The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, June 09, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 ATLANTA’S MAYOR UNDER FIRE SOME DAMACiIYG EVIDE\( E PKK ftEYTEI* A<* AIN >T HIM. Hon. Hoke Smith *nld He \\ am So Intoxicated at o Meeting of the Board of Education That He In terfered \\th lt Work—Effort Will He Ni<ie to Shot* That He Him Nenleetfd Hl* Official Untie*. Atlanta. June * —The committee to in \estig*te the conduct of Mayor Woodward held its first station this afternoon he hlnd closed doois. Several witnesses were introduced, the tnott damaging testimony being that of Hon. Hoke Smi h• president, and E. P. Burns, a membff of the city Board of Education, Call Officer Cornett and Police Commissioner W. O. Jones. Messrs, Bmith and Burns testified that at a May meetintf of the hoard, the Mayor was so beastly Utoxkated that he Int r feied seriously trith the meeting. Officer Cornett testified to the Mayor’s charge that he eras robbed of s’oo in a questionable house. The Mayor was at the house intoxicated upon his arrival. Commissioner /tones testified as to a negro woman of obnoxious character be ing forbidden tc. move into a ertain house where the neighbors objected, tna? the Mayor interfered, saying he was still mayor and that the citizens had seme trouble in preventing the woman from moving into the house. It seems to be the purpose of the com mittee to bring oui aii the glaring mis comuct cf tic Mayor for the effect it will have on public sentiment, hut it is stated to-night that they are relying mainly un the charge of official neglect of duty for inai eaehment, on account of the numer ous and frequent carousals he has been upon It is .-aid that Mayor rro Dm I C. Mason, a prominent lawyer, complains that he has been compelled to serve as acting Mayor for half the time since Jan. 1, because of the Mayor’s spr es.with out compensation, being thereby taken away from his law business for an unus ual and unnecessary length of time. In this, then, would seem the hope of the Mayor's enemies to encompass his com plete downfall The friends of the Mayor say the op position can never muster two-thirds of the Council to vote for impeachment. THE NEWS \T AMERICAS. An Attempted Anna alt—School <■- meneement—Other Matter*. Amerlcus. Ga.. June B.—A brutal attempt at criminal assault, which might have re sulted in a lynching, is reported. Yester day tT e 12->ear-old daughter of Mr. John Peny. a imminent farmer of Summer county, while picking plums in her fath er'* orchard, was assaulted by a negro. The ebi’c' struggled and freed oerself. w-hereipoi the negro ran from the or.o ard. He was captured by a party of farmern last night and safely landed in the Americus jail this morning. The p*fisonvr. Elbert Trice, denies the crime, though he is undoubtedly the right negro. Superior Four* is in session here now and the negro will be given a speedy t The commencement exercises of Furlow Softool will occur on Thursday, Tut H the graduating class numbering twelve. The bcocnlaureate sermon will be preach ed gurdpv next at the First Methodist Church by Dr. T. C. Tupper. D. I)., ren ter of OHvfcry Episcopal Church. The graduating exercises will take pHce at the Ope’va on Thusday ’dghf. Col. Henry Richardson of Atlanta will deliver the literary address upon that occ tsion. More tbnn 1.600 pupils attended the • it> schools *hir year and the term ending this week has beer a very successful one. Fine ra'ns have fallen this week throughout this section, break in? the thought of ?. month’s duration. Farmers, however, are badly behind with ibeir crops, owing to the great scarcity of la bor Many of them have not yet finished chopping out cotton, a work that should have been completed a month ago. - VICTOR 1 FOR YOY-4 \IO% UFA, Inion I.abel Ordinance In Atlanta Held t neon slit at lonnl. Atlanta, June 8 —Judge Lumpkin. in the Suptr.or Court this afternoon, declared unconstitutional the city ordinance pro viding that the Fnion LabH be put on all municipal printing. The ordinance passed some days ago barred non-union shops from bidding on the city work. The first contract let un der the ordinance threw the issue into court, on a temporary injunction re straining the city from letting work un der 6uch a provision. Prominent ceunsel a r peared on beth sides and the case was stubbornly contested. This afternoon Judge Lumpkin signed an order making the injunction perma nent, holding that while the city could dispose of Its contracts to suit itself, its charter did not permit it to violate the state constitution. The decision is a sig nal victory for the non-union shops, which largely predominate In re. WILL BE KOTA BLB BEIMON. Coming Gathering of the Blue nnii tlic Gray ia Atlanta. Atlanta. June B.