The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, June 08, 1900, Image 1
>11)1' Sutuumah {Horning THE MORNING NEWS. Established 1850. .- - Incorporated ISSB J. H. ESTIJLL. President. CONGRESS HAS ADJOURNED. lIAST HOIBS OF THE HOUSE SAW HILARIOUS SCENES. Irntrlotie Aim \V*re Snnr and Par tinnn Rancor (rive Way to Merri ment and F<fin —lloime Hacked Down and Adopted Senate Amend mrntH to Naval Hill Over Cannon'd Prote*t— Former Conference Com mittee Vindicated—(Speaker’s Fare well. Washington, June 7.—ln marked con trast with the excidng scenes attending the bfrtter struggles of the closing hours of the session. Speaker Henderson, laid dow*n his gavel at 5 mfclock this afternoon, at the conclusion of one of the most pic turesque scenes which has ever occurred in the hall of representatives. Party passion and personal rancor, which have brought the House to the brink of act lal riot several times during ♦he last foriy-eight hours, gave way in the closing half-hour to good fellowship which ound vent in a j>airiotie outburst that stirred (he crowded galleries to the highest pitch of enthusiasm. During a brief recess taken within thirty minutes of the time fixed for the final ad journment, to give the President an op portunity to affix his signature to the bills that were being rushed to him for approval, e grodp of members, led by Messrs. Mercer of Nebraska., Ball of Texas, Fitzgerald of Massachusetts, and Tawney of Minnesota, congregated in the area to the left of the Speaker’s rostrum, and began singing patriotic airs? The galleries were banked to the doors. Nntional Air* Were Snug. “Columbia. Gem of the Ocean/’ "Aulfl Dar.g Syne.” “The Red. White ard Blue.’’ successively rang out. As the sing ing proceeded, members joined the group until without regard to age or party the entire membership of the House joined in the choruses. The spectators in (he gal leries applauded each song until the strains of “Dixie” filled the hall. Then ♦ heir enthusiasm broke out in wild cheers. But the enthusiasm “Dixie” evoked was not to be compared with the remarkable demonstration which followed when, in a clear, ringing tenor, Mr. Fitz gerald of Massachusetts started the na tional anthem with the inspiring words, ‘ Through the dawn’s early light.” In an instant every man, woman and child In ♦he galleries were on their feet joining in ♦he singing. The mighty chorus from thousands of throats reverberated through the hall, making the pulses leap and the blood tingle. It was a magnificent and soul-inspiring spectacle. The ladies kept time to the rythm of the music with their handker chiefs and the men beat the measure with their hands. The speaker, pausing as he entered the hall raised his voice also. The excitement produced by the scene over came a whitehaired old man in one of the public galleries, and when the song ceased be jumped upon his seat nnd shouted: 'That is the song of the angels in heaven!’’ He was plainly a crank, but as he showed a disposition to harangue the House he was quickly ejected. After Speaker Henderson hod made a graceful farewell speech thanking the members for their courtesy, and had declared the House adjourned, the members testified to his popularity by singing “For He Is a Jolly Good Fellow,’’ and the newspaper correspondents in the press gallery cele brated their emancipation from the bur dens of Congress by singing the “Doxol ogy.’’ Hnnso Hacked Squarely Down. The principal feature of the closing day in the House, was the reversal of its action last night, in turning down the conferees on the naval bill for yielding on the item relating to ocean surveys. Over right the sentiment of the House under went a complete change, and to-day the members voted by a large majority to ac cept outright the Senate amendment, which goes much further than the com promise which the conferees offered lost night. The new conferees, led by Mr. Cannon, who had brought in a compro mise which they considered more satis factory, were ignominiously pushed aside, it was a distinct victory for the old con ferees. 'Messrs. Foss of Illinois, Dayton of West Virginia, and Cummings of New York. The other feature of the closing day was the course of Mr. Lentz of Ohio. In blocking unanimous consent legislation. For three days he has objected to bills because the majority would hot allow the testimony in the Coeur d’Alene in vestigation to be printed, and he main talked his podtion to the end. His ac tion caused many heartaches. He only re mted when bills behind which lurked possible votes In the coming campaign, were brought up. On such occasions he *' woefully sidestepped and allowed them b go through. Lents \\ wt Heard From \git in. the House reconvened at 10 o’clock tins morning it was still Tuesday und r th* legislative Action. As the conferees on the naval Mil were not ready to report the House adjourned until 12 o’clock, when the legislative day of Thursday began. After some amusing pleasantries be tween Mr. Grosvenor and Mr. Sulzer a bill was passed to amend the car coupler law so as t 0 require railroads to report monthly under oath to the Interstate Commerce Commission all accidents to l,, eir employes and to make reports .is to collisions trains; also a hill a phorize the payment of travel pay to enlisted men in the army. Mr. Lentz then brought matters to a standstill, gome of the Republicans at tempted to circumvent him by getting their friends on the Demo ratio ’dc to offer their bills. Mr. Hay of Virginia osk ed for the consideration cf a bill to make Des Moines, la., a sub-port of entry, and ** a result got Into a warm tilt with the Ohioan, who promptly interposed an ob- J* fin . Mr Hay displayed considerable ’’mp-'i ,md was proceeding to criticise Mr. Lentz s course in persisting in his at titude when the latter objected to hU statement. 