The Conyers examiner. (Conyers, GA.) 1878-1???, April 03, 1883, Image 1

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A I’ll! C 3. ISS3. <; l. iuUt3S 10 be cold C* ei [her I‘It*. t-on bail si rm vi ited the lie'll «l ibis county on I fa* me:s have and are alher for ™ iid''ii that ^”T!ia this enolitm is badly in (iicrd 11 ?*' Of our citizen* have a n ul ,cr of Hou. S>r Quite elves in favor for Go us a ca udidatc rtii«r- to com^ into tlii9 ffS'-r*’ idinitcs don’t seem to be Win' is this thus? «eP lentil' 1 - bi,con alld . l '.fbe.educ<'a nf frci.ld Georgia ItP, on the (f "a ,,,,'Alld ivftf tv-'h'y f*' rm,,,,-!! of Covington has 1 , Tv luck law permanent r’l,utile gJJ IJ year, whereat greatly q.uite a cidr-ons are was thrown out of 1 A i,nd kilic 1 bvaruu-away hors* wry last week.near Covington. III lb - v • parties found out ^Td'Ury 1 Sunday b'-tud ""'de bis esca P e r to " J ,’ remember that BlU it t v didn't after the jte had be®" l >la - e "_ the Butler House has been Since - ,iilv renovated and ve-paiuted j iooG rfood as new. se'ected Boyido" delegates were tprc|)i' e » ! ent lloclulale in t lie guberna iveidion, which assembles in loriai got die 10.ii iust., oy a large S2r “v. v en wp f -j“«- w - .be w!,Hoami delegates fi t’dMton, Esq., are iclecled. about the y e ry lilile is being said —■h'ng e'ecliou for Goveruor. ]nfact, (lie people are moie profita Wremployed in preparing for anotb ere-up, aud care very little as-to who , occupies ihe Executive honest, Chair, so capable ion r n [in,occupant is an Democrat. There is no need of any (crumble for the position. Sig- Bosco, Hie gjeat Magiciau, Oidift honor Conye-s- wbh a visit, altliougli lti performed three nights jt Coviuglon last week. Well, we can nffnrd to let him pass. Snap beans and squashes ft-e among theeaily vegetables for sale in A.lan Dnn'i fail io call at too PaUtceR'es tjuraif. under the car shod in Atlan ta,lor a good, sque-e meal, and aa cheap as it can be alio, ded anywhe.e a the city. The ballasting of tlie track of the Georgia railroad is briog pushed for ward as rapidly as posS'ble. Tlie Georgia is abeady one of the best mana ged railroads in the South, aud wiien the work of ballasting ihetiack is complied, will be one o. the most secure tor rapid transit. We learn that tlie Grand Jury play ed havoc with (lie b \r rooms of Cov ingtsa, at the last session of Newton Superior Couri, bv returning about fifty true MTs against them, collect¬ ively. Twenty-eight indictments was retimed against one establishment, clone. Lynchburg. Va.. March 29—At tlie meeting of tbe tobacco mauutac.urers last evening cvcy manufactory was pledged uot io resume work with any of the strikers befo.e May 1, unless a majority of the man u tact uTers consent One factory working wlino ban us, tvasbeseiged by negroes tbiseveniug and threats of violence were made, but the manufacturers gathered in numbers and prepared to defend their white operatives. Police were also stationed near the factory prepared io quell any disturbance. Whisky is Sowing freely among tbe negroes, and there may be trouble yet. Nashville, March 29.—Last evening two transfer trains on the Louisville and Nashville lailroad and the Nash¬ ville and Chattanooga taib o tdcollid.. eel on a trestle in the Western porl'on of the city. Two ca: 3 vveie thrown . from the resile, twenty feet high, and the er- s of the oilier trabi were piled up on Uie.t’-estle. Charles Abbot, the conductor of the former, and Thos. Hutchinson, conductor on the latter train, were severely bruised. Joe Sally, one of the engineers, was injur¬ ed and is iu a critical condition. Thomas Sheehan, a fireman, was also injured and is not expected to liver THE LATE GOV. STEPHENS. We have just published a liue Aor ruit Picture of ,he iaie Acexasdeb h. Stephens, engraved i om apho lograph and pronounced a peivectand lifelike likeness of the great Georgia statesman, size 14 x 19 inches„on heavy plate paper. A sample copy wiil be sent by mail in a pat ehoaid tube and post-paid, ou ihe recetjt ot 30 cents in stamps. Agents wanted everhwhere to sell (his and other Ac. Wrue . lor „ cata¬ popular pieiures, Address logue. Sent free. HILL & BUBP.OW, Publishes, 40, Marietta St. Atlanta. La. The Highest Rank. Made from harmless materials, and aYap'ed to the needs of fading aud idling hair, Parker’s Hair Balsam has akenlhe highest rank elegant ad reliable hair restorative. The Augusta Chronicle of the 29th ult., says: On Monday nex*, April 2d, Chief Justice Jackson will hand down the remitter in the now famous case of the Georgia Railroad and Banking Compauy against the State Railroad Commission. The decision rendered by Justice Crawford some weeks ago, refusing the injunction asked for by the railroad and sustain¬ ing Judgt Simmons,puts the Georgia Railroad Company under the rule of the Commission. So, on next Tues flour transportation on and bacon on that road wiil be those established by the Commission under Circular No. 20. These rates will be much lower than those in force. The railroad company will at the present term of Fulton Superi¬ or Court attempt to got a final trial of the case on its merits, the present case decided being simply a preiimi ■ nary fight. This is done with a view to going to the Supieme Court of th» United States. It will be seen that the road is determined to test the matter fully. The Chief Justice of the Siale^Supreme Court, it seems, cannot certify a case to the United States Supremo Court, unless it is done-after a final adjudication in the State Supreme Court upon the merits of the case. It is rumored in Washington that the influence ol the administration will be exerted next winter to bring about a compromise on the silver questiou. It is not thought possible to stop, even for a time, the silver dollar coinage, but as the country as evidently absorbed’ ail the dollars it will take, it is proposed to issue $2,000,000 worth ot silver certificates each month upon the depusil of the equivalent in bullion, and thus save the cost of coinage, until the demand for the actual dollars shall exceed the present supply. About 30 per cent, ot the dollais now circulate, the rest are represented by certificates, and at this time they are coming back aud are expected to do so tlii next fall. The following anecdote of Governor Stephens is re’ated in the Louisville Courier-JouruaV The wife of a Western Congressman waB one day sitting by Mr. Stephen’s bedside, when he was so very ill in the winter 1S75, and he spoke quiet freely oi his mother and his earlv life. “Why di l you never many ?’’ she asked. “That's my secret, lie replied evasively. “But we would all hketo know it, ’ was her response. “Well,’ said he, grimly and reluc'antly, I never saw but one woman 1 wanted to marry, but she dtd not want to marry me. That's a good reason; isn’t it?” “I hope she lived to regret her mistake,” remar'ied the kind lady, ny^ese, ” responded Mr. Stephens slowly, “I think she did, and so did i.” PROCLAMATION’ . GEOUGIA: BOYNTON. _____ By JAMES S. Govenor of said State. Whereas, The law requires immedi ate action. I have, therefore, thought proper to issue this iny Proclamation, ordering that an election be held on. Tuesday, ti<e 24th day of April, 1883, in the Siate for Governor ot Georgia, to fill (he vacancy in said office occasioned by the death of the Hon. Alexander H. Stephens. Gen¬ Aud I do further order that the eral Assembly of Georgia convene in extra session on Wednesday, the fob day of Mav, 1883, at 1 he Capitol in A to nta, to declare tbe result? of: said eleclion, or elect a Governor iu case person shall receive a msiority of votes east. Given under my band an Great Seal of the State, at the Capitol, in Atlanta, this, the fifth day of March, iu tho year of our Lord one thousand ight hundred and eighty three, and of the Independence ot the United Ssates of America the one hundred and seventh. JAMES S. BOYNTON, Bv the Governor. Governor. N. C. BARNETT, Secretary of,State. FOR FIFTY CENTS The Examiner will he furuislied to new subscribers until the end of the Gubernatorial campaign. And One Dollar will secure it to all who pay iu advance, for one year—$1 25 will he collected if not paid in oue month Lorn date of subscription, tf Horrors ot the Inquisiti The “inquisition” of olden ti^e in flicted horrible torments on its vic them _ iu at oTunreasonable stretching kinds shaps and brea¬ king their bones. Bat these torments uot much worse than those that weve experienced those people are now by who now suffer from muscular ehur mattsm. ,; cn , Mr. Mr L j U O Morgan, » of cuse, was a martyr to muscutai rnatism, but Pebry Davis a Pain Killer made him well. Mention this to your Wand who is tortured with rheumatism. ........." Permit No obtaining Substitute. Floreston Cologne. Tf»ist upon pre-eminently super impermanence It is rich dehcacy. tor and of fragrance. No Whiskey! Brown’s Iron Bitters is one of the very few tonic medicines that are not com¬ posed mostly of alcohol or whiskey, thus becoming a fruitful source of intemper¬ ance by promoting a desire for rum. Brown’s Iron Bitters is guaranteed to be a non¬ intoxicating stimulant, and it will, in nearly every case, take the place of all liquor, and at the same time abso¬ lutely kill the desire for whiskey and other intoxi¬ cating beverages. Rev. G. W. Rice; editor ot the American Christian Re~ view , says of Brown’s Iron Bitters: Cm., 0 ., Nov. 16, i'88r. GentsThe foolish .vast ing of vital force in business, pleasure, and vicious indul* genoe of our people, makes your preparation a necessity; and if applied, wiil save hun¬ dreds who resort to saloons fortemporary recuperation. Brown’s Iron Bitters has been thoroughly tested for dyspepsia, indigestion, debil¬ biliousness, weakness, ity, overwork, rheumatism, neuralgia, consumption, liver complaints, kidney troubles, &c., and it never fails to render speedy and permanent relief s •vf) 'GfnnpY ‘uivq'WI nqof Xq pepopl •edunqs jo qst ’3 ut 'sp <jz J0 J ssstra e i.