The Conyers examiner. (Conyers, GA.) 1878-1???, May 18, 1878, Image 1

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^ E HARP, Publisher. \ r OL. !• TIIE COHVERS EXAMINER, Pulinked every Saturday, By W. E. HAEP, aT tW o dollars per annum. k vTES FOli ADVERTISING; Xdverti^erne-ntK will be inserted for ONE niif LAB per square, for the first insertion, 1 FIFTY rENTS per square for each bou i^nnnce. 1 month, or less, For long tl for one will be a neriod, a liberal discount made. w . ^0ne inch in length, or less, constitutes * ^Notices Ten Cents in the per local lino, cblunrft each insertion. will be in s prtcd at Marriages and deaths will be published a~ ;... mg () f n. rvs, but obituaries will be charged #*' • at advertising rates. will bo to clients Liberal rates given in or ♦ watliei's# who desire to advertise by the yedr. W. A. HARP. Business Manager. MARRIED life; Ko. IE ft. Eighth St. St. Louis, fJlo* Wh7h*l "ml troubles had greater of both experience male and female in the than treatment j.hyeiclan of tha f trie results of his long and any successful . 1 ,, West. Rive* ts, just published, entitled wtftMSift his tw« new wai ThoPHYSSOLOGV PRIVATE MEDICAL GF MARRIAGE ADVISER Th0 nres-eally Cuides and Petf-Instruetcrs in all mat £r»pertaining' BnokChet U' Manhood and Womanhood, and supply a iaaiioBg felt- easit? 't'ley understood. are benatlfnlly The two lliuslrHinl, books and embrace in plain 545 Uivuteo, "J, Jed contsm alaat.lo Inform.itlon for both married and i Sic, * Irn wittinlUlirrecent whstourhomepapers improvements say i“'J’hcknowledge imncdtccl treatment imparted a>. Ilmld new works in in no way of questionable clmr Scr, Lit, but the is victim something of early Hint indiscretion; everyone should tl.e Man, know. btnerwiso Tha Mld-ctly ^ and iKmltUy the maybe,but Woman, in V.-*th rmsein wnmnarviaror in thnnrima (iyra life, the Ills her is hei: m many sex I/)uis Journal, co cts. t?ach ronttit PRit'ihs — bnlh In one volume, f!; in clotfi anc l*«ipt ct*. ci'priee extra. ia money Sent under stamps- Bce.T, ot or GEO. W. GLEATOW, Attorney at La’w, '.OKYERS : ; s GEORGIA, .fill practice in Hie Superior and Supreme louvts of the Stilt- r. Special attention 'given to the collection of (kinu .. HWiy3-i y A. G, McCALLA, Attorney al Law CONYERS, : GEORGIA Will practice in Rockdale and adjoining coun m v3-n!5-ly M JTCwtFta, LOUISVILLE. KY., A T*jJ|*rt3r pdacnU^and legally^uallQrd ptgsloiiin and the of private, chronic an 4 P eoxuRi°<iiae»sc« 1 Spnrroatoz 1 - rheft and Impotency. as^the result of seif •liussfi youth, sexual excesocsia maturer years, Nervoha* or other •aiUM.'Shi! nroituelng somq T'lnmes’Sxjf o fths follmvina eflects: Defective Slcra pua, Sttolnul Ktnlsslnns, Sight, SocietyVif ety,PUj»lcalDeeay,Puuole» oa Fare, Aversion to Females, Confusioa of Ideas, Loss of Sexual Power, m., mdcrlngmarriage Improper or Unhappy, are thoroughly •ol euredand prrrauueotly i-ntlrely emdie»tedq eared.' SYPHILIS ^ GON¬ ORRHEA, Gleet, r tho system; eaberprfr Stricture, Plus and Yiteui^rasefi qtiickly cured. Paticnta incited, treated by reasonauI^» mail or ex. prcus. Uonsultatioa free and confidential. charges •ad correspondence etrictl 7 A PRIVATE COUNSELOR Of500 pages, sent to any address, by saeurely Seeled, for thirty (>0) can if. Should he lend all. Address as above, OtUoe hours from D A. M. to 7 P. M. Sundays, 2 to 4 F. Id. Tb* Rantady of the ifHh Century. TRADE; Barham’s InfatCible PILE CURE. ftiamiftauTed Durham, by the Bargain Pile’Cure Co., N. C. It never fulls to euro H erne rr hot da E5>®/. oo pc5 or Pile*, when a cure ia poswibUe* Price List and bona fide testiiuociaia furnished on application F, HimFF* 89, Whitehall it Atlanta, Ga. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN May, Ota. Girts aii stone Wares, Lamps, Lanterns, SILVER-PLAYED GOODS. Ghods Carefully Bepackcd. Quick sales Mid Short Profits, for CASH. Established 18<~>0. inarch 2,1878. 