Conyers weekly-banner. (Conyers, GA.) 1901-1907, November 29, 1901, Image 7

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ProcQ Oar (9 ©orrsspomdenfs. * tcrE^TING ITEMS FROM OVET? THE COUNTY ♦BEST— East Conyers. Quite a number of people were M„g fhe in big East show. Conyers Monday see Telfair Paul Whatley, of , ’ Ir visiting his uncle has been davs, B. D. Whatley several A M. McElvaney and Mrs- Hudson attended ihe Mrs. C. B B Convention in Christian State Atlanta. visited Mrs. Wayman Tucker Bithouia Friday. Mrs .Moon of Virginia wlio been visiting her niece, Mrs. lias is now visiting q b. Hudson in the other friends and relatives country. The singing class which met at the home cf Mr. and Mrs. Crumb ]py was "’61 11 attended. We hope these meetings of the class may prove beneficial to them all. Mr. and Mrs, J. R. Pirkle vis¬ aed Lithonia Sunday. Miss Irene Capehart, of Atlan¬ ta was visiting in East Conyers Sunday. Miss Pearl Fester visited East C aiyers Sunday. Mr. A. M.McElvany and Mr. Jim Francis made a business trip to Atlanta Saturday. “Euln.” Modern Surgery Sur¬ passed . “While suffering from a bad caw of piles I consulted a physi- of cian who advise me to try a box D^Witt’s Witch Hazel Salve,” says G. F. Carter, Atlanta, Ga. “1 procured a box and was entirely cured. DeWitt’s Witch Huzel Palve is a splendid cure for piles, giving relief instantly, and I heart¬ ily recommend it to all sufferers.” Surgery is unnecessary to cure ])1 «8. DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve will cure any case, Cuts, burns, bruises and all otner wounds are also quickly cured by it. Ho¬ ward of counterfeits. Gailey Drug Ci. From Smyrna, ! i\ Will Clotfelter and daugli ter. of Alabama, are vssiting rel anves in our midst. Mr. Madison and wife visited in Atlanta this week . Quite a crowd of our young people went to Covington Satur¬ day to have their pictures made, bow suppose tney are going to try to raise melons this year. Miss Gertrude Aikens is the guess, of Misses Annie and Claud Hollingsworth. Mr. Hudson and wife, of Oak Grove, visited relatives here Sat¬ urday night and Sunday. Mrs. Nan Hollingsworth visited liei daughter, Mrs, John Sims, one night last week. Several of our crowd attended the show last Monday. v r. Jim Plnnket has to ■ gone Jacksonville Fla,, to work. M:ss Genie Michael spent pev ® ra ‘ l ' uvs last week with her -Tothor and has returned home. Belvina Blinking. toil’ll i r -Children's Friend. have a cold this winter, you have one now. Your inn ni ' isu ffertoo. For coughs cr wintSl ' T ,,Cl ti8 gri n idaints Y ’ One P a,Kl Minute other pSth'r Cvirh r fails. llever Acts tasfcP d i 13 D ery P leasant to C. i* T' V‘ uU : perfectly Winchester, harmlees Writes ? e : Ky., • h httle with u ‘ girl was attaek u ' u p late one night and wae so hoarse she could hardly speak. We gave her a few d< . , S p« of of One One Minnt-: Minnt-: Cough Cough Cure. Cure. lieved her immediately and she went, to sVop. When slm awoke next morning she had no signs of hoarseness or croup. Gailey Drug Co. " From Ebenezer, foon Monday monnng the peopio looked hot, a going to the show as fast as they could trot. Now ’lis funny J to hear them singing, O tell, me noth ing of Robinson’s old show, they got all my money and wanted more. Miss Mary Stanton has re¬ turned home after a short vis it to relatives at Jackson Ga. Every thing is dull and news is scarce with us. What has become of “Miss Know All? J J She has b ;en ab sent for two weeks. The cotton is about all gath¬ ered and moving is the order of the day. Tl> farmers are making fine headway sowing wheat. Mr Arthur Whitaker, oue of our best farmers. will sow about 80 acres. Mr. Walter Stanton visited the G ite City one day this week 0 tell me that such memory Sheds gladness o’er the past; More is recalled by ftded flowers Save that they do not last. Tambcw. OASTORIA. Bears tlio The Kind You Have Always BougN ■ Signature of Rew< re of the man who car¬ ries his small change in a pocketbook. 50 YEARS* EXPERIENCE t m ip » T .. m r£: Trade Marks Designs Copyrights &c. Anyone sending a sicetnh and description may i oulcUty ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is probably patentable. Communion, tions strictly confidential. Handbook on I atents sent tree. Oldest ncency for securing; Co. patents. receive Patents takcsi through Munn & special notice, without cnarsre, lathe Scientific Hinerican. assTx^fsssst sstt fcaws four months, $1. Sold by all newsdealer*. Officer^ _ 361 Broadway, fjgW YOTK C. Branch F St., V/asliinKton, D. Spreads Like Wild-Fire. When things aie “the best” they become “the bestselling.” Abra¬ ham Hare, a leading druggist, of Belleville, O., writes: “Electric Bitters are the best selling bitters I have handled in 20years.” You know why? Most diseases begin in disorders of stomach, liver, kul j-) 0 yg bowels, blood and nerves. < the Electric Bitters tones up stom¬ and ach, regulates liver, kidneys bowels, purifies the blood strength¬ ens the nerves, hence cures multi¬ tudes of maladies. It builds up the entire system. Puts new life and vigor into any weak, sickly, tun-down man or woman. Price 50 cents. Sold by Gailey Drug