‘S|l!MO uo qSnoi,, •jupustiy MnjD$ sfiaiyofi «tsn 'ssonsnot -jiq’ pun nopBd psnop ‘BqoB uoxjmtdtBd ptteq ‘K\-J inB ■ftemf 9i[t jo l ‘pvau oqt jo SmtnuttAvs sa.tno ‘rflAq apt uodn fCpnaS spit ‘etpopean gnis ssaoii struct ■si ‘notpsSip spin ‘attpddxi uaeg v, -mi ‘qomnop aqj sanoj jj ’satna inau -Bttuad saqBtn pun poojq paqsijaAochn; ot noti sppu ‘raafsTs eqi satninBat efij -wgns jo s-tcaJ .fq patotlJtii sa2ctm:p s.iitfu -as ‘suoumtianoa ttto pun UMop noq -o.tq ‘a[q93j sasqtSuajjs pun drt spnnq tl •xss 8[PuiAj taiRtti wqt Vfu jo aano apt J«J XifBtosds poivdard ‘omot-»iqvta89A puu uoj{ ub s; suaixifl aTYK3j[ iisnoxg; Faded Colors Restored, F ded or gray hair gradually re covers its youthful color aud lustre by the use of Parker’s Hair Balsam, an elegant dressing, admired for its pu lity and rich perfume. O 3V'X j^TkiT' A RKMEDT fgk bub only. Cheaper than physicians’ bills, and to be used by women exclusivefy. especially pared for them only, and is disor¬ adapted to cases where the womb Mi dered, aud will cure nil irregularities of 2 gj»w!-7.SS5*KvK4} ssx- 5 «J^'Sr^ Price -Trial size, 75c • large size-H hO For sale by all druggists, doe-7-in Grateful to Invalids. Floreston Cologne is grateful to in valids, because it is refreshing «Hh out the sickening efiect of most^ per umes. Motheks I Moth .rs t'4 Mothers !!! Are you disturbed <afc night nn«l broken of your rest bv a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain of cut - SYK.UP. It will rel.eve the poor IiUle suf fertrimmediately—depend upon it; there ia no mistake about it. There ,s not n mother on earth who has ev*r used it. who will not tell you at once that it will regu¬ late the bowels, and give rest to tliemother aud relief and health to the child, op ia¬ ting tike magic. It ia perfectly safe to u.-e in all cases, and pleasant to thetaste. is t).< preseription of one of tl e oldest and best female physicians and nurses m the Unttea States. Sold everywhere. 25 oeDt.s a htt tJe GEORGIA, rioctedalc ©dunty— SRf 11EREA.S J<Jin Paifeer, Win I’arker VW and ti W Parlto^, dec’d.itoSjwesents Administrators the of Aaron Parser- to Court of Oidinary iioftlieir petition duly fit d and entered onAcvnl. that they have fully administered «aron^Packer’s estate, 1 his is the/eiora to citarall peison, con¬ cerned, herra and creditors, to shew cause, if any they can, why said administrators should not he discharged from tfietr ad¬ ministration and receive Letters ot ^tos mission on the first Monday in June, 1 O. SEAMAN’S, Ord’ y March 2, 'den GEORGIA, Rockdale County. WHEEL AH John G Mann having ap \V plied to be appointed Guardian L and of the pcrric on and piope rty-.of Robert of said ' 'll ri« J Bolton, minors resident coun¬ tv This is to cite ait pared ns r oSeerlied folia and appear fh'» at t^j Monday, Oouit of in'MaTc!. Ordinary to be held on io«*t they Vert, and show ciurf&VtfWfy cam_w hy -endJileati lt»nn Shouia notto wpouited rinardlw of the parson atqFxbp erty^ of ture. Keb 2, 13^ GEORGIA, Rokla’.e C->uaiy— iitherEaS \V DJ«d nX/to GnAam.Adm'nistr tor deboni3 w ‘“ aD ut f t(] (jf JosUh o{ 0r Grahu di^A J^ec’d. ih w» petition represent,, doty , to thg eled ard Lreditor-i, " to ^ show caa-fe, seemed, lf f £ , e S he C ?