Newspaper Page Text
Fyx i VQ 'Sj
G '•> MARCH 23. 1883
Wff _—- at present.
. _ etV quiet
nCy SCfU ' C0,
r C -urfc is in sessio - n
r S' fell in tins . vicinity. . . .
snow Inst Wednesday
ki o'clock ofl
0,1 the Georgia rail
,,vU ,a0 to grow in favor with
phltif" 33
st- dii'S public. ir. Al
residence of John
new' pecatm- street, next to the
J rai is in course of construe
’ is the contraot
F jfarston
Ltf.mhe.' that the Examiner will
Lt h siibsci ibci'3 for One
to ca s
i 7 per annum. the No use
[ K still on will go. ’use tertil
tlio former, ot!
C Aether they PW »
Ballard A Damn's Palace p
■r: 11 t Co,- s* a first-class meal, un
lect Gov- Boynton without
W use the for the
siliou. He is man
riiose w !,o Restaurant
jtocaft M the I’M ace
Bsllard & Duran, under the car
: first-class
when they want a
cut street Allan*
W[»t 89. Whitehall
I1(! 3 ee our old friend T. R- Rip
for anything in the crockery,
^ P silver plated ware. IIe
ss wre or
,ill treat you right.
sill Rockdale send delegates to
convention to he held in Atlanta
lli:C lOih of April, to nominate a
edidato for Governor? of so, it is
lime our P ,-oplo were taking some
M.T ,n tint! tirection.
I Qfile an improvement has been
Mein the appearance of the Tread
Li [lieapplication building, on Centre street, by
of the paint brush.
ffe regret to announce the death of
L. Shipley, wife of Rolla Shipley,
which sad event occurred last Tues,.
I I Jay
Ibo;-e who have reported that the
IHiitiif m a-: dead, will yet realize
Itiat Lckh’d it is the -..vest eo pso they have
[ Financial troubles continue several to of ems the
intrass business and
jrgest and .most substantial houses
i,y f ifTri-' City have failed.
( ontiuue to plant corn,
lit 'gti ‘ t aiher indicates any
Hi, t. tt.o warmth of Spring time,
5 :>f our exchanges that
been led by the false rumor tint
ftp Examiner has been sold out and
discontinued, will confer a favor, as
Bellas do us justice, by correcting
their statements.
“Ihe propriet rs of the Conyer®
Weekly have purchased the Examine
er, and that paper has ceased to be.’’
-Covington Star.
The above is utterly false! The
proprietors of the Conyers Weekly
never have owned a single type
the Examiner, and probably never
Bill! Why such reports should be
circulated is beyond our comprehen-,
sion, unless the design is to injure the
business of the Examiner.
Me advise those who owe us for
subscription to come up and settle,
as we mean business when we say
that we will put out our accounts for
collection the first of April.
I Owing to the continued cold weaths
er, gardens are not reeffivin f much
Me learn that the name cf the hotel
ia this place, will hereafter be known
as the Butler House. Our old friend
Butler is giving entire satisfaction to
all who give him a call.
Greenesboro’ Home Journal: In
some portions cf the county our far¬
mers have clubbed together and are
working to th - most corn the y
can on an acre ot ground, Fach mem¬
ber contributes so much to a common
hiDd, say |8 or $5 and th< pert on
raising the lai gest number of bushels
of coin per acre receives the pvetni
II m or the amount contributed. Mr.
J- B. Copeland informs that a club of
this kind is being formed in the Bath
neighborhood. The farmers are tak.
ing hold of the movement with ener
gy, and much good is bound to come
of it.
Ac exebtrage remarks that if sub¬
scribers to newspapers, generally,
knew how important it was to pub¬
lishers to have each individual sub¬
scription paid at the proper time, they
Tould set down in their memorandum
books the date when a fresh year be¬
gins and would be as prompt as in
the payment of a note in bank, in
meetieg it. It is true that so small a
sn m as a few dollars is not much in
ffe eyes of ninety-nine in a hundred
subscribers, l-nt the aggregate of sev¬
eral hundred amount to considerable,
s nd any one can estimate and judge
"hat it may be to any publisher -en
gaged in active business.
The Examiner will be furnished to
hew subscribers until the end ot the
gubernatorial campaign. And One
Dollar will secure it to all who pay in
advance, for oue vear—|I 25 will be
Collected if not paid iu one month
’*oui date of subscription, tf
For CkOvci'iioi*.
