The Conyers examiner. (Conyers, GA.) 1878-1???, August 03, 1878, Image 1

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E- BABP, publisher. (lb . • T II K iivERS EXAMINER, ** -jished every Saturday, 0 V w. E. HARP s % B0I.LA1* PEE ANNUM. r;S l'» u ADVERTISING: will he inserted for ONE ,mcnt for the first insertion. m ', P^.rvlN ’per square for For each long- con Fi „nc month, or less a for 1 discount will he made. ;'; h jn length, or less, constitutes ,. t he local column will be in *’ ■’ T ‘ * Vents per lino, each published insertion. j deaths will be as but obituaries will be charged rates. to merchants 1 r . fdesire t tcs will be given to advertise by the W. A. IIA HP. Business Manager. 0 , W. GLEATGN j .ttoraey at Law, taTfOW : : : GEORGIA, ( j ca in tlie Superior and Supreme iiM( 1 . f the Stut •- collection of , attention given lo the ui‘iy3-ly j {OCK13 ALK MANL r AC 1 Ukh q;\VS. MANILLA, A M) WRAPPING PAPER, ,1 afeo keep on hand a good, supply of jutnbor & Jha+hes B. N. McNIGHT, A gen t, A, C. ^IcCALLA ■ at Law '(INTERS, : GEORGIA Will practice in Rockdale and adJoluiv. fe ecu m, v3-nl5 & ill D B No. 12 N. Eighth St. St. Lcfuis, Mo* Vim ht find /frailer experience In (be treatment of the eiuiltrouble* of liolh mule ond female than and miv jihyeician Id Die Weil, (rives tlic results of his long «.meetsful Iwinew wort., juit published, entitled The PHYSIOLOGY OF MARRJACE ThoPRiVATE MED0CAL AOVISER Book* tlmt nro rrallr Guidos and FrlMnutruHor* in all mat¬ wot ter* pertaining long ffclt. They to Manhood beautifully ond Womanhood, and and supply in plain ft eaiily are Uluatrntrd, .MW, and understood. The t,.o books embrace545 pi;c*, contain ralttr.Mo Information for both married and unjllc.withallthcrecont liPta whntour homenupers improvements in medical treatment ia Dr. Riiiti* is in any »“Tlic of knowledge questionable imparted char new works no way Ktor, but li »omcthing lint every one bfioiihl know. Till T«}l, the victim of curly indiscretion; the Man, otherwise perfectly healthy niflvbc.but with wnninnr vicror in thetirima to. tom rowan -81. rl n ihe Louia ininy volume, PRICKS Journal, ills $1; —60 her’sex in cts. cloth is each] heir SINGLE nne ana LI FE lilt, m A r(i. extra. Sent under Beni, on >-iey or stamps* DR. RICE, i i LOUISVILLE, KY., ftiutsiucMgful, ttpihrlf educated his and legally qualified physician and tbu as practice will prove. Cures all form* rhea private, chronic and sexual diseases, as^theresuitofsdf Spenniltor" abuse la youth, and sexual Impoiency. •exoesses in maturer years, or other ton***, *nd producing some c f the following effects: Nervous SemWai EriilB.dons, Dinine.isol bight, Defective Mem wir, females, Physical Oonfusidu Decay, Pimples ou Face, Aversion to Society ic. of of Ideas, Loss of Sexual Power, f nuaeringmarriage improixsr or unhappy, are thoroughly twuiiMseaquinkfy UKKHEA, Glcpt, e«tevt. Strirlnro, Patlrm* tn-nted PUcunnd by mailorre- other pri r";<- Comultatloa five unit confidential: charge, reasonably •wcorn-siwodeiuio Itrlctl; A PRIVATE COUNSELOR OfJffO pngcs v sent to any address, securely senlcd, for thirty Cfnt ». Should be tend bv all. Address ns abort* hour* from » A. M. t.o 7 P. M. Sunday a, 2 to 4 P. kb /tra tie Th. TUmedj of the 19th Cetitnry. Barham’s Infallible a B A S _ Manufactured ^..Durlun, tiy the iT We Cura IT. C. * It r»U» YhWub flies neer to euro Hemorrhoid. nr ohen a euro testimonial, Is possible. IMr* |,l,l «n<l bona fide furnished on applicative ft 8» Bip&fr, 89, Whitehall St. Atlanta, Ga. " H0LES A1'B A\D RETAIL DEALER IN Weil, Cliiiia, Glsss aiiJ Slone Wares. Lamps, Lanterns, SILVElfipLATED GOODS. SpES!® Hors F PUTZ^ f AND a CATTLE POWDERS, VI "mgssbr J - ip- Disease! 