The Conyers examiner. (Conyers, GA.) 1878-1???, March 02, 1883, Image 1

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HI XIT 13 ~-R oonyers. G\., MARCH 2, 1883 „\Vliat is the mission of country diturs?” sks a New York correspond . unless it is know, to dent. ed« g‘Sg credit t * train in the world is the The fo* 1 ,. e Vlvi as Dutchman, which runs from -L fcnto Lies Swindon, hour on at a the seven rate foot of an the ' \n road. In ibis country f'L S', tV ains are cd those Jem, run Cll between ad«ip hia « 'y > r ' Tuesday’s B >me Courier reports .w a ,r.a'n w«. up over r • the East rn p s-e-.Virgima and Ge-ugia railr Luu M "day nigbt, and about terribly eight ab< ’ ' so jl-t e,; ii con d not be decided whether i-e »a8 a white man’ a mula to or a negro puriug the [iast five years the aver ot export of umbrella sticks from Jamaica has been more than 8.000 bundles’ each bundle containing from 500 to 800 stick. The slicks are mad 0 , young demand pimento is or likely pepper trees, sa d the to cau ge sea-city of pepper. His excellency Gov. A. H. Stephe¬ ns Siturday issued tow rewards as follows For discovery aod apprehen¬ sion of the murderer or murderers (Jacob Shaner; of Bi..ks, oouniy, ol)0. F >r the discolery and appreh jlir.n ,.f tlie robber or robbers of an ensgentleman of Carroll county $50. old oldgentiduan from Carroll eoua Wasp nests in haystacks ana wood urn buildings are dangerous neigh¬ bors,since i. has beeu discovered that ibey sometimes i ike fire from spoma neons comoastion, the ignition being caused by the chemical action o the wax upon 1 ' paper ot which they are corcpo A n> w bi inch of industry has been developed iu Sweden—that of mak iug paper from the vast deposits of bleached mosses found m that coun¬ try, and which are supposed to have grown years ago. The paper is said to be thicknesses, of very fine quality, and is of alt frum tissue paper to sheets three-fourths of an inebtbiek These last are said to he harder than wood and valuable tor furniture making and for buildiing purposes. Sparta Sunbeam : Mr. E R. Dor¬ sey, General Passenger and Freight Agent of the Georgia Railroad, is one of the most genial, hightoned gentle¬ men in the employ of the above road. A perfect Roman in the discharge of his duties and loyal t,o his office, yet his hand is ever ready to do a kind deed. Wt hope soon to see him President of the road Amerious Recorder: “Mr. W. M. Martin, of Terrell county, one of the roost progressive farmers of that section, cultivates yearly forty acres of tiie, which produce from twelve hundred to fitteen hundred bushels. Ibis is a fine showing in regard to yield, and as to the quality, it L equal to the rice raised ou the sea c - ist. Our section is admirably adapted to the cultivation of ail kinds of g> > ” The guano depot at Can’s n. on the Macon and Augusta r.,1 . tell in a few days ago. At the lim itwasoeing loaded from the car with guano by about ten or fifteen hands. Fortunately all the hands happened to be in one of the box cars at the time of tin crash—no one was hurt. The building belonged to Mess s. Morris tfc 1’aimer. Engagement rings are generally worn on the third finger of the left hand, but in ^Brewster’s Dictionary of vhrase aud marry’! ntnot t ugaged a finger riag should be worn on the index of the left hand; if engaged,on the third finger ; but it there is no desire to marry, on the little finger — Mr Beecher has satisfied himself that people are not going to he punished for Adam’s sin.