Conyers weekly-banner. (Conyers, GA.) 1901-1907, November 22, 1901, Image 3

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m H SE FEW DRESS GOODS! 3iaii y ladies have seen our new stock of Dress Goods and pro claim its exceDencein style, quality and beaut} A , Another new shipment just opened up. if \ ou haven’t visited us do so at once and see these new goods. W o are leading all others in Dress Goods, Shoes and Notions. The people are coining to us to get satisfactory goo d s, goods that are bound to pleaae, You are in¬ vited to ioin the throng bound for & HUDSON. A “Common Platform.” The happiness correct of translation nations, may of hang upon the a statesman’s speech, and accuracy | of language has become of the high- j cst importance. An English com- j inissioncr, Sir Charles Warren, re eently witnessed the dangers which may result from the mistranslation of a speech. Sir Charles had been called upon to lay the foundation stone of a new Wesleyan church in Mafeking. He said what countless other gentlemen have said on simi jar occasions—how pleased of different he was to see so many people plat opinions meeting on a common of form. The official interpreter the occasion struggled bravely to get the idea before his Kaffir audi tors. Then he informed them that Sir Charles Warren complained of the “common platform,” and do clared that it ought to have had green or red baize for a covering. Mansfield’s Sarcasm. Richard Mansfield is known .to have very decided notions upon de¬ portment and matters of etiquette, relates the New York Times. With a friend, who is authority for the story, Mr. Mansfield rode up town cn a Broadway car the other after¬ noon. Both men had seats for a time until at the intersection of a shopping street the car became offered crowded with women. Both I ■m s ■4 H n m I N 1 wji iu \ \ 9 . m? m m-M m w 1 TfI °V<.HT YOU SAID ‘THANK YOU. J >i their SGa L to the nearest women, The 0nc v, k° ac cepted Air. Mans f ‘ e ii’ courtesy slid his seat = into J 'out a word. The actor raised sUk hat. # lovL- Ueg ' ° Ur P ar< I or b” 6£ dd The '"°man looked up apparently in untclruf 1 Sa ' V an 3' thin ff/’ she vo1 ' tnJ - L ! me field f° r in my mistake,” re ' nnc: a kindly tone. ‘T.hauk n '‘b I thought you said you. COMDENSEDSTORIFS. Sayings cf a Celebrated Irish Judge, j n a bl q a i f or assau it before Judge ]\f orr i s? a celebrated Irish judge who ^ied recently, an eloquent lawyer ft q c | rosse( l the jury at great length prove that his client liad not hat tered the prosecutor. All during thi S speech Lord Morris was turning Gver the pages of a railway guide. j agt |.j ie barrister sat down, de c ] ar i n g that ho would not call any evidence. “Gentlemen of the jurv,” ^he judge, “I have computed tbe young gentleman who has inA interesting and beautiful that we have all enjoyed w p s miles away from the scene O f thig bruta i as sault when it was com m jqted. He is the only witness for rWonse On theNther hand, there is the man who was struck, t p e man wbo saw him struck aud tbe cons table who saw him hiding under his bed. It is for you to say whether a broken head or an out¬ burst of eloquence is the better'tes¬ timony to a matter of fact.” At another time, in a sanitary case, a lawyer once said, “I assume that your lordship is fully acquainted with the statutes and authorities.” “Assume nothing of the sort,” said the judge. “I yield to of no sanitary man in my utter ignorance . „ One of the most characteristic of Lord Morris’ sayings has yet to be related There' was some discus sion Sub on theological matters at a in Dublin and one of the di, Ltf thYcmXTit °o educated as ° broke in own powers. Lord Morris with his great brogue: “Ah, now, ye think yerself a only fine believe intelligence this hecause ye can tell and believe that. Ill ye now, I’ll send out to the public house at the corner and for sixpence 111 get ye a fellow that doesn t bene\e the half of it. . _______ Satisfactory Development. “Is Jacky Jenkins clever ?” “Clever? He’s clever enough to have a grandfather who has just left him a big lot of money.”—Detroit 1 Free rree Press rres . A Modern Definition. “Pa, what’s the difference be tween wit and humor?” “You don’t need to use dialect to make wit funny.”