With the present lights before us,
we are of the opinion that Governor
Boynton should be electeiI to fill the
unexpired terra of the lamented Gov.
Stephens, in as much as by virtue of
his position as President oi the Sen
a * e Die office devolves temporarily [ ^
upoll him . We know of u
reason w!ly t! , e penpie of BoyntoiAn Georgia
should not continue Gov.
the Executive office, as it is an ad,
niitted fact that lie possesses ail the
requirements of capacity and integri,
t.v to faithfully discharge the didies
the office. Therefore, we shall favor
(lie election of Gov. Boynton to fill
the unexpired term, and do what
can to promote his cause. Aspirants
tor position can aflord lo wail for the
r< gular election for Governor, with¬
out creating dissection and discord
ovci the dctftl, of the late Governor
of Georgia. Let us quietly elect Gov.
Boynton as the constitutional 6 UCCt* S
sor of the lamented Stephens.
Chattanooga, March 21—The oU
man, .el Dolan, aged 73, - who
murdered Ids wife, aged 61. in Roan
county night before Iasi, is still in jail
although tears are entertained that lie
will he lynched. It was one of the
most unnatural and brutal murlets
on record, when the ages of the jar
ties aie considered
Atlanta, March 19.—Gov, Boynton
has lo-day addressed an official com¬
munication to President Arthur, in
regard to Comptroller Lawrence’s
refusal to pay over the amount due
Georgia on the old Trezevant claim,
just passed by Congress. Governor
Boynton claims that the payment ot
a previous amount under similar cir¬
cumstances is a precedent for the
payment of this one, which should not
he made a set off against any war tax
by the general government cn Geor¬
gia ei izei.s,
Chattanooga, March 20—A poor
mechanic named Bruce Cook, up iu
Roan county was brutally murdered
by a man named J. 0 Edwards, tor
whom Cook had built a haru. When
Cook asked for his pay Edwards shot
him dead. Three little children were
(-.tying over his dead body. Edwards
tuts three brothers all murderers, who
are imw outlaws, and lie has probably
joined them
„ Bridgeport, March 20—While
Mrs- Ann Boland was kneeling in
fronl of a stove yesterday, saying he;
prayers, a live coal tell on hot- cloth
ing, setting it on fire and burning it
entirely oft'. She was shockingly hum
ed and died this morning from the
effects of the accident. Her three
daughters were badly burned about
the hands and arms in trying to smo¬
ther the flames. JOaceased leav, s
eight children.
The people of Lincolntou re¬
joicing that their county seat will
soon be a railroad town. The surrey
of the new road takes the town in and
thus a new impetus is given lo the
advancing property of the town. Dirt
will be broken at Lincoitou in a very
few days,
Terrell county's Truck Fanners’
Association is a decided success.—
The melon and truck fanners mean
business this year, an/1 abonl two
hundred acres in water melons will
be planted. According lo the UBua;
estimate it will take two hundred cars
to move the crop.
Faded Colors Restored,
Faded or gray hair gradually re
covers its youthful color and lustre by
the use of Parker’s Hair Balsam, an
elegant dressing, admired for its pu
jity and rich perfume.
The Highest Rank.
Made from harmless materials, and and
adapted to the needs of fading Balsam has
ailing hair,Parker’s Hair
aken the highest rank as an elegant
nd reliable hair restorative.
Permit No Substitute.
Insist upon obtaining Fioreston
Cologne. It is pre-eminently rich delicacy, super¬
ior in permanence and
of fragrance.
Mothers ! Mothers ! I Mothers !!!
Are you distur'.'-ed at night and broken
of your rest by a sick child suffering and
crying with the excruciating pain and of cut¬
ting teeth? If so, go at once SOOTHING get a
bottle of MRS. WIN LOWS
SYRUP, It will relieve the poor little s uf
ferer immediately—depend upon it; there
is no mistake about it. There is not a
mother on earth who has ever used it. who
will not tell you at once that it will re gn
late the bowels, and give rest to the mot her
and relief and health to the child, opera¬
ting like magic. It is perfectly esfe to use
in all cases, and pleasant to the taste, is the
prescription of one of the oldest and best
female phvsicians and nurses in the United
States. Sold everywhere. 25 cents a bot
Horrors of the Inquisiti
The “inquisition” of olden time In
flic ted horrible torments on its vie
ffmRMCh of^unrea-onable as stretching them in al (
kiiids shaps and brea
WC,C king their " m hone, V c°cdhy Bai^rmjuts
are now ex perien those people
who now suffer from muscular ehur. j
matism. Mr. I. O. Morgan, muscular of rheu- Syra- j ;
cusc, was a martyr to
matism, but Perry Davis’S Pain* I !