6m. I*EESCEIPTI01Sr rorttK-’Kpcptiy Cuiv of Seminal Weakness, FREE! Lost MatilidM and nil disorders brouglit on by indis¬ cretion Or excess. Any Dm^yist. has the insre ffients. |)r. W. JA<»I i:.S <V «•<»., No. 130 west Mix-tli Slrcel, I'iucluiwti, O. 100K BEFORE YOU BUY. LEAVER & SH1DD0X, Dealers in • * -Nations, BRICBSBB * IUTS, CAPS. &c. BOOTS, SHOES, wBOGBBlES J OF ALL KIND& P, ” e ^ohacco and Cigars, Confectioneries * n d In Everything Kept in a FtUST CLASS STORE. HONEST DEALING IS BDR MOTftl. CASH and Short Profits. l>wiyo ra Ga. Feb. 16, 1878. tf ^^^cV T s E z P ;f DEH s. A Cure or provtmt Disease. OPIUMS®!® JOB PRINTING AT THIS OFFICE. ■ IWf 1 »; /'■*» rar^H k" li VI r 'ir n 1 - •tj I I vl ffl # I «g <*> 1 -gg<ii iliK l! r*-‘ft J£4 | M AsSSaS M o, If J! “ Error Ceases to*J? Dangerous, While Truth is Left Free tb Combat it.” CONYERS, GA.. SATURDAY. MAY 18, 18T8. Will VEGETINE cure rheumatism; Vegetine ts. Electricity. **"• H R- 1 Bo^on f ® b 19th lilt Sra^.Ns, ‘ ’ tojaasi^&SsggK.y jaM IspSitSsS »s^r»sst*wi!r^sS they try it they are sure of a cure. ** I am, very respectfully yours, Manager Western Union Telagraph Office,UUmna.Oi Verdict for Vegetine* VEGETINE WILL CURE RHEUMATISM; Mr. H. R. Stevens; CotUiiBCS, O., Fab. 14,1877. ; also *nd has been greatly benefited by its use. I have reeommeuded it to many others, with good suc a family medicine K. A. KISTLER, No. 14 West Fulton Street, Columbus, O. VEGETINE. A Family Medicine. me. H. R. Steven 8? INNATI ’ 0dl °* April ii; l877i little, and, dear air, by using your medicine called Vegetine I have been cured. My niece was cured entirely etine, ei Rheumatism by using your medicihe.Vea ao she ia able to attend to her studies at school. She teela very tlumkiul for your mbdicinel tor she has been a great sufferer from Rheumatism. complaints DA® ^TwTottfis'wifl^yT^ &, Y UrStr ^* 131 r e ° A ELIZABETH ARNET, his wife, JESSIE CORlfh?s Ev a „ y iri lleStreet - erett Cincinnati, Street, Ohio. Mr. Arnet , ih a large real , estate wealthy tu&u an old Resident, and well known owner, in Cincinnati. a f Rheumatism is a Disease of the Blood. wlooa troni its diseased condition to a healthy circa* Ration. One bottle ot Vegetine Will give relief; but, to effect a perrnanent cure, it must be taken regular ly, ol I911*? and may standing. take several Try it, bottles, and especially verdict in cases that of thousands before your will be the same its you, who say, “ I ETINE,” which. , m H«h composed relief as from exclusively the use of VEG¬ roots and herbs. is of barks, FOREIGN REPORTS. DAWSON & BAXTER, Prescription Drugpsts, Vegetine is highly ^ trie<i it spoken of by all who have JOSEPH WILLARD, Druggist and Chemist, satisfaction Sell a great in deal all of VEGETINE, and it gives good cases. T. P. SMITH * CO., Dispensing Pharmacists, and Vegetine good sells medicine. first-rata, gives good° satisfaction la ft VEGETINE Prepared by He JR. STEVENS, Boston, Mass* Vegetine is Sold by all Druggists* GO iO MB MMIFBltB’S FOR WINES. LIQUORS, CIDER, CHAMPAGNE, &e. Oysters, Sardines, Crackers, Soaps, Blacking. FINE CIGARS and TOBACCO. ■ Pickles*, Peanuts, Candies, &c., BOTTLED BEER CF THE BEST BEALES, A Specialty. ff^All Kinds bf FANCY - DRINKS at Short Notice. A FINE BILLIARD TABLE attached and Privately Whitehead arranged. House; Under the • Conyers-, Ga. Feb. 16, 1878. sun ii 11 ii M i: k NO. 19 WHITE FRONT, CONYERS, GA, — Dealers in— DRY GOODS, FAMILY GROCERIES HARD-WARE. CUTLERY, CKOCKERY-AVAftE, GLASS-WAUL, &c. HARNESS, CiotMng, Hats. Caps, Boots, anHSHoes, Ciiea]j, A full line of Notions and Ladies Dress Goods. A FINE LOT OF GOOD TOBACCO, CIGARS, ETC. 1 Y 00 DSN-WAI 1 E, TIN-WAKE, J ti g-Ware, and Bralania Dippers, &C;> Sardines, Crackers, Fancy Candies, Nuts, etc. Tr; fact we keep a good stock of all that is Usually kept in a first class Dry Goods or Gro¬ cery store. All of which we WILL SELL ON TIME TO GOOD FAETIE2. aplr. IS, ly. ililiH a week in your own town. $5• outfit AUU \ llD free- No risk. Reader, if you want a business at which persons of either sex can make great pay all the time they work, write for yarfcicu’.ars to H. Hallet & Co.P or load, Maine'. pqbtry. “JUST A tPEW WORDS ” Just a few words, but they blinded The brightness all out of a day, Just a f ew wor ’s. but they lifted The shad §W3 and cast tiicm away. Only a frown, but it dampened The cheer of a dear ittle heart; Only a smile, but its sweetness Check'd tears that were ready to start, J$h! that the