— This decision relieves Adam of a terrible responsibility. Hoad commissioners will now begin to charge around and lake farmers trom their urgent farm work, to puli a little dirt into the middle of the road. Oh, it is the quint¬ essence of distrucJve humbuggery His excellency Gov. A. II. Steph¬ ens follows: Saturday issued two rewards as For the discovery and appre¬ hension of the murderer or murder¬ ers ot Jacob Shaner, of Banks county, 8100. For the discovery and appreben sion of ihe robber or roboeis of an old genii unan ot Cat-rod county $50. The oldgeni lernan from Carroll coun ty who was robbed was in very com¬ fortable circumstances but was be¬ reft every thing, and being penniless, he has been obliged to cuter the poor house. Fifteen hundred Piute Indians in northern Nevada are starving. They are too lazy to work, too ignorant to steal, and the jjeople out there will probably have to send them to the le ■ gislature to get rid of them.— Brek iaet Table. A man is always a fool. If he be young, the world says when he gets older he will know more; if he be older, it says he is old enough to know hotter; aud when he is old, ii says, there is no kind of a fool like an old fool. Mrs. Maria Appleby, who died re centlyat Morristown, N. J.,agedl0o, left behind her unexpected wealth.— every article of clothing be rouging rolls of to her was found to of contain shoes ur her bank bills, and a pair with coin, bureau were filled nearly 8,000 was found. A Wilkes county farmer says thaj “ e raised on thirty acres of land $ ' M forth of corn, peas aud potatoes at -34 35, a clear pvofit of $536. 65. He used no guano. A. Sad Affair, Ths Macon Telegiaph learns the detail of a sad affair which occurred a few days ago near Knoxville, Cr .wford county. Mr. Mitchell Wor i^ham. a tenant of Mr. Andrews, left his home to attend to the work of the farm, leaving on'y his wife and I wo lit tie boys about his home. His two little boys, in their play, wandered of to the cotton honse, a short distance from th" dwelling. The cotton house contained several hundred pounds of lint cotton, a lot of cotton seed and a thousand pounds of fodder. It seems that one of the children had a match, and, striking it, threw it into the OOts ton at o it ' 1 flamed up ignited the fod¬ der,and in the twi klinar of an eye the whole building was in tiameB. One of ibe boys escaped, but the joungest, a little fellow about nine years of age, was too late to save bis lif j. Before the alrm could be given the building *was consumed, and the little fellow literally burned up. The mother rushed to the scene of the fire, but could do nothing to save her child, but was forced to see him perish be¬ fore her eyes. Opening Theii* Eyes. The “five years loan” business is openingthe eyes of hundreds of pool deluded formers who have applied to loan agenls for money. A critical ex., amination d the deeds and records has, in many instances, revealed the fact that their titles were worthless. All over Georgia, wherever the agents are loaning money, this evil is found exist, and it should cause ev.-ry land owner to carefully examine his chain of titles and see il be, too, is not in the same fix. This caution will do no harm, and may save great loss to wid¬ ows and orphans u the future. A ESig- Farm, The Greencsboro Home Journal, turning its attraction to practical mat¬ ters, has an article descriptive of Ih agricultural enterprises of Mr. T. W Powell, Greane county, a young man who belongs to the new generation. Mr. Powell is farming in conn Oil with Mr. John Davenport, who is also a young man, and together, they con¬ trol and plant thousands of acres — Last year Mr. Powell gathered 36.000 bushels of small grain and ten t mus and bushels of corn. In addition to this he had four hundred acres in small grain which he was unable to gather This would have averaged fifty bushels to the acre, running his crop up to sixty-six thousand bushels of small grain His fertilizers consisted wholly of oomjtosted manures. IJe did not use last year, and will not use this year, a singl pound of commercial fertil izevo TJeuseswith Ms stable manure CL .