IvrLLEK made him well- Mention this
® }° ul friend who is tortured with
Noted Men !
Dr. John F. Hancock,
late President of the National Phar¬
maceutical Association of the United
States, says;
Brown * Iron Bitters has *
heavy sale, is conceded to be a fine
Ionic; the character of the manu¬
facturers is a voucher for its purity
and medicinal excellence.**
Dr. Joseph Roberts,
President Baltimore Pharmaceutical
College, sayss
whable V indorse It as a fine mediefna,
free from as alcoholic a strengthening poisons. * tonic,
Dr. J. Faris Moore, Ph.
B., Professor of Pharmacy. -
more Pharmaceutical College, says:
** Brown’s Iron Bitters is a safe
and reliable medicine, positively
free from alcoholic poisons, and can
be recommended as a tonic for use
among t hose who oppose alcohol."
Dr. Edward Earickson,
Secretary Baltimore College of Phar
macy, says*
I ixdorsQ it as an excellent
medicine, and non-iaioxicant a good digestive agent,
a ” ia the fuilcat
Dr. Richard Sapington,
one of Baltimore’s oldest and moat
reliable physicians, says :
"All who have us ed it praise Its
standard virtues, ant nd the well
known character of the house which
makes it is a sufficient guarantee
of its being all that is claimed, for
duced they are men offer who could not be in¬
to anything else hut a
reliable medicine for public use.'*
A Druggist Cured.
Gentlemen Boonsboro, Md., Brown's Oct. ia, 1880. Bit¬
• Iron
ters cured me of a bad attack of
ach. Indigestion Having and fullness in the stom¬
in recommending test«itt, I take pleas¬
ure it to my cus¬
tomers, and am glad to say it gives
entire satisfaction to all.”
Oho. W. Hoffman, Druggist.
Ask Bitters, your Druggist for Brow TV's
Iron and take no other.
One trial will convince you that it
is just what you need.
GKOlliilA !UII, SiilAD.
OttU-c Geueml ■Manager, >
Al'oi'ST.v; Dec. lt>, 1082.)
r'OMMEXCIXG L I’i-.ft-ciigi'm-lunlulewili SUNDAY, nth inst,
the following
be operated:
Lv Augusta7.27a m||I.v Athens 7.05am
J.rConyerii 11.50 a milAi-Athnit.-i 12.55pm
Xo. 28 EAST DAI LA'.
Lv Atlanta 2.50 j> ni|(Ai- Athens 8.00pm
Ar Conyers 0.51 p mJAi-Augnsta8.20p m
Xo. 2 E. DAILY. Xo. 1 W, DAILY.
Lv Atlanta 8,20 ani|(Lv Aug usta 10.30 am
Lv (ionyers S.OOpniljLvIMiHri’vh- O.-tl a mj|Lv Macon 7.05 a in
Ar Athens tt.IOani
•' Wash’u2.55pmill.vWasii’n n.20am 9.05am
Mil’iEve4.-10pnillLvAtheus pmjtAH'onyers 4.38pm
Ar Augusta5 ji m[| Ar Atlanta 5.55 p ui
LtutYG \tkmt.!. 0.10 p m
Leave Conyers, - 8.00 p m
Arrive Co\ - 8.30 p m
011 ’ . 5.-10 a in
('oiu-m-s; - 0.15 a m
Arrive at Atlanta, - 8.00 a m
Xo. 4 E DAILY. No. 3 AT. DAILY
hv Atlanta 8.-15]) iii||Lv Augusta ‘.i.Wpm
Lv('oiiver.sl0.23piii||Lv C'onyt-rs 4.51 a in
Ar Aiigit.-tiifi.2ha mllAi-Aflanra «.40a m
Trains Xus. 2,1,4, ami 3 will, if sig
iialeil, stop at regularly scheduled Flag
JgjP~Tvnin Xo. 27 will stop and re¬
ceive passengers to ami from the toilyw- Har¬
ing stations only—lickin', JJerzeJi.-i,
lem, Thompson, Camak, Crawfonlville,
Union Point, Greensboro, Madison, Rut¬
ledge, Social Circle, and Covyigton, Dc-catny. Uoiiyei T'lu
Stone Mountain
trains make dose connect ion for all po ibits
East, ami Southeast, West, Soutln vest
Xorth anti XoTth west and ea rry Through
Sleepers between Atlanta t md Clculi-r
j py 'rmin Xo. 28 tviil stop at and n
ceive passengers to and from tm* follow¬
ing stations only: iierzelia. Harb-m,
Tliompson, Camak, Crawfordvilie, ( n
ion Point, Greensboro, Madison, Rut¬
ledge, Social ( 'ireie, Covington, (,'oiiycrs,
Stone Mountain ami Decatnr. ‘
Connects at Augusta for all point
East and Southeast.