Co. -•--— f J irrrr: - Pasre is the best and cheapest fence on earth for all purposes Several thousand roils already up iu Rockdale county. Scotts Paee Fence Agency, 9 . E. Reagan. Macager. WEEKLY — BANNER. FUNERAL REPRESENTATIVES. Busy men have no time for at | cn Ging ordinary funeral -; therefore it has now become the Aul to send secretaries and office hoys to pay the final tribute of re ■ ■ t to friend this ship. At a recent, quiet funeral in city a clerkly looking young man was stopped at ihe door by the serv *mt, who demanded his business, 'I am come to attend the final ob tequies,” was the reply. “Friend of the family?” inquired the lackey. “Not personally, but I represent Messrs. Blank & Thank, who are unable to be here.” lie was ad mitted. Some mutual acquaint ances, talking about the funeral a few days later, expressed surprise that neither Lianu nor 1 hank, both intimate friends of the deceased, was present, and were still more surprised to learn that the firm’s 01 ^ I( ' e J )0 v Gid ihe honors by special . appointment.—A ew 1 ork Press. m S' wjTo "■ PATENT may be secured Good by Ideas our aid. Address, THE PATENT RECORD, Subscrlotlons to Tbe patent Reoora Baltimore, Md 00 oet- annnm A Pvett.y Prose Poem. She was just a country maiden gifted with a fair grace, with laughter, love and music ail ashin irg in her face, and her heart wa 9 true and tender—ever true from sin and scorn—just, the sweetest little creature that has ever yef be -i born. Once I met ber in the'uv at the dying of the day. mids: the fragrance of the flowers ami lusdoh of ripe’ning hay; when the golden leaves of autumn were r inging in iheh* fall, and love and ■peace },ud happiness were waiting , r us <,il \ es, I loved her—on th at, sweet September day my heart 'gin iml happy, as the shadow- rolled away, and we walk¬ ed along together to ber home a mong the pines and fixed us up a hamtm ck midst the boughs of muscadines. And each day from school returning with our little load of books we’d laugh and sing together in the shady little nooks and sit in close communion by the river’s lulling roll—by the mirrors of the waters look into each others soul. Long voars have passed, dear Dorn., -mice w hen last we met, but by former recollections I fond F love you yet, for you were just a country maiden, with a heart of pm est gold—with the manners of tn angel and a pure and loving soul —Ex. Signs of a Hard Winter. People have ‘‘signs” for nearly everything, and pers,> is who claim to weather wise have signs up n which they base their predie tions. Mr. E. P. Burns, who is quoted in the “Pas suiy -rong” o colJum of the Atlanta Constitution, nniL - the prediction that we are going to have a hard winter this year He says. •‘How do I know? Why, in the simplest and surest way in the world, The oth er morning as I was leaving my home I saw two robbins perched upon a black gum tree. I’ve watched the iab its of robbins since I was a -mall boy, and whenever 1 see them before Thanksgiv ing day i know b’s going to be a cold winter, Another riling I’ve noticed this fall : Spiders are weaving doub < webs and the ants are vvork ing much later than usual. lliese are sure signs, and vou c;m depend on it that Lis wi! ! he a tar colder win ctr than that ol last year,” 1 j SHARP & King. Leading Slack Healers, u ti-f-tk C MYERS, GEORGIA. Are offering this week som e vor v fine mules at reasonable prices, Wo guarantee all seek soli to be as we represent th I s n ’ In doing this we protect ourselves ci.Ii TV d onr customers. We are doing a large stock business and pleasing all cus¬ tomers. If you want a good mule see us. We also have a few good horses that we will sell cke:=p. Call at our stables. 81 ALT & K'NG. sis m .Gy A. '■ r V 0k m ffl ® A m ¥ A 1 m “• I 5?S TIic Kind Ton Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has homo the signature of and has been made under his per¬ sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-as-good** are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTOR!A Oastoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare¬ goric, Drops and Soothing 1 Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. .St destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regu • m ttoo Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and nal ..<J. sleep. The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. GENUINE CASTORSA ALWAYS y® Bears the Signature of & The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TSIC COMPAfY, TT MURRAY 3TKECT, NEW YORR CITY. gBSSESSSSSSZ.^SSaSSSISSSi &aKEB£3lR3S* *iers O 8 S it Schools. £:i> Jt T :.m V pif/B dit, 24*9 m tfef r 0 vm'§> The buildings have been irnproved and enlarg¬ ed. The roorns are supplied with the latest iiriprov ed single Seats and Desks. The building is heated throughout by stearn The following excellent corps of teachers will be in charge, viz: PlR DTh M» EET-OKES, Supt. and Principal. mPvS- a indite shin, A- t. MMS, ILIIL1T M* MAETJIY MISS I-’IiDEEEE ILEE (< MISS BESSIE EflJUrDIIESDT* u MIB3 JESEPUI^ID WDEMIIL2, “ Parents having children to educate will do well to investigate >ur school. Tuition m the Primary and Crammer grades free to all resident pupils