£ i s should , not t>c uis w f said administrator and .harmed from hi« admiEistra.tion tlm fi:-t re* = of LiimiMiou '.n CiW LftUrs O. SE V«ANa, M(in , u> in May, 188 a. Ordy. Feb2i3in 89 WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA, GA. fihina , G rookery Table Guslery SilverPlatodtaors FORKS, SPOONS, KNIVFSr LAMPS, &C. HAViNG enter,it aeti-ely into my old business, I resp •etluV.y civile mj . H friends am) cuotoia vs to call auii examine my stock 'vlea visirmg the city, 'j liav, been over thirty years i* the trade, and "'ill as her. tofore guarantee satisf..oti u to mi customers. I win agent for the PATENT OVAL I i III US inimlilotf, UJUSJ Afinn muz UUllLi-l Everyb 'fy waote-lt, but verv f„w get ... It, bwause moat p«oph’ d<> not kumr hoy ii> select coftVe,sor It is spoiled in th«* t oastiu^ or making Xo» obviate these diili ’ultioa has beeu our study. ThurOer’s paefca^o Coffees are selects 1 hy an expert who jii ierstuuuci the ar: of various ll v uors. They are roast *d la the most perfect lann^r (It is Impossible to roast w ‘ll in •mall quantities), then pu In p >un<l pac!t ktj- s {in the bean, not groan 1,1 b* arin^ our Unaturo its a guarantee *»f >f(>nainea->9ft f • ii,l each package coutauis th** ThurbT recipe for tfo>'l Colbv*. 'V * »ack two kinds, Thurt> 'r’s ** N r o stro mg and 1 pufc^ent, Ttvuvb r’s “So. 41/' in A d aud rich. One or the other will' suit every taste. Th\v h ive the thrw Sfreat points, good quaii ty, himctot qnan * tity. reasonable price, your ftracer for Thurher’s'roasted Oo'Tee in pound pat fc apes, “CVo. nr “No. 41.” Do not b- put o )T with any other Wnd-fyour owu palate will toil you what is beat. Where persons desire it we also futn>sn the "Jell tal ” Coffee-pot, the simplest. b-*s*. act cheap-'St cjff'e-poi t iu exist*' v*. Grocers Who sell our G iff *e ko'p t Ask for descriptive circular. Respectfully, fc TIimtilER . * GO., H. K. A F. 15. Importers, Wholosul" Gx-oeers and Gitlee Roasters, Now York. P S.—As the largest dealers iu too l pr > duets iu tlie w 'rlil. ijawider it our iu t -r st to mamit. 'tureoniy-pui-e and wit ile fi.imi ■ koikU aud pack them iu a Utly an.! satisfactory manner. All aooils bi'ivrtiu our Q-irue are ipOWUteo I to be or superio: qu*llty. par ; 1 dnd and A •• ))•»!• aro au li 1 >ri 7 .' I L* ■f in I th- :Mrv:i price. l;i ivm' 1 \vh**r • ou^ 1 'inv'i'-i l! caust* for .lis-atfct.wti-a tv U 1 b-'r to the inf l'eat o noth .teal-rs ‘.nit «UU101b va) use TUarba a brambi. aching nerves cause AGONY! P-ERRY DAVIS'S tAIN KILLER BRINfjb RELIEF! NEtlRALQIA SCIATICA TOOTHACHE i EARACHE And the whole noxious family of nerve diseases are cured by PerryDavis’sFainftr SURE I ALL RESPECTABLE DRUGGISTS KEEP ‘‘PAIN KILLER." DYSentery MER COMPLAINT tr There is no time to be lost when those we love are taken with these terrible diseases. . The beauty of PERRY DAVIS'S PAIN KILLER is that it acts so promptly, surely and : efficiently. Don’t' be