JOHX ff. GREEK, Gen. Manager
E. ff. DORSET', Gen. Passenger Agt
I5i.e 1%’oSicc.
All parties indebted t > ns, either by
Note or Account, are earnestly request
ed to come forward and make imme¬
diate payment, otherwise their not< a
and accounts will be placed in the
hands of an Attorney for collection, n
we must have money.
oct!3t4 P. A. & S. J. Richardson
Che aper than physicians’ hilts, and to
he used by women exclusive fy. It is pre¬
pared for them only, and is especially
adapjted to eases where the womb is disor
dered, and will cure all irregularities of
the “meniee,” or “monthly courses,”
whether acute or chronic, by restoring the
discharge. This great boon is Dr. J. Brad
a eld’s Female Regulator, and known and
recognized as -‘Honan's Rest Friend”
Prepared by Dr. J. Bradfield, Atlanta, Ga
Price-Trial size, 75c largo s'ze-fl -)0
For sale by all druggists, dec27 2in
0^*0 4 e „ rc*quir»id. a :V'"rab"' V* ''ev'ktM ,
nC w. c pital ythinz. n-»t Many are e w malm, 'T
nish yuo eve*
W ^
*° d ‘
Grateful to Invalids,
Fioreston Cologne is grateful to in
valhts, because it U refreshing *Hh
out the sickening efiect ot most per
urnes. i
la composed of Herbal and substance M>ie<lugihoin oi prod- the
ttclMrhiolipfrmfaii' SSSStHsSHS the
«»• the circulation or «ae MO*d« and bnuetOm
fcestof twenty yetirs wurt .'its tho assoruon that
*•*■*1® >uil«um»tioii, do*e and raise* the phl.ffm,subdues the most
its use cure,
ssrseft Agsrsrsszttt
UtvalttahUond^ v^^t^niuy.
P I L, InS
ACT . __ QIR£ I ETLY C«a TH& V, ufVEw«
Sick Cures Headache, Chills anti Fever, Colie Pyspeiisia, l'<tnetlp**
Siilious f
lloiMlhmuuatifini, Files, Pr l jj it a t io ti ojf |
th« Ht art, I ixzlncs,, TorpM .Mver, aw
Female Irregularff ies. It you do not ‘ teel
very well’’asin.rlepiiUit bed-time stirmilatr^tho !
ftomaeh, restore? he ppfetit.e, imparts vifror A.l* to the
erstem. ■®'WRITE Price, m a-‘te. TUTT'S a.» mWM ■*» array »E‘. Sf «
PR\l?*tS t-;“FCSEIIT
J Bhnd or in, 1'iU, 7/vmorr hold,. Son,.
Ulcers, lumors. lumors. Hrl'inX )trbin<7 "f ri f the ths Parts Parts tis
hilas and all Kvidmu f>i?. cases; ; also also of
Mums, ms, Corns, corns, Fc<; t'c' ^iS Fever Sores,
Sculd Head, 'l eUer, Sore
jy etc.
Atlanta,Ga., Aug. 25,1877.
Attar an e^p^ri. .a of twenty-five year® in soil
Inc this ointmeL-. and during that time having
closely watched ifa pfTxct#, neighbors and having tho testi¬
mony of my friends and fully Vo confirm satisfied my
conBdeoce)n Its merits, I became t>f
iU value, and I have bought thn exclusive right to
make and sell it, and offer It to you as the best re ra¬
•dy in the world, especially iorull forms oi Piles.