—lnvitations are being prepared to be *ent out to the twenty odd thousand surviving soldiers who fought on one side or the ether In the battle around Atlanta to attend the re union of the Blue and the Gray to be held here on the anniversary of the battle, July £O. Fully 5,900 are expected to come, and they will be given a barbecue in the trenches where they fought over a third of a century ago. Special guests of the great occasion will be Gen. O. O. Howard, who commanded the Fourth Army Corps, T'nlted States trtops, Gen. A. P. Stewart who commanded tlk s left wing of the Con federate forces, Gen. Albert D. Shaw, commander-in-chief of the Grand Army if the Republic, ex-President Benjamin Harrison. Gen. Joseph Wheeler, Gen. Stephen D. Lee and other famous veter ans who fought in the battles around At lanta. SKY EHR ELKt TRICAL STORM. Mncli Proper! j \\ an Damaged and Two Yegro*** Killed. I’iUgerald. Ga., June B.—A terrific elec trical *torm visited this place to-day. do ing much damage to the electric light plant and telephone system A dead wire ignlt-d the place of the Florida Browing omp.iny, but it was put out before much ri.image was done. At Garheit's sew mill two negroes were killed and three others stunned. A heavy rain led. doing much damage to ih* Alexandria peach trees. Dormitory for Orphans. Macon, June B.—The trustees of the South Georgia Conference Orphans' Home have ordered a dormitory butlt in the home in Vineville. Fifty boys will be accomo dated In the new building. They also or dered anew dormitory for girls and an annex on the main building. The work will proceed at once. Two Murderers Reeaptu red. Madison. Fla., June I.— Two of the prlt> oners who broke Jail here Wednesday rdgnt have been captured. They are “Fink ' Tindall and A. J. Register, each Indicted fer murder. The other two osen who eacap*d are aUU at large. 44 Honest Labor Bears a Lovely Face There is nothing more pleasing to look upon than a hearty, ruddy face, gainc 4 by honest toil. They are the saving of the nation, these toilers of both sexes, strug gling for daily bread. 'Pure blood mikes them able to keep op the daily round of duty at home, shop or store. If the blood has a taint or im purity, or a run derwn feeling comes on, the one remedy is Hood's Sarsaparilla. America’s Greatest Medicine for the blood. Poor Blood "<Sfy blood •was so poor that in hottest •weather / felt cold. Hood’s Sarsaparilla made me •warm. It is the right thing in the right place." Hattie J. Saylor. Woodstcnwn. N. J. flood's Ptiu '■are liver ills . the non irritating and only cathartic to taka with~Hoo<s'* Smr*f*rllUr. COMMENt EMEAT AT KMORI. The Four Honor Men In a Graduat ing (Thin of Forty-Eight. Oxford. Ga.. June B—Emory Coll ge o. m nmr emem fcxgbfi to-day It is the sixty ihird. The exhibition of the sub-fresh men department took place and the board of trustees met. Tomorrow the freshmen declamation contest will occur. On Sun day Bishop Morrison of Nashville, will preach the commencement sermon. The graduating class numbers forty eight. and they are as fine a lot of men as were ever graduated fom any college The fellow .ng are the honor m* n George Radford Mayfield, of Atlanta first hen .r. Alexander Irvin, of Washington, Ga. second honor. George It. Gibbons, Linwoed, Ga . third honor. Walter G. Slap, ey. Plains Ga., fourth ho.iOr. The four honor m- n. w i<h the next eight members of the class, with the highest class standing, will represent the senior class on the stage commencement day in a contest for medal. The other e’ght honor men ar* as follow*: Messrs 1. P. Morton. Athens; Harry F Pittard. Winterville; John ri. Renfroc. Renfroe's; Herbert II Sag . Atlanta: W. W. Tindall. Macon: Cl us. F. Venable. Adairsville: Jesse M. Wood. Atlanta.and W. T. Wynn Lizella. The contest* for first honor between Messrs. Mayfield and Irvin was very close, and it was not known who would win until the very last day when the spring term marks were averaged. A BTRBET RAILWAY IS COI RT. Receiver Appointed for Richmond mid Manchester Line. Richmond, Vu , June B.