without Pai^ Killer! Have it ready for;instant use! Keep it with you at home or abroad ! ALL THE DRUGGISTS SELL IT SUMMER Imprudences ARE SURE TO BRING j ON SUMMER DISEASES INDIGESTION, D1ARRHCEA, DYSENTERY, COLIC, CRAMPS, . BOWEL COMPLAINTS. ** feyeks, &'c.; &c. BUT Perry Davis’s Pain Killer Drives Them Away* Drives Tiiem A way. Drives Thex Away. Dorr BE WITHOUT PAIN KIUEH. BUY OF ANY DHUGOJST. "THI MIT It CHIAMIT." "gLTHBESHEBS iggg. GEO. W. SCOTT & CO. ATLANTA, GA •» iMannffrAttirenj of Oossj] inm-Phnspho Factory on Ga. Railroad rtear tho city. Uiike 28 West Alabama Street. Q * w L' j 111 K THE GREAT inaunfrtivitreu COTTON at & Atlanta, CORN Ga., FERTILISER, —^—is — A specirl manure for southern lauds .f Crops It contains all th, eh meats ot p'aat fo"(.t in thei best f. rui. ft fhls stood the *esi of ,*Hrs and ia now U&3T regarded a- ere if -THE SAFEST mid KERTTLIZEGS IX C-K____ Tuomuui s ot larnu re in Georgia', Alabama, Teni» ss e and Flbnil i. nd many of tie ino-t prooi't ent A-orioultural f bibs a -, ■ j . y .-ill ad,,,,,, ,, r.fri. It is one.ftM#HI«riESI'«lfAl>E KKWTN.!/.;■.[{- iu .......«i-,. >ee the Agri<‘ii l ral Department It, pints,)’ We invite i -t s , Imuri to-4 the be.-t fern] sera it) tfse. Grange-. Agricultural t.iiU. »,-iglr . rho. .1 ad SI Qiat'onB, '.lt d others desiring I" | nti-liiiSf direct so i.., qu.i, t (us, wi I do well t» cn r r< Si ottl whT' uslnbu'e t ining iiie;r I* • - 1 1i. iz ■». We «r. tin or pinai and m nutl l v tnimttMeinr, ltd !’■ 'pti’.* rs ot ha-, Ci/ssf/j. inm I'ht s/dto. (tS f • t 1 at ,*-ni ss and r'ty l-i, u hi in n. i k> t rev - era! l.iiital'm •. Nane i> g't"'lie ui le-s bon d d mi i .n li s rk : 1 M » . u ;««• 1 tnied 1 m (ii o. A. Set! *V Co., At'anla, (, >. mT s em! } ,j ? ip-uhir-', aual.s'hj and pr E- I.» GEO, \V. St A ( tA I „ , OF It At.KN r, MU r> M BARKER. w» 1 receive of.i rs at ftomuir sant at,end to .he of o ir guano. Experience the Be,t Guide. The mis m why ivoman every where use Parker's Ginger Tonic is, bi cause i »\ have'learned by experience—tlie lust guide— ttinl lliis excellent nudi cineim'ieome* despondency,| eriod:• ewl In aid mmehe, kidrev., imiigesiioii, pi in iii (lie back nynl et’er in ubk'S of „ 1? — li.-s.-i- Jonnia . Pwoa Hill Nurssrie f J. Van Lindlky, Rrujir ITav i u l si vt» t U i.t \»fx rtt <• jfjH r elit e ill gl tt'H JT 13 M l }• Mci k. h. si ei to 1 1 e u’i i in «li»j.nte, ii ciutlin56 a vnri* ties Penthe Api I s, Plums, * hi n it's. Strawh* n-ies. and ill! othcr'flulls grown in tho Sotitl , fioiu the The Latest to the Earliest Varieties -UK. Ii V. CANTKEGb, Auent For Middle Georgia, And his Assistant A\*mt. are now anvas llii*- m»Ut tv. A 1 ’ )if«se who rltsir-* fc ill G 1 "d fr nil 'l’r. es from n 1; iiabh Pinery, low i.s yuur ti<no. i aoh u< d EVERY TREE GUARANTEED to livo wkh propel at'entfor*. Notice fact ol any tree dying, made known ut tin L-Hire, Grecnesboro, N. b\, will lie replace ;it "11 CO. Mr. (J;»r.tveil, mir General A 120111 fei Mid die Goor t;Ui Has betn en^ftjreil in I lio busiiiOFs t» <r so wi’ii) yea rs, aide advi.i' you a -r. <;-anls lbo fruit He-1 .Ut ip tod t your diciiilo. Ills pormam-nt re-'iJt one-* i Griffin, Ga^ All comimmicnfi**ii8 prompt iy answmed. E. F. CANT.; 1 l inarch 31 m(» Gebtirai , n't (iEOtUiI J A, rtockdale Coinjly — ■jttb.Tl >t ik Q&H* hereby iVcV. «;ivo?