {Jealers arid Warehousemen, £^-]luil<ling Material of all ltimlK.'TtJ Brick, Lime, Cement. We Will weigh cotton this season and will do our utmost to give thorough satisfaction. Bring us yonr COTTON, If you need any kind of build¬ ing material it will be to your advantage to see us. Yours To SERVE, Quigg and Still, lUiU’iUlUiUUiUlUaUUUUUMW iU