Conyers weekly-banner. (Conyers, GA.) 1901-1907, June 06, 1902, Image 7

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INTERESTING items from over the county UP-TO-THE-MINUTE C( )RRESPOJVDE^ x>*. 5QUTH CONYERS. hope everybody voted tor fe in politics, Lean dold veteran, Lidas Livingston on the 5th. y Mack Smith and son Jesse, Ltlanta, visited the family of Hollingsworth recently. L Tom Argo, of Atlanta, was [ “old folks at borne” Sunday. Land Mrs. Rnfe Christian, of Mr. of -e visited the family |tChristian recently },. R. 1. Hale is champian u deetroyer of this part of „ Up to date, be lias killed L.vii this spring, besides dea¬ ling a nest of coach-whip eggs. ,j. ., rs Lee Hollingsworth and L . Mayfield visited fair friends |{;iysfcon Sunday. jj a Safrouia Almand and Miss jie Tucker spent Monday night h Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Hale. |rs. A. J. Dempsey visited in midst one day last week. ill uf them will bo in it, but ge iiiafc are out of it, - by the ethis is published; the candi b. v.e mean. ilr. Jao. McCaniel visited fair s at Hopewell Sunday. Ilr. and Mrs. Frank Ayers ISomh Conyers a short while lulay afternoon. Come again. I .ink Mary Love has returned Inc after spending some time [liIrraunt, Mrs. Mayfield. Ilr. L in Harris and sister, of Ickdaio, visited friends in this [iiiity recently. IVe re,ret to note that Mrs. fry jte Bishop is in a very feeble of health. We hope she may |n be out again and in usual Eli. Plr, .J;h Still SDent the day |h at Almon Sunday. p« fneil Mamie Wagoner has re* to her home near Lithonia. " to quite a favorite with the pi? people here and will be ply mi «ed. pi« Fry iitvi.' nek child at this of writing. Mr. Joe Smith We p'r enty soon recover. MID—SUMMER EATING. ii v vour et ttables from B.B. McDonald’s popular Grocery store! * *v Fancy and Family Groceries at lowest prices. In mj T mar ket you will find the best fresh meats at reasonable prices. Yon can serve your interest by trad ing here. I lead ’em all. See me. BEE B. MCDONALD. Center Street, Con vers, Ga. THE WEEKLY BANNER. Mi'. Mat lownsend spout Sun day with his parents near McDan¬ iel’s mill. Miss Una Argo i3 spending this week with relatives at Kirn wood. Mrs. Thompson O’Kelley is victim of mumps this week. We hope they will serve her lightly. Mr. Paul Mayfield visited at Union Grove Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Alinand, sr. was in our vicinity Monday after noon. Vashti. EAST CONYERS. Miss Time Weaver visited friends in Lithonia last week. Miss Vannie Lou Plunkett was in East Conyers Sunday. Mrs G. W. Posey, of Decatur, visited her sister, Mrs. Brooks Posey Sunday. Mrs.Willis Invin and Mrs. G. W. Weaver were the guests of Mrs.J. G. Maddox near Pine Log Sunday. Mrs. Medlocb, of Norcross,spent Sunday with her daughter, Mrs.F. T. Hopkins. Mr George Ragland has returned home after a pleasant visit to rel¬ atives here. Mr.Will Lanier, of Atlanta, was the guest of Miss Mabel Whatley Sunday. Miss Gussio Maddox, who hap boon sick for some time, we are glad to say, is improving. Maj. J. R. Irwin and Miss Annie Ragland attended the fish fry at Dead River last Thursday. Josh. MT. AIRY. Several of our people picniced with Smyrna school at Sims Mill last Saturday. Miss Julia Maddox who has been attending the Monroe college at Forsyth has returned home to spend her vacation. Mr. and Mrs. M. Tucker visited their son R. W Tucker Tuesday. Mr. J. H. Maddox has gone to Macon to attend the Mercer com- mencemcut. Little John Tucker of Conyers is visiting his little cousin Matt Tucker this week, Miss Violet Walker has returned home after spending last week very pleasantly with Miss Florede er of Conyers. Mrs. Barto Walden has a sister from Atlanta visiting her. Little Hetfric and Corine Barton of Morrow, Ga. are on a visit to their grandparents, Mr. and Mr 9 . John H. Maddox. Mayflower. MAGNET. Rev. J. C. Forester filled his regular appointment on last Sat¬ urday and Sunday. The Sunday School at Liberty Chapel is flourishing. The wdieat crop is being harvest¬ ed but is very short, and the oat crop will be short unless rain conies soon. The fruit crop is not as favor¬ able as a while back, yet I think we will have a good black-berry crop. Miss Cora Lifsey, of your town, is teaching a large music class in Magnet. Miss Cora makes an cellent teacher. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Spinks of Henry Co., visited their son, Mr. W. T.Spinks near Magnet Sunday. Several of our young men are doing some fine farming this year and among the number is Lawson Stowers, who leads in tin finest crop. Fruit tree agent* and candidates were exceedingly numerous last week. Fish fries are the order of the day. Good luck is reported every time. Plenty fish and redbugs too. Major. EBENEZER. Wheat harvesting time is at hand and the reaper is heard in the land. Why shouldn’t our Sunday school practice up and sing at Oak Ilill on 1 he 1th. Mr. and Mrs. ’.V. T. Stanton were called to the bedside of their sick daughter, Mrs. Noney Wal dro P» of Conyers, Sunday. We hope hers ma Y be a s i )eoti J recovery, Several from this community a Hcnded preaching at Liberty Chapel Sunday. The services were conducted by Rev. Mr. For¬ rester and was enjoyed by the large congregation present. Mr. Thompson Potts was escort¬ ing two of our fair sex Sunday afternoon. Meeting will be held here the re¬ mainder of the year, every third Saturday p. m. and Sunday a. m. following. A cordial invitation is extended to all, Miss Cora Belle Almand is visit¬ ing relatives at Dahlonega and other points in North Ga. Mr. Ben McQuartera, who mov¬ ed from Kockdalo about 20 years ago, paid her his first visit Satur¬ day. He was surprised to sec so much progress in old Rockdale. By the time this is printed some of the candidates will be defeated. Mr ftud Mrs j. j. Cowan visit e d their sox, Prof. W. J. Cowan, of pace, Sunday. Mr. Joe Potts was up shaking hands with friends Sunday. In Bo more days Surge funk- , et” says sweet lay by time, water melons, peaches, chickens ant camp-meetings will be here. While calling n on friends in Mug net last week, ^ Nick” was asking Tam bow about the Hoe-ache Nick the best remedy we know of is to take three quarts of blue pills grand be¬ fore each meal. This is a reme( ]y. “Singing in the morning Singing through the clay, Music is a blessing, Use it while we may. Cares may come to vex us ; Trials may oppress; Time may bring us troubles, Treasurers may be less. Yet with fond .companions Loved and cherished long, All our carosfmay vanish— Charmed away 1 y song. Tambow. NORTH CONYERS \\ e North Conyers folks are us independent ns the Sheffielders, we have dew-berries ripe. Mrs Mitchell visited Mrs.Wool ley Sunday. Mr. and Alts. W. H. Woolley visited his sister, Mrs. King, (f Union Grove, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Street were guests of Mrs. Elias Wooley Sat¬ urday. Mr. Jim Plunket and little dau¬ ghter were in North Conyers last Thursday. Candidates were driving around lots tliis week and were all smiles. Wonder which way they will smile next week. Col. Pick and his father, Uncio Henry, spent Thursday with Mr. John Peek, cf Sheffield. Mr. and Mrs. Ike Treadwell vis¬ ited Mrs. Elias Woolley Wodnos day night. Susic. A Real Friend. ‘ I suffered from dyspepsia and indigestion for fifteen years,”says W. T. Sturdi vam of Merry Oaks, N. C. “After 1 had tried many doc¬ tors and medicines to no avail one of my friends persuaded me to t^vv Kodol. It gave immediate relief. 1 can eat almost anything I want now and my digestion is good. I cheerfully recommend Kodol.” jy ou ^ ^.y to euro stomach trouble |)V dietiug That only further Wf . a j {Png the system. You need kodol wholesome, strengthening food, enables you to assimuhite what you eat by digesting aid.—Gailey it with¬ out the stomach’s Drug Co. CASTOR IA Fer Infants and Children. The Kind Yen Data Always Saugbt Bears the Signature of by all. A Guest. For BOILH and 01.0*1 SOHES lino GAI1EY Hindi Hoil Halve. Price .'-Joe.