Conyers weekly-banner. (Conyers, GA.) 1901-1907, April 04, 1902, Image 1

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■ L' 1 ft 1 i \% ± M Y I KL‘i^.a 5 E 223 iii U l A fi ; ' % V .jf 01 ;*| *• l. F the peop le, by t he pegs Q Hi FOR THE PEOPLE. VOL. XX. #%*-• t s # oMt" Lrf t : I wY 1 I a TKeX’i <i gSSi ' WiHorx wor The Burins Business has opened up with a hustle and bustle that denotes Dorifcy and we ai e proud that our magnificent stock, well selected in every depart ment is in keeping with the times and this condition. New Dress Goods. Handsome new Dress Goods—latest * styies-up-to-date is the description best suited to them, iav to the ladies to gee this splendid line before they buy, , and be suited. ■t CLOTHING! GIJ '-tVST "RING! EKBfcSte CLO i liING! noiSebS WeS^he > S^ -*> - c : i U1 is S - CD * to do is to have look through our line and you will then a 0 r CD e with us. you choice at “Right Pu ces” Come now and get Notions. Wc carry this season a 10 • gT€ 0 ►-- rH which you can fi nd almost anything you want al ways at “Right Prices,” r/3 O v? o r-K P W P w rD p £ firm ^rnurntJ ac p & CD OD c4 o c 2 ® © a QC o P p o cd ® p a "O cr P »—•• Cu H n g COS' ^ o K CD td ffi a p CO O 3 ® CONYERS, GEORGIA, FRIDAY. Cu 4 Splendid Array o 85525^5 u wsmim !<»• 0 CMS 5^3 A STORE MADE POPULAR 3 THE BEST GOODS AT ®B22 itn r> RIGHT PRICES.” New Wash Goods. Our stock of new wash goods will prove a delight to all who see them. They are very pretty and stylish and ■Sr O 3 will prove a to all buyers Gents* < urnishings Here is where we could fill a page. In gent’s forged Fur nishings we have way ahead. From crown to sole we can fit you out in the very latest and at the same time save you money. NO. 14. f iA> / > IT H /% 1 < \ < * ?i „ 5 o"'Princeton Oufintjiuit Shoes. In shoes there is no bet ter place to buy than here. We have them for any feet at any price. Ladies and Misses Slippers and Summer - shoes. Don’t think of buying until you see our stock,