1 will not receive a lecture from the MMleman from Virginia.” he announced. ‘ I’ntll the Republicans agree to the print ing of the Coeur d’Alene testimony I shall obje-i to all this class of legislation.” Mr. ran non Makes Report. A f ( w moments afterward Mr. Cannon on be'- if 0 f the conferees on the naval appropriation bill formally reported a*- Pther il. agreement. Mr. Cannon moved th f House recede and-concur in the amendment with an amendment wl i. i, Ft rn k out the word “hydrographic” Pr*vi. lf .<i for ocean surveys including v )f „ r 0 f porto Rico, Cuba and the * lj t. except the coasts thereof. v r u on said the proposed amend rr ' < in harmony with the instruc y'** glvft i>y the House a week ago not £ -*Rr*r f0 any surveys for the c*oasts of lakes, the seaboard or the Jm ' 3| new possessions. This ' r confine ths naval sur t(> thßdeep water of the ocean, o' , V W TVest Virginia, who wo* n r '* ,f conferees, moved concur in the Senate omend ,,, fter to bring the question ‘V" r Wore the House. This motion Ir * vnee over that of Mr. Can -1 * lr - 7a, mr of Macao chute Its, who last night charged the conferees with betray ing their trust, apologized for his words amid applause. Some Shots at Cannon. Mr. Cummings of New York, one of the. conferees*, said the apology was “justly due and. handsomely done.’’ He contrasted the'result of the old conferees’ work with that of the new conferees, who, he said, had offered anew proposi tion which practically violated the House’s instructions, while technically observing them. He somewhat startled the House by referring to a “junketing trip,” which Mr. Cannon had taken as the guest of the coast survey, and then proceeded to pay his resects to the chair man of the Appropriations Committee.’ Mr. Cummings wields a keen blade and the House enjoyed his dexterous thrusts. He pictured Mr. Cannon, (he chairman of the great appropriations committee, as a lion lashing his sides and roaring w’hile the crowd cf jackals followed as they smelt meat. Then he described how the House following bilndly the lion’s leadership had done everything it could to degrade its conferees despite their ap peals that they were powerless. “I told you.” sni{J he with great vehe mence, “that we ( were up against a stone wall, but you turned us down and turned the controversy over to the Appropriations Committee to settle. And they went up against the same stone wall with the re sult that they are back here crawling before this House with another proposi tion. With sarcasm atid addressing Mr. Cannon, he said: “You have been misnamed; you are no cannon, you are a toy musket.” This shot convulsed the House, and it was several minutes before order was restored. Mr. Foss again defended the action of the old conferees. Mr. Shaforth of Colorado, one of the new conferees, said that if the Cannon amendment were adopted the surveys' of the navy would be confined to the ocean. No surveys of our coast or harbors could be made under its direction l . Senate Amendment Agreed to Mr. Dayton’s motion to recede and con cur in the Senate amendment was carried on a rising vote. 77 to 71. Mr. Cannon de manded the yeas and nays, which were ordered. The motion prevailed, 118 to %. Great demonstration ensued. After this defeat Mr. Cannon turned the manage ment of the other item still in dispute be tween the two houses over to Mr. Day ton. This related to the course of the naval cadets ai Annapolis. Mr. Dayton jlioved that the House recede and concur in the Senate amendment continuing the six years’ course for cadets, but provid ing that a cadet al Annapolis from each congressional district should be appointed every four years. The motion was agreed to. This concurrence in the iwo Senate amendments to the naval bill closed, the controversy over this bill. Then followed a scene of indescribable confusion. A number of conference re ports on private pension bills were put through with great rapidity, while the engrossing clerks rushed back and form in their efforts to get belated bills to the President before the final adjournment. Members clamored for recognition. No Anti-Trust Bill Wanted. At 3:30 p. m., the Secretary of the Sen ate arrived, and announced the action of the Senate for adjournment at 5 p. m. There was a warwhoop from the floor, and Mr. Payne moved to concur in the Senates action. "This House ought not to adjourn until the Senate has acted upon the anti-trust bill,” said Mr. Sulzer of Nenr York. The Republicans attempted,,to howl him down, but the Democrats ro*%xen masse in support of his demand for a roll call 11 j ton Mr. Payne’s motion. The yeas and nays were ordered, and the motion was adopted, 115 to 73. Messrs. Payne of New York, Bingham of Pennsylvania, and Richardson of Ten nessee, were appointed a committee to inform the President the House was ready to adjourn. The House took another recess until 4:50 p. m., the members in the meantime sing ing patriotic songs. • At 4:50 p. m., Mr. Payne, on behalf of the special committee anounced that the President had nothing further to com municate. The dlerk road a long list of bills and resolutions signed by the President. Speaker Henderson’* Farewell, At 5 o'clock Speaker Henderson arose. "Gentlemen of the House of Representa tives,” the Speaker said, "we will in a few minutes complete our session’s work. It has been a session of earnest, patriotic ef fort, of unremitting toil. This House has demonstrated that men may meet on great fields of contest and part as