The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, June 09, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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VETS’ REUNION AT WAYCROSS 1H iaIUtIHGI A CO\FKDEnATE Yeternnß (Vill Anu*iiillo Julj .*!. >l'uo Dn.v*’ Reunion of the South (icoruia l' , .>ignile in the Magic City. iKscuKHCtl hy the < on federate \ cJeranV Association at Its Meet ing—ltenul On Will Be Held l nder the (oiiiH.and of (trig. Gen, Me- I,lnshitn—• 'Mtlxenn of Wnyeros* \re Making lv?ahorte Plans for Eli- of Delegati-M anil Oth er <;ueHt*-Clicap Hates Will lie lluil on tin Railroads. The reunlor of the South Georgia Brig ade of the Georgia Division of United Con > derate Veterans to be held at Way cross ,ji July 3 and % formed the principal sub ject of dlsJuaVon at last night’s meeting , : the Confederate Veterans Association. Gen. P. Mtfiilashan, the commander of the brigade, ras present at the meeting and mode an Interesting talk relative to • ... reunion ai Wayeross and what it was ];,.}>* 1 to accoi vplish th'cte. Gen. McGlash an said that tl\.> citizens of the Magic City ure making un earnest effort to enter tain the deler.sies and other visitors to me reunion ih true South Georgia style and with an exuberant and glowing hos pitality that vxvukl be certain to make the reunion memorable among Its kind. \ Soon after he had assumed command of i : . brigade, upon its organization at the state reunion here, in November, he had dt'i. :<rnined that a reunion of the various camps embraced within his command would be necessary to make it effective. I . .. ss they could be gathered tog ther and the work of the allied camps for the com mon cause proceed in unity and harmony, ine organization into brigades would l*e but an empty name and absolutely no good would be accomplished. He had therefore and elded to order the a?s mblage of the brigade in reunion and ad selected Wayeross as the place of meetit g because it was as near or nearer the geographical center of the section of the state he command and than any other possible place, and because the citizens of that thriving and enterprising little city had agreed to furnish the attractions that would serve to make the reunion pleasant as well as protit able. Just what form the entertainment would take, said Gen. MeGlashan, he was not prepared to say, as the reunion com mittee had not yet formulated all of its plans. The programme for the two days of the session would be announced as sojn as it was completed, in general or dets, copies of which would be sent to all of the camps. The reunion committee had virtually secured from the Plant System a scale of cheap rat's, that would ena ble the poorest of the veterans to attend without any serious self-sacrifice or in convenience. His plan contemplated that each should send to the reunion from three to five delegates, the camps with larger memberships to send a larg. r number, all to be represented. When the cctivf n tion assembled it would be possible to de ride Just how many votes should be al lowed to each camp, the representation being made analagous, probably, to the plan pursued at the general and division reunions of the United Confederate Ve - erans. Gen. MeGlashan read the gener al order on the subject he has p eviou-ly issued, which has been published in full in the Morning News. At Gen. McGlashan’s suggestion, Pres ident Falligani appointed a ccmmittee o° three, consisting of Gen. McGlash in, Mr. John S. Haines and Mr. A. K. Wilson, to confer with the officials of the Centra' and Georgia end Alabama Railways ns to •.heap rates from points north and vs : of Savannah, through this city, to Way eross. Many of the camps a e situated in places along the lines of these railw iys and it will be necessary for those desir ous of attending the reunion to - ome through Savannah to get to Wayeross. It is hoped that the conferences with th • railroads 'will result in rates tha*. will make the trip possible to veterans and their families whose homes are thus sit uated. A number of the veterans in attendance upon the meeting; signified their int* ntion cf attending the brigade reun'on, but as a large p rcentage of the in mbership was absent and many of those who were pr sept could not tell on the spur of the mom nt whrth r it would be possible for them to attend or not. it was decided that an adjcuined meeting of the association, to consider this special subject, should b ■ • ailed for June 26. when delegates might be appointed an 1 all n oded arrangements to secure a large attendance upon the r - union might be made. Veteran Robert Hunt moved that the thanks of the association be tendered to the R< übl can Blues and th rt Oglethorpe Light Infantry, the military commands that accompanied the veterans to Louis vil'e, the Oglethorpes as the escort of ihe South Geoigia Brigade, and the Blues as the special escort of the association. Th* taction met with several seconds, and be i 'g placed up-on its passage, was cariied without divisicn, by a rising vote. The secretary was instructed to transmit copi* s of the resolution to the command ing officers of the Blues and Oglethorpes. The preamble ami resolutions prepared by the committee appointed at the la t meeting, in reference to the organiza tion of the Children of the Confederacy, was read