rules of our living More like the golden would be ! Much more, so much more, of sunshine, Would go out from you and from me. MR. BLOUNT IN CONGRESS. Our vigilant and untiring immediate member continues to win golden opinion! for the fidelity and sagacity displayed b\ him, in the discharge of his cofhmittet duties. The following we find in the Washing* tbn[(l). C.) Gazette : The Post Office appropriation bill; now pending n the House, exhibits a signa vindication of what Democratic control will arc mplish for the people; The es timale of the Post Office department was three million dollars in excess of the re* port of the committee, and although po.s tel service is, in the nature of things, contimial’y expanding, the budget fm this year is nearly one million dollars less than^laSi year. General Blount, who, as chairman ol the 8ubscommitteo, had charge of this branch of the service, devoted momhh to a thorough investigation b. fore be com menced building the estimai esi tie has knowledge of the subject, so far as it could bd acquired In the limited lime which a single session affords, and b\ his efforts the sum 'of robberies in tb< contract bureau has been reduced for the incoming year about tv lve hlfndred and fifty thousand dollars. It will be but a little while before the fools tn high places in that Department will be retired to rural retreats, and the thieves will hllv the Opportunity to speculate on the fact that their misd »’ngs are the subj ct of investigation by honest men who wii have displaced them. The country owes a great debt to such nieu as General Blount; Who neither fears the make hot* seeking the support of officials in high places, effectively perform their du ty HOW NOT TO 'dfPr LOCAL NEVtS. He eauie our office,*and after pay ing his subscription, said : ‘ I guess you can stop sending my pa¬ per ; I’ve just subscribed for a paper I n<A(i more.” “lust So’, we retorted. He pulled a paper from his pocket and handed it to us for insuection.—-It was a Philadelphia publication, being neh'.ly printed, ornamented with' a handsomely engraved head, and containing ai'out f /j-ty-bightjCdltiniTis of reading matter. “A very fair looking paper.’ said we. ‘But, rny dear sir, do you find much uews concerning our county in it ?' ‘‘No, he didn’t know that he had found any.’ “Do you find anything abotit our slate f’ “No, he nevei* did.’’ And yet he needed that sheet much more than he did his county paper. Such men are a blessing to any eoni munitV; What enterprise would flour sh wit hour thtiii ?—Moorfieid Ex,. In 1869 the Republicans had a m&jofi ty ot forty*two in the Senate a‘»d eight)* six in the House. They have a majority ot two in the Senate to~day and are ih a minority in the House; with the perfect efeftainty that th6 Democrats will hold the Senate in 1879 by ten majorit. and the probability that thei e will be a Derm* oeratie House. Now, is it not singular that a party which claims to be the ‘‘par¬ ty of the people,” the party ot the pro¬ gress, humanity <1nd every godly virtue, with possession of all the offices, should have been forced Off the stage in unceretho|K>us wky ? The Republican party ot the great American people, who, with all the pressure Of vice introduced by Republicanism, are far too honest to be caught hugging a “'Scarlet Woman.’ Odd THofctJHTS. —‘When a lady walks the streets she leaves her indignatiofl countenance at home; she knows that the street is a picture gallery, where pretty fices, framed in pretty bonnets, meant to be seen ’ are ‘tt may be la’d down as a certainty that when a man cannot bear his o\rn company, there is something wrong.’ ‘The great remedy which Heaven has put in our hands is patience, by which, though we oaunol lessen the torments «»f the body, we can, in a great measure, preMrv* p<*<» o! miod.' Washington, May 10. -The Senate passed the bill to repeal the bankrupt iw. tw as amended so that it should uke eftect on the first ol September in stead ct the first of January. The owing is the bill in full : ‘that the bsnktopt law, March 2d, 1867, title 61, Revised ites, bn a.i act entitled an act to i-stab i*h throughout the United State, ap loved March 2, 1867, and tor other mrpdses, approVed June 22, 1874, and 1 1 the amendments or acts supplemen¬ tary thereto dr in explanation thereof, be the same are hereby repealed ‘ pro¬ vided, however, that such repeal shall in no manner ibVa'idate or effect any case in bankruptcy instituted and pending in my court protr to the day when this act -Jiail take eflebt * but as to all such pen ling cases ahd all future proceedings herein, and in respect of all pains; pen ilties and forfeitures which shall have jeen incurred under any of said a‘c»s pvi -r to the day wheh this act takes effect, >r which may be thereafter incurred mix ‘hr any of those provisions of any of c a id acts, which for the purposes named in his act, are kept in force; and all penal lotions and criminal proceedings tor vi o ations of any of said acts, whether then pend dig or thereafter instituted, and in lespeci ot ali rights ot debtors and cred tors [except the right of commencing origin 1 proceedings in baifkruptcyj, and all rights of and suits by or aguisnt as¬ signees under any or all of said acts in auv Uiatter or case which shall have aris s*n prior to the day - when this act takes effect (which shiili fie on the first day of September, A. D. 1878; ) or in any mat¬ ter or case which shall arise alter this act tukefe effect; in respect of any matter of bankruptcy authorized by ibis act, to proceed with after said last named dav, (fie dels hereby repealed shall continue in fiill force and effect until the same shall be fully disposed of iti the sdnie manner as if the said acts had not been repealed. The bill goes back to the Hoiise for concurrence in the amendment. Don’t rely iipon friends—don’t rely upon the name of your ancestors. Thous" ands Have spent the prime of liffi in the vain hope of help from those they call friends, and many thousands have starv¬ ed because they had rich fa’hers. Rely upon the good name which is made by your own exeHdns, aid know that bet¬ ter than the best friend you (*an have is unquestionable determination, united with decision of character. Small farnls make good heighbdhs they make good roads ; they make plen¬ ty of good schools and churches ; there is more money made in proportion to the labor ; less labor is vvanteel ; everythihg :8 kept neat ; less wages have to be paid tor help ; less time is wasted ; more is raised to theacie; besides, ic is tilled bet tej*;lhereis rio watching ot hired help the mind is not kept in a worry and fret all ibe time. When a young man in Patagonia wants a wife, he tides out lassoes one, and in the more civilized Tinned States of America when a young man wants a wife but ddes not come to time, the las^ soek him for H breach of promise,—Chi¬ cago Journal. The $5,000 left by He' jarnin Frankliri to the city of Boston in 1792, to be loan ed to young married mechanics, has in-* creased at. d rate that promises to make the principal $525,000 in 1892, This is on!y $56,009 less than Dr. Franklin cal* culated upon. Gen. McClellan is a man of muscle. On a certain occasion, while conversing with a party of fiiends on the subject of physical strength, he took a silver quar¬ ter of a dollar f.orn his pocket and bent it between his fore .finger and thumb, A lady in Texas saw an advetiseraeht in a New YVrk paper of an opium cure, She sent for it, took it, and died in cori vulsions in less than an hour. The New York physician has been arrested, A dinner was given in V\ arrenton, Va., to twelve old ladies whose aggre gate ageg was 800 years. They danced a quadrifle and the minuet. A recent wedding at Williamsport, Pa , bad a gloom cast over it by the discove¬ ry that, through some unaccountable mistake, fhe bridesmaid had been mar ried instead of«tbe intended bride, A French physician named Bartha rand, residing in Algiers, has for thirteen years been collecting vital statistics in that country, and has on his list 1,300 cases of death at ages exceeding eighty years, 162 of the persons deceased bar. TWO DOLLARS PerJAnnuni A BOLD OUTRAGE. Late Yesterday afternoon whilst Mr. John M. Asendorf wa$ quietly reclining in a chair in his Store, situated on the corner of Habersham and Jones street lane, two negro men entered, and with out a remark one immediately