—Counsel return ed to-night from Norfolk, where they ob tained from Judge Waddill of the United States Circuit Court an order appointing B. R. Balden receiver of the Richmond and Manchester Street Railway, and an injunction restraining the Richmond Pas senger Power company from interfer ing with the independent operation of this line, which is a branch of the Richmond Railway and Electric Company System. The receivership and injunction result from a hill filed on behalf of holders of $392,000 out of the SIOO,OOO bonds of the company, whose line runs through Man chester and out to Forest Hill. The complainants, with the exception of Maj. Selden, formerly superintendent and a bondholder, are Baltimore men. The Richmond and Manchester branch passed to the Railway and Electric Com pany, which was succeeded by the Pas senger and Power Company in 1893. The hearing on making the receivership and injunction permanent is fixed for July 16. It will be held here. M NATH’S < \HEEIt CHEC KED. Fourteen Buckshot Fired Into Pitta' Shoulder and Lung. Ocala, Fla.. June B.—Joe Pitts, an em ploye In McLeod’s saw mil! at Kendrick, four miles north of here, suddenly went crazy this morning and armed himself with a shotgun, threatening the lives of all who came in his way. The entire little village was soon arous ed. and alarmed, but the people were powerless to check him in his wild career. Finally he started in the house of Will Chappie, whereupon that gentleman seized his shotgun and emptied the contents, fourteen buckshot, into Joe Pitts’ left shoulder and lung. He was brought to Ocala and is now in the hospital, barely alive. Both parties are white. SAY AYYAH BOY HOI YD OY ER. Young f liarlea Dunlap Held in it lantn for Larceny. Atlanta. June B.—Charles Dunlap, a 14- year-old boy, of Savannah, was bound overiby Recorder Broyles to-day for lar ceny. Young Dunlap w f ent to the F. E. Block store .and ordered a lot of pap r bags for Swift &. Bolden, for whom he claimed he was working. He tried to dispose of the plunder at half its value when arrested, lie said he was a son of George Dunlap of 22 East State street. Savannah. The young man does not look like a criminal, and said he was in need of ready money. YY (’tiding nt Ylihevlllr. Abbeville, Ga.. June 7.—At noon yester day Miss Nannie Merchant and Mr By rum J. Reid were married at Inwood, Tel fair county, the pretty country home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. I Merchant. Rev. XV. J. Barton, in the pres ence of a large assemblage of invited guests, performed the ceremony After partaking of sumptuou wedding dinner the bride and groom, with i number of their friends, came to Abbeville, where rooms had been prepared for them at Mrs. Calhoun’s hotel, where a grand recep- I tion was given them to-night Kills Yarned for Senator. M*(on. Juno 8 —S. A. Crump and T J. Curling were elected senatorial commit teemen from Bibb county in the conven tion held at Batnesville. Holland Ellis was to-day officially notified of his nomi nation for senator from the Twent> -sec ond district. \ 1 trued li til nn ||tcrn Go Free. Macon. June 8. Alvino and Sabro, tin* two white men from Savannah, who were charge,) with kidnapping Preston Everett, a little boy who came here on the variety stage with them, were discharged to-day when the boy gave bis testimony exoner ating them. Ring YYorm—Yo Care. Yu t*ny. Your druggist will refund your money If Pazo Ointment falls to cure you. 50c. I —ad. —Harold: I will make all my property over to you after we are married, my dear. Edith. The idea! What fun will there be for me ia upending my own money?— Judg% THE MORNING NEWS: SATURDAY. JUNE 0. 1900. THE WEATHER. Forecast for Saturday and Sunday: Geotgia and South t'aroiina: Showers, followed by fair Saturday. Sunday fair fresh Scutherly. shifting to northwesterly w irul . Las ers Ficr.-.lj: Shw rs Saturday Sunday fair; fie.