friends. This body has considered many great, novel national questions. That fervor which enters into debate on the eve of a great national conflict, has been present; but guided by intelligence and manly courage. "At the opening: of this session I took the chair with tnat fear and apprehen sion which every conscientious man should feel. 1 appealed to you for sup port and kindly aid. Not for one moment have you forgotten that appeal, but your sustaining influence has made it possible to consider these mighty problems of the hour and never allow the legislator and the gentleman to sink below the high level of manhood. "In parting, I wish you from my heart, a pleasant vacation, and that you may all return to the duties of the next ses sion refreshed in body and in mind. "And now, in pursuance of the concur rent resolution adopted by the two hous es of Congress. I declare this session ad journed without day.” An outburst of cheers followed with more singing. The members then slowly disprjfrStd. ST. LOI IS I IRS RUNNING. Slii-rifl"* Pone I'oiuilßtn* lln* Grown to 1,277 Men. St. Louis, June 7.—Cars were run on the Llndell division of the St. Louis Transit system to-night for the first time since the strike was declared, almost month ago. Every car carried a po.ii guard, and the thoroughfares along thi entire four mile route were patrolled by police officers and companies of the posse cotni tatus, the latter armed with riot shot guns. Sheriff Pohlman's po'sa comitatus ha* grown lo 1,277 men. Twenty-five stick* of dynamite were unearthed by the po lice, and detective department to-day, buried under car tracks or in sheds in neighborhood of tracks. TROI IILK ON THE BOURSE. Panicky Condition* in llie German Stock Market. Berlin. June 7.—The Bourse to-day ex perienced the worst day of the year, condi tions in iron an-1 coal shares being quit* panicky. The Vosalche Zeitung describes it a* a day of terror. Standard Iron share* lost from 10 to 20 point*. The. chief cause of the panic was the reports,from the American and Bel gian Iron markets, the reported offer* of American iron In Germany, low prices an l the renewed fall of the Glaicow Iron Works. 11. and O. After Two System*. New York. June 7.—The World to-mor row will ay It le generally believed that the Pennsylvania and Baltimore and Ohio are negotiating for leaac or control of both Jhe Reading and Jersey Central railroad*. SAVANNAH. GA.. FRIDAY. JUNE 8. 1900. FIXED ADJOURNMENT HOUR. SEAATE DEPLANED TO RECEDE FROM ITS STAND. Gave the House Until 5 O'Clook to Accept the Senate Provision, in the Naval Bill, Which the House Did—Kefnsert to Ask Another Con ference—A Fcjv Minor Bills Passed and Thanks Tendered to Chairman Frye. Washington, June 7.—Congress adjourn ed sine die at 5 o'clock this afternoon. For the Senate it was a day of wait ing. The naval appropriation bill—the stumbling block to final adjournment— could not be agreed to by the conferees of the two houses, and the disagreement was reported lo the Senate early in the day. There was an evident disposition cn the part of the Senate to make trouble if the conferees should recede from the Senate amendment as to the ocean sur veys, and it was deemed the wiser policy to afford the House an opportunity again to pass upon the question. At 3 o’clock, after several recesses had been taken, the Senate was'advised that the House had concurred in the amend ments remaining in controversy, and soon after the House resolution providing for final adjournment was passed with an amendment fixing the hour at 5 o'clock, June 7. It was not until 4:0 o'clock, twenty minutes before the hour fixed for ad journment, that the President pro tem pore of the Senate (Mr. Frye) announced his signature lo the naval bill. With some other measures it was hurried to the President, who was waiting in nls room in the capitol, and was signed by him in a few minutes. The concluding hour was purely a so cial session. No business beyond the adoption of the customary resolution of thanks to the chair (Mr. Frye) was ac comp ished. Mr. Frye acknowledged the compliment gracefully. Fifty-eight House pension bills were passed. An ineffectual attempt was made by Mr. Chandler of New Hampshire to obtain consideration for his resolution in structing the Committee on Privileges and Elections to inquire into the constitution ality of the electoral laws of certain states. Mr. Berry of Arkansas, and Mr. Pet tus of Alabama, simultaneously objected. XVonlfl Not Ask Conference, At 11:45 the Senate took a recess for one hour. On reconvening, Mr. Hale re ported further disagreement on the naval bill. He moved insistence on the Senate amendment, and that a further conference be asked. Mr. Chandler inquired why another conference was requested, if the conferees had determined not to agree. Mr. Hale replied that an agreement in most matters is always possible. Noth ing remained In dispute except the cadet and ocean survey matters. The armor plate matter had been settled. ''The Senator means," said Mr. Bacon, "that the House has accepted the Sen ate's surrender.’’ Mr. Bacon contended the Senate con ferees’ position would be made stronger by not asking for another conference. Mr. Hale modified his motion so as not to request a further conference. The re port and motion were agreed to. Mr. Pettus offered a resolution declar ing that the appropriations for the naval service made for the present fiscal year should be continued, so far as applicable for the ensuing fiscal year. It was per mitted to remain on the table. The Senate then took a recess until 2 o’clock. At 2 o’clock the Senate reconvened. A bill amending the act incorporating the supreme lodge of the Kntghts of Pythias was passed. Shortly afterward another recess was taken until 3 o’clock. Bills donating a condemned cannon to the Sons of Veterans and paying for corn seized by troops during the Civil War were then passed. The adjournment resolution was passed. Commander Todd Defended. Mr. Lindsay of Kentucky resented the attack made in the Houee last night by Mr. Cannon upon Commander Todd, chief of the hydrographic bureau of the navy department. “The official report of the proceedings of this Congress," said Mr. Lindsay. "Im pute falsehood to Commander Tcdd' I sub mit to any gentleman whether Todd wan guilty of falsehood, prevarication or want of candor.” Mr. Lodgp made a statement to show that the attack upon Commander Todd had been made in an effort to break down one of the government surveys that an other might be built up. He declared the effort reflected no credit upon those re sponsible for it. Mr. Chandler in concurring In the re marks of Mr. Lodge expressed the hope that Congress soon would deal effectually wlch the various surveys of the govern ment. He thought Commander Todd had violated the naval regulations in sending out his letter, but that had suffered enough. Messrs. Allison and Cockrell were nam ed as a committee to notify the President the Senate was nearly ready to adjourn and in a few minutes reported that the President had no further communications to make, and that he extended to Congresa his felicitations on the great amount of work accomplished. Mr. Cockrell, Democrat, of Missouri, offered a resolution lendering the Senate a thanks to Mr. Frye for the dignified, im partial and courteous manner with which he presided, it was adopted unanimously. .Mr, Frye acknowledged the uniform kindness of the members toward him. making hi* duty a pleasure, not a task, and hoped "our dear Ixtrd will permit you all. us all, to meet here In the chamber next December.” Prolonged applause greeted his remarks. Precisely at 5 o’clock the gavel fell and the session was at an end. As the people were streaming from the galleries a flne looking gray-halred man rose In the gentleman’* gallery, and rais ing hi* hat high above hi* head, and look ing upward, shouted: "A message from the great White Throne. Jesus Is coming soon!" The man reeently made a similar demonstration in the House. LIBERAL LEADER TALKS. Government Mmt Deal With Re- Hill t * of the War. London. June 7.—The Liberal leader In the House of Commons. Sir Henry Camp bell-Bannerman, speaking at Glasgow- to day, on the attitude of the opposition io ward the South African question, said it was for the government who had al lowed the war, to deal with what It left behind. The member* of the opposition, he added, were only onlookers and critics. The two conquererd repuhlk* must, in some form, become state* of the British empire. The happiness of the Free Slat* could be best effected by a return, a* near a* possible *o th* government before, so that the people might experience the least possible change. Orttanlarr* Were Released, Indianapolis, Jun* 7.—New* from the Tennessee district I* that John Guy und J. W. Howe, who have been organizing the miner* and were plowed JguilfL Oifcat, been relsaegdy V t -y.; /** s 1 *t. ,v .Lif, **a ~ THE BOXERS’ PLOT THICKENS. They Have Secured Arm* and Will Continue Their Fight. London, Junes —The situation In China, as measured by abundant unofficial tele grams, continues full of interesting pos sibilities. but apparently it has not grown worse during the last twenty-four hours, although the favorite adjectives of Lon don and continental commentators are ’’perilous,” "grave" and "dangerous." The naval commanders in Chinese waters have received identical instructions as to procedure, the question of an emergency being left to their discretion. No fear is entertained for the safety of the legations at Pekin. European residents, however, are escaping from the capital to the coast. Pekin is still under control, according to a dispatch to the Morning Post, dated yesterday, but in a very excited state. A thousand foreign guards were garrisoning the foreign houses. Six hundred international troops are at Tien Tsin with six guns. A dis patch to the Dally Mail from Shanghai, dated June 7, takes a gloomy view of things, which are pictured as going from bad to worse. The correspondent says: "The authorities are displaying pal pably general suplnenees in dealing with the Boxers, nnd the Boxers are more and more taking matters into their own hands. The Boxer revolt is spreading, and is rapidly changing its character. The Box ers are getting arms, preparing to meet force with force. "There has been no communication be tween Pekin and Tien Tsin. since Tu.e dav, although one miserable half-heaitel attempt has been made by Chinese sol diery to reach the capital. The troops were fired upon and the train had to come hack. Another station has been burned on the line." A news agency dispatch from Tien Tsin, dated yesterday, says: "The Boxers are stili raiding and pil laging over a wide area. They have wrecked and burned the stations at Long Fong and Langoo. It has been definitely ascertained that Mme. Astier and Messrs. Ossent and Cade® have been murdered. Gen. Nieh claim® to have defeated tha Boxers, kilting 500.” GERMANS WILL TAKE A HAND. Will Art in Concert With the Other Powers In China. Berlin, June 7.