^o jp> ; bu ot H^nn. fc 1 ft v VI Alnitfi hrii |);fsspu ap'plnul or\i* jk> tb^ ( LAirt jfhi of Ui’ Llmiqistib lium A . tor ifl|<(*;»im f <S in 11 Uol A^jCujn it i 6 t«/a 11 tJi for <1 /t!. t m . i»>v % 1 t g< s -1 • '• A • * m 1 on iWtM -!a -.KiN-MW-f ta s i f Jn• m y;>: l luil [ti: f>' t« t\ mans. j . 1 11 1 ~, Urdu ry AEOR* > LA. it ivkunle Count y — \y \ HERivta T. ,0 •''vVAin luivtirq ipj*nc« f H> m»- tli U' l,b\ scrsyji au<l piViperty of .T init fc A - Awkii. L'bfo'.'iii- G tl S\viigL A'.vim ibi it.ftd Jr bdoji X ■tNici cbii 1 ’.§! * i^wh/v. otmni} -iiui '' h t Jw* b>H cr-iy/wf rt tic iaAuu r u < j uy t e • V *P pfWs to ilav Cl fonLi-ru. <1 to Nfi uu<i b 1 % i tile dr fiTst iyi'tbGtJdui’t of-Ci F*-bj,jn to be li«•»*t at-Jo JW*. ; ny ne^t., ’* CillVVH'v Vtjt il tn. Hti F Show ipiliiyj-l i-f ft l i>b<■ 1 I » ot lit CM V\ itucsi^ n^ officii) y^?rC\NS, sigiijj^”. J;i* an 3d, lysti. • « O Jy M ‘’'SOU 1 H AND WEST," {?iilj .TO CcnI n a Vcaj*. It is a first- psh ’•U.'Mul »t»t t r publisbc'- sciFfsli'oi'tillv AM wli" f.mwI us their suV)-c.ijilion with 5UC nt.s l.etv* DOW Bin) l) ‘ lilt IT )>-t, w * w))l M in) th. in the p psr until Jnni/;iiy Jni. l<s. w ’l. Saiiiplti ( CGiitiiiirn P cittiiini L'sN sulk t fr**'* ou ap\»! WlSbT,” 'Vi u A hNe ,*Jd s S “SOC T TH A ND ) LO X. Lo»’ , .Mo. Ion*evjn r. i i n. • • ........ UI.M14I, bkln «i»<l llum h. *i r v '*u- in !•' Uj . I •«» -atvlM*)', Or^nttla* Vi'cak«a<■•»», (.ommi 1 hu'.t. ' i* 1 Mcriurhl 1 lion* (> h • Add.. - OH. Ill V > -. i S. H • 11 *t„ H 4 . I oul», .«!« A.t ii \ 1AL i’ilif M V UiA«». . lus. - -s 1 r.ijri:" . i v, qvhinntan t Paynes' ALL Automatic Farm Engines OF KINDS.—Established 18401 £ rr 1 \r«‘ ~ 111 1 a. fi'iAidh « ouno, uox MW, oormng, »- Ms TA torn} * 3 IVHPL Pa/.-* * Nervous Exhanstion, Premature Decay, Loss of Memory. An rinHi-Iiomul Jiook of wlu lesome Advie«* io \ »mu»j 4 .Vun, by a ll^ciufar 1'hysicinn. Out THf HHA 1 TH JiiUHNAL, ailWAUKEE. Wlf. WmcHT S Indian Vegetable Pills FOR THE LIVER And all Bilious Complaints Safe to take, b«*fii£ p'lrAiy veuet able; no grip ing. rrk’4*fr€t». AH Druggists. ’ ’4 « kWTS r».Sojv:’or: * -r <>vc t-'/Tfc, Pnb’i At %&*'. tine Axr.WK*.S; t -irtt Utiw. Hew 7acjy. XIanri >bo«»t 1 ‘a**- -* trt,*. JpVjtflto *r K L. L.: , ft. ; ' ... r-'- irir- - Par Drc»Miif? Re 'a-'^■« SpEEEBpi&h , r •*'«'■'« • Y Hair t -v R Get rgf>\}j£P. A i m vihi Best Health and Strength Restorer tver Used. It cures Dyspepsia, Rhearaotism, sleeplessness, Liver, KHi' 11 diseases of tlie Stonincli, Howds, Lu»fis, tdneys, and all I'cm die Coniplaint Co twnv with unthesvMrm wulvmt ii-.toXicaGng. S ' 4 -- a .", f) iSuK S-L'YI IN BUVINU THE PeLLAR SUE. (; CAUGHT A BAD COLD The SUMMER COLDS and Coughs are quite as dan gerous a 3 those of midwinter. But they yield to the same treatment and ought to be taken In time. For all diseases of THROAT, NOSTRILS, HEAD or BREATHING AP¬ PARATUS PerryMsMiller Is the SOVEREIGN Remedy ALL DRUGGISTS KEEP PAIN KILLER j „ ®'. \ DvbiOR't TROUBLES. . ... .. o Ii j !V4l!!^5S; tnn did la wearlng‘ ! that tbl* Worlier-" wrnn g «m »»» r»yi»S th, penally, barah Oohs auff*:r«‘4 in tbo aaiua way; g^t that which relieved 'll her." do such thing, Mother Neneenae ! I 00 but will for our Doctor.