by the secretary, in the absence of Capt. 1,. Gourdin Young, tin* chairman of the committee, who is now in New York. The resolutions, which have been i printed in the Morning News, tender the ' gratitude and thanks of the association to the Daughters of the Confederacy, and • specially, and in the most enthusiast > j terms, to Miss Addie M. Barnard, tie j present directress of the rhaprer, under i whose care and guidance it has attained j he present high measure of success. Tin* ! resolutions approve Hie organization of the chapter of the Children oL the Con federacy. as one of the means best cal- ! eulated to preserve the truest spirit of the Confederacy, and Indorse it heartily. They vvere carried unanimously and enthusias tically. In accordance with one of ds sections. copy, of the resolutions well eent to Miss Barnard, hy the secretary. Fiesident Falligunt reported that in the absence of any meeting of the associu-e Hoi, he had taken it upon himself to ap point M'ss Catherine Mclntyre its s; on- : ♦ Sf u at the Inst reunion. The sticce-s Miss : Mclntyre had there achieved, the manner in which she had represented the associa tion and her gracious and clumping per sonality made it unnecessary for him. said I Judge I'ulligant, to offer any apology, j He merely wished to make a report. Gn. McGiaslian moved that the action of the presicb nt In this matter be- ap proved, and that the secretary of th.- as sociation be ins ructed to rrunsmiPto Miss Mclntyre the thanks of the ass. >c at ion, for her acceptance and discharge of the duties of tpensor. The nssocla lon elected ona new mem ber, Mr. E. J. l)oug’a4. Two o her ap plications were road for the tiki time, and will be acted upon at Hie nrdM moot ing. T CONCERT AT ST. I'U I/S. An Excellent I’rogm in m Wan En joyed by n liiirar \mlU*lice. Avery succe sful sacred c oncert vn given at St. Paul’s Epls opal Chur h 1 night. The audience was large and ap preciative, and the music was grea ly in- i j< yed. Several hymns were sung by the choir, and a quartette, composed of Messrs. John Banks, Louis Gnosspillus, Edgerton and H. G. ClatH sang two hymns. “The Palms” xvas sung by Mr. Gnosspellu*, and Mr. Bonks sang “Loving, Gentle Suv or.” Mrs. Mize sang “I Kx ol Thee.” and Mrs. Evans also sang a solo. Great auction sale! “Teynnfe Gardors” Ix>ts. June 12, 5 p. ui. You arc in vited.—ad BRI VS'.YH K'S COMING FAIR. The \ttractions ltonked for It From June lit.tli to 30tli. The Southeastern Fair Association of Glynn. Wayne and Camden coun ie.s will h°ld its second annual fair in Brunswick June 26 to 30. The men who c:mpo e the association are J. A. Butts, president; H. H. Harvey, vice president, from Glynn; Waller Wyatt, vice president from Cam den; Benjamin Milliken. vice president lrotn Wayne; T. Newman, general man ager; F. D. Aiken, treasurer; F. McC. Brown. secretary. Directors—Keanon Mott, PI. H. Raymond, \V. E. Kay. E. Brohston, Pliil S. Farmer, H. S. Mc < rary. It. \ . Douglas, M. Kaiser an 1 A. V. Wood. The coming fair, styled the Mid-Sum mer Fair and Carnival, is scheduled fer live days during ihe tourist season to the seashore, and the combined attractions of surl bathing with those that exhibit in all u p-to-do ie fairs will serve to run th.* attcmlance up io large proportions. Mr. C. W. Deming, editor of the Bruns wick Times, is cn a tour or the principal cities of Georgia. Florida, and Al ibama iti the interest of the fair ds chai man of the Transportation Committee, and reach ed Savannah yesterday to confer with ihe Ulant System people. “They gave eve y encouragement to the coming show,” siix Mr. Deming, “and with the help cf the railroads our fair will be tin ovVr.vh.dni s. *' “The mid-summer fair and carnival will embrace exhibits of agriculture, horticul ture. stoA. poultry and mechanical works. Tlvre will al-o he mercantile and manufactuial exhibits, military displays, and prize drills, horse and bicycle races, a baby show and.midway performers in numbers. One of the special features is a big interstate gun club m* et, June 37-28. j under the auspices of the Brunswick Gun Club, with S2OO added prizes, while a ! s r.king feature of the open air free shows will b 1 the lioral day parade, and •he Moo Ho .'s parade. Both of these will ! he through the streets of Brunswick. On : June 23, the Hco fcjoj’s will celebrate a i day sci apart in their honor, and expect 110 gather ai out 1,(X0 members to : con at ration. Negro Day. June 3>, will witness enor mous crowds assemble and to hoar Booker T. Washington, who has accepted an in j vitati n as c-rator of that day. Taken al j togethi r Brunswick's coming mid-summer fair and carnival promises to be an event i of magnitude in the amusement and en tertainment line, and we want all the people to c:me lo it. VDDITIOX S TO THE GANG. Made b> Jn<li* Nonvootl in Trial of lUi'Micmeuiiiiiit.s in City Court. Judge Norwood held his weekly recep tion to those members of the criminal fra ternity who had been detected in the com mission of misdemeanors and accumulated in the station house or county jail dur ing the past week. To most of these of fenders a billet on the county for a con siderably longer period was bestowed. Isaac'Newsome had been presented by the solicitor general for the larceny of tools from the bicycle repair shop of D. A. Holland. Newsome indignantly denied his guilt of the offense charged, but the evidence against him was conclusive, not withstanding, and Judge Norwood sen tenced him to the payment of a fine of S3O and costs, with the alternative of a term of twelve months.on the county chain gang. Clifford Harris received his choice be tween n $23 tine and a term of twelve months on the gang for simple larceny. Robert Kane, who had escaped from the ehaingang, where he was serving a term, j was sentenced to serve an additional twelve moqti.s after the expiration of the previous sentence. John Lewis was found I guilty of the larceny of a ring of the value !of $S and was given his choice between •a term of twelve months and the payment of a line of $23 and the costs of the prose cution. Joseph Maxwell was found to have stolen a lot of hose, of the garden variety, of th • value- of SSO, and was sen tenced to twelve months on the gang. Harris Bowen got $25 or six months for carrying concealed weapons. Caroline Pine was found guilty of stealing a num ber of dresses and other articles of female apparel and was sentenced to languish on the ehaingang for the next half year. El mira Cook received a similar punishment for shoplifting from the Krouskoff Milli nery Company. Willie Hodges was sent to the gang for twelve months for the larceny of a bicycle. Willie 'Small was found guilty of petty larceny and con demned to serve the authorities of the county farm for a like term. William Wallace was found guilty of cheating and swindling the Florida Cen tral and peninsular Railroad. Wallace had represented himself as another employe of the road, and in this way hod managed to collect the pay to which the other man was entitled. He was sentenced to serve twelve months on the gang. LOCAL PERSON \L. Miss Belle Lucas leave:? to-day for White Springs, Fla., hy the Plant Sys’em. Miss L. M. Towne and Miss E. Murray left yestt rday for New York by way of the Plant System. Mr. J. B. Chestnutt and his little daugh ter, Constance, left yesterday for Wrightsville, N. C., by way of the Plant System. Capt. and Mrs. J. L. Staten and lPt’e daughter, Virginia Hamilton, of Valdosta, ! are th guests of Mrs. S. I*. Hamilton on Lafayette square. Mr. Lee* McLendon, freight and pas senger agent of the Plant System in At lanta. came down yesterday and will | spend ;v day or two at Tybee. Mr. Me la ndon lived in Savannah a few years sini • . and has many friends here. Mr. Roy Kennedy is critically ill at the ; ■ of his aunts, the Misses Mustin, at I Vary and Drayton streets. Night before last he underwent an operation for appen dpi!is, from which he had been suffering >dnee Sunday. The operation was io have taken place yesterday morning, but his condition the afternoon before was such that an immediate operation became neces- | .-ary. and on the arrival of Dr. Doughty of Augusta, who had been sent for, it was performed. I>r. Doughty was assisted by i m•. Daniel and Lattimore. Mr. Kennedy is a son of Mr. Daniel R. Kennedy, for merly of Savannah, but now of New York*. He was studying for the ministry at Syracuse (N. Y.) University when his health failed and he came South. Ills mother tvas notified by tel-graph of his condition early in the week and arrived here yesterday. Mr. Kennedy’s friends are hoping, though with little assurance, that he will recover. FAIR HtILJMNG PORN DOWN. Was I’robnblj I lie Lust flint AA 111 Re \lliHTC<) in flu* Extension. The Masonic Fair building In th: Park j Extension, the removal of which was or- j do red by the Mayor several days ago, ; has nearly all been taken away. The lum- | her and other material in the structure is j being sold on the ground, and by to- j night, the last of it will probably have I been removed. It is more than likely that the Masonic I fair is the Jat affair of the kind Hut will be permitted in the Extension, though the Elks are figuring on a big street fair in the fall. Death of n Old-Time Servant. Bit y l’yat e, an old an 1 devoted ser vant in the T mno fani ly. died yesterday. She was :i mo* el example for her race. Dorn in M'clntcah county, in 1*24, she be lorgrd to ;hr Dun woody family ur.til free dim. soon after which time she came to Mr. J c. Tunno’a mother in the Capacity of nurs . a :d had lived with the family ev r s nci. So strong was her character, and fo e’ear her conception of right and wrong, that she endeared herself to all • who knew h r, white and black alike. THE MORNING NEWS: SATURDAY, JUNE 9. 1900. M Million V\fom®n have been relieved ol female troubles hy Mrs. Pinkham's advice anti medicine. The letters of a few are printed regularly in this paper. If any one doubts the efficiency and saorediy confidential character of Mrs. Pinkham’s methods, write for a Stock she has recently published which contains letters from the mayor of Lynn, the post master, and others of her city %vho have made care ful investigation, and who verily all of Mrs. Pink ham’s statements and claims. The Pinkham claims are sweeping, investigate them. THIRTY YEARS OF GiSTSES RANKER LED \ DI AL LIFE. Amazing Revolutions ns to Dead Vor ksli ire Millionaire. From the New York World. London, June 2 Society has been ab sorbed this week In reading of the aston ishing Beckett suit, in which Mrs. Brink worth has suel the sons of the late Yorkshire millionaire banker, William Be- k< tt. a former