—The officer commanding the German squadron at Che Foo, has been directed by cable to send a detach ment of sailor® nnd marine® to Tien Tsin, and, offer conferring with the German minister at Pekin, to arrange with the commanders of the other squadrons re garding further measures to be, taken for the protection of Europeans. H is understood that Germany has offi cially declared her readiness to act in concert with the other powers. But hav ing no Interests outnlde of Shang Tung province, she 1s not disposed to take the leading part in intervention in China The German newspapers claim to have discovered that the alleged aecret agree ment arrived at between Russia and Japan, to act together against Great Britain in the Far East, Is purely ficUViou® The National Zeltung avers that Great Brit ain etands hand In glove with Japan. WILL PROTECT RAILROADS. llrftlah Have Landed More Treopt Than All Other Power*. London, June 7.—A special dispatch from Shanghai, dated 7:30 p. m., to-day. says the Dowager Empress has ordered Gen. Neth Si Chong, with 3.000 men, to protect the railroad at Pekin, A severe fight, it is added, has occurred with the "Boxers," whose ranks Include mony soldiers from other generals’ com mands. When the battle ended, 200 deed were left on the field. The dispatch goe* on to say: “One hundred and eighty British ma rines, with a machine gun. are about to force a passage from Tien Tsin to Pekin. Altogether about 900 British have been landed from the fleet, a greater number than have landed from the com. bined vessels of the other powers. This evidence of Great Britain's Intention to assert her position strongly, gives great satisfaction here.” An Austrian Crnlsea, Too. Vienna, June 7.—The Austrian cruiser Zenta ha* been instructed to lake part in the projected blockade, if finally decided upon. SEVERE WORK OF WINDSTORM. Slnfli Property Destroyed nnd a Paascngfr Train Wrerked. Parsons, Kan., June 7.—A severe wind storm swept over this section, doing much damage to buildings, fences, trees and growing crops. The elevator at St. Paul, Kan., was destroyed. At Emporia, Kan., the Crown Point Milling plant and other institutions were badly damaged by the wind and lightning. At Miami, I. TANARUS., a livery stable was wrecked and Thomas Skinner blown against a tree and killed. The westbound St. Louis and San Fran cisco passenger train was wrecked thl* morning two miles west of Oswego by a windstorm. The entire train was twisted loose from th© engine, lifted from the track. - and two express cars full of fruit were thrown about twenty feet and drop ped on one side. WARNING WAS NOT GIVEN. A Dozen People Knocked From the Top of a Tally-Ho. Chicago, June 7.—A tally-ho passed un der the Illinois Central track at Fifty first street to-night without the driver giving warning to those who were sit ting on the top seat*, and a dozeji of them were soraprl from their position*, and thrown to the pavement. Those severely hurt, are: Miss Martha Matlock, gash cut In head and body bruised. H. A. Service, head cut and right foot crushed; F. B. Blanche, head and hand* cut; Miss Mabel Law rence, head cut and hand crushed; Miss Laura Mclntyre, right foot crushed and hand cut. NOMINATED A REPUBLICAN, Ohio Democrat* May Now Ask for Hla Re*lgnatlon. Shelby, 0., June 7.—The Democrats of the fourteenth district to-day nominated William G. Sharpe of Lorhine county for Congress. In addressing the convention later, Mr. Sharpe admitted that, he had supported McKinley In 1896. Delegate* say a demand for hi* reslganlton will be made. The reeolutlon adopted by the con vention Indorses Bryan and the Chicago platform. Trouble on the Gold Coast* A London. June I.—Th* Dally following dispatch from Arcr*B ttrday: f "It 1* practically certain thalG .*• ~ 1* still Invested. No runner,!. j M jf through. , "The advancing' relief col wYh d^ywauuea- BOERS WILL FIGHT IT OUT. KRKiER SAYS THEY WILL CON TIM E TO THE END. Trannvnal rrewilenf Interviewed n Hl* Private Far at Nluelmdodorp. That la the l v re*ent Boer Capital. Feel* That Hi* Wife In Safe in Pretoria—Removal of Britinli Prin on e rn—-800 rn Cnrrioil Off Mach Treanure Froui Pretoria. London. June 8,3 a. m.—The executive officers of the Transvaal government ore in a military car. which is shunted on a switch at Machadodorp station. Presi dent Kruger da used the interior of the coach to be constructed some time ago with the a view to contingencies that have now arrived. A correspodent of the Daily Express who went from Lorenzo Marques to see Presi dent Kruger, was received yesterday. The President sat smoking a long pipe. He looked worried, hut his bearing was quiet and determined. He did not make the least objection to being interviewed. The correspondent was equipped for the interview' by cables from London. “Yes.” &aid President Kruger, “it Is quite true that the British have occupied Pretoria. This, however, does not end the war. The burghers are fully determined to fight to the last. They will never sur render so long as 600 armed men. remain in the country. I feel deeply encouraged by the fine work Sfeyn and DeWet ore doing lu ihe Free State.” The correspondent suggested that the war was over, inasmuch as the capital had been taken. “The capital!” exclaimed President Kru ger, with energy. "What is capital? It does not consist of any particular col lection of bricks and mortal*. The capital of the republic, the seat of government, is in this car. There is no magic about any special site. Our country is in vaded. it is true, hut it is not conquered. The government is still effective.” Why Ho Left Pretoria. Referring to the reasons why he left Pretoria. Mr. Kruger said: “I was not foollsn enough to be taken prisoner. 