Conyers weekly-banner. (Conyers, GA.) 1901-1907, December 20, 1901, Image 7

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USEFUL CHRISTMAS PRESENTS FOE 8 Hi s. When you buy a cook stove from us you get our personal guarantee . Prices on stoves $6.50 to $24. Silver a nd Nickle waiters, Teapots, Kettles, Sugar nd Butter dishes at remarkably low prices. a Carving sets from $1.25 to $2 50. Our Lamp and Crockery Department is full up of many pretty styles and designs. We have an immense stock oi all kinds and sizes of Rockers from 50cts to $6 00 each. Buv now, we will keep it on call for you, We have an elegant line of Mattings, carpets and rugs at all prices. Come early to avoid the rush. JOHNSON. GOODE & HDFP. v__ :rrrs (T from <2)«r Sorrespondefits. -■Mm INTEREST, NO ITEMS FROM OVER_THE _COUNTV__ffga.- SOUTH CONYERS. The first part of this week was winter, with all that the word implies. Mr. Matt Townsend visited rel ftiv"* in Lithouia the first of the week. Mr Henry Graham, of Oak Hill e.immunity, was calling in this end of town one day last week. Miss Maude Jones spent Sun day with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Harden. Mr, R. L. Hale is out at Oak Hill this week doing some brick work for Mr. Charlie Ogletree. Mrs, Wagnon, an aged lady of South Conyers, who Has been se¬ verely i!} for the past week, is slightly improved at this writing. Mrs. Milt Christian spent a couple of days at Pace this week and was entertained by a wee grandson, who is stopping at Mr. and Mrs. Rufe Christian’s. Mrs, Townsend and son Willie Live gone to Atlanta for a few %s’ visit. ^b. Sam Taylor, of Atlanta, is visiting Ins daughter, Mrs. bare Vaughn, Jr. Lttle Miss Lona O’Kelley re :r ia " Su “ day fr0m Beth Miss i Mamie Wagnon, of Litho visiting her grandmother community. Vn - , K p Almand visited his H‘ liU at lngieside last week. All. You car select from hurt dreds of B I e i cj a ■a I o i ri o y tides. Our prices are 1 a or ban Atlanta prices. /fmT i m \ m M x . tJ ( mfi m i i § 'V/f m £ I jsl* ! 3 I i mm I m m 111 rH 4 t 6 - REED ROCKER $2.90. Mr. Walter Stanton was in this community Friday afternoon of last week. Can any one tell us where t> find holly and mistletoe for Xmas? Mr. R. L. Hale was called to Monroe last Friday to attend funeral of her aged grandmother, M r8< Emily Laboon, who died at t ^ a t place the 12th inst. Mrs. Hale returned home Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Bartow Walker, of « mvrna spent the day with * , Jr. Mr ft id Mrs j) av# Vaughn, Sunday last. —Vashti. WEST CONYERS. Every time a man gets mad, the ill temper passes from one to another of those around him un til it finally reaches a boy, who slaps his sister or kicks the dog and pulls the cat’s tail. Mr. Bert Green, of McDonough, came to West Conyers last Sun day and visited friends. Mr. B. G. Wallace accompanied him home. We are sorry to chronicle that Mr. A. N. Plunkett is not feeling so well this week. Our girls had better be a little careful of how they give the boys of”boy cue of the Con 9 too, who reemved love . after ly present from his girl and Xmas was over gave it to his sis He evidently realized that ter give than it is “more blessed to to receive. It is too bad boys have sisters. WEEKLY — BANKER. Mr. J. J. Carter is visiting his parents and friends this week. We regret to lose one of our West Conyers girls and are afraid of losing another. Mr. Marvin Lifsey made a bus mess trip to Atlanta this week. Miss Georgia Sigman, of East Con v ere visited in our midst Sunday l ist. What was the matter with Tam bow?—0, shake up yourself and do not mind the weather, Mrs. C. E. Bailey has returned to her home in Augusta. The Journal was right when it said “Old 'Santa” must have left his door open when he started south. Miss Nora Plunkett, is expected home Saturday night where she will remain until spring. This is the week to buy sum¬ mer eggs at winter prices. We “know it all” this week and that is not niucn. It is too cold for much stirring. Miss Know All From Ebenezer, Owing to disagreeable weather and a misunderstanding with our new preacher there was no preach ing here on the third Sunday. On the fifth Sunday at 11 o’clock services will be held and a cordi¬ al invitation is extended to all to attend. We were treated like V ashti last week. Our letter failed to reach its destination. We will try another hayseed this week. The blizzard is on us. Mr. J. C- Baker has moved buck Sewing Machines from $1 00 up. We sell the Do mestic, New Home, Wheeler & Wilson and White, all high grade machines Furniture department is full up with, 3 piece, bed room suits from $9 00 to $85; White, Blue and Green enamel bed steads from $6 oo;io $io.oo to his home near Zion church. Mr. Samuel Preston, of Magnet has moved to Atlanta. Mr. A. L. Veat, one of the best farmers of Magnet, has bought a a Ge Walka saw. You ought to see him saw. I never saw a saw saw like his saw saws. lie can cut nine cords of wood per day. Some of our farmers are still sowing wheat. There will be a great deal sowed in this vicinity. One of Mr. Allison Cowan’s mules ran into a baib wire fence last week and was badly cut. Mr. W. T. Stanton is an extended trip through South Georgia and Florida this week. We are sorry to know of the illnesi of Mrs. J. J. Cowan and hope for her a speedy recovery. We were shocked at the death of Mr A. K. Veal, who died Sun¬ day morning at eleven o’clock. The funeral was conducted by Rev. Jno. F. Almand, Monday at Liberty Chapel we extend heartfelt sympathy to the bereav ed. Mr. J. W. John son his moved on Mr. Arthur Whitaker’s farm recently vacated by Mr. J. C. Ba¬ ker. Mr. Ed. we wish you and all the correspondents a merry Xmas an d stockings full of candy. Tam bow. or - ♦ t - 4 ■ rr 4 ■j—f T 1 - - PAJ3C: 'fj - - Page is the best and cheapest fence on earth for all purposes Several thousand rods already up in Rockdale county. Sootts Page Fence Agency, 0, E. Reagan, Manager, < 9 ^£2 1 m ■‘V ' MS MS MX An Evangelist’s Story i i [ suffered for years with a bron¬ chial or lung trouble and tried various remedies but. did not ob ; ^ a j n permanent relief until I coin J cure,” menced writes using Rev One M J: invito Cough Kirk i -s i ™j wl > r \. .o lOver, 1 rr no hesitation in recommending it to all sufferers from maladies of this kind.” One Minute Cough Cure affords immediate relier for coughs, colds and all kinds of throat and lung troubles For croup it is une¬ qual cd. Absolutely safe, Very pleasant to take, never fails and is really a favorite with the child¬ ren. They like it. Gailey Drug 0 - • - 4 ' FOR SALE. A nice pony and buggy. A bargain for a quick buy¬ er. M, H. Plunket. Saved His Life. *‘I wish to say that I feel I owe my life to Kodol Dyspepsia Cure,” writes H. C. Chrestenson of Hay field. Minn. “For three years I was troubled with dyspepsia so that I could hold nothing on my stomach. Many times I would be unable to retain a morsel of food Finally I was confined to my bed. Doctors said I could not live HH read one of your advertisements on Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and thought it fit my case and corn menced its use. I began to im prove from the first bottle. Now I am cured and recommend it to all.” Digests your food. Cures all stomach troubles. Gailey Dang Co. OASTORIA. Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature if