Conyers weekly-banner. (Conyers, GA.) 1901-1907, January 17, 1902, Image 1

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& i-H 1 a - ,..~ & W5 ; 1 '| V* a -•:■-> 7T J Ai A ]% i ] S'? .• «. , .■i. - -: M i B Wi I 1 STrvaff / j«. toy r A fWPI 13 ■i B ™ V/ A s <Sf* '■= I j BiK&sa Jik * $ ^ 5.J VOL XX \ f f. * 5. ^ V*S£A\ **![** ' yw WI*'" C7“>1(74 .7 /7k ;■: tV Ai ■U-f. LU (kran*^ '™*\ ? ih»» XJ ) 7 r,~H ?\j& 3CQ?»' L jlj c nsnua^>«'4M< #* Have just opened stock '» TH- 1 « u > a corny :e araware c I * kinds, Stoves, r H • (L ? a a h. 3 Iow Goods, Genera y. Farm Implements, Cu tJerv„ * arm ess, nines 9 s races 9 ±51 V -»TJ all articles ke © aril 1 store 7 fact ware »• 11 these at small profit, e © goods a ; ng our aim to benefit customers r our as we as ourselves, n e / bought close and can sel 1 O WG /w r p j invite all to call a 11 . see us in corner store 111 XJEL i. 1 )Cii. m 6 1 4 i,' IS S u m ga WGk I i 1 | II*! g •! w-aa 1 •'S 3 1 OUR RURAL SCHOOLS. , r ilie last session of our State ::?!«ture a law ivas enacted re ro- that Physiology and Hy ;; • boaughtin our public schools ibsUuvis immediately effective. lurC■■uiit-y Board of Education i'G adapted Blaisdell’s *‘How to 1 V W,di” as the text book to be pH ferthe next fivo years in the \ C of Rockdale for the 1 this subject. All the books i---. in < ur schools can be found !) Hicm Conyers. • e m»xt examination for teach r ecf' .-o wili include questions I - ‘Tloaik’s Methods” pvY P '•'ill School ihul both Hygiene. of these Our books teach r rv X-'i'iul, aud we advise every U Ihen P r ‘ cure copies of both oi i. I’hey can be had from Ln : H n , j. c i 100 i J 3 00 ] c Depository, ta. r rv e teachers of the county ; f qnG iff to meet in theSupe iff LTurt chamber in Conyers the r k -' ii:st. at 10 a. m. We hope to " an entoregfinn. occasion^°Contracfcs nrnffr , m nr ^ ^ u.a . vn up and monthly re ?°‘U blanks issued. - hew Physiology, for - !;, ' s & Noble, 4 Cooper toy York City, has re ■wnt us for examina ,H i* rauce to advising its |i?fc; ( »ur teachers. it , We have giv r a Viuefui bier- perusal and take urp ii : iS cccnimending it rerv : as n ' " K 111 n ur estimation r t u ' v ”uld adorn anyteach r’g ] Grarv. \y h informed Put •i that the ’ ikland and Union s i UV(- 1 e cently had their A turuUhed with m Ths Fsnpljg. By Thu Pnnnb, Fur TIih Fsnple. CONYERS, GA.. FRIDAY, JAN- 17 1902, ent desks. A sorrv, "is poorly equip pad school house one of the most expensive investments I igent, indifferent community can nave. \\' e understand that Prof. W. •p > Granade, teacher at Aii - y academy, has provided his " gchool with a u ice little library, jj 0 obtained most of the books understand, by getting his patrol donate to ins school all the books they could spare from their homes, Prof. Granade ba. hie school room wftl.s adorned with beautiful, instructive and mg pictures. M' unt Airy is for tunate to have such a teacher. Most every school cauld have a library if the teacher would make the effort. The following ways suggest themselves to the writer p mind now : By having the children bring in all the idle books they can scrape up in i ieu liases, , b) ]iaviU g entertammsnus aim char, ing email admission fees; »y P el * sonally soliciting financial ald from those who are able to help; by having ecah pupil to contribute a penny or an egg e\ery c at. n ' last mentioned method was su £* gee ted by one of the lady teacliers of our Conyers school. She stated to the writer that once while en¬ gaged in teaching a country school she had each one of her pupils to bring an egg to school every m orn mg. In this way quite a quanti ty of eggs were collected, which were sold and the proceeds invest¬ ed in books—thus she soon collec ted a nice little library for her s •non]. At present we have but - two school libraries in the county, and one of them is the gift of