-h south' r’y, shifting to westerly wind- I ■ era Sunday; fresh southerly winds. Yesterday's weather a' Savannah- Maximum temperature 1:45 p. m. 87 degrees Minimum temperature 2 40 p m 7! degrees Mean temperature 73 degrees Normal temperature 78 degrees Excess of temperature 1 degree Accumulated deficiency since June 1 2 degrees Accumulated d*fi den sin- e Jan. 1 161 degrees Rainfall Clinch Normal 21 inch Deficiency sin* e June ! 66 inch Ex* css since Jan. 1 12 inch River Report—T? ' hight of Savan nah river at Augusta, at a a. m. (75th mer.dian time) yesterday, was 17.6 A ris*- of 9 0 during the preceding twenty-four hours. Cotton region bulletin, Savannah, Ga. for the twenty-four bout is ending at 8 a m. 75th meridian time. June 8, 190" Stall - Max Min. riaia Savannah district. jTem.|Tem.j fall. Alapaha. Ga.. pt. < loudy, 88 7-) .20 Albany, clear 88 73 Americus. cloudy 85 69 .00 Bainbridge, p . cloudy.. 84 71 .15 Eastman, clear 90 70 .00 Fort Gaines, loudy B5 71 .06 •Gainesville. Fla.. iear. 94 74 .20 Milieu. Ga . t* l cloudy.. 92 66 34 (juitman. clear 91 71 .00 Savannah, (loudy 84 68 77 ThomesvSlle, clear 87 71 T j Way cross, dear 93 72 .00 j •Received too late for telegraphic means. Spin iai Texas Rainfall Reports.—No rain in Texet-' Heavy Rain?.—Blackville, S. C.. 2.12: Greenwood. S C\, 2.14; Good water. Ala.. 1.54; Gainesville, Ga , 1.60; Milan. Term. 1.50. | |lW*t. A%-rage. |No. | 1 S i S'a- Max ! Min. Rati Central Stations, tions Tem. Tem fall. Atlanta 12 80 64 .44 Augusta 11 84 66 . 72 Charleston 5 86 68 .58 Galveston 29 94 74 .(0 Little R k 13 86 66 22 Memphis 16 80 68 .54 Mobile 8 86 70 j .54 Montgomery 8 86 68 .50 New Orleans 14 90 72 .06 Savannah 12 88 70 T Vicksburg 11 86 70 .08 Wilmington 9 84 68 .14 Remarks High temperatures over Texas and Louisiana Showers have occurred over all districts except Texas—heavy a: a few points -n South Carolina, Alabama. Georgia and Tennessee. Observations taken at the same moment of time at all stations, June 8, 1900. 8 p. m.. 75th meridian time. T *V Rain. Boston, raining j 70 8 .04 New York city, cloudy.... 68 10 1.78 Philadelphia, cloudy j 72 L .44 Washington city, cloudy.. 72 L 2.84 Norfolk, cloudy | 76 12 .j T Hatteras, clear ...| 74 18 | .00 Wilmington, clear | 74 8 j .00 Charlotte, partly cloudy..) 76 | L .00 j Raleigh, cloudy 74 8j T | Charleston, cloudy j7B L .48 Atlanta, cloudy 68 L .38 Augusta, cloudy | 76 j 6 j .00 Savannah, partly*cloudy.. 72 j 6 .01 Jacksonville, cloudy j 74 j 8 j .78 Jupiter, raining 72 6 .72 j Key West, ir cloudy 80 6 .00 Tampa, partly cloudy 80 L .02 Mobile, cloudy 80 L .04 Montgomery, partly cldy.. 74 L | .46 Vicksburg, cloudy 80 j 6 T New Orleans, pi cldy j 84 8 .00 Galveston, clear 82 10 .00 Corpus Christi, clear J 82 j 18 .00 Palestine, clear j 58 j 6 .00 Memphis, cloudy 86 L .00 Cincinnati, clear 78 14 .00 Pittsburg, cloudy j 70 | L j .16 Buffalo, clear j 64 j 6 | T Detroit, clear 68 10 .06 ! Chicago, clear J 54 i 12 .00 I Marquette, clear 48 j 6 .00 St. Paul, clear j 66 L .00 Davenport, c lear 72 j 6 .00 St Louis, clear 80 | 8 ! .00 * Kansas City, clear 80 j 6 ; .00 Oklahoma, clear 84 | L .00 I Dodge City, cloudy 82 | 16 .<X) ! North Platte, pt cloudy | 84 | 16 | .(0 T. for temperature; V. for velocity. H. B. Boyer, Weather Bureau. HAD WEATIIEB. GOOD II ACES. An Interest!n Duy’n Sport A\ as Had nt Gravesend. New York. June B.—Alternate sun and showers marred the weather for the rac ing to-day at Gravesend, but the track was not harmed. The first event was a hurdle handicap with Lackland a? an odds-on favorite, and the outsider of the quartette of starters* Hardy Pardee, held the lead throughout. In the May stakes Trumpet took the lead at the stretch and lasted long enough to win. The fifth event was won in a drive. Summaries: Forst Race—One and three-fourths miles, hurdles. Hardy Pardee. 6 to 1, won. with Lackland, 9 to 10 and out. second, nnd Mon roe Doctrine. 7 to 2, third. Time 3:17. Second Race—Five furlong?. Glenelllc, 9 to 5, won. with Janice, 9 to 5 and 4 to 5. second, and Lady Georgians, 5 to 1, third. Time 1:01. Third Race—Six furlongs. Trumpet. 