This is to certify that I have tried Pryor’s Pile
Ointment in a case of piles, anil state that ft gave
more relief than anything I have ever tried. I fur¬
ther state that as a remedy f»r burns it i» un¬
paralleled. I also used it for a case of tetter in my
feet, of twenty years’ standing, tried ana say that that ills
the first thing that I have relief evei consider gave that me
more than ntomehtarv T now
I am V <l,Ct di * tret,siiig dj *‘
HI KE\VSOM County, Ga.
^ 3 asisa 5 Wtr.irassTa 6
sisiiipg pih s ever toveuted. O. A-BULL,^ Gi
*s^«® 8 Sga? !
was autlrely recoverod. O. W. i OSTEK^
!*SiiS^ u ‘W&io 3 ^
CJky «a.
»K. J. mUBUttU, Atlanta.
for sate everywhere.
I ]k
<.rar,«* Uoml- 1 1 ' Well, t out
Biff and Job; you kinder boo itt.xed. was
with g/roMfleF-"It the boys last night, got from tlau looks of
appGfris bo
T ' Bln Head -“It don’t feel cxacllylik* my head;
’pears to he kinder ‘swelled up,’ ftnrt no if it had*
no<i"0 <o ‘ bust/ nnd tho pain is terrible.”
Stranger- “ If yon will cet a bottle of Bailey*# head
Salute Aperient, one or two will 4 put a
v > yon,’ Steady that vonr friends I'll do would thing recognize.” ijet rid of all
.’;y 1 r-tiy to
Thin marvelous i.rated;/ ranch, cures unloads those terrible the bowels, head*
vhea, cleanses tho ett and
jnlocfes tin* !)'■-v, relieves ct-nstipa’.ion at once,
SkpJlAr w7.-.;,-l-Vrl «ick hpadnch**. Ki4i« ht-arthmn, -x-u-tir-ation, acid «foiuarh. l„l.
atirt.ftll tRsfft-'i'ft rpquivin^ ft it-ftl Rice and pleoaaut
purffHftvt' <: ?>'•'> -ic.
It uevor >. .tee A -r erho*, act \ in ineortw 1 ’
hems, and k ;-•» C'.hoJy t n- rtcligl.tfui !»■ it. a.ud refresbiug ft
, tit Af • Ft 1 •' 4
, ,;i : urt.sAud eu-'i * tfie Brain; quiets the nerve#*
n:,; is u ?ire -jr'i non for the headache of ladies.
It mitip tfo-4 t’.-r. pnit^s of rheum&tiam and gout,
relieves kidic-y end urinary troubles, like and charm, peia and in
the bock. For dy -;-pt j ".4 it aids a
has no equal i*t cute ■; \ ean»tij’Utr.d habit. It is
hichlv jrfiatits, u -.-i-im1 d : r peraons factory who hands, travel,-for
Lx cleri: *, mechanics, lead fttu
de.tfs, tcitFliciH ftn-1 all persons who » closely
Cf.ifined life »•- l •try euhpet to lw-ftdache, dizzineM
sn i torpid towvls. breath, lf‘y<*u lops ate of troubled appetite with s
coa'^-l t- ru>ue, foul or gen*
ernlslug-zishncss, Hailey's Saline Aperient will cure
you. ft nenorms better rvork than pills, m raore
pleasant and } sJfttabJo, oral is much cheaper, in fact
it in a rc cyvilat f tmdv nj'-dveina chest srithtn itself.
It s]. : ;• <« '1 f :A3 just like a glass cf ftodft
water, s art is j . .t aa pleasant. 60 cents cud sold
tvery-whore, J. V. Dhomucole & t o,,
Proprietor#, LouiaviJ/ *, &y.
At certain figesttnd periods of woman'a life, there
c< :• i ce coinplaiuts rtain tro:ibJf a , ncht»3, irregularities pains nnrt jerpardize sufieriftep. tfie
'i ;»sq ana and follow haunt tbft
girl’s saarrici lift* at sixteen, vnfii piftc the ’‘tutu up or of j life, 11
’vtunan r
Some have headache*, »w|:orojng of tfio head,
menial ’and nervous prostration, blanched chefeka,
blood!< -v i.t, lie:- ,4 eyes, clouded biain; while
others sulivr i namful hysterical irregularities, uterine physical cf is
t larcmenta » ulcora, Jeuccrrbcea.chlorosiH, Spasms,
nrojtr.ition, chronic kidney supprefl
aiojis, iocs c i tile,ovarian diseases, affec
timis, etc., which in numerous cases end in eptleptio
fits, C' *.vu!s-CH 9, insanity sud death. These ara
generally the result of in&Henbo*). A3J ft female* maja#
k now r th‘» tho r.aes r.aea of of coroplnints coroplftints wo we to. t Now,
ladies, a, all all these tneao troubles troubles can can he he av ave erted trad cured.