Hon. Hoke Smith, ot Atlanta. The crying need ot our country children, is access to more books We can only hope to see this need partially supplied when our conn schools are equipped with large, well a sorted libraries. Two fr--*!' scliolarshipB, open to have been awarded in National College of Law, Nashville IVnu., to Roc.kdale county. scholarships aro said to he w- , ^ .1:100.00 • ;) •;'- They entitle the iioklen t tr»- uiition until grad nation ami arlm^sion to the bar If any ,mo M* an interest in f he is important that he or O '- e me ul once. A. D. Hammock. A Deep Mystery. ousness, Sleep]os- ness, Melan ciudy, Fainting and Dizzy Spells when thousands nave proved that Electric Bitters will quickly carc¬ ane h troubles. v ( I suffered f >r irh kid.cev trouble,” writes ^ cher ] pyj n f Peterson. .. jflmp | )Hck pa i ne d m - 0 j C ould not drees myself, but Slcctric Bitters wholly cured m» M( though 73 years old, I now am a^todo a^ho^H; pi - ove8 Appetiff. gives perfect j iea lth. Only 50c at Gailey Dr ?. q q - s Druv store, To Cure si Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E- W. G;-0V js on each box. 23c. - iiar» • — CLOSED OUT. His many patrons regret that Mr. A. J. Summers has closed ids grocery business. For years he con ducted one of the ■ fanev and family grocery stores ‘ C >uyers a i enjoyed a liberal pat ronage Wi-s perhaps the best kept st h u Conyers and it is use- ' to say that it wil 1 be missed Mr. Summers has accepted a positon with- Galley Dry Goods Co., whore he will be pleased to have his friends call on him. --w*3«- — To the public generally: I am connected with S. K. Brodnax hi b"' ^ ;^ llZRr , ^ l3in ' r ^ 3 or the sea . '• »•/.>-, ‘ e " ,v 11 J 1 or , ' ’ : iial1 vv imi ^ W ?" " ,e '• . *\'l~ , ’ i - ma. ^ k . !*••<> m. ^ all fam» on thoslreets. P. M. Ayers. WANTED. To c mtract for 10‘ > cords of pine wood delivered at saw mill near Wi.W residence in Con v^r-, by Sept 1st. Arthur Whitaker, DISSOLUTION NOTIBE. Notice is hereby given that the firm of Qnigg & Still, Warehousemen aud Lum her dealers, is dissolved by mutual con sent, VV. H. Quigg rotirir g. All the ac¬ count- of the old firm will be collected by W. K. Still at the office of the old firm at the warehouse. This Jan. 1st, 1002. W. H. Quigg. W. R. Still. Thousands Sent Into Exile. Every year a large number , ol f Qr gu flf eJ . erg whose lungs are sore an ^ rac k e d with coughs are urged ^ another climate. this iscostloy an'exile and not always Don’t be when Dr. King’s New Disiovery for Consumption «*ill cure you at hornev it’s the mos t infallible medicine for Coughs, Colds, and ail throat aud Dung diseases on earth. The first dose brings relief. Astounding [ cures h su t from persistent Drug use. q na | {mottles free at Gailey Co's. Price l/0c and -Si. Every bottle NO 3 Georgia Railroad 1 * CHEAP EXCURSION S5 r i' , S<l.*S is Ixharlestnii and finfurn. JVor tin* above occasion Hie GEOR¬ GIA ItAtLltOAD will sell round trip tickets at very low rates. THREE OAIUY TRIINSbetw ■ :i Atlanta a.nd Charleston. Through sleepers on train: leav; a Atlanta at .3:10 an:! 11 :4o p. in. ana Charleston at 3:10 and 11:)) o’clock in. For information as to Routes, schedules, and Rates, writs to either of the und rsigned. Y«u will receive prompt reply and re b ab 1 o, i n fo n ri a tion. C O McMJLLEN, A C JACKSON G A Pass. Dept. <:- }• A. A O DAWSON, S A., Aujfnuta, Ga. S E Mag ill, O. D. Cox. Gen’l i Csti’l Agt. Atlanta. Athens. E. P. Bonner, W C McM ille. , Union Ticket Agt. S. F, & P A. Macon. M.'iCmi. Jj. H. Hill, J. A Thomas. Union ’iheket Agt. City Ticket Agt. Atlanta, Ga. Atlanta, Ga. Foil RENT. I want to rent ail the cultivata OIi ’ n y farm H . miles .. on road. Apply to under signed on premises. J. M, NYmlborii. FOR SALE. Ono ntmdrvd, oue aud one-fourth acres of laud, 5 miles south of Ctnyers, Terms tasy—bea C, E. Reagan