4_3 WiU enro or prevent OPIUM and Opium Worthington, Morphine Rating, Greene to habit W Co.,Ind, B rnrrd. Squire^ 1 ^ ______ A ftiul Straw Hats, Very ('heap, at —_ STEWART & McCALLA’S J °K PRINTING at THIS OFFICE. yUU \nfkf A ee week „ No in risk. your Reader, own town. if $5 outfit - yon want a '‘a mat lne8s a t which persons of either sex irs* 8 re *t puy all the time they work, 1 ^£iJ c artlcu!are to H * Ballet & Co.Port- 7lf: i Wi MIIH! m i M A 1 jl. m h €> Err0r Ceases to1)e Dangerous, While Truth is Left Free to Combat it.” CONYERS, GA-. REMARKABLE SUCCESS. The success of the leading literary paper of the West, The Chic ha go Ledger, is rruly re¬ markable. Since its introduction to!the read¬ ing public, six years ago, The Ledger has steadily advanced in favor, and is now ackowl edged second to no paper of the kind in the country Its circulation is national, and has been obtained through the efforts of its pub¬ lishers to produce a paper of high moral char¬ acter, and at the sa ne time sell it at a price consistent with the present hard times. That they have succeeded, and well, too, the thou sands of readers of The Ledger scattered from Maine to Texas and frrm Oregon to Floiida will bear testimony. The Chicago Ledges is a large forty-eight column weekly paper,"which contains stories both complete and contiued, in each number, written by the best authors of tne day, and a great variety of information in ^ * ev ® r y one - The subscription price of 1 he Ledger is only $1.50 per year, postage paid, nnd it is equal in every particular to oth¬ er papers of the same character wl ieh sell for $•» a year. Three copies of this valuable paper will be sent to any one sends 10 cents and their address to I he Ledger, Chicago, Ill. June 1—1 m A CHEAP HOME. We offer for sale very cheap, the buildings on the old Woolly lot, in rear of Dr, Stewart’s office. Parties who have vacant lots to im¬ prove, had better use this opportunity of get¬ ting cheap houses on them. Call soon, th. y must be removed. We desire to place other improvements on the lot. Terms easy. STEWAttT & McCALL A. J. H. ARM AND rfON & CO., JjT AYE on hand the Largest Stock of DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES j WVIIffiPATENT If S. WE SELL SccviTe Patent Hoes at Farmers needing them had better call soon, as we have a limited supply at these figures, STEWART & McCALL A. Excelsior Barber Shop. "Whitehead House, Conyers, Ga. T\TJNCAN KING respectfully informs the .17 eit zens of Conyers, and the traveling pub¬ lic that he will always be found at his Shop, in the Whitehead House, between the hours of 8 o’clock, a. and 10 p. m. ready to serve them in the art of SHAVING and HAIR CUTTING, in the best of style. Give me a call. I guarantee satisfaction, may 18tf W. F. F. WE have recently received a lot of the Weed Family Favorite sals Sewing- Machines, and offer them for on the Best Terms for Cash, or on time. Do not buy a machine with¬ out first examining ours, SI EWART <fc McCALL A, Manufacturer’s Agents. J.&W.tTRMLUO. HAVE JUST liECEIVEO A LARGE LOT CF DRESS GOODS CONSISTING OF 1 Grenadines, Poplins, and Muslins. Al .Goods of everj description. PIQUES AT lOcst PER YARD —Their Stuck Of— CUSTOM MADE SHOES ARE The largest that hrs ever been brought to this market. THEY WILL GIVR YOU A GUARANTEE TO EVERY PaIR. Their stock cf Hats and Clothing are large and well selected. If you want ny thing in the DRY GOODS OR GROCERY Give them a call and you will get them a silver bill prices, a pi. 13, ly. LEAP LARD 10 CENTS, 1AM E have a large supply of Leaf Lard, in ®I 100 pound cans. Keally more than we need, and will offer to families and Country lercitants, they at a very low price by the quantity, if eall soon. STEWART & McCALL A. H. P. & D, M. ALMAND, LL TT A.VE d Seventy Saw GULLETT GIN for sale, which will be sold on good terms, may W, 1H78 3m MUST SEU. We have only two of the “Family Favcrite” Weed Sewing Machines on hand, and must sell them at once. Parties needing machines ’! can save money by givir 8TEWABT g us a call McCALLA. at once.— We Mean Busines. & GUNS AND PISTOLS, Door and pad locks, also any kind of locks, keys, all kinds of small ctttlery,. repaired finger rings, breastpins, tin ware. &c. at short no¬ tice, and warranted, Trunks and many other wooden articles the same; also umbrellas, par aeols, &c i at half price, till the gathering in of the cotton, or the 1st of October. As you have tried me for the last 30 years, I know you will giv6 tne yotfr eastern. I will take*counry pro¬ duce at the market price, in exchange for work. My crop is now laid by, and my shop will be open until next spring. With great thanks for your past favor -, I solicit a share again. Your humble servant, GEO. T. MARSTON. Shep corner of LSwrenceville and Screech Owl streets, Conyers, Ga, july 20 2t A BARGAIN. tAME have for Bale a Folding Top Phaton, V w Goed as New, which we will sell At half prioe and give tjme on good xiotes. Call a: one, or mas STEVYART a great bargain. McC & ALA. SATURDAY^ AUGUST 3, 187S. PQSYRY. . j following Jj r T The i.. Clrc stanzas, f am8tances which * hich find * ave in ri3 « to the i we a recent ibsue of the Detroit FreePiess, from the gifted pen of one of our citizens, occurred while the Sn fn^mtlT UhTr, that . 