** ke*pa bod MHtut/hter -"<>n r Doctor one in * long time and poura down a vast quantity or modi Ciu«, beside* making daily chAn^i-a.'' - V-J -mm 1Mb. W_ ■ 4 ami wli at , T 1 , ( . ventricular uml wirirulnr <orcr.»hr<- U'.t in equi¬ librium, there \» tin inrn-Med centripetal actiou about the cerebrum an 1 moduli* oblopuntni O 10 portal circulation vaanllatea, euapeuded Nature ..We .top »d’go i0 naetar~"i^[\Uo nil wt-^ka I cart?* havn expired— Mother, aft«t Doctor two uhjUl *•*» dtse* d‘A at once. “iMUKbu r. and our relief. 1 will r that which Two week s no procure J [t °M>auqhterf\nn the only tiring that low will font—“I restore am we pM. to health. and think 3 ‘/A jtfL m 1 Oridrfi m WTA “4 Mother- ‘ Or-t out ot tar bc*»«, yoa okl hum Ssps« THU CONFESSrOJT. IBs 7EEEZ ---------- - dRRIS REMEDY f .1,,‘iiKori'a f&E ;%is “reiK »« :-r M'tr a.rrm^Mj Mr* I'ai. r»a., - t •'»*!'' A Hk <t«».i .Ad a-to , • Vw.v *4 «• FlveOciare'»,c>no :'*5Se'-^ Kc>e<ly, IZipht Str-**, including Sub- Has.*, Or -Jt-c 4 Ft , Look. and. Mualc, lu Solid L.ncU. Walnut Uu« m 1 , si iitei Ft« cy High Top, as above. 9 Tuid HIi Organ Btni-r 1 T $ rns O 80 u Plait. . th on u IVt.*: TumouH lu'-vihovca organ $90. 7 Ctops, H) Sets Rcecis, ■on to advarco to $*05. Order new. Remit by nl. l m t. Tort M r* Or or, or Teglalerc l .otter. Lox«*‘t n-td i* m i|*i>o*t witboucal’- irtci . a '/clay. CaModHe l ! '•<’. /‘Wreaa or call upon ■mm F. llcdefsey.-j^ DIPHTHERIA HAS NO CHANCE WHEN TREATED WITH Perry Davis’s Pain Killer This wonderful remedy lias saved the lives of many, many children wlio were almost dead with DIPHTHERIA. B. Howry Wllaon, Lawronoo. Mtuw , payn ■ "Tbo HurKeoii* (leciocd iirunoujicod that my remedUw caw* Diph¬ could theria. ami I’aiu no Killer roach it. Terry DuvIb’h huvucI my life.” Llbeona Ijeach, Nanhua, N. IT., naya: " I hail paJntora’collo and illpbOwretlcHOM throat very bovorely. Taiu Killer drove both avray.” DRUGGISTS ALL KEEP IT. The Secret of the universul success of Brown’s Iron Bitters is sim¬ ply this: It is the best Iron preparation ever thoroughly made; is compounded chemical on and scientific, principles, and medicinal does just what is claimed for it—no more and no less. By thorough and rapid assimilation with the blood, it reaches every part of tho system, healing, purifying Com¬ and strengthening. the foundation, mencing at and lost it builds up restores health—in no other way can lasting benefit be obtained. Dearborn Ave., Chicago, Nor. 7. 1 ! have been a great sufferer from St very weak stufuach, heartburn, Near!/ and dyspepsia in its worst form. tried every thing recommended, of dozen have taken the prescriptions a »one of the old trouble., and am a new man. I Bin K e D»ng much stronger, and feci first-rate. 1 am a railroad eftfpneer, *nd now make my trips regularly. I can not say too much in praise of your wonder¬ ful medicine. * 0 . C. Mack. Brown’s Iron Bitters does not contain whiskey or alcohol, and will not blacken the teeth, or cause headache and constipati on. It wiil cure dyspepsia, indt heartburn, • sleep “ s5S:r ' Rroiic^. 'flO- 1 Cro^/i rfSlUK. tolling. ud irtde owrk on .rappor. m > ujs'oo. I 2