3 to 1, won, with Host*er, 5 to 2 and 4 to 5. sec ond. and Gold Or, 12 to 1, third. Time 1:18 2-5. Fourth Race—One and one-sixteenth miles. MoMeekin, 9to 5. won. with Teddy 11 to 5 and 3 to 5, second, and Peep o'Day, 9 to 5. third. Time 1:47 3-5. Fifth Race—Five and a half furlongs. Vouch, 4 to 1, won. with Fleet. Wing, even and 2 to 5. second, and Six Shooter, 8 to 1, third. Time 1:08 3-5. Sixth Race— About six furlongs, selling. Kensington, 2 to 1. won, with Pink Dom ino. 4 to 1 and 8 to 5. second, and Gray less, 4 to 1, third. Time 1:11. JOCKEY FATALLY INJIBF.D. Good D>’ *port Was Marred l> n Had Accident. Cincinnati. June B.—Jockey June Per kins was probably fatally injured in the second race at Newport to-day. Perkins was on Hal Hedlev’s Alley Tenlelta, and had a good position in the bunch coming down the stretch. He saw a chance to MORPHINE oi the Opium Habit In Any Form, Whisky and Tobacco HABIT CURED in 5 to 10 Days, WITHOUT I’AIN OR DISTRESS. A 1"R1 written gUiirantee to cure given In any caae we undertake. ABBG INSTITUTE AND SASITARIUM, I SI LIBERTY STREET. WEST, A TEXAS WONDER. flail's Great Discovery. One sraali bottls of Hall's Great Dis covery cures all kidney and bladder troubles, removes gravel, cures diabetes, seminal emissions, weak and lame backs, rheumatism and ah regularities of tha kidneys and bladder In both men and women, regulate? bladder troubles In chil dren. If not sold by your druggist will be sent by mail on receipt of sl. One small bottle Is two months' treatment, and will cure any case above mentioned. Dr E. W. Hail, sole manufacturer. P O. Box 625, St. Louis, Mo. Send for testi monials. Bold by all druggwta and Solo mons Cos., Savannah Ga. Read This. Covington. Ga.. July 23. 3S9S. This is to certify that I have used Dr. Hail's Great Discovery for Rheumatism, Kidney and Bladder Troubles, and will say it is far superior to anything I have ever used for the above complaint. Very respectfully, H. I. HORTON. Ex-Marshal. come through on the tail, and attempted to force his mount to the front. The filly got in a jam and crashed into a fence, throwing Perkins against a post. The boy was picked up in an uncon scious condition at:' 1 , -ent to Sc. Eliza beth’s Hospital in Covington. He is in jured Internally. The surprise of the day was the victory of The Laundress, a* odds, of 150 to 1. in the second race. K Wilson, rode three winners. Summaries First Ra- e—Six furlongs, selling. Ed Roth. 5 to 1. won. with Landy Kent. 7 to . second, and Haw. torne Princess. 15 to 1. third. Time 1:15. Second Race—Fou and a half furlongs. The Laundress. 15n to 1. won. with Lyror Bell. 6 to 1. second, and Empress Light foot. 30 to 1, third. Time 0:;6 5 .* Third Race*—On* mile, selling. Botha 7 to 2. won. with Finem second, and £., 40 to 1. third. Time 3:43. Fourth Race—Or* and one-eighfh mil a selling. Nettie Regent. 4 to 1, won. with Virgie O . 13 to P>. cecond. and Zeke. 3 io 1. third. Time 1:55 Fifth Race—Five furlongs, sel'ing. Robert Morrison. 9 to 1 won. with Prob lem. 10 to 1, second, and Nitrate. 2 to 1. third. Time 1:03. Sixth Ra e—Six f : long?, selling. Ilia 10 to 1. won. wi:'a Margaret Hageman, 8 to 5. second, and Dr. S. C. Ayres, S to 1. third. Time 1:15 ? 4 . huprenie ( ourt Decision*. Atlanta. June B.—The Supreme Court, handed down decisions to-day In the fol lowing cases from the Brunswick circuit: C. C. Hannah vs. IV. B. Johnson, re ceiver. from Clinch; affirmed. McCullough Export Lumber and Ware house Company vs. National Rank of Brunswick, from Glynn, reversed, be ause the court erred in confirming the sales. .fudge Afillen'* Health Restored. Maccn. June B.—Judge L A. Miller, whose life was dispaired of some time ago. has returned from the sanitarium at Battle Creek, Mich., seemingly restored to health. DEATHS. PYATTE—Died at Pineora. Ga.. on th* eighth day of June nineteen hundred, Betsy Pyatte, aged TH years, who was for over thirty years the trusted, true and faithful servant of the Tunno family. In terment at Pineora Darien, Ga., papers please copy. VCNERAL INVITATIONS. KNOX—Friends and relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Knox are invited to attend the funeral of their Infant son, Thomas, from residence, No. 21 Houston street. "f '■■■"■ THE CITIZENS BANK OF SAVANNAH Savannah, Ga.. June 8, 1909. The annual election for directors to man age the