‘man k-dnit and ae dphosphate.— lie uses two hundred pounds of the com r,ost to the ae e, and finds the re suit very satisfactory. Mr. Pewcll nl-o engages in stock raising He has seventy head of horses and mules, forty brood mitres, and about fifty head of cattle. He thinks it is more profitable to raise mules than cows. A mare can be pastured the same as a cow. A mule colt will in two years bring $75 to $125, while a calf would be worth $15 to $20.— These are Mr. Powell’s figures; but a Jersey calf would be worth more than a mule colt The forage used by Mr. Powell is Bermuda grass, the grass which the farmers of Middle Georgia have re¬ garded as a pest. He regards it as the farmer’s salvation. lie was advised to kill it out, especially in Oglethorpe county, where he has a farm ; but one day he carried his mower over there and cut fifteen thousand pounds from three acres, and then his neighbors opened their eyes. In Greene county lie has a pasture of 30 acres sodded in Bermuda grass, lie made three cuttings from these 30 acres. The first he saved, the second the fieshet swept away, and the third was ruined by mud ; but the first cut¬ ting yielded enough hay for seventy head of cattle. The Powell-Davenport farm is man¬ aged by business men. Everything is systematized. The result of this that of the $35,000 made on Ihe farm last year, $25,000 is clear profit. There is a moral in ail ihis somewhere, and we leave our agricultural readers to rk it out to their own satisfaction. "For Fence Post.—Awriter iu anex ehange says: ’’I discovered many years ag > that wood could he made to last longer than iron in the ground hut thought the process so simple that it was not well to make a stir about it. I would as soon have poplar, bass wood or ash as any other kind of lim - ber for fence posts. Ihave taken out bass wood posts after having been set years that were as s ound when taken ^nTand when first put in the ground weather se coed to have no ‘ effect on thein The posts can he pre . £ for lesg than t5T0 cents apiece. fa 1 13 rec i pe 1 : Take boiled Jinse. - »he sed oil and pulverized . , coal , . to n the con- con gjst cncy of paint. Put a coat or ovel . the timber, and there is not a man that will live to see it ,rot. CPiM MfeSgg Tms is to certify that ye bought over Four Thousand DollWh oi Dr.1)mmgoole's and Evlish emale‘Bit ters Eniley's 8a inc Aperient dim obeervntinn ing the year and 1881, public and from opinion, fiemonal pleasure take much in recommendin 2mg them as worthy of public confidence favor. Wholesale THOMPSON, Drglg'gists. GEORGE & 60., don‘hik Galveston Texas. IF you YQUIM‘QW; the epfasickenln mtipationg, pm for ‘dose" just fifierichndyouwilln. try one . r5» ‘1 193915;” lfor the 5* 15;. ~ p same purpose. .3, .N “W. ij T!” ""' Cumscasesf Why John ‘ “: afnfiw, ; ff; "Ga. mm Psuioona Hill Nurserie. I p “Su., Plam». Cherries, GrRP 1Wwt,,H Pa . and all other finds grown In the South, from the The Latest to the Earliest Varieties Middle Georgia, Alid his Assistant A^PTit, are