member of Parliament, for an annuity of $1,0)0 and the freehold of a house at Bournemouth, which, she pleaded, had in equity been placed in trust for her. The fvidenc"* showed that Beckett, who was the pi.lar c f all the proprieties in Yorkshire, and a leading figure in London , socifty, picked up this girl at Scarbor ough when she was 16. For many years she had lived under his protection. She had five children, which she represented as Beckett’s, but which the executors dis cover and had been alopted by her, and th y thereupon stepped the annuity they had allow and hcrsir.ce th ir father’s death in 1890. Letters were produced at the trial writ ten by Beckett speaking of the children a> his She swore she adopted at his suggestion and wrote these letters also at his suggestion to carry out the de c ption that the ci.ib r n were his. While living un .tr Beckett’s protection ?h“ was also visited by a man named Wheatl y and twice left Bickett altogeth er to live wi h Wheatley. She swore she di 1 this to i lease Beckett. Since his death she has married a lawyer named Bi ink worth. it was shown that Beckett had squan dered enoimous sums on her. He made her one present of $325 000, and always m de her a h ;nds me allowance. He paid millinery bills which amounted to $75,000 one year, and gave her $ 0000 worth of diamonds Having listened to this amazing tale for two days the jury stopped the case, and the judge ordered all the documents. in the handwriting of the plaintiff to be im pounded to found a cr.minal prosecution for f and in connect on with the children. Every one is astounded that Beckett's sons-, who ar** inure n ely wealthy, should, for the sake cf SI,OOO a year, permit their f ith r’s name to be smirched before the public, by whom, for his charities and public services, he was lie Id‘in high es teem. Ycurg Bcckctt married as his first wife an American girl, the sister of the wife of William Henry Hurlburt. THE ROENTGEN RAZOR. Ladies* 1 ndeslred Mustaches Wither Away anil Die ia the Searching Ha y. From The London Leader. It seems that the office of barber-sur geon is about to be revived again, and that under distinguished auspices. At the London Hospital for Diseases of the Skin, in Filzroy Square a correspondent of The Pall Mall Gazette has just witnessed a most interesting series of demonstrations. A i*oor woman who had suffered from that most terrible affliction, for one of her sex. a well-grown beard and mustache, was placed on a couch; her eyes and fa:’e were covered with a leaden mask in which was an aperture, and the chest was also pro tected by a metallic covering. There was o buzzing noise as the electric current was turned on, and the darkened room was lit by ihe ghostly, greenish light of the Roentgen rays. For some fifteen min utes the patient lay quiescent, w’hile the rays played upon the aperture in •the mask, immediately over the thick tuft of hair chart was to be destroyed. Then the patient rose from the d>uch. the operation for that day being complete. “Had you any disagreeable or painful sensations?’’ | I asked. “None at all," was the reply. This woman, with a worn-looking, pa tient face, which told of years of work and possible privation, told me that her difiguroment had been n great hindrance to her in obtaining a situation. A great portion of the beard on one side of the face ha l already disappeared; it had died away like sun-dried hay, as the doc tor said. There are many women, young and old, in England, who are afflicted in this way young women who lead secluded lives, and oid women who rarely creep out into the sunlight; rich women who tire debarred from society, and poor women who are hampered in the earning of 'heir bread, I trust that for these a brighc.*r day has dawned. For some years it has been ob served chat those who worked with the Roentgen rays were apt to lose the hair on the backs of their hands. This was the first hint of the therapeutic value of the X rays. Schiff of Vienna was one of ihe first to use them In medicine, but I be lieve that the pie-sent installation is the first to be placed in any hospital In Eng land for the use of the poor, for “hirsu ties,” as it is called. t ITY Ult HATTIES. The annual election for directors of the ! Citizens’ Bunk will take place next Tues- ' day. June 12. Mr. VV. \V Simpson won the Ed. Wil son prize it Barbee & Bandy's last night His gue of l":: wau the n-airest to the ' number of people on the pavilion. ■ wifiifs 1 l'ui’ SEE ■ "■ ON A PACKAGE YOU KNOW IT IS ALL RIGHT. BISHOP KEILEY’S RECEPTION. (Continued from Eighth Page.) were informed of your election. As in i his magnificent temple erected to the honor of the living God, we have gathered tog ther to congratulate ycu u. on your el.ctKn so do we pledge to > ou cur filial homage and our unswerving fidelity in the discharge of your important duties. Re al z ng t! at recent events have made i necessary for you to incur extraordinary expenses we have taken the liberty cf present ng to you a small donation. Th sum is not large, but it expresses o r hearty good will. I have the pleasure of piesenting it U you as a token of esteem fioni a loving peoile.” As Mr. O Connor sold this, he took th? silken i urse. which had been prepur and for the occasion from one cf the oom niiitte plac'd it up n the table be-’ sides Bishcp Ke ley. The purse was small, but heavy, being filled with golden double eagles, fifty five in number. In conclusion Mr. O’Connor said that th° earnest pray ers of the lai'.v would often asc nd to the throne on High for the success of t e Bishop in his gr at work and that many days of happiness and us fulness m'ght be granted to him. Bishop Kelley sail that although he felt greatly fatigued wi h his Journey and the events wlich had preceded t he felt that ic was raturally xp ct and of him that he should say something in response to the kind expressions from both the clergy and the laity. He confess and that he did net recognize himse’f in the gracious descriptions of. speakers. Allusions had b en made by the speakers, he said, to a subject which he did not feel that he could diseu.