1 provided this means of loco motion precisely for the same reason as our burghers supply themselves with horses when they take the held. “It is necessary that 1 should be able to move quickly from place to place. That is all. By and by this can will take me back to Pretoria. For the present it ena bles me to ko p away from Pretoria, where I could be of no service and where 1 should only play into the hands of the er-emy.” “They say. Mr. Kruger,” remarked the correspondent, “that, you have brought with you gold to the value of £2,000,000.” “It Is not true.” replied (he President. “Whatever monetary resources 1 may have with me arc simply those which we require for state purposes. At the same time I am not going to tell you where our treasure is. Let Lord Roberts find it if he can.” “They also say in England. Mt. Kruger, that you contemplate •iking refuge on a Dutch msrv-of -war at Lorenzo Marque#." “That, again, is a lie.” retorted the President, with vehemence. “I know of no Dutch war vessel. 1 am not contemplat ing taking refuge anywhere. I shall not leave my country. There will bo no need for me to do anything of the kind.” The correspondent: “Then, sir, there Is much surprise at your having left Mrs. Kruger behind.” President Kruger: “But why? Mrs. Kruger is quite safe In Pretoria. She would only be pul to personal inconven ience here. Ail between U Is stopped, of course; but she will awnit my return with calmness and courage. She Is a brave woman. J am here awaiting further information. We are surrounded by faithful burghers and are quite safe.” War In Not Yet Over. State Secretary Reitz remarked: “You may depend upon it that the war i* not yet over. Guerilla warfare will con tinue over an enormous area. We intend to fight to the bitter end and shall prob ably retire upon Lydenburg, where we. can hold out for many months.” “Yes," observed Mr. Kruger, "It is only now that the real struggle has begun. 1 fear that there will *■ 111 be much blood shed, but the fault is that of the British government.” Then, raising his voice to an almost pas sionate height. Mr. Kruger exclaimed: “The time has passed for us to talk. We have done plenty of that, but It has done us no good. There is nothing left for us to do but to keep on fighting, to keep on fighting. The ctorrespondent who secured the In terview telegraphed It direct from Macha dodorp station ysterdy. when the wires were working as usual to Lorenzo Mar ques. Nine hundred British prisoner® arrived Tuesday at Nooltgedacht. They are pen ned in a barbed wire enclosure of four acres on the open veldt. According to a dispatch from Lorenzo Marques, dated yesterday, Lord Roberts 1* reported to have intercepted two trains’ full leaving the vicinity of Pretoria. Sltuntion nt Pretoria. Telegrams from the British side are ex ceedingly Bcanty. Two brief one® re ceived from Pretoria say that Mrs. Kru ger Is still occupying the presidency, and that a number of engines and cars have been secured. The British, under Maj. DeLlsle, cap tured n machine gun, and caused the Boers heavy loss, the British casualties being slight. Boer oflioialß removed £300,000 in gold from the national bank June 4, but did not touch the cash holdings of the other banks. Some of the Boers are surrendering vol untarily and the townspeople of Pretoria are described as showing considerable enthusiasm over the British arrival. Mr Prevost Battersby In a dispatch to the Morning Post from Pretoria, dated June 6. says: "The Boers pledged themselves to twenty British officers riot to take the British prisoners away if these offl. ers would control them and prevent art out break. Nevertheless they began their re moval. After 900 had been taken, British shells struck a train that was loading and the Boers desisted and retired. "The British officers at Daspoort re fused to leave their quarters and made the Boer commandant a prisoner, releas ing him at midnight on condition that he would cancel the order for the removal or the prisoners. The Pretoria forts were founiT without guns. All the artillery had been gotten away.” Arother dispatch says: "Sixteen hundred British prisoner* were removed. After the government had taken away most of the stores the burgher* W're given a free hand to help themselves. Ail the Brl ish found was a few hundred bags of coffee and sugar." BILLER ASKED A SURRENDER. British ft Isoarra Taken to an Un healthr Location. London, Jun* 7 —ln th* *b*cnc of any fMig frem British sources enilghfer.ln* •he Bor statement that Qen. Buller re quested a three days’ armistice, the mlll- Bery qgtPMl* here are Inclined to hglleve a revised version of the story wlrt'efiow tthot Gtn, Builer summoned the to surrender or evacuate their positions within three days, failing which he will attack them. According to a dispatch from Lorenzo Marquez under to-day’s date the Boers under Gen. Botha are again concentrating in the neighborhood of Hatherly, twelve mi’es eastward of Pretoria. From the >ame source it is reported that the Brit ish prisoners are being removed to Nooig edacht, an unhealthy spot in the Elands valley. About 300 men arrived there June 5. and 700 reached the place June 6. These probably constitute the portion of the prisoners which Lord Roberts reported had been shifted from Waterval. The si rained relations between the sec retary of state for war. the Marquis of Lansdowno, and the British commander in-chief of the forces, Lord Wolseley, ap rear to have reached such a pitch that but for (he exigencies of the situation Lord Wolselev would have resigned. It seems that Lord Lansdow’nc attempted to usurp some of the authority always heretofore wielded by the commander-ln-chief and the latter Is now taid to have laid the whole matter before Lord Salisbury. The list of casualties now coming through indicates that there was severe fighting before the Thirteenth Yeomanry surrendered. Already the names of nine teen men killed and twenty-eight wounded have been issued. The killed include Sir John Elliott Cecil Power, baronet, and among the wounded is the Earl of Long ford. MINNESOTA TOWN WIPED OIT. Fire Destroyed fftOO.OOO Worth of Property at Virginia. Duluth. Minn., June 7.