affairs of The Citizens Rank of Savannah for the ensuing year will be held at the bank on Tuesday, I2th Inst., between the hours of 11 and 1 o'clock. GEO. C. FREEMAN, Cashier. NOTICE. Commencing June 9, and continuing to Aug. 15 next, the undersigned stationers agree to close their stores at 2 p. m. on Saturdays. Printing plant will be kept open until the usual hour. M. S. & D. A. BYCK. J. W. FRETWELL. WM. N. NICHOLS. FOR SALE, Two new beautiful launches. One 16-foot 1-horse power, seats 8 per sons—s2so. One 25-foot 1-horse power, seats 16 per sons—s6so. These are the "Ideal" gentleman's launch, built by the Racine Boat Cos. ot i Racine, Wis., and used at all the tabs and exhibitions In the Western states. Starts in a minute. No fire, no smoke. I no dirt, and full trial given on these handsome launches. Apply to LIPPMAN BROTHERS, Wholesale Druggists. Agents for Racine Boats. AT GARDNER'S. Everything that's nice In Meats find Vegetables nnd Fruits. M. S. GARDNER, Phone .ITS. IT'S PRETTY WELL KNOWN That the very best meats arc to be had at my stalls in the City Market. To-day Prime Beef, Mutton and Veal, Spring Uml>. Sweet Breads, etc. Matchless Corned Beef, JOHN FUNK, Phones 557. City Market. JiK NEW ONES. I have added 25 new customers. All 1 want is for the people to come and look. See me. I'll catch their trade. Now's the time to find out. Lots hard looking meat In market. (Mine Is good. Alwajs ready to stand good, healthy inspection. Phenes 197. JAS. J. JOYCE. AT l HANG’S. Best dinner to-day in Savannah. Everything choice served as you order it. Remember I'm the best cook here. JOE CHANG, Proprietor, San Francisco Restaurant. 1H Drayton street. FOR THE PICNIC. Those delicious Hams, Ham Loaf, Veal Loaf, Tongue, Boneless Herring. Sainton, Vienna Sausage. Deviled Ham. Those Sardines at 10c! Lots of other nice things. F. A. HARMS, Phone 815. 444 Tattnall. White Onions, Pickles, etc. WHY NOT ISE ORIGIN AL ANNISTON LIME f Hlgheat Grade. Each barrel contains sufficient quantity end quality to make it MONEY-SAVING. A. HANLEY COMPANY, Sole Agents, Phone 10S. , WOLF'S FLOWERS AT CON IDA'S. I have arranged with Paul Conida to carry at hla Bull street store at all times a full supply of Freeh Cut Flowers. He will also take order* for Designs or any 1 special order (or special occasions. JOHN WOLF. Telephone No. WT, % , PALMER HARDWARE C 0„ Bay and Jefferson Streets, Ip to Date Hardware. BALL BEARING El,. The most complete line of Builders' Hardware in the South. g-s , • /-r “If it's wholesome, Fruits in Season. LARGE INDIAN RIVER PINEAPPLES. FINE GEORGIA PEACHES, 4-quart baskets. FANCY LARGE BANANAS (the bestl. FANCY MESSINA LEMON'S (Juicy and large). FANCY LARGE CALIFORNIA NAVE ORANGES. See our ad. to-morrow. It will interest you. MUNSTER’S —a Corner Duffy and Drayton. ■FECIAL NOTICES. TABLE D’HOTE. 60c—DIX N E R—soc Dinner 1 to 3 and 6 to 9. Saturday, June 9. Claret Wine. , SOfP. Macaroni ala Milanaise. I KISH. Blackfish ala Genevois*. Potatoes ala Monaco. Sliced Tomatoes, French Dressing. Chow Chow. Mixed Pickles, Queen Olives, ROASTED. Ribs of New York Beef, Dish Gravy Saddle of Spring Lamb, Mint Sauce. ENTREES. Veal Kidneys Bretonne. Boston Bnked Beans. VEGETABLES. New Potatoes, String Beans. Boiled Roasting Ears, Rice. Stewed Tomatoes. PASTRY AND DESSERT. . Blackberry Pie, Assorted Cakes. 'Cheese, Crackers, Fruits. Lemon Water Ice. French Coffee. At LEVAN'S CAFE RESTAURANT, 111 Congress street, west. WE HAVE THE BEST FRI'IT IN TO W N. Fancy Nutmeg Cantaloupes, extra sweet, 50c dozen. Fancy Nutmeg Gem Cantaloupes 30c dozen Soft Peaches, fine fruit, 10c basket. Soft Peaches, fine fruit, 4 quart baskets 25c each. Fine Ripe Pineapples 10c each. Fine Ripe Pineapples, large, 15c. Fancy Messina Lemons 20c dozen. Fine Sweet Oranges 30c dozen. New lot Queen Olives 15c bottle. Armour & Co.'s Boned Chicken 20c can. Armour & Co.'s Veal Loaf, extra fine. 20e can. Country Club Sliced Tongue and Chicken. Country Club Chicken ala Marengo. Jellied Hocks in cans. Cottage Loaf in cans. 1-lb. Chipped Beef in can 15c can. Imported Sardines, 18 fish to box, 15c each. Ralston Breakfast Food In packages. Cream of Wheat in packages. Purina Health F'.our in packages. C. A. DRAYTON GROCERY COMPANY, G. S. Van