caught hold of him, pin oning his ami 3 behind him, whilst the other made a dash for the till. Mrs. Asendori resisted th 3 villian who had hold of him so vigorous'v that his confederate was compelled to come to his assistance, A knife was then drawn by one of the rascals and an attempt made to stab Mr. Asendorf, who, however proved si thatch for them, and before they could infl ct an miniy, freed himself, when they imme¬ diately fled; ' Mr. Asendorf’s clothes were cut some^ wha', but he was unhurt b yond the shbek of so sudden an attack. He failed to feooc nile the negroes, but has given the best description be could to the pox jh be apprehended and it is to .—Savtinnah be hoped they may yet Mice. Corpus Christi Free Press: Glootn and sorrow has pervaded this comrhunitv tuis week. Mourners have wept for Wed ones who have fallen victim^ to a telentless, fiendish foe. The yoiing and the old have not bebn spared—miirdei'ed, inutillatv*d! The recent raid stands without a parallel in the Southwest in magnitude and atrocity. Worse than all, it was an allied force who struck the blow. While men, Mexicans and In¬ dians mingled in devilish fraternity. The Cincinnati papers report that the success of t he proposed reunion of ex - Federate and ex-Confederates in that city next October is asstired. The ex soldiers were never afflicted with the attempt to shallow the paloeocrostalic pills of a cor tain brood of politicians who s f ayed in tile rear during the late and they can put their legs under the sable inahbgany with ffeelingS of mutual pleasure. Mayor Moore, of Cincinnati, has received a large number of letters troni ex-soldier^ of both a mies vvarmly iiido’sing the project of a reunion. The M. E. Church South has beeh working among the Germans. Beside having a few churches who are in con nection With purely English conferences, the German Conference numbers 3,859 members, 639 probationers, 47 traveling and 61 local preachers, making'a total of 5,992. W hat is called the Southern German Conference numbers 924 mem¬ bers, 109 probation's, 26 traveling and 12 local preachers, making a total ot 1)180. All counted they have about 10,000i While in Richmond, Va., recently, Senator Hamlin declared to a gentleman whom he met there, that the iiegroe has improved vastly since the Northern poli« ticians have begun tb let him alone. That thi^ is tide is pretty well established bv the ornithological fact that the South ern chicken doesn’t fobst more jhan half as high now as he did a few Veais ago. John Travers was seventy years old and wanted a wife. He was the wealthi eat than in Carroll codtity, Va., and that fact induced a woman of twenty to rfiarry lurci. She almost immediately repented of the sale of herselfj and ori the fifth night after the vvedding stabbed her hus band to death aS he lay asleep.' She al$o attempted suicide. M. Trudel, of St, Raymond, Quebec, has just married his sixth wife, a widow of sixty. His first wife lived three years and died, leaving him a son, now foity. His second died ten months after mar¬ riage. After living nine years with No. 3, her first husband, long' mourned as dead, returned and claimed her, and six wet ks later the disconsolate M, Trudel married a girl of thirteen. She died two years later, and lie married a fifth wife, who died in 2$75; after a wedded life Of twenty years They say in Washington, afid think it is a reproach to their wives, that the best broiled steak in the city can be had at a house. Bless you, th 2 t is no reproach to the women. They haven’t the same facilities for getting their hus¬ bands so drank they can’t tell the differ*, ence between broiled steak and fried shoe sole.—.(Haw key e. - The young man tried in London coun ty, Va„ last week, for shooting into a crowd who visited him the night of his marriage As a calathumpian band, thereby killing one of the party, was sent to the penitentiary for eighteen years. The British Consu's at Portland, Maine, has gone to Soutewest Harbor to watch tha Cimbri*: | NO. *1. llire is ill on* largely grown and con¬ sumed as human food than any other ce¬ real. It is said to be the main food of bne- third of the human race. A runaway bridal couple from Cleve¬ land, Ohio, turned up at Louisville re* eently, penmlbss, and bad to beg a lodg¬ ing. r I lie bride had pawned her ring and both were in great, distress, but full cf pride. 