Conyers weekly-banner. (Conyers, GA.) 1901-1907, December 13, 1901, Image 7

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USEFUL CHRISTMAS PRESENTS FOR <: All. You can select from hun¬ 11 & IS MB 1 i r^— % dreds of Household articles. Our llj 1 m ml .jgp prices are lo wer than Atlanta prices. WWm ... When you buy a cook stove from us you get our personal guarantee . Prices on stoves $6.50 to $24. Silver and Nickle waiters, Teapots, Kettles, Sugar and Butter dishes at remarkably low prices. Carving sets from $1.25 to $2 50. Our Lamp and Crockery Department is full up of many pretty styles and designs. We have an immense stockoi all kinds and sizes of Rockers from 50cts to $6 00 each, iuynow we will keep it on callfo you. We have an elegant line of Mattings, carpets iid rugs at all prices. Come i * JOHNSON. GOODE & HUFF. _^ From ^ar §-( (J ^ COUNTY — INTERES TING ITEMS s OVER THE WEST CONYERS. E Ld The holidays are nearly here, let us each and every one Ire pare to make some one happy. pr “ ’ Pis more blessed to give iian to receive.” We are surprised that *‘Vashti’ Susie” and -“Tarnbow” should >e uneasy about “Miss Know ill.” Why. of course she will irawl in before Christmas, But t is not she who has been alto¬ gether to blame; for, poor old krone, she ought to be on the pension list. , Mr. J<>e Bentley was down to pee his mother and friends recent¬ ly. Joe is looking well and says phere lanta arc many pretty girls in Con¬ At¬ but none to equal his yers girls. Nice young man Prof. E. F. Marstou, of Atlan jta, was visiting relatives here Sun pay last. . The singing class which meets p~pry Friday night is progressing picely. Miss Maggie Hardin, whD has meen away attending school, is pow at home, much to the de pight of her many friends. A certain young lady has asked u« to advertise for her heart, Much ha» been stolon from her, The owner will please return it or a substitute. | Work on Mr. M. C. Summers’ pome is progressing rapidly and pheu some home. comp) ted will be a hand¬ j Ml J. ty. Wallace and sister, 1 •VI i rJ m #1 Sr| ri mi a K % % kn m m % •08 4 4 m mSi ins&e of Decatur, spent Sunday last in our midst. Our people enjoyed the league Sunday afternoon and especially Mr. Troutman’s talk. Mr. O. A. Almand was in West Conyers last week. One of our young men has de dared he will not go to another “lackey masquerade” as his girl has been a block of ice to him since. “O for an eye to see our* selves as others see us.” Mrs. T. C. Posey has gore south to spend the winter. Monday night was a “blue witch” and “green ghost” night. Mrs. C. E. Bailey and children are with her parents for a few days. Little Ruth Almand, who has been quite ill is improving. Mr. S. A. Almand visited friends and relatives in West Conyers last Sunday, Mr. Editor you should have hoard the nice compliment on y^m* paper last week. Three of our boys from the Smart Set called to see the gay ladies of Lithoma Sunday. “It is better to be patient thau famous. Miss Know All. fin Evangelist’s Story “I suffered for years with a bron¬ chial or lung trouble aud tried various remedies but did not ob¬ tain permanent relief until I com* aieuced usipg Que Miuute WEEKLY—DANNER. cure,” writes Rev. JaYnes Ivirk man, evangelist of Belle River, HI. “ rH have no hesitation in recommending it to all suffoiers from maladies of this kind.” One Minute Cough Cure affords immediate relief throat for coughs, and colds] lung and all kinds of troubles For croup it is une qualod. Absolutely safe. ^eiy pleasant to take, never faiis and is really a favorite with the child reu. They like it. Gailey Drug Co. - SOUTH CONYERS. Our last rain didn’t fail to be a soaker. Mr. H. P. Almand is improving his residence by some useful re pairs. Mrs. Townsend and suns return¬ ed last Friday from a visit to At¬ lanta. Mr. Dave Vaughn, Sr., has two large hogs that have something like the mange. They are pecu¬ liarly affected. Little Miss Effie Merritt is gradually improving to the de¬ light of her many little friends. Mr. Jim Flemings has returned to South Conyers, after spending a rveek with his children at In¬ dian Springs. Mrs. R. L. Hale and children spent a f«w days with the former’s sitter, Mrs. G B. Almand, of In gleside, recently. Little Lois Townsend. wl*o has been with her sister, Mrs. Pleas Hays, of Hayston, for the past three weeas, returned home Sat¬ urday evening. We regret very much to know that Mr. W. R. Still has removed his family from South Conyers. We are sorry to lose such estima people. ] Sewing Machines from $1.00 up. We sell the Do¬ mestic, New Home, Wheel ir & Wilson and White, all high grade machines Furniture department is full up with, 3 piece, bed room suits from $9 00 to $85 White, Blue aud Green enamel bed steads from $0 00 to $10.00 Miss Erma Hollingsworth re¬ turned home from Hayston lasts Saturday, after spending a coup¬ le of weeks with her sister at that place. Miss Maude Jones, of Gainee y -j| e 0 j )ene q school at Fairview on Monday morning last. Mis* Jones comes to us well recom¬ mended, and we trust »he may be rewarded by a good patronage. You can't expect your children to succeed in school if they are there only two days in a week. Miss Jones is boarding with Mrs. R. L. Hale. —Vashti. Saved His Life. “I wish to say that I feel I owe my life to Kodoi Dyspepsia Cure,” writes H. 0. Chrestensou of llay ffeld, Minn. “For three years 1 was troubled with dyspepsia so that 1 could hold nothing on my stomach. Many times 1 would be unable to retain a morsel of food Finally I was confined to my bed. Doctors said I could not live 1 read one of your advertisements oil Kodoi Dyspepsia Cure and and thought it fit my case com menced its use. I began to im prove from the first bottle. Now 1 am cured and recommend it to all.” Digests your food. Cures all stomach troubles. Gailty Ding Co. From Smyrna, Mrs. Rtbecca Ford, of Klon¬ dike, visited her sister, Mrs. Hol¬ lingsworth the first of this week. Several of our young men con¬ template going to Atlanta in the near future to live. While we re¬ gret to give them up, still we wish success in their new homes trust they will not like it than Smyrna. Mf. fieu Rogers ju the Gate City this week. Miss Bello Hollingsworth vis¬ ited her cousin, Mi.'e Carrie Hol¬ lingsworth, Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hudson, of Oak Grove, visited ,ior sister, Mrs. Pleas Sims, Sunday. Mrs. Maples, who has been spending some time hero with her mother has returned to her home in Alabama. Miss Rose Rogers has returned to her home near Panola, after a pleasant stay of a week in our community. Mr. Ben Howard, of Rockland, was seen in our community one day this week. Mr. A. 15. Daniel has secured the contract to furnish lumber for the Daniel bridge which is soon to be rebuilt. Miss Genie Michael was the guest of Miss Lizzie Rogers Fun day. Cupid is getting in his deadly work in our community, We predict at least two weddings be¬ fore the new year. We offer our sympathy in advance, as we are of the married persuasion our¬ selves. “Beivina Blinking.” No one can reasonably hope for good health unless his bowels move once each day. When this is not attended to, disorders of the stomach arise, biliousness, headache, dyspepsia and piles soon follow. If you wish to a void these ailments keep your bowels regular by taking Cham¬ berlain’s Stomach and Liver Tab¬ lets when required. They aro so easy to take and mild and gen¬ tle in effect. For sale by Gailey Drug Co. Read ! g a<J4< # -s ti