We have proof from thousands. Female will
Ur. Drojpgoofe's d well English ;]| you < er healthy n cure and
yoti gou ci nu makj ~v, feel like neaitny ana ftDd
happy—' 'ill yru a Hew woman Pend
no znisV He. hold by a!l Druggists at gl.00. Faimly
your a’ Jregfi for a copy of Dr. Dronjgoole'n
Medico Adviser, free J.F.Vu to the afflicted. & Co.,
Proprifttor#, Loulftvliie, VT
rr.m wanted ksstssk? ? A^ao.fiine ever invented. Wfii Lr.iT: •
t’ if} J5J5EL and TOK comj. -
?•> nut- via a.leo kDltA great varu t j .
\ . ri jor . n there! sal way# a read;/ ni*r r
i Ri dm! term's to the TfvomWy l - '
Wattn’iiB Co-.4 ; j 9 WffeuiiigtonSt., •
iWiOHBLO I'ttrsf.'i *' Vtn ffativo mi* ’
wiit make
aistl * >;u?>fr-<Wy change the
u,o in three ironth*. At
who will fake 2 n il Tch night, from J n* J
- ’> • "> tore i toffirntml Ir-tilth, i f finch
•to Pent i>.- xrr'ifl f<->r H letter »
- . >, ,JOff '■ -v«y A- Boston,
nerf'f Hit t—oc, Jfie.
JESSE v/qa?sofuus'rarftbeki»^e.
J houU'.
AND the
- y
We *111 'vend 1 IV.,u: <1 SHver-pUted RutterJ, r lfe, 1
rf the Flower* t * let p*cc« foil site foeal’z** ie, each
hiano sccompir.iw.rn^. reran frern 35 to £C cents
at Stores post-paif - i a >-cautjful 16 three-rent !Ho»ir*t«l stamps VtfUlBC, :hr»« scot
month#, n.i^r^&ssarz&fs if are
- ’-a. :».
k ^tsezzm- v-rmspr?©
known to sufftrln* women ttwawtrea, that they
s&sssscrxsrja 14. cnsWvuUU*.. «.*nge«Uon, V» let. ratio
and scanty
hers, which embitter, to. 'tan “re, and which
have lour been considered it a.aioet ‘ncorabie
Dr. J, Brad3eWV f«»b Pegnlator.
It Is not a* : «* s <iy
t>i diseases, n.1 ot *>**r aiu to the Womb.
aubjecting her womanly muo-^ty to uie »iu*ck oi
*n examlnsUon by a physician.
Tobriughoultu and bappiaess to the homes o.
suffering women is a mission before which royal
favor sinks into fnsignffictuice. What e»wihly hen
ft j ncl \ on ca n compare with one whioh protoets Irom
“That dtre disease whose ruthless power
Withers beauty’s trancieut flopver ?*•
which gives ease for pain, joy for for sorrow, smiles
for tears, the rose elastic of he-ivlUt for dragging the pallor weakness, «t dts
ease, the light, step X^jt^SXul^f
sSMSSSSSSp raculs for a/eta sad days of pain and gloom, ending
In an early grave? Such is the mission, such ary
the results of Ok. j. BkadfirldV* Female Kkou
jW* “Whites,’* and irregularities of the
all those and
womb so of destructive disappear to the health, Ilko rnttgUe happiness before
beauty bottle women, of this wonderful compound. 9
single staffer diseases ar®
All who from any of these
most earnestly invited to give this grout remedy a
trial. It has cured it. thousands, and will cure you.
pon't fail small to try size, 75 cents. Large slze,?1.50. A „
Manufactured price, by
J. BRAD FIELD, Atlanta, Oa.
flrr sale ever ywhere.
EVERY DAY in the Year.
PERRY Bvbns,
DAVIS’S Bruiszs,
PAIN Spbmns,
KILLER Contusions,
GREAT !^ Dislocations, BKa -
REMEDY Felons,
FOR Boils,
Ac., &c.