—Chicago Record ’ Herald. Milk as a Food. j Tlie high place milk once held on the dietary list seems to be under mined. We know now that it is too heavv for the stomach when other food is taken; that unless it is sipped it forms a mass which is not ea^v to be digested; that when taken on an empty stomach bread or crackers should be broken into it to avoid the formation of curulike ; addition of matter, but with the limewater it may be used with im I Brought to the P u ] V nourishing • is most . • WEEKLY -BANNER. Origin cf a Famous Phrase. It was Judge Thomas M. Cooley of Michigan, instead of Grover Cleveland, who first gave utterance to the famous phrase, “A public of¬ fice is a public trust.” Governor Durbin of Indiana is to blame for dispelling the illusion. In a speech recently he attributed the author¬ ship of the saying to Judge Cooley, and upon being called upon to give his authority lie sent to Clerk IIop kins of the supreme court, who had no difficulty in finding the words in a copy of Cooley’s “Principles of Constitutional Law,” published in 1880, several years before the words were made famous by President Clevelan Qj . -1 here is, however, no claim th P t I -T esident Cleveland be¬ Heved he was coining a phrase when lie employed the words. He simply expressed an established truth.— Detroit Free Press, Women Who Smoke. A venerable woman calmly puff¬ ing away at an old clay pipe was fre- one of the sights, now much less quent than formerly,- in the Car¬ thage (Kan.) courthouse the other day. She had come in from some of the backwoods corners of Jasper county, where there are others of her kind. “From Tennessee? Why, sartin ly,” she replied to the local inter viewer’s query, “and from South Ca’liny to Tennessee when a little K ir! - }°u see, o, girls raised, earne and smoke the tobacco we the boys they chawed it, and there = ’t no^eet.on^from the^o.d soarV, along afore the war our county wha t smokes a pip e. Aluminium Nails, ^ Gr man y unsuccessful experi mmtg and trials an a n oy of alu hag bcen matle w ith which £ ,, staples and tacks can be made compete v> .jth copper. Among advantages claimed for the now new material is that it is not af fected by the weather and wih not deteriorate, as in laying roofs, hn ing tanks, e Pt c. As the alloy is non corrosive and nonpoisonous the new nails ought to find favor among makers of refrigerators and other articles use d for food storage. When the difference in point of number an q we ight is taken into considera tion, it is seen that aluminium nail3 are abou t 4 cen t s a pound cheaper ^ an CO pp G r nails.. It is not intend e d to put them in competition with ordinary steel nails.—-Hardware. An Automatic Bouncer, ^ nove l invention used in the ll0rtb 0 f England is a sort of auto mat j c “bouncer” for use in public Rouses. Punctually at closing time the legend, “Time, please, gentle mcn |” appears on a glass face, and then an electric gong starts ringing with guc h amazing power that it be cornes quite impossible for even t,.e piost enthusiastic toper to occupy bar for another instant. —- Read the adds. John H. Almand, Pres., C. B. Hudson, V.-Pres, W. J. Eakes, Cashier, BANK OF ROCKDALE Successor to JOHN II. ALMAND, Banker. INCORPORATED UNDER THE LAWS OF GEORGIA ORGANIZED .jurvir lf>01 With the following Board of Directors: John H. Almand’ C. B. Hudson, H. Y, McCord, J. C. Stephenson, J. J. Langford, R. \V. Tucker, W. J. Eakes. Will do a general banking business. Exchange bought and old. Loans made on approved paper on application. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE TO DEPOSIT¬ ORS FOR DOUBLE AMOUNT 1 OF THEIR STOCK. Accounts of firms and individuals solicited. HOURS 9 a m. to 3 p. m. At The Popular Store. OF Thompson Htewaet 9 - You can buy the choicest fruits, confectioneries, seasonable drinks, family and fancy groceries, cigars tobacco, snuff ect., very low prices. All goods delivered promptly to city trade. Give us your orders over the phone and they will receive prompt attention. ^ We try to please all customers. Thompson Stewart. Most of the Georgia editors want the Australian ballot, It’s a good way to dodge the eaur.didates . Advertise. It payfe. It’s the sama old Georgia legislature* Note Summer’s adds this week.