1 hey said their trouble JOSO from failure to receive money from the groom’s parents, who ate wealthy. Lon t sit down to a table where there are twelve others. In the first place it is a bad sign, and in the next, you Can’t gat as much to eat as if there .were only five or six. The oew gun invented by Dr. Mco Alister, of Mississippi, shoots 4,000 balls a minute and exterminates several regi¬ ments at a time. it ta!<o$ the medical profession, after all, to depopulate a conn try. According to the South Florida Jour¬ nal there is a good time ahead for Orange coulity. ripening, It states that ‘huckleberries a”e and parents in the country are preparing to bell their children kd turd theiii loose, Diiring the season they hunt the little■ ‘crackers’ up dace d iVeek and count them.’ Women rna y, perhaps, fancy that tiie^ dreSs in order to be adm'i**d byiiien, blit tliey do not. They dress agaiust each other, and tliey dread each other’s criti¬ cising. Men very seldom eare for details; and if a woman looks well, and is not dowdy, she finds favor in (heir eyes. A swarm of bees were recent!v discov: ei'ed under the eaves of the Oongrega tional church in oosbawen; N. H., and iheir with 69 hiding pounds Of honey taken ’frorri place a festival was held which brought the church a larg e sum. An Omaha roan, desiring to get rid of his mother-in-law at very short notice, induced- her to spread nitroglycerine od her back to cure lumbago, and then ply a hot flat iron. ap At the latests ac counts they bad Sent in 10 fin adjoining county to try to get enough of the wo man together to hold aii inquest over. a 1 OC ' 1 in ■ »'S' aSd has been in Con .a ^ . aroily ne lcu ^ one hundred and fiftyntwo ' S either a Peacekble family or ** ' e1 ^ ^ asSi No w onder a ship is called ‘she’ she has shifts, stays, an apron, hooks and eyes, pins) caps and ribbotis, hoods, pop*, pets, and a husband,—Fun. Lawyers sometimes indulge in pleas, an tries that border very close upon the humorous, A client called upon his le¬ gal adviser recently and told him this sad tale .* ‘Von see, I collected all the money I cou'd, and turned everything I haa ifitb cash, with a view of gRtng itfy creditors as large a dividend as possible. I had a big roil of bills, which I put in my hip pocket, and I lost ‘em.’ ‘You lost the Money—the whole of it?’ ‘Ev¬ ery cent. ‘Well, I believe you, but I don’t think I can find an other man in Boston! who would believe it. The fact is, my friend, if Judge Lowell should de«* cido that your loss was a reality, every bankrupt in Boston \Vould want to bor¬ row your pants;’ . The man who jumped from the new suspension bridge at Niagara Falls last hiiday took pains to find out the spot where the Iasi lunatic Had made the Rame terrible leap. He walked from the Clif¬ ton House to the entrance of the bridge, and introducing himself with a cherry “good morning,” asked some workmen who were making repairs where it was that the last man had jumped off. Not receiving definite information from them,’ he turned to a small boy who was stand¬ ing near and gave him fifty cents for pointing out the precise locality. walked slowly towards the centre of the bridge, and then halted to take off bat and coat. Mounting the cable and bal¬ ancing himself, he leaped to his deSth in the abyss below. Killing IIimset.p Because Dinner Was Not Ready,—R yan Van* Mater, a farmer living near Tintou Falls, N. J. hung himself in his barn Sunday after¬ noon by ascending a ladder and swing¬ ing himself off, with the use of some plough lines, from one ol the mow pales, An empty stomache seems to have been the cause of the About 11 ;30 Mr. Van Mater went out to the barn to ‘take care of the things,’ and in ahoufc an hour returned and asked it dinner was ready, Receiving a negative reply he went oat to the barn again, ostensibly for the purpose of finishing op the ‘ichor Having been gone an unusual length ______________ of time one ot the family ______ 7 went to’ w for him and found him suspended £fom one of the mow pole# dead,