8 00 8toK “ Mto4 0nCentrest th “ ««<=« -‘-~ with - DINAH AND THE TELEPHONE. BT AMMI BADD. I se bin talkin’ wid de sperrits, An heerd ole Q-abrel’s horn— An’ nebber seed sich doin’s— Nebber since ole Dinah’s born; Now you niggahs don’t say nuffin, Jes’ yer wait an’ heah me froo, Fur de tale I hab ter tell yer Beats de debbil—yaas it do. When I seed de crowd a-stan lin’ Roun dat box in Mahs’ Jim’s sto’, I jes’ know’d that sumpin wuz cornin’, An’ it did come, sartin an’ sho’; Be y .vuz axin’ all sorts ob questions, Wid deir moufs close ter dat box, An de aiiswers—de Lor’ hab mussy—• Nebber did I heah sich talks. By itself de box was nuffin, But it had a string dat run— Wall I seed it go way ober . De house-tops toward de sun An’ de tings I heerd a tricklin’ Thru dat box wuz mighty queer, An’ I know’d befo’ dey toleine Dat de sperrits wuz pow’ful near. Mahsa Jim, he ax’d fome questions, Jes’ fur me, about de crap, An’ how long befo’- ole Dinah In de grave wud hab to drap; An’ de answer wuz de wustest— All de summer’s gwine be dry, An’ befo’ annuder season Po’ ole Dinah’s got ter die. Arter dat de sweetes’ moosic Quiver’d thru dat cotton string. An’ Mahs’ Jim, he said de tootin’ Wuz ole Gabrel on de wing ; An’ wid dat I lef’ an’ lit out, An’ I’se hyar—hut not fur long— I’se jes’ waitin’ fur de angels— Waitin’ till dey soun’ de gong. Wha’ dat Pomp—no use wukin, Arter what de sperrits sed ? Yer lazy niggah—git de hoe, sah, An’ reprove dat collard bed; Wha’ de sperrit* sez is one ting, An’ de collards am annuder— Bat’s ez troo ez Pomp’s a n ggah. An’ dat I is Pompey’s mudder ! Conyers, Ga. June 28, 1878. CURRENCY, (From the Detroit Free Press,) All a mosquito wants is one bite—just Donn I’iatt says that Washington an Anthony Comstock. Michigan lovers save a dollar by cross into Indiana to be married. The miseries of a man who buys a bushel of cherries have only just begun. The woman who doesn’t forget to date her letters should be cherished above ru* bies. Thu Royal family of England make a practice of not paying for their daily pa¬ pers. If St. Louis misses this chance to call herself “the oven of America,’ she will never be happy again.’ The mosquitoes have their preference, the same as dogs. They like to nibble at cultured people, Pegg of Michigan, fired nine shots at a neighbor and missed the target every time. Poor pegging that. Geotge Washington didn’t take any summer vacations, and he was not only healthy, but every one loved him. Egyptian auctioneers get two and a half per cent, commission on sales, and the prayers of both seller and buyer. The Chinese have lately created three new gods, namely : God of Tobacco, God of Soap, God of American Calico. Remedies of sea-sickness were known and used 3,000 years ago. Men may have changed, but the stomache is the same. When people get to warring over re¬ ligions, it is Satin and.not the Almighty that gets the service.—Chicago Journ al. Whenever an American feels like pa* rading he also feels like popping over any one who would like to halt the process siori; A great big ripe tomato,* if well airaed; will do more to make an orator forget his subject than all the cheers a mad crowd can utter. Does your head swim 1 Do yonr ears buzz f Do your eyes water ? Y-_ u need rest. Go and hang on your country reK atives for two weeks. Just as soon as a farmer begins to ar¬ gue that he can clear a crossing belore a locomotive can, be is prepared loi the trip'.o the next world. Can yoa lay your band on a man who did not let a day of last winter go by without predicting a cool summer ? If * voa can, mash h im * » Michigan rattlesnakes are doing a live ly business whisky' this year, but they can’t get ahead of and might well go • It is said that dead-beats can secure more favors at the sea-shore than good solid men. For instance, they are given a ducking free gratis. “Fifty thousand dollars to the lawyer, and $2,500 