now canvass s»«^r?2r.te£ Ku„.r,,»»« i. ,0. lim... i«b .nd EVERY T3EE GUARANTEED to live w ith propel attentinr. Notice of fact ot any tree dying, made known at the office, Greenesboro, S’. C., will be replaced afc^nce. Mr. Caritrell, our General Agentfci Mid¬ dle Georgia, has heen engaged in t!ie Jruit business for several yea rs, ai d can advise you as climate. regards His the fruit lest reside adapted to your permanent 1 c • is Griffin, Ga. All communications prompt ly a ns wouid. E. P. CAN General THILL march Rimfi , g’t GEORGIA, RocLdale County— 1ST OTIOEis bel¬ eby g iven t” th: h 'irs ot J E Rea p a n, dec’d. that .-I Alm.iMf has app'ld to the Court of Or hn ary tc pass an ordtr author I/.iug the a-1 mi niftra. tor to make title to a tract 0 f laii l. for u hioii said Reagan gave bond for titles, to iinu Lee, colored, the saicl bond being tiansT. r ed to said Altmtnd. If no objection is filed on the 13th da.> of February next ti e der will be granted as prayed for, O SEAMANS, Jan 12, 1883 4t Ordary &EORGIA, Hock'dale County— UT HEREAS T. C SWan having applied YY to m« to be ippointeil Guavdlaa ot tbv person anil property of James A Swan, Thomas G SvVan and Madison T Swan niuor eliiidren ef M F Swan, late of said oounty deceased, under fourteen years of age aud residents cf this coun,y, This is to cite all persons concerned to be and ap oear at th»5 Court of Ordinary to be held the fiist Monday in February ne:it, at 10 o’clock a m, and show Jcause, if any they can, why T 0 Swan should not be entrust ed with the guardianship of the pci son and property of said minor children. Witi ness my official signature, January 3d, 1883. O SHAMANS, Or dy Grateful to Invalids. Floreston Cologne is refreshing grateful to vilb in valid?, because it is out the sickening efieet of most per¬ fumes. "'SOUTH AND WEST,” Only 30 Cents a Year. It is a first class Agricultural paper, published semi-monthly. All who send us their subscription with 50Cents, between now and December 1st, vvs will semi th--m the paper until January 1st. 188!. Sample Copies. , containing Addre Piemiuut Lists, sent free on AND application WE&T,” 320 N. 3d s S‘., St. “SOUTH Louis. Mo. line A’oticc. All parties indebted to us, either b\ Note or Account, are earnestly request ed to come forward and make imme¬ diate payment, otherwise their notes and accounts will be placed in Ilit hands of an Attorney forcollcciiun, we must have money. octl3tl P. A. & S J. Richardson Permit No Substitute. Insist upon obtaining Flo c.-ton Cologne. Tt is pre-eminently super¬ ior in permanence and rich delicacy of fragrance. WOMAP^r A r.F-MEDY FOE H1£E 0NI.Y. Cheaper than physicians’ bills, an i tc be used by women exclnsivefy, Ifc is p ■■ - pared for them only, and is espec illy adapted to cases where the womb is disor dered, and will cure all irregularities courses," of the “inenies,” or “monthly whether acute or chronic, by regloriug tb discharge. This great boon is Dr. J cl. field’s Female Regulator, and known i recognized as •’Woman’s Best Frn n i Prepared by Dr. J. Bradfield, Atlanta, G Price-Trial size, 73c- largo siz $l 50 For sale by all druggists, dec-27 2m Mothers ! Mothers H Mothers 1 M Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick chili! Buffering and crying with the excruciating pain of cut¬ ting teeth? If so, go at once and g. t u bottle of MBS. WINDOW’S SOOTH’.V, SYKUP. It will relieve thepoorh’ile suf¬ ferer immediately—depend There upon it; there is no mistake about it. is not -.t mother on earth who has ever used it. who wili not tel] you at once that it will regu la’.e the bowels, and £iv e rest to the mother and relief andh°aJth to !'’ ie U’’ 1 ' 1 ’; op r.t tinv like ma’-ic. It is perfectly safe to u-e fpmale Dhysiciana and nurses in the Unstea States. Sold everywhere. 25 cents a hot tie *v*«.*.-*«~ sasar ..,.»..lTHRESHERS ClwerHoUen S’D i ted to ____ sod "flilE'Sr JeaSeboeL EstaUdihed twenty pears. ' ■Sill 1 kj i Sfgfc ff®f tf 1*31 j Head, you aeeoa ISiBgJS thi« marveloiu remedy cares those l«rribl« heed* *“ d »» '*“*«• "C-‘ r,, -e » «*■ «“• P n*M«, i JSSS. e >r RrirM. ««> t» «• ?[ ‘-» saasaffis-sssa high?r recorarru-ndwi for pereonH who travel, tor •rai s!Ur!fti!Sua{W«S!SS ginggishuesa, Baiiny’s Saline Aperient will cure jrou. It perfortss better tretk than pills, is more pleasant and palatolde, and is much cheaper, m fact ft ia a regular familf medicine ins chest like* Within glass itself. of It spar Ides and roatns t a aud so sold n% water, and is jx*t as F. pleasant. Dusmoooi.*'. 60 & cents Go., erery-whoit.'. Froiifietors, LouisviV >.k 7 . A WOMAN'S REMEDY. These complaint* ana and irregularities follow jeopardize 1 aunt tbe tb» girl’s life at ‘xtcen. up a r a mart i; d v. omen until after the “ turn of life.” Bo-ue have h.-adacheH, swimming of the head, mental and nermuj prostration, blanched cheeks, bloodless lips, lif-laps' eyes, clouded b»am; while ethers suffer painful irregularities, uterine dis¬ placements and ulcers, hysterical thlovosis. si asms, physical prostration, chronio lcucovrha diseases,kidney a, suppres¬ atTec sions, loss of t.pp- tite, ovarian end epileptia lions, etc., which in numerous cases in liis, convulsions, insanity and death. These ara e'ljierally the result of inattention. All females know the of complaints w«- allude to. foow, Indies, all these troubles can bo averted ami cured. Wo have proof from thousands. Bitters will j >r. FroT^goole's Englisn Female cure yo 1 oiup.i and well—will make you healthy and haun?—'•'ill m.-vlw v*u feel like a new woman and no rnisir kt*. Fold by all Druggists at $1.00. bend your a.' dross f r a copy of L'r. Dromgoole’a Family Media/.. Adviser, free P. (a Deomuooi.r the. evicted. & Co., J. Proprietors, Louisville, Is composed of Herbul^uud prod Imngs» expectorates the acrid matter timt collect j iu Hie Urouchiul Tubes, and D * sootiilckg coating; which relieves ??■ .- - ritattou that causes the cough. It rV <*■ s the lungs of all imimritles, diaease fitrt i ) tiiem wlieu enfeebled by tu, atea the circulation of bie blood, and braces 1 ; nervous sysfera. Slight colde often erid consumption. It is dangerous to tie-£ 'cot them. Apply the remedy prompt y. A test of twenty years warrants the assertion thftJ no remedy has ever heen found that Is ns prompt initaefflwtjfftsTSTrS JXPECf’JHAKT. subdecs A single dose raises iE>e phlegm - infl immation, aud its use ppee.. < ly cures the most obstinate cou^h. A pleasant cordial, chil¬ dren take ft reaflly. J: or Croup it ia InvalUAblenn'l uhoi^d^ m e^erv family. ... , WPSv vT;.,.. ACT PgRECTLYjDhLT HC_iJi Cures Chills ami Fever, Dyspepaic, Sic !ck __ Headache,Dilious e, jsiiioiis Collc,Constlpa- l'oiic,coiistliJa tio: n, Rheumatism, Piles, Palpitation of the Heart, Dizziness, Torpid Liver, ami Female Irregularities. If you do not “feel very-well ”a«ini?lepillatbed-time stimulates<hc ptomnch, restores the appetite, imparts vizor 1 o th< tystem. Price.Site. m.-*)irr«y M .I«.X . •a FOR TUTT’8 K1A !; At fRF”."