Horne, Manager. LEVY’S DISCOUNT NOTICE. YOU WILL SAVE TEX PER CENT. By paying your bills on or be fore the 13th inst. B. R. LEVY * BRO. SAVANNAH FOUNDRY AND MACHINE COMPANY, Builders of Marine and Stationery Eoilers, will furnish estimates on new work In competition with Northern and Western manufacturers. Repair work on Engines and Boilera BONDS EXECUTED By the American Bonding and Trust Com pany of Baltimore. We are authorized to execute locally (Immediately upon appli cation). all bonds In judicial proceedings In either the state or United States courts. and of administrators nnd guardians. DEARING & HULL. Agents. Telephone 324. Provident Bulluing. WALL PAPER, PAPER HANGING. We carry complete assortment of latrat style papers, and employ only brat artiste. See our goods and gc-t our estimate be fore giving out your work. Our prices the very lowest. SAVANNAH BUILDING SUPPLY CO.. Comer Drayton and Congress. Phone 519. LARGE WAREHOUSE AND OFFICE to rent, located head of Broughton street, on West Broad, now occu pied by the Savannah Carriage and Wagon Cos. As they will give up business In the city on June j, i offer It for rent from that date H F SMART. 000. On* of our clients has placed In our hands $25,000 to loan on good Savannah real estate at leasociable rates of Interest, BECKETT & BECKETT, v 24 Piesident stieet, east. THIS WAV TO CLEAN CA It PETS. The only way tc get your carpets prop, erly taken up. cleaned and .alien care of for the summer is to tuin ms job over to the District Messenger and Delivery Cos,, telephone 2. or call at 32 liontgome! y street, and 4hey will make you an esti mate on the coat of the work. Prices reasonable They also pack, move and i store furniture and pianos. \ C. if. MEDKOCK. Bupt. end Mgr. BUSINESS NOTICES. Our Business Is to give you the best groceries that money can buy, delivered at the time you want them. Our Purpose is to please every custom er. If it isn’t right, we'll make it tight. We wel come every legitimate ■'kick.'' Our Desire i? to convince you that this is the best grocery store in town. And if you will give us the oppor tunity. we will do it. We carry in stock everything that a first-class grocery should carry. THE S. I BRANCH GO.. Corner Broughton and Whitaker Streets. YOI M\Y TRAVEL FA n before you will find another grocery where goods are so reliable nnd prices so reasonable as here. We don't give away our goods. We make a fair profit, and only a fair, reasonable profit. See us to day. Fine Large Watermelons. Fancy Florida Pineapples. California Oranges. Soft Peaches. Sweet Cantaloupes. Fancy Messina Lemons. Fancy Crackers. Boned Chicken and Turkey. Deviled Meats of all kinds. —a t JOHN T. EVANS & CO.'S, Congress and Barnard Streets. Fone 286. SLATER, ROGERS & CO/S , Club Blend Scotch Whiskey. HENRY SOLOMON & SON, SOLE AGENTS. fIPECCIAL SOTOCM, lift ATE D PIPPIY APPLE CIDER. This pure cider is served on steamers on the American line, and ai the Waldorf-As toria and lead ng family grocers in New Yo. k city. Pauldirg's Pippin c.der is made from the pure Juice of hand ph ked apples from his own mill on the premises. It is abso lutely pure apple juice, and all the effer vescence is natural, and we guarantee it to be the choicest cider in the world. Leading physicians in New York and Brooklyn recommend this to their patients its perfect piuity is guaranteed. In Paulding's Pippin cider, only l„ong Is land Newton's Pippins aie used. The ap ples are left on the trees until late in Oc tober when ih4y are hand picked and placed in a dry ro< m to ripen. Paulding says “the apples are thorough ly crushed in h:s own mill and the juice pressed out and run into sweet clean t asks " The difference between crushing and grinding apples is very great. You will know the difference Viet ween cr xhfd app es and ground apples if you take some stems and chew them, you will find that bitter ta.