-s at this time, referring to the mention of his predecessor. Referring to the p ofession of loyalty upon the part of the cle gy, he j said: “1 am free to say that 1 revr.r antici pate*) anything but the heartiest loyal y upon the port of the priests of this dio cese. There is not one of them that U not filled with the single riesiiv to ad vance the Kingdom of God and the inter ests of his church in every manner pos sible. I knew* when I accepted this bur den that I could always count up n the loyal and generous support of the pri sts of the diocese. “As to th© laity, those here present are only a part of large diocese, but I <a sure you that, coming here somewhat prejudiced in favor of a city In the north ern portion of that state I have bee m 1 an. absolute, perfect and compute c nver, to Savannah. I confess that I never thought any part of the state would be a* dear to me as Atlanta, but the warm and generous hearts of these people and their cordial support of every gcod work have draw'n me to them. I have beei taken captive by Savannah.” Bishop Keilev coyld not have given as surance more pleasing to the is Ity than this and there wa a murmur of approval and applause. “I thank the laity from the bottom of my heart,” said the Bishop, “for thtir very kind words of cheer and for the till too kind remarks, made lv their worthy representative. Mr. O’Connor. I rely upon the laity for hearty and earnest support. While 1 shall have the support of th*- priests, I shall need all the more the firm and unswerving support of the laity of the diocese. 1 ask not only for your sup port. but for your prayers. Pray that God may bless me in my work for this diocese. For the success of my work I rely upon the help of God and the sup port of the priesis .and the laity.’’ In conclusion, Bishop Keiley paid a tribute to the laity of the diocese by saying that one dav a story will be told, perhaps not by him. of a united, faithful, devoted laity, whose constancy and fidelity had never failed and whose support had always been assured. Dusk was approaching as the Bishop concluded. He sated that owing to the enthusiastic greetings which had be n shower'd upon him by his friends in Ri h mond his hands were in such condition that he was unable to shake hands with them, and this mutin. pleasure would have to be foregone for the present. He then requested the congregation to kneel and Invoked his fervent blessing upon them. While the crowd retired from the church j the members of the committee and the j clergy accompanied the Bishop to his i library, where a short time was spent in ! exchanging felicitations and welcoming the Bishop back to his diocese. When seen in the library Bishop Keiley gave the representative of the Morning News a warm erecting and said that be ap preciated greatly all the kind things which had been said about him by the ;>©ople of Savannah. His reception! In Richmond had been so warm, he said, that taken in connection with the exercises of the con secration and his long trip to Savannah he felt fatigued and worn out. •‘I am more than delighted to be baek in Savannah again.” he raid, “among the many warm friends T have here. With a few' days rest I shall be prepared to con tinue the work of the diocese Just us I have lcen doing.” The Bishop wore a bandage upon or linger of the right band. Avery hand some ring having been presented io Mm by a friend in Richmond he felt callel upon to wear it during the handdiakng there, but the results were somewhat un pleasant, some of his admirers overlook ing the fact that a bishop cannot be ' x peeted to have the hands of n prise* fighter. How High Must Church Re. From the Boston Transcript. The strangest ecclesiastical suit on rec ord in this country, perhaps any country, has come before the courts in a city not far away. An Episcopal Church 1s being sued because it is not sufficiently “high church.’’ It appears that a certain person left money to this church with the provis ion that the services should come up to n certain standard of churehmanship. While the minister Is doing his level best to whip UP the convictions of his people to the standard of the high-church policy, he has failed, it is claimed, to get as much ritual- • Ism : rito the service and the responses h,N flock as the money calls for. Ir will be very interesting to find out who is to blame in such peculiar case. The parson has sollcituosiy “turned” on all the ritual within his knowledge, an ! the people declare they htive taken all they can digest. As no rnnon of the church tells just where high churehmanship be gins and broad churehmanship ends, it w ll be very edifying if the secular court will throw' some light upon the vexed : question. \ Street Incident. “My Dear Sir.” exclaimed Lawyer Bar tholomew Livingston, meeting the Rev. Dr. Archibald Windham on the e village street. “What docs this mean? I thought you were laid up with all sorts of ha l diseases!” "And so I was.” replied the reverend gentleman. “I had an attack of indiges tion and from that time on my whole aystem has been In a disordered condi tion until ! began taking Hoods Sarsa parilla, which has put me on my feet and cured all my stoin-Aeh troubles." “I don’t doubt If." sold th© lawyer. “This same medicine cured mv wife of rheumatism and my iittle girl of scrofula. When they say It’s the best medicine mon ey can buy, they only tell the truth.” "Yea. yes, so they do,” replied the minister, and the two passed on.—ad. Old I leers and Sores— No (Tire, No l*fi y. Your druggist will refund your money If Pnzo Ointment falls to cure you. 30c. —ad. —Nearly nil of the Ju'e mills in India are now lighted with electric lights. It was found that the working people could work overtime under much better condi tions. with Increased pay, in the electric lighted mill; the consequence was that the workmen flocked to the wd -lighted mills, so that those mills which opposed the in troduction of electric light* were forced j to provide It. ? Toasting J and broiling can be done perfectly on the oil I ''-stove that makes no soot —the cleanest stove in *'\the world for any kind of cooking —that’s the j wfekieslfe^ J FLAME Gil Stove s absolutely safe, and the coolest and most economical stove The above stoves arc on exhibit at the rooms of the Advertising and Exhibiting Company, No. 307 Hull street, Savannah, Ga. The attendant in charge will take great pleasure in demonstrating and explaining to prospective purchasers. FOR SALE BY WE & H. H. LATTIMORE, LINDSAY & MORGAN. LEGAL NOTH |>. City of Savannah, Office City Treas urer, June 1, 1900.--The following lots ire in arrears for ground rent, of which owners are hereby notified. C. S. HARDEE, City Treasurer. Brown Ward—East one-half lot 24. two I quarters. Calhoun Ward— East one-half of west • one-naif loi 21, two quarters; middie one ! third 'of 14, two quart rs; lot 48, two quarters. Charlton Ward—Lot 2, two quarters; lot 36, two quarters. Chatham Ward—West one-half lot 13, two quarters; east one-third lot 24. two quarters. I Columbia Ward—East one-half lot 7. two ; quarters; casi part lot 21, two quarters; south one-half lot 22, two quarters; east one-half of ©ast part lot 90, two quarters. Crawford Ward, East—Lot 16, two quar | ters. Elbert Ward—Lot 13, two quarters; lot 15. two quart* rs; south one-half lot 16. two quarters; north one-half lot 16 two quarters; east two-third lot 111, 2 quarters; •lot 21, two quarters; lot 22, two quar ters; south one-half lot 39, two quarters; south one-half lot 40, two quarters. Forsyth Ward—Lot IS. two quarters. Franklin Ward—Lot 2. two quarters; lot 22, two quarters; lot 25, two quarters; lot 31, two quarters. New Franklin Ward—East one-half lot 14. two quarters. Greene Ward—East one-half lot 6. two ! quarters; west ono-half lot 18, (wo quar ters; south one-half lot 25, two quarters; | lot 34. 'two quarters. Jackson Ward—West one-half lot 13, two i quarters; lot 31. two quarters; middle : one-third of north two-third lot 32, two j quarters. Jasper Ward—Lot 1, two quarters; lot 36. two quarters; lot 43. two quarters; west one-half lot 46, two quarters. Lafayette Ward—East one-half lot 1, two quarters; west one-half lot 6. two quarters; east -two-thirds loi 40, two quar ters; lot 42, two quarters. Liberty Ward—Southeast part lot 24. two quarters; lot 25, two quarters; north one half lot 2D, two quarters; east, one-half lot 30, two quarters. t Lloyd Ward —West one-third lot 41. two quarters; south one-third lot 57, two quar er , west on--half lot 6.2 two quarters. Monterey Ward—East one-fifth lot 9 and west one-fifth lot iti, two quarters; east two-fifth lot 10, two quarters; west one-half lot 18. twp quarters; west one fifth lot 32 and east one-fifth lot 33, two quarters; west one-half lot 43, two quar i ters. Pulaski Ward—Lot 9. two quarters; | south one-half lot 23, two quarters; west part lo< 31, two quarters; middle part lot 31, two quarters; east part lot 31, two quarters. Troup Ward—West one-half lot 14, two quarters; west part lot 25, two quarters; north one-half lot 37. two quarters; east one-half of south one-half lot two quarters. Warren Ward—West one-half lot 10, two j quarters; lot 19. two quarters. Washington Ward—East two-thirds lot 2. two quarters; lot 3, two quarters; lot 5, two quarters. Wesley Ward—East one-half lot 11, two quarters. All persons having interest in the above lots are hereby notified that if the amounts now due and not paid to the city treasurer on or before June 13 inst., I will proceed on the morning of June* II to re-enter according to law. JOHN POWER. City Marshal. GE< IR< SIA, 1 CHATHAM COUNTY Whereas George T. Cann has applied to Court of Ordinary for letters of adminis tration on the estate of William G. Cann, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admon ish all whom it may concern to be and appear before said court to make objec tion (if any they have) on or before the first Monday in July. 19</, otherwise said letters will bo granted. Witness, the Honorable Hampton L. Fer rill, ordinary for Chatham county, this the Bth duy of June, ]9oo. FRANK !