■ PRYOR’S OINTMENT IS A 8PFEDY AND SUBE CUBE FOB Blind or Bleeding Piles , Ihemorrhoids, Sores , Ulcers, Tumors. TtcMng >f the Parts Fis¬ tulas and all Kindred Diseases; also of Burns , (’orris, Felons , Fever Sores , Scald Bead, Tetter , Sore jy Fiples, etc. Atlanta, Ga., An??. 25,1877. After an exp-'rl. tcc-of twenty-live years In sell Ins this watched ointment,, and durir ML -nt time having closely its el) .els, i aving the testh mony of my friends and not# to oontirm my confidence in ltd merits, I beca~ fully satisfied of its value, and [ have bought the exclusive right to make and sell It. and often-it to you ns the best rem¬ edy in the world, especially for all forms of Piles. READ THE TESTIMONIALS: This la to certify that I have tried Pryor’s Pile Ointment in a ease of piles, and state that it gave more relief than anything I have ever tried. I fur¬ ther state that as a remedy for burns it Is paralleled. I also used it for a rase of tetter 1 n feet, of twenty years' standing, and say that ft Is the first thing that I have ever Dried that gave me more than momentary relief I consider now that lam ent ^J 0 'KE\V‘''OM iimt di ' stres sln ‘ k dia ease. J ohn p i '/roup County, Ga. manv ineffectual trials of the remedies in common use, I commenced a short time ago to use your Pile Ointment. I experienced immediate relief. From the relief experienced in my case, as well us from the reputation vicinity, so I rapidly have acquired hesitation by your in expressi-ng Ointment in this no the opinion that it is the most efficient remedy for piiesever invented. O. A- BULL, LaGrange.Ga. This Is to certify that I usctl Pryor's Ointment in a case of severe burn, and that in a very few days it was entirely relieved of all inflammation, and healed rapidly. After the first application of ing for eight years with a most aggravated case of piles. She improved from the very first day’s use SJTSSiSSr'SSWSS be M&T , KR. box she Cusseta, Ala. This Is to certify that I have used Pryor’s Pile Ointment, and say that it presented is, in my opinion, public. the best remedy for piles positive ever application of to the ihe remedy I say this from a on my own person. TliOS. Troup Ji. MORGAN, County, Oa. Jbr *alc by all dealer* fa medicine. Price, FIFTY CENTS PER BOX. Sent by mail on receipt of price. DR. J. RR4D1IELI), Atlanta, Cia. Far sale aierywhen. ASEHT8 WANTED ffiSIpHSii ‘ ; i) 'ninat/ will also knit a great variety <■ > \ . : tor . a there is always Twombly a ready ma-kt H t i rt-u.Ri and term? to the »* .aacbine < o.» Washington St.. J IiV i; f>,ir.on*’ Part?afire pm, make X< ■' fttfcl. a,id will c'.nij.IMolv ohnrure the t.i . ( , 0 - .ihic. Sent bv mail t»v h letter htam . Vu,u ‘ n ’^ : SiPifePil FRANK sslicfetBis “ jAMEsi i to ladies onlyii :1 " LA I I i ’ S ORGAN; 18 mum] stoplfim reed! .1. oblvtfii ”1 P . r-‘O’. 571°V?Wnsllt‘1'v:a0m. 125 .xrmun. . . E'” ' MUN“ I L ' H" ‘-‘ "atteryBelti CtTR£9 jtiBBtok. CURES Heart,Luno ako nsgtofteg Nervous and ssssY'tts&a UvraCisEASES, PB£g f . Chronic Oiseas’S R|«U:IATHM, JE8 NEURAISIA. s m Female anu Seminju. : CC-.:-'' —5 Weakness: £ ■v-C: T V I VI i 1 -* j; Sl A fe i I KllA'-i I | - ■■ '! '* TRAPS WAR*. WCOtCAL ii&l.S OF El £CT??JC!TY ”£1^3 -rASAD’.S -T. BSLT t.01118. CO^ MQ. ....... < ----------- p arker's Hhair h W ths youthfulc«lot. bV U. amiij 1 nk r11 dntjrffbA*. Get .t/ tar- S* V w fe I Ss; :: ; ***'.. ; ; ; . L ' . «L -'1 -'i “% $ ] llisssssss "VAUrJ Biffin Htandics®* snlit«gl* • 1 i Best Ksatth ami CtrcntjtU Restorer t-ver Used. ; It rnres T>vsnepsia, Rhcwmatism, Flccplessness, | all tlisiascA ot inu Stomach, 1 navels, I .mgs, iver, Kidneys, anti wasting all Female Comnbmts. with ConvnnTV If you ate Tonic awny to-day. l 1 any disease, use the '' ; h .ip you. Remember! it is far superior to 1 f IlsiiPStsI IJUVIXv. 