-t* which is not with Paulding’s (rushed apples. This cider has not the extreme sweetness of the Russet elder, and everyone will find the Pauld ing's Pippin cider just right to take with dinner. Lippman Bros., Bole Agents in Savannah. SP%n K LETS. Just the thing for pi nics, maroons, excursions, and summer. A giasc.of the finest and purest soda water can be made in one minute. A full supply at SOLOMONS COMPANY, C ngrcss street nnd Bull Street Branch Store. YOTM E. Neither the master nor consignees of the Italian steamship Pitta dl Messina, Masurdo, master, will be responsible for any debts tontracUd by crew of said veasel J. F. MINIS & CO., Consignees. OR. H. •!. MARTIS, 7 Jones Street, West. Practice limited to diseases of eye, ear, noee and throat. Hours—9 io 1. 4 to 5, and by appoint ment. LEOPOLD ADLER. c. B ELL? Present. vice President w. F. M'CAtTLET. Ca.hter, TH&GfifITHfIMBfINK SAVANNAH. Will be pleased to receive the account, of Merchants, Firm., Individual.. Banka, and Corporations. ' Libera! favors extended. Unsurpassed collection facilities, tng prompt returns. Sepirate Savings Department. INTEREST COM POUNDED **tAJU terly on deposits. Safety Deposit Boxes and Vault. f v rent. Correspondence solicited. THE GERMANIA BANK SAVANNAH. GA Capital Undivided profits BO,Ota This bank oners its services to corpora tions, merchants and individuals. Has authority to act as executor, ad minlstrator, guardian, etc. Issues drafts cn the principal cities la Great Britain and Ireland and on th. Continent. Interest paid or compounded quartan* on deposits in the Saving Department. Safety Boxes for rent. HENRY BLUN. President. GEO, W TIEDEMAN, Vice President. JOHN M. HOGAN. Cashier. WALTER F. HOGAN. Ass t Cashier. Tiie CitizenslaS OF SAVANNAH. •it-CAPITAL, $500,000. 1 —unking Business. Solicits Accounts of Individual. Merchants, Banka and other Corps, rations. Collections handled witk safety, economy and dispatch. Interest compounded quarterly allowed on deposits In onr Saringf Department. Safety Deposit Boxes and 9torat Vaults. BRANTLEY A. DENMARK. President MILLS B. LA YE, Vice President, GEORGE C. FREEMAX, Cashier. GORDON L. GROOVER, Asst. Cashless SOUTHERNBANK of the tiiate of Georgia. Capital Surplus and undivided profits— DEPOSITORY OF THE STATE OF GEORGIA. Superior facilities for transacting a General Banning Buslnssi. Collections made on all points accessible through nanks and hankers Accounts ot oauks, jnankers, Mercnants ar.d others solicited. Safe Deposit Boxei for rent. Department of Savings, Interest payable quarterly. Sells Stearllng Exchange on London 3 nnd upwards. JOHN FLANNERY. President. HORACE A. CRANE. Vice Prestdsot JAMES SULLIVAN. Cashier. DIRECTORS: JNO. FLANNERY. WM W. GORDON. E. A- WEIL. W. W. GORDON. Jr. H. A. CRANE. JOHN M. EGAN. LEE ROY MYERS. JOSEPH FERST. H P. SMART. CHARLES ELLIS. EDWARD KELLY JOHN J. KIRBY MM MCt CAPITAL $350,000. Accounts of banks, merchants, corpora tions and individuals solicited. Savings Department, Interest paid ouarterly. Safety Boxes and Storage Vaults for rent. Collections made on all points at rea sonable rates. Drafts sold on all the chief cities of Lbs world. Correspondence invited. JOSEPH D. WEED, President. JOHN C. ROWLAND. Vice President .. ■ ■ 1 l ■ ■a No. ICM. Chartered. IS*> THE fcAB Mill it OF SAVANNAH. CAPITAL. toOO.COO. SURPLUS, 1100.030. UNilub STATES DEPOSITORY. J. A. G. CARSON, President. BEIRNE GORDON, Vice President. W. M. DAVANT. Cashier. Accounts of banka and bankers, mar* ehanta and corporations received upon the most favorable terms consistent with safe and conservative banking. BUSINESS NOTICES. 'TorsEeT One lot 30x125 on Tenth street, near Jefferson. One mt a0x125 on Ninth ■treet, near Jcffcrmoit. Prices louver than anything; else in the neighborhood, and term* very easy. Both lots near the Eighth Street School. C. H. DOBSETT. io Jam iiS For sale, a Forsalth Newspaper Folder; will fold sheet XxU. It is In good order. Price JIOO. It cost originally $l,lOO, but we have no use for It and wan, the room It occupies. It will be an invaluable adjunct t a* newspaper office. Address * MORNING NEWS, Savannah, Ga. Boiler for Sale. We have sold the Engine and P>' na "J® advertised some weeks since, hut s have the 40-horse power Boiler, win sell it for sloi. delivered at any railroad depot In Savannah. The boiler Is in good shape, and would not be sold had It not to be taken out to make room. The Morning News, SAVANNAH, GA.. IF YOU WANT GOOD MATERIAL nnd work, order your lithographed and printed stationery and blank book* Iron , Morning Nws, Savannah, G*.