to the widow” is the way they divide estates in New York City, according to the Graphic, Gen. Howard can do more telegraph*, ing over one wire than any other soldier in the service, lie never slops till a thunder storm breaks him. Mr. James II. Huff attended the Epis¬ copal services one Sunday evening, and when called upon for his nickle offering, give himself a burnt offering instead* It occurred in this wise : James, in res¬ ponding to the call of the hat, was fum¬ bling in his vest pocket, and accidently ignited a sulphur much which speedily caught some eloride ot potash in the same receptacle, m an instant his vest, coat and pants were in a blaze. Mr. Huff is not naturally a quick moving man, but the manner in which he got out of his coat and vest, and tugged at his shirt, gave his friends great hope for his future rapid movements. A pair of cuff-but¬ tons in bis vest pocket we**e completely melted With that exception, and badly burnt clothes and hands, Mr, Huffsus taint'd little injury. The equanimity of the church members was disturbed for a short time. —Carlisle A”y.,— Mercury. “Dad, I want to ask you a question,’ “Well, my son.’ “Why is neighbor Smiths liquor shop like a counterfeit, shilling ?’ “Can’t tell, my son.’ Because ymi can’t pass it,” said tne boy. How a Suicide was Indefinitely Postponed.— It is not by any* means rare to hear cf a suicide changing his mind at the last moment, but it is seldom that owe does so under such ciroustances as Henry Roberts, an old gentleman resid¬ ing in St. Lotus. lie has been suffering from as»hma for a long while, and to such a degree that on Friday night last he grew desperate and at.five o’clock m the morning jumped down a well thirty feet deep. A neighbor who witnessed the feat, called for help, and to hiif sur¬ prise Mr. Roberts, who found drowning a more serious affair than be had expec¬ ted, seconded his appeal with great alac¬ rity. \V hen the Neighbors arrived and drew him up it was found that he had only skinned his knees. llis asthma re¬ mained as bad as ever. A merchant of main street, t<dls us that he set a hen on an old tomatoe can, recently, and she hatched five bottles of catsup, with lithographed lables, and a dozen fine tomato plants. The gentle¬ man is an Alderman, and cannot tell a lie, and would not if he could. “I was not aware that you knew him/ said Tom Smith to an Irish friend the other day. “Know him !’ said he,' in a voice that comprehended the knowledge of more than one life—“I knew him when his father was a boj.’ There is enough w hiskey drank in this country every year to fill a canal eighty miles long, four feet deep, and fourteen feet wide. It would buy the poor of this country 230,000,000 barrels of flour. It would build 600,000 homes worth $2,500 each, and give a Bible to every man on earth. One day you will be pleased with a friend and the next disappointed in him. - will be so to the end, and you must make up your raind to it and not quarrel, un¬ less tor very grave cause. Your friend, you have found odt, - is not perfect. Nor are you, and you cannbt eXpect to get much mo»*e than yott give. You must look for weakness, foolishness and vanity in httman nature j it is Unhappy, - it you are too Sharp in seeing them. Girls whose Opinion about such ih’iiJgS is always valuable, say that there’s too much shirt collar and loo little young man in the present day to suit hef taste. ___ A married man in Newburg baS inven¬ ted an India rubber rolling pin that will roll out the dough Very evenly and yet bend lo the head when it strikes* A discharge of buckshot from a gffu killed a man in the Capital Theatre, A us* tin, Teias, and made a hole in the wall. The fresh plaster has cracked in such a way as to present the outline of s man’s face— a likeness of the murdered man j as some say. TWO DGLLARSPer Annum ADDRESS OF SISTER SKINNER. The following are the opening senten¬ ces of an address by Mrs. Skinner : Miss President, fellow-women and male trash generally ; I am here to-day for the purpose of discussing woman’s rights, recussing her wrongs and cussing the men, I believe the sexes were created perfectly equal, with the women a little more equal than ihe men, I also be¬ lieve that the world to-day u ould have been happier it men had never existed. As a