71S. I >QI.I.AU SIZE, [< J ARGE FAV'VG IS CAUGHT A BAD COLD The SUMMER COLDS and Coughs are quite as dan¬ gerous as those of midwinter. But they yield to the same treatment and ought to betaken In time. For all diseases of THROAT, NOSTRILS, HEAD or BREATHING AP¬ PARATUS PwrjDw’sPaiiiKifler Is the SOVEREIGN Remedy ALL DRUGGISTS KEEP PAIN KILLER q 4 DOCTOR'A TROUBLES. 3. m IS lil A jzz = m V MS / a M-L :a-v! Iu 'Mf ' J ” f . f/,.' -f— -I'Yf §y Iffother—" You did wrong in wearing that thi» dr<-»i, Daughter—“l thin cold damp night.” and paving tha did, Buffered am now penalty, barah Goss in the namo way; please pet that which relieved her.” Mother—" Nenst-nse 1 J 11 do no aucb thing, but will i»en<i for enr Doctor.” Daughter —“Our Dor-tor kerns one in hod a Jong time besidesmakiugdaily aod pours down changes.” n vnst quantity of medi , ..,<*§1 ■ riC .. Mother— 1 ' Doc tor, i» «ho daugeroun aud what Is her affliction?” dangerously ill. Doetov —“ Yes, mfidam, she is The ventricular and auricular forces art not in equi¬ librium, thero is an inert aaed centripetal action about the cerebrum and medulla oblongata, lii» portal circulation and vascillate*, I—” suspended Nature seems Mother—" hesitating, for heaven’s sake stop and to Mop, go work at once.” Doctor—"l will do all I can.” Mother, after two weeks have expired— ” Daughter, our Doctor ahail be discarded at once. Two weeks and no relief. I will procure that which you desired at first." It Daughter only , in alow will tone—”1 am glad, health.” and think the thing that restore me to ■ Mother — 11 Get out of nay house, you old hum THE COXPE 8 SIOS. gas-S£fS ::z;: ai ’;£SS „. f r .y&ss AGRICULTURAL M—PL mi ’1‘ Diphtheria *. PERKY Is modiolus end KILLER. often surely DAVIS’ followed has in The ever PAIN such prompt by been tonmimption eases KJLLEIt discovered use as cf PERRY tills which invaluable or diphtheria. acts DAVIS’ bo remedy qnichly PAIN has No saved thousands Of lives. flnrt U fe not an experiment, It lias been before t! ie public for forty testimonials years, ie_.l follows: most valued where it is best known, A few extracts trom voluntary as jggggg m aggag ' 1 ni ‘ ' tlirowt.—B arton Shaman. Jl.ive received rffiakly.—G):l). immediate relief livuttkx frorn^coltls^arj] biclOuioii, invvluaUo is. r, I lnvfl . 1 uf.t recovered from a very povere cold, re. v : until I tried your Fain Killihc, uiii- ?■ . ro'ieved mo immediately. I v m never Ca. egsin be without it ~C. O. Forc::, Bow. o a«, II tve used Fain Kilu k iu v family for foiLi" vcHft.and li.vo never l nowu it t > fuiL—Bvsac.; Lewis, Wayaefcboro, C . Drugsriat, Oneida, > T . \. PERRY DAV3S & SON. Proprietors. Providence. R. U -d. rombination of Pro Mi 7m UXteido of lron f Peruvian Hark atidPnoephorustn : a palatable ft ortn. For Debility, tite, Prostration Loss of Appe¬ Poiccra it of Fital WAP ble}. indispensa¬ preRtiji peneutea (it* Speakers will and it or i t» greatest value mm fi rm jvhexe a Tonic is neces- 3ary. I recomncnd it ia a j’eliable r-3media] 9,frf*nt, ioubtud possessing: nutritive and un- 0k ro3torativ-o properties. l i.-i.i»vi.,’c. A';/., Oct. 2, l 80 S. tmsm sr ts« dr. barter mewciwe co., ziz w. raw ct., sz tows. EAGLE mmY i .. UJ^kx ■' 7 ’$& ) ■4 - : ; v -7”iA >t. % ‘ - :-,- : :x 7 v { ) \ L pn m ! r % ■ We have for sue the EAGLE, PAXTON ti-nctlon mid portable KN~ 1XLS, SEPAlWl'OxiS, COTTON GJNB, SAW MILLS ami other Mu hlnei-y. S. IT. ANDERScN >G. W. Af/.XVNTDE t. Jill W"v3 A- -N * I it % S* : 'its /• * . Ot ! l4 .Z 1 m i Cl SHIPWRECK! TERRIBLE LOSS OF LIFE!! •nn.