‘L J\ El LB ACM. Ch rk C. 0., C. C. Charles I). Blake vs. Lula Blake. Libel for Divorce. In the Superior Court of Chatham county, March term, 1900. To the defendant, Lula Blake: You arc here by required to be and appear at the Su perior Court of Chatham county, to be held on the .firm Monday in December, 1900, then and there to answer the plain tiff. Charles D. IPuke. in i libel for di vorce. • JAMES IC. I’. CARR, May 8, 1900. Clerk S. C.. C. C., Ga. PROPOSALS wanted. PROPOSALS FOR ARTESIAN WELL: Office of Quartet mister, Sullivan’s Island, 8. C., June 1, 1900. Sealed proposals for sinking artesian well at Fort Fremont, St. Helena Island, 3. C.. will be received here until 12 m., June 11. 1900,. and ihen opened. Information furnished on appli u tion. Envelopes containing proposals should Ik* Indorsed “Proposals for Artesian Well,” and addressed David Price, q. M. QUARTERMASTERS OFFICE, Savan nah, Ga., May 11. 1900. Scaled proposals for purchase of l*. 8. General 80-pita.. Savannah, Ga., cor, White Bluff road and Ehiill avenue, consisting of 50 buildings and appUttenunco: ,y s,epai ately or i Olle< lively, | and water pipe in ground, will )*• received until 12 in.. Meridian time. June 11, 19*)0. ! Information furnished on application. En velopes containing proposals should be in dorsed “Proposals for purchase of D. *H. General Hospital and appurtenances,’* ad drensed J. W. Pope, Q. M. f&BfcGtBBCI g| Morphine and Whiskey bab || |1 TI II its treated without fmii or || hj U I 11 confinement. Cure gunran- II I II If feed or no pay. H. H. VUAL, Li X , . U . . Man gr Lithm Springs Sen* Ol IV llanum. Box 3. Au.sui:, Ga. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS. ruusoivAi* *‘U ” KNOW H Kli HIKTHhAY IS next week; a finger ring, a watch or a bracelet was tneiwloned; U- know she Is sensible, does not expect U to pay for th*' box, even if Bitany’s* name is on; so for moderate price, guaranteed quality, visit the retiring-out sale of Fegeas, 28 En:-t Broughton street; hair. Jewelry and shaving supply house; IT will be surprised how big; your sss look there, and how small and shrunken they made IJ feel In the other place. ’TURTLE KOl'P FROM 11 A. M. TO 1 |. m.. and in evening; dam chowder an l other lunch; refreshments of all kinds, a! George Schwarzs, proprietor Germania 1 louse. F1 V E TI inl’H ANI > PI EC’ ES < lOOD music, lo each; s.ationery and books. At Gardner’s Bazaar. * TE YOU CAN’T I HUNK COFFEE GET a cup of Post uni cereal made properly at Hamilton’s. FJNE RICE El ELI) LAMB AT “BA ker’s” every day; last of all other meats In market. IF ITS RUGS YOU WANT. YOU CAN get them cheaper from McGiliis. M GJLLIS SELLS 81 XTY-INCH RUG3 —Smyrna patterns -for 99 cents. PINS. 1C EACH; PULLE? belts, buckles and rings; shirt waist acts, at Gardner’s Bazaar. shredded whole wheat bis cu t and sterliz 1 milk saved in e’e gance at Hamilton’s lunch parlor, Bull . cr < t. SEE HERE! WI: WA NT TO TA K E stock this month, and we want to clear out as much of our goods possible; tl is not right to put a Jol of fake prices in ■the papers, and get you to buy someihing that you don’t wan! becayse it is appar ently cheap; but if you need anything in furniture, carpets, mat lings, shades, re frigerators. stoves, hammocks, water coolers, lawn seßees, cedar chests, etc., come around io see ns and we will make prices that will !• really cheap and give you big values for your money. Yours ( for honest bargains, C. P. Miller, agent, 207 Broughton, west. "M’GILLIS IS CHEAP~ON RUGS, NETS, loco curtains, hammocks, water coolers, * pillows, pictures, stoves, bedroom suites, and furniture of every des rtjrtion. “LEAVE YOUR ORDERS FOR FLORAL design?, flower* and plants a* Gardner's Bazaar, agent for Oelschig’s Nursery. TRY A CUP OF DELICIOUS DRIP eoff* a at Hamilton's lun. h parlor, 1121i j Bull M'GILLIS' L.\rK CURTAIN® WILL beautify your parlor. WHEN YOU SEE M’GILLIS’ SIXTY . inch 99 cents rugs, you will buy them. Just can’t help it; will sell In any quan tjty * “FURNITURE MOVED WITH CARE,” is a specialty with MeGlllis. M’GILLIS MOVES. PACKS~SHTPB and stores pianos and furniture; best work only; no “Ehe.ip-John” prices—no “Cheap i John” jobs. MEDICAL. HOW ABE “Ot7T*. feet are troubling you. call on me and 1 will gtv-e you relief; I cure ingrowing nails, j corn.s and all diseases of the feet without pain; charges reasonable; can give the N'si references in the city: patients treat ed at residences; orders can b* left t Liv ingston's drug storp. Bull arid Congress streets; telephone 293. Lem Davis, sur pror HELP \V A.MLU~3IiLU. WANTED, TWELVE MEN TO tr.'tl; salary, S7SO unci oxp'TiP p; nbso luicly no canvassing; permanent jx>s dun, if sadsfactory; reference; in<Mo*c v If-ud dresst <J stamped envelope. (Colonial Com pany, 231 Dearborn street, Chicago. <;OO V MEN VV ANTED; ONE OF THE great ilf insurance eomiMnlen, desiring to extend its ; ie i< sand the benefit of its policies 10 every county and town in the state, is prepared to make exception ally good < ontm !