success man is a rai’ure, and I bless my stars that my mother was a woman. [Applause]. I not only maintain these principles, but maintaiu a shiftless bus band besides. They say man was creat ed first. Well, ’spose he was. Ain t fi expeiiments always fa lures ? Il I was a betting man, I would bet $3 thev are. The only decent thing about him was a rib, and that went to make some thing better, [Applause], And then they throw into our faces about taking an apple. I’ll bet $5 Adam boosted her up the tree and only gave her the core. And what, did he do when he was found out? Tiue to his masculine instincts, he sneaked behind Eve s Grecian bend, an<l said, ‘ 1 wasn t me, twas her ; and woman has had to fiithei everything and mother it too. What we want is the balioL we ^re bound to have it, if we have to let down our back hair and swim in a S' a of gore. Rats Attack Two Children.—T he Baltimore American of the 17th instant says: “In one ot the few houses in Col lison’s Court, a narrow lane east of Ster ling street, between Chew ond Eager, resides a colored man named John Sims j and his family, iri which are two chil¬ dren. On last Sunday Mrs. Sims upon rousing (he children out of bed, observed the youngest, about four years old, bleed j mg at the fingers. She was surprised, but could not, account for the strange appearance of the child. On Monday, while she was washing in the yrrd be* low, she beard loud screams fiom the child and asked her husband to ascertain ihe cause. W hen he came up he was horrified, to find a big rat jumping from the bed to the floor and the child bleed¬ ing ai its toes and fingers. Small pieces ot flesh were found to have been bitten off from the child’s fingers, and its suf¬ ferings appeared to be intense. It was i taken down stairs and medical assistance summoned; Sims then again w*ent up stairs to wake an elder child about tom years old. When he entered the room he found another rat in bed with the child and just about to jump on its neck The rat was driven away and a general search was instituted throughout the house, resulting in the destruction of ten large rats. The children have not been troubled again. The child’s injuries are not beiieved to be serious. A man w*as going over a field when lie suddenly saw a bull with his head dovvit and pawing the grass. The man w*ent for the nearest fence, but just as he reached it he felt himself lifted by the tvvo - masts of the bull, and he fell on the other side. He got up, and pointing at the beast said, “I’ll have revenge. I’ll get even with you. I’ve been eating mutton all my life. Henceforth I eat polhirig but beef,’’ A tooth the size of a small ham. and similar in shape, weighing twelve pounds, was extracted from the jaw of a white elephant in Ceylon while the animal was under the influence of chlofoim/ The dental operation was performed tj re¬ lieve the beast of the great pain caused by exposure of the nerve owing to the decay of a portion of Ihe bone. A Woman in Mount Sterling, Ky., has been married six years, has three chil¬ dren and is now only eighteen years of a ge- . Oswego has the champion somnambu list iu the person of George Peckham, who not long ago walked twelve miles to Fulton without awaking, and who the other morning awoke to find himself ful ly dressed and aboard the Midland abent to start for New York. He dream that he was going to California, and* lYas awakend by ibejarofthe locomo¬ tive as it coupled on the train. - &£. - A Paralytic Boiled to Death. —An inquest was held iu New York on Mon¬ day, iff the case af Charles Reicholdt, an inmate of the Ward’s Island Lunatic Asylum, who was fatally scalded iu that institution off the Iffth inslant. The ev¬ idence showed that Reicholdt, who wag paralytic, was placed in a bath by an at¬ tendant, who left him for ten minutes. While he was absent a lunatic entered the bath-room, turned on the hot tfater tap and ReicholdL lay screaming for eight miffutesi the water being nearly boiling. When taken from the water Reicholdt wss pairboiled and died of exhaustion. NO. 31- CEREMONIES. Russian marriages invariable take place’ in church, at the door of which the priest meets the couple, and kisses their hands, at the same time giving them' his bene¬ diction, They follow him to the altar,* and a crown, light, and