—The entire bufd nes and most of the residence section of the town of Virginia, on the Mesaba Iron range, was wiped out of existence to-day by fire. In one hour's time, fully 125 buildings were reduced tq ashes. Telegraphic com munication was cut off Foon after the first news of the fire came and was not re sumed until this evening. The flames broke out at the. Moon &. Kerr mill, cn the shore of Silver Lake, southwest of the town. The plant consist a of a number of large buildings beside the mill and it was among these that the fire started. The main business section of the city is about five blocks from the mill and ovrr thiß intervening territory the Hamm spread, being carried, directly to the busi ness buildings by a high wind. Within one hour the fire destroyed everything betweerf the mill and the railroad station, right blocks away. The path of the flame was as clean cut as that of a cyclone, an indication of the great force of the wind. O. D. Kenny’s bank, situated In a two-story frame build ing, was in rudns ten miufes after the flames reached it. The territory over which the fire traveled covered about twelve blocks about nine of which were thickly built up. To-night there is not a business house, hotel or store standing in Virginia. The residence portion of the town was only partially burned. The schoolhouae and most of the churches were untouched. The loss is estimated at $600,000. The In surance is believed to be not over $125,000. The Moon & Kerr saw mi l was burned, but the stock of cut lumber is thought to have been saved. The water plant of the city was directly In th* path of the flames. The terrific force of the flames is shown by the fact that they jumped the rail road tracks at the eastern side of the vil lage. cleared a half-mfie of tarren ground nnd burned three b?er houses and several railroad cars of the Duluth and Iron Range Railroad. 8o far as known no lives were lost. The people are in urgent need of relief. There is little food left in the town and women, and children are without places to sleep or any rovering. The fire was over at 4 o’clock. Loss probably $400,000. About one hundred building* were burned ahogether, prac tically in the business section alone. FOUR KILLED BY LIGHTNING. Not n Mark NYan I,eft on the Bodies of the Dead Men. Jacksonville, Fla., June 7 —Tom Jenkins, Peter York, Harry Davis and Peter Wig gins, all colored, employe* of the MerrlU- Stevens Engineering Company were kill ed by lightning,at 4 o'clock this afternoon while nt work under the stenmer* Com modore Barney, hauled out on the ways at South Jacksonville. Fourteen other men were shocked, some of them seriously. Wiggins’ neck was broken but not n mark appeared on the body of either of the dead men. Several of the Injured have their scalps badly torn and lacerated. The boll struck a large chain that is used in the ways to haul out the steamer*, and ran down to the men who were’ at work on the hull. Of the Injured four are white mechanics. LED INTO FILIPINO AMBUSH. Copt. Uren*barv tin* Radiy Monndrd in the Head. Manila, June 7.—Capt. Frank F. Cren shaw, with forty men of the Twenty elgthth Infantry, while scouting near Tael, was led Into an ambush by a guide. Capt. Crenshaw was badly wounded in the head and one private, was wounded. The atnbushers were scattered, leaving ten men dead and thre4 wounded on the field. Capt. Flint, while scouting five miles east of Blancoboto, Bulacan province, had a slight brush with the enemy. Flint and two privates were wounded. SAVANNAH IAN KILLED A MAN. * J. T. Bryce Shot a .famalran at San tiago dr Cuba. Santiago de Cuba, June 7.— J. T. Bryce of Savannah killed a Jamaican named Constantine last night In a fight growing out of a remark by Bryce that if the Americans, Instead of the English, had been fighting the Boers, the Transvaal war would have terminated long ago. It is claimed by Bryce that he acted in self-defense. The British consul and Col. Whiteside, the department commander, are Investi gating the case. CUT IN TWO BY A SAW. Young Man Met a Horrible Death Near Fitzgerald. Fitzgerald. Ga., June 7.—At Grantham’s saw mill, six miles from this place to day, Joe Ewing, the oldest son of Hon. Daniel Ewing, met a horrible 'death, by falling upon a circular saw. He was near the saw. and In some man ner fell upon It, end was cut entirely In two before rh* saw could be stopped. He lingered but a short time In most hor hlble agony. He was 20 years of age. The funeral Mrvlces will be held on Sun 4y* . , _ , Arrest of a Robber. Kansas City. Jun* 7.