• 1
fill TRY S 25c., g £
often 50c.
IT! or o >-3
ms $1.
do K
wonders ' ■' 8 m 3 ’! i 4 |! CO
for iff s
a MS
Whole If it t
Family.! f ‘ S* E-
2^ . ® i - Cl
i!J // . S *
Wintry Blasts
Perry Davis’s Pain Killer
Provide against the evil effects of Win¬
try Blasts by procuring Perky
Davis’s Pain Killer.
Diphtheria PEUKV UAVIS' ii/A iff KilLKK i.,
saved thousands, ot lives. not an «xperim«nt.
It has been before the public for ft>riy yenr*», and Is moat valued wliero It Is best known.
tcstfnioniaji read as f jHowsj :
throat-11 uiro^ Snv.- v>-.
H.Y. SSfiS 5 . 2 SSS
me i.W" K -t ’.-• v -!1 . ..Ij tt
-without -. C. V'. . .•, I. •«.„.L.-.
-n-.-r-md ♦,
t).*iii<U K. V.
PERRY DAVIS & SOH, Proprietors. Providonco. a. u
urtloi Pros
mmmm i
BEV.A.tkcjSBS Writea:— jp’IC / J-ATOw'K.EIt.
lib l« Speakers Wiiliind 3 » TAlSmA’Assss. all'orcas. remedy tier r for it
*> s.o*. ■
KCTA8B S2S Oiv. HA1-. ihil .SCI -CINE CO., 31311. SiMHP., CX. imS.
^ ° r% - -
i'.Mlsi T m F2 * , ei t L 0 -., x 3. t
4 /' 1
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SBiPKHEGid TBBBISlfi UftStfe at' fAFEtt
xJolbi*t nnA (litugbler go down tO'B lbpr. A lovt-ly in&idnn ittnp-i iulo cierriUvV/ivo* mvl buttlmn'i',
pcv.i. and dat. -Mtor« «rt wror’koti and I ant, Mwy *inl I..-arta art* left to mourn (be loan. A hu»t»» ud l‘>»4
wife nud daughter, a young ftt/r. man lost his hcirctl.t dj
j A fci\and. contentinn Tiie strain of /««*.•/•• 'jolicahe ihb- •' feinalo vvrtci.a" nojk wonderfully nfion married rnind. l«dv o', The thnuciht rnnitt %
one upon ut ru-rt i.t t«>.. , t, . l, A < :r ttrqimmtan- ■
tvitH ho frehlo wrought and upon ern&ciitlpd, mentally th-it aha nmi Iteoume fretful. iow-Bpiritod ilt*r frit-uds and iu.tiatc't nat\, lout (hntblie li> r npju'tiW, Hliotil i rt
came n. rvona ttot
“ wrcckfl " ho much, hut sh« iruinfcd that she wna ,-lrU in rr,;]i> y, ,-udJ took h< r ) I. M)»t*
end f'.-tifi#, find worked her sc It wto r* net-rrork of frantic tr-F.ldio, winch fv.-ntuully tra in ehrutiia
/utnr.lf wr.tUncUBfa and (•xocHaos and dorith.
Another cmc in point wan that of a y.mng lady. Dhe ba*i loat ftfrlrnd and *•»( n ho"'>r ,o in-!unrhol»
and nervous, could not 5ict»p soundly, her memory t« ;>nn to it.,| In r, kE-. lo t ,.Ii a- in- />•» ■■■nufumy, h- r
j ! JlufillT train fi-uit fell its ft •dciim briitinney, tool her iBl t\v«* »t female its luster, troubles, her hyt.t. r.cp. t«-camo pnljut iiiuid, r-n>nj>linn»*d |. 1 i ri t;m ol ci.jivulNions, 1 '■ir.iunl bw-dactsc, and d.vdh an t
< • ,
! Theao canoa arc of cvr ; ry day occt'rrenep, sort Hom c “ vr»e«.ltH ” up< n ifimilo *oc»^:y art* apply frlglrtlul * . .. y
; fifoould No Lj remedied, and tL.-m is a drtn.'.goolc'u *-eroedy within ts (••teal a a o' ail, i-.tsd ir ih youi *1! d'lfy fo b. it. i.s
one Heed complctn, for dr. trtml «• i,r In- '< -• I :ttt-i« u ill < ■ r ami m A louiaville, l>oi>» pno% hy.%
1 in fled giving dotRila til till the.itf “ wrttvho," y»ut j.aIou to j. J>. drotiigo L co„
and flot q uo fre e,
ubuttil ^ _ ___ ____________ ^
Tr, 8/VLINB AI'KUlIiNT tkr Mi* uni «8««tuO.'