generally made ot silver, is placed upon their heads. This is called the marriage crown, fie puts a wax taper into each of their hands, and. reads a portion of Scripture ; a sweet and bitter drink, emblematical of thCjoys and sot rows of married life, is given to each. The whole service lasts about an hour/ and ends by the bride and groom, with all the spectators, following the priest around the altar three times. The cere mony is very impressive. When a Rus-r sian merchant gives a dinner, he and his wife stand behind the chairs of the guests and wait upon them,- receiving the dishes from the servants and placing them upon? the table. Every time one of the guests asks for more sweetening in his wine, t he merchant must march around the ta ble. meet bis wife, and salute her. When 5 it is a newly married couple, this cere* mony, from the frequency ot its being re*, qqired, often becomes fatiguing to the parlies, though it affords much amuse* ment for the puests - 1 A Legend of White Strumuff Spring?, —A single heroic incident,* relating as it does to “Kate’s Mountain,” at White Sulphur, is worthy of record as a leaf of old times. It dates back to the period when the region was like the “dark and bloody ground” Of Kentnck v. A bravo mountaineer living near the springs re* ceived sudden intelligence that the In¬ dians wore advancing. A block-house near Covington was the only place of refuge, and he said to his wife, “Kate, I’ll carry the children to the fort first, and then come back after you.” Taking the children he hastened toward the foft, The Indians made their appearance ; the' mother fled for refuge to the mountain, afterward known by her name, and thertce Lo the fort ; and here, when attacked by (he savages, she continued to mold bul¬ lets even after her husband was killed.— Thence the name of “Kate’s Mountain j” and the legend has the bold ring of old days, though one Vainly asks why brave Mrs. Kate did not accompany hef* hpgsi band and children. To inquire thug, however, were to inquire too curiously. There seems no doubt of the truth of the legend. This brave settler and his wife Were the grandfather and grandmother of.James Caldwell, E-q., a gentleman ot great worth and ability, why may be‘ called the (rue founder of the prosperity of the White Sulphur,—[John Esteii Cooke, in Harper’s Magaine for August.’ The Crawfordville Democrat, stated tint “an estimable lady living m Wilkes county, 1 Was a lew day ago, found drown¬ ed, her head and Upper portion of her body being overwhelmed in a large gutii spring near her house. Thera was also 1 a watenueRnr in the spring. It is sup¬ posed she stooped to get the wafermelofi and, losing her balance, fell, headfore¬ most, in and was drowned.’ Another explosion ot non-explosiv v 6 kerosene is reported from Macon; The Telegraph and Messenger says ; ‘^On Sunday night, at the residence of Mrs. Elizabeth G, Edwards, a kerosene lamp exploded, but, fortunately, did no serious damage. Mr. W. P. Edwards, who was eating his supper very near the lamp, had a portion blown out of his hand by the explosion and his hat blown to pie¬ ces, the base and a portion of the bowl with oil in it remained standing and in'* tact. The oil was sold for non-explo¬ sive.' Were I to pray for a taste,- says Sir. John ITerschel, which should stand tne instead under every variety of eircura*. stances, and be a sourfce of happiness and cheerfulness to me during life, and a shield against its ills* however things might go amiss and the world frbwn upon me, it would be a taste for reading, Give a man this taste and the means of gratifying it and you can hardly fail of making him a happy man, unless, indeed, you put into his hahds a most perverse selection of bocks. Yon place him in contact wi‘h the best society in every period of history—with the wisest, the wittiest,- the tenderest, the bravest and the purest characters who have adoraedj humanity—you make him a denizen of, all nations, a contemporary c£ all ages. The world lias been created for him. The cow of Mr. Carter* Coulter, of Glen*SuUon, Canada, has given birth to a creature with the body <?f a goat, while the head slightly resemble* the buraaq cranium, haviug a forehead three inches high. The body is of a white color, while the bead is nearly black.