—John oJ’wi*. who It 1* alleged, held up the clerk* in the Coates House on the nlghl of May 2f>. se curing 12.000 worth ot monty' ouit jcwflry, WOJB MlMttd' '-flf s . DAILY. $8 A YEAR. 5 CENTS A COPY. WEEKLY 2-TIME6-A-WKKK.SI A TEAK HILL FOR VICE PRESIDENT. CLAY SUGGESTS THE POSSIBILITY OF HIS NOMINATION. Believe* the Yorker Would Ran on br Tick®! With Bryan—lf Ha Dor* Not Hr Hay Br Made Cam. nalrn Manager In the Eaat or National Chairman—Prealdent Mc- Kinley to Look Out for Bynum of Indiana. Washington, June 7—Senator Clay is quoted by the Washington Ttmes as sug gesting the possibility of the nomination of former Senator David B. Hill, of New York, for the vice presidency. The Geor gia Senator, who is on his way home, la quoted as saying: "1 see that the Times is calling atten tion In a forcible way to the probability of the nomination of David Bennett Hill ort the ticket with Mr. Bryan. Hill’s mas tery of the situation in New York and his espousal of Bryan have again placed him in a commanding position. In spite of his strong fight against us at Chicago four years ago. he has never lost his won derful popularity with the Democratic masses, and while I am not prepared to advocate the selection of anybody at this time os Mr. Bryan’s running mate. I feel certain that If a movement should be started at Kan sas City for Hill. It would prove very popular. "Of course. T am not authorized to speak for Mr. Hill, but I believe he would accept the nomination for Vice President if the convention should tender it to him. However, if Mr. Hill should not be put forward for Vice President. I dare say there will be a universal demand for his direct connection in an important capac ity with the. management of Mr. Bryan * campaign. It may be that he will ha asked to manage the campaign In the East, of course with special reference to New York; or probably he would he available for the head of the National Committee in the event that Senator Jones does not again wont that position, and that Mr. Bryan would consent to Senator Jones declining re-election to tb* chairmanship. "At any rate. It 1® assured that the party organization lr to have the val uable aid of the astute Hill In the cam paign this year, and I believe that mean* a great deal The country no longer re® gards Hill as a cheap politician. HA is looked U|ion as one of the biggest men lit the nation, and the Democratic masses everywhere recognize in him a loyal and Intelligent partisan and a shrewd and re sourceful leader.” May Look Out for Bynum. It was rumored around the White UTbuae this morning that the President will tem porarily care for William D. Bynum of Indiana, by appointing him to a place on the code commission. The billet is good fey about two years at go.COO a year, and It need not Interfere seriously with any oth er plana which the HooeJer stateman may have on hand. Sine* the action of the Senate In refualoft to eon'ftrm Mr Bynum for appointment as a member of the beard of survey for the port of New York, there has been much quiet speculation as to what action the President would take in looking out for his neighbor to the westward. That board of survey post wo* one of the finest appointments In the gift of the executive. It is a life job at 17.500 a year, and it is practically a sinecure. The only qualifi cation demanded was that one should b a Democrat. The laws governing the bonrd require that one member should be a straight member of the Democracy. The President at no time had any idea of withdrawing the objectionable name. Now that Bynum Is practically out of the race for the New York place, It is believed he may get the vacancy on the code com mission to succeed Mr. Culberson of Tex as. A number of men have been talked of for this place, among them Representative Catching* of Mississippi. It seems not im probable. however, that the plum will fall to the Hooslrr statesman. REORGANIZATION DEFEATED. Mra. Loirs AVIII Again Re Prealdent of Women'n Clnbs. Milwaukee, June 7.—After one of the molt spirited session ever held by the gen eral federation of woman's clubs the long discussed question of reorganization was defeated to-day by a vote of 498 to 298. In the detailed vote by states for and against reorganlzaion. respectively. Flori da cast five for and three against; Georgia cast ail Its ten votes against; North Cam lina, one each way; South Carolina, ho|fc Its two votes for reorganization; Virginia, one against, none for. It la believed that the tblor question will be left to the dis cretion of the new board of directors. Mrs. Williamson of New Jersey with drew from the presidential contest to-day, leaving n clear field for Mrs. Lowe ol Georgia. Lade to-night the Nominating Committee arranged this ticket for presentation to the convention to-morrow: For President, Mrs. Rebecca Lowe of Georgia; vice president, Mrs. Charles Den nison of New York; recording secretary, Mrs. Harriet Fox of Michigan; corre sponding secretary, Mrs. George Kendrick of Pennsylvania; treasurer, Mrs. Emma Van Vechten of lowa. Directors: Mrs. Charles K. Fairbanks, of Indiana; Mrs. Edward L. Buchwalte* of Ohio; Mrs. Annie West of Massachu setts; Mrs. Mary Lockwood of the Dis trict of Columbia; Mrs. Margaret F. Evans of Minnesota; Mrs. W. J. Christia of Montana; Mra. IJlltan Streetor of New Hampshire; Mr-. W. T. Goad of South Dakota; Mrs. Prlddy of Kansas. PRESIDENT AT THE CAPITOL. Natal Appropriation Bill Received Hla Signature. Washington. June 7 —The President was at the capitol for about an hour and a half to-day taking his departure Immedi ately after lhe final adjournment at 6 o'- clock. He was again accompanied by his cabinet but there were comparatively few bills requiring attention and neither ths President nor his advisers found their tlm* wholly occupied. The naval appropriation bill was a mea sure of general Importance signed during the day. STOPPED THE BULL FIGHTS. Pabltc Protested Against the Dls* graceful Scenes. Parts, June 7—la consequence of th* disgraceful scenes at tha recent bull fight at Duetl and of the protests of thg public, the prefect of the department ol Selne-et-Olte has decided to leeue a decree prohibiting any fights In that department. This decision puts a atop U> the prepara tions tor building an arena at Montmo renol by a company headed by tha cele brated Spanish matador Mazssntlno. wht wished to provide amusement for visitant to the exposition. , Earthquake' In’California. 7. -Two oligMP l t4rltltlUaJW ***•