^rt ".*«htor»*re*wf°( k«d »nd"lo«f r 'M«iir 0 .”| l, h«S!« , ’*ro**Sln 1 tu , iuoLii L Dm.” A hU "'con^mpllfinn feci sad. The strain oVtlMM^Mrnae delicate “L.-ck." female nerves work in »..d.r too great. 0 it 1 , tip^n A married th(. minit. lady o, Ttie vur (hcra«>jt arquniutan rnnkn. wrouaht mentally upon that she became low-spirited and sad, lost bet appetite, refused food, f no upon and*pains, nncPvier^ ed" horseYf"Into ft 1 n*VwDilT?fdenialo trouble*, which eveutually ended m ehronia hm S3ffSS wr. M» to* *>«*»»** me -.....— me Inn icboJy snd nervous, could not sic »p soundly, her memory began to fail her, she lost, all desirs f«« y, her brain loat its hrtl'tftm y, her eyo lls linter, her « liet k« became pale, complained of constant fiar.iiy fell a to a list of foiaala troubles, iiynterina, palpitations, delirium, eonvnisi These c-.m< s a? e of ovttry day occurrence, and these “ wrecks ’ ’ upon female society ar e l should to lemedit'd, and there ii a 'etnedy within the reach (tuna of all, and it ih your all duly mmU, to a No one -i.-t d <••• opii.i i, for dr. droaitfoole's eneliah la bittern will cure IlAbedgivnip. detanf< <• Tr» UXtUiV-a BA M NS APjEHiENT for l.eaduche and «oa»tlimtlon-nJU»iMuu»* and effectual ’ ORGAN** T’lvnOctavos, one D-6SetB Keedu, Coupler, Fifth t Stops, Stool, Innludlng Sub-Harts, Or, tire Walnut Look ami Mualo, lu Solid Black Casa :0m feu m ““Is Mm F < Ji' >’ fi J| .* 4 ;-i. Fancy High Top, as above• m so. Tnifc Outfit in Emit* on tiz 0«2> Vlav. 3: —.n! . i - ' . 1 < t ( r ca Order, or Feglutorcd J/Olti kr!!H an lwithout a Momonfa i cmwSsxz* mtL migStiZfStiESSfoS: H B H* Man- a x a, mill an Ulu<itriiL«4 Hook, to uli who nvnd two rr iPi:rnf*WAhiTFn 'Rinn jzs*. ———. ...........— F-ollcltor ra for Pat/r,f«. Caveatf, , f .r the Lniiad staUt-i. v, etc. V«> ' i-rv r tf'rt r*n / :!t>, -s ,M ['?,< A; I'aj.e" OPIUM TTaWt he curwl In from jo Anu 3 days—na Morphine till ^*an conn). EstsMlshea J') j t« u j*uy potteita ( ytatrn, IjOOO cured. Refer to in all inn* ‘if the country I>»- V. R. Jtmrnb> t Quincy, 51.cU- ff&sL 1*» x lAvoty-Uve yearn I have used Pain Killek , ses£Ssaig otku, mtam Wihningtoii, * i>ept Vn-oat I wah ffuTering severely l with bronchitis, end ray w«k ( i tiii.' .nod could scarcely wr-H-sw v.o\ i.)od. I Wflff aftvteCvf ta try your Pain Killer, d,v “ '■*“ co “ plot<ay torfy i rovi!< b :t\ mul n<i* not been known f*» ** *"» eh0 “ w s’ffepiSISSsfS Cj 1 11 » I'by fci.jii, and tried your Pain . •rfuleure. anil l h it could sJ-r&'gix tbo (. v,:. bo known to po-.i- mothcrj vrho aro loJin;c eo many children. • rf) ‘wniiv • ojOMWf>ritinj ivvoixvjg bfRupp *U|Bdp |TJ.>j2j!»K' *U*>| JPIIJHiJIlHSlt JHIO Wl injTa 8 Aapn* a l , l' ,a 8 l , U 0 sujviugj u •axt •sno.iVNViaiii ‘IIO'IHOEZ V MOXHIA •Jcin 3 J| J joj pu.ig -ivoon 1 xfijiii a m ox # STTIM AYVS Ea 'Kwfvm&jm am' pnw 1 '4 •u). i " 11 1 ^ Tr»Tmu®*ftn«m5fi5p «"-.a /ouootjy a •vm-i' i:"W •tn.itii tiiiJ ijts.<qoq’».ivs-f /|lA0iJu4 £ Aq uJ«A* J'-’P pm p-MU»AU| fHUJWq my •«» iuu^«»i u .,4 *8nmJ0 JC 3 e 4 GJCiajB9 -■ - — ■ — — Asr*v pun ’sa ..hiaouki «i x- -awr-i l I i/Uhif jjuj .unouuw *“ » -.•» • 1 o - ■■■ NI Ji!t VM ISInilllii maoM'ei NPSVJV ig»ni«Wanied. T!io<!uSaipa<»«c1rtBin|>» HOWtoUVE! _ — a n |S fK W tt Pf |W 0 -aynes’ AUTOMATIC tr.j-.nss, 2 to ?00 Horse^Po wer. rfTSHUI. • ■’*■ T\ ■ tXMM i 1 *&*!■, . |r..Mlhl.’, r>or •mlt-itl. tVik ' * • <u I n t i? wmti-r ikan w; *-rtf *■ • . mi