•»» ‘ VV7 " I,V
aTHGiave ooa‘8
JO ejll a«»
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•«siT ‘snodtVKvrr/Ht
‘H03H352 V NO.IN I A
•jv-i'aoJ iffy joj puo«5
sol jl oi avaosi
•Ji«(TltIlU , -'Wfrt 'In Tt-! !{'.'■:!'> -I u> : Ill'll) \. -.l.r ■
L? ’t&A’. ■<?, .
aaapza: *.<!..;
.»j i in *.»i«i u • 4 ,|o \t -i >.iv 11 -q' • ' i -" i ii
,8U3nj O •»-! vmiW s.cdcuueg
«» *<; j^vimo wzsi ‘‘it vn* i?'Yti >. 'y™' ?*'* if at r '<'* :
Kr»[f v. n;«7s\ 1
••/#ki 1 ■a’''vV'Vim /;■>**' 1
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ro-iji0M p-ii KI7.S3U WOS^i* L f
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r-r- 1J
CmJcr sta get .fG9N0RRHEi>5LlETfer
M*o Prevents Cop*-<*) ->■ ? > J rnrl Titpp cr
ehznzc of i>iet Ovwrvth < Jd wt **.*.<. i -
takabie cur^A and vt^>om« V ; An
Agent wanted fn every cits fowul;i For :tl*.
Bent by express on rcccl•>: oi price, Ai<lrc« s
Aareoa ta Bout’icra. Bto.* - ” ***'* ;
|p;sH£h:ysSSi:; ’ ^^PSitiriaas
r ,
lv n .t •• • v lhw fact you ebouU
fVj, ,, ,,
Sfc? T’’
/«*»*; n b >•.•; r.igea llU: ny cWItlrua.
i FP X ' 1
0 «!$:
f'-'y};' j(j, t)u:i(i* for .puf-r.
w v. u •
in fcVi.) ti!- .-r f • v.i’ i •! - ‘V *1
oiiivr niylnio
Itnil lip* J'ltt . a »r -I t/irf . ■
any />/her nr,". >:?. Ai- > lor e»t>y p:*„ - i
TIhVWa^*.') Ml \\' r .1.VU)VMtv 491: u.’.l
Co., IVj 15* Vnm.onf s u'l 1 . . ■ “tmat; ' -
a * • ; o.
attended a ha]J—dunced to a lain
how-be<*me ov 7; h ? lwJ “- v n t „-‘' J "Iu
thinly clad, in N.‘xtd#y-Ue«l*«he-!oa a cold, damp night n , air and
JJ^^^huiyln^ao. caught cold. skin—
ok— in
> ItOUio
Cores 5 cases for 25 cts. jo cash or
Mailed by John Parha m, Atlanta, Ga.
Bailey’s Bauss Apeiiiekt ia now
recognized aa the best and cheapest, and
nifist pleasant cathartic in use, lor
special cure of headache, constipat,
heartburn,£tfid stomach, dyspepsia, sparkling e
It cools and quiets, while aa a
(jumruor beverage, it is delightful.
fPlainEnglishl ft**—^A EXPRESSED!
Our Free Circular tells the rest
••rMS'R’w--Kan.,a., i»»nts—I us«d J mm tho, FftStilleftft# WRZ
HaRBI8B*I«1>Y<3o.—( and completely ml In about cl®
direcUt'J they cm oie.
w*«k from the time I commanced usinK them box l begMi with
to Bleen well and l continued to uw * I the
congtant imiiroyement Hftd since toot time 'Oct. imii of
I have felt like h o«»- man- 1 truly hop® that many lor
the sufferers will find out that yon have a #j>«cific
nervous weakne*' and !>e cured by the same.
Jfaapectfully publish Yoara,--- hat vlait
p « —7oo will not my mime nd I will pergon* them.
ioy you may he r .-t.-rr- I to ; answer
Toevory youiiK. niidUie afre or old man
troubled with nervous or physical debili;
Wo tSr«!
Be &
r.L...ti IT din. ' 7 . 0 ' :R
i .. -V ! '• ’ ■. I .nil