■- with local agents and county or elite, rict managers, and would bo glad to hear from interested reader* re garding an agen -y or insurance; fine op portunity, with promotion and enlarged territory, for succc sful representatives; experience desirable, but not necessary; no better opportunity to largely Increase your y irly income can present itself; the company issues all desirable forms of policy in amounts from s.'jUO to $.70,000; in rpii'i's will r- i-clvc careful attention through corrc ponden , or personal In terviews. if (I sire.l. Address P, O. Pox 712, Atlanta, Ga, HELP W %.\TED—FEMALE. LAiTTeS TO travel; salary, S7BO and expenses; absolute ly no canvassing; permanent position If satisfactory; reference*; inclose aelf-ad diessed stamped envelope. Colonial Com pany, 334 Dearborn street, Chicago. W AMTKD—MIMCELL I X EOL §. take an interest in a turpentine plan* about 10 st;rt up; large* tract excell w timber. J. H. JLord, Venice, Ela. IF YOU WANT A PLACE TO DUMP earth, dirt, sand, manure, etc., free of Charge, just at city limits, hauling over hard road, write or telephone Brown Brothers, corner Anderson and East Broad streets. BEFORE YOU BUY ORBELLTpROP erty, consult Robt H. Tsiem. reul estate dealer, No. 7 York street, west. WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS. "to rHRIT^A^&MAIMI lighter for one month or two. Address Old Baltimore eteemshlp wharf. EARTH. SANT). MANURE; PARTIES making excavations and others having earth, sand, manure, etc., can fin'd a placo to haul and dump it within city limits; (good hard road to the place), by address ing or calling on Brown Bros., corner An derson and East Broad streets; telephone 1103. FOR RENT—ROOMS. ~FOR RENT? TWO HANDSOMELY furnished rooms. 23 West Liberty. FOR RENT. FLAT FOUR CONNECT in-r rooms, with hath, southwest corner Abereorn and Waldburg: twelve dollars. FOR RENT. SEVERAL DESIRABLE fiats 216 Liberty street, west; possession immediately. Apply A. Wylly, 12 Bryan, east. FOR RENT— HO LSE 3. FOR RENT, IMMEDIATELY, FlF teen-room house-, partly furnished-; serv ants' quarter* and stable, near High School and 1v Soto. 20 West Hull street. FOR BENT, THE WARD RESIDENCE and premises at Isle of Hope. Apply T. A. Ward, West Broad and Olive streets. FOIt RENT—MISCELLANEOUS. FLAT CONNECTING ROOMS. FIRST floor; large hall third floor, suitable for any purpose. John Lyons. FOR SALK-RL'AL ESTATE. FOR SALE. HOUSE AND FOUR lo .-ii Wot* r’s road, convenient to Isle •' 11 opt* troll- \ road; each lot is 40x105. Price S3OO. C. Id. Doraett. FUR SALE. THREE BEAUTIFUL lots, fronting cast on Wells Square, each lor 31 hy 111) feet, with lane in the rear; will sell separately .or together. C. H. Dorset t. FOR SALE, DOTSON \ I NTH" STREET near East Hr ad. no city taxes, at S2OO each; twanty-five dollars cash, and easy monthly payments. C. H. Dorsett. FOR SALE. THOSE LOTS ON NINTH street, mar East Broad, have only been Bold to first-class parties, who will make g od neighbors; and none other can buy. llc terms are ver> easy, and they are cheaper than uny other in the vicinity. C. H. Dorsett. FOR SALE, LOTS ON NINTH, NEAR East Bn ad. at s3o(> each; will soon be a Ivanetd lo $225; when a lot has been paid for I can arrange to get a home built. C. 11. Dorsett. FOR SALE. DWELLING NO. 425 BULL street; has 12 large rooms facing south; also No. 21 Wayne street, west; terms to suit purchaser. D. R. Thomas. DON’T FAIL TO THINK ABOUT those lots between Whitaker and Bar nard on Eleventh stnet, to be Hold at auction June 14. $25 cash, $. a month by John L. Archer. WELL LOCATED STORE AND REST dcticc on West Broad street, not far from Union Depot, an excellent stnnd for butrl nr.-s; only $2,000 to quick buyer. Youmanf & Drmmond. i \ER\ I. CH< H< K \M * U ELL LO CATED RESIDENCES; ow r ners are com pelled to realize on them at once; they will go cheap. Youmans &-Demmond. ' LOTS WHICH YOU CAN IMPROVE and make from fifteen to twenty per cent, on outlay; call for particulars. -Youtnaßs A* Demmond. * FOR SALE. A IDT FOR TWO HUN dred dollars; easy terms, on Ninth street, rear East Broad; no city taxation. C. H. Dorsett. FOR SALE— MIhCULLAAEOUft. bie remedy for whooping-cough; price 25c. Goodman's Liver Tonic will help your liver, improve your digestion, and increara your weight; 50c. Pereses Drug Stores, Henry and Abercorn, Whitaker and Tay lor. FOR SALE A LADY’S COLUMBIA bicycle In splendid order; used only a short time; complete with bell and lantern; also a girl’s Crescent wheel, in first-class condition, (.’an be seen at Bryson's, 242 Bull street. BUILDING BRICK FOR SALE. eTST. Jelks, manufacturer, Macon, Ga. LAUNCHES FOR BALE, SIZE U feet, end 25 feet, and 80 feet, with prloet that will be sure to please you. Tht agencies for these fine launches has beeo established with us. Lippman Brothers. Wholesale Druggists, Lippman's Block. Savannah. Ga. i _ 9 FIRE PROOF SAFES FOR SALE AT low price; ail in atock In five huuuied to five thousand pouuda. Apply Llpp onus Bros. FOIt SALE. AN ELEGANT PHAETOTf end larre carriage, second-hand; will be •old cheat*: one is by Brewster and the other by Stiver*- Doth the best makers in the United B(a( eH . Lippman Bro®., wttoM* •ale druggists. Savannah. Ga. LOST A.\D FOUND. 'ToH'iTTorKiTmo^^ key u and $1.50. Please return, C. F. Moses. Provident building. SI MU Lit RESORTS. hoard in wrstern north car olinu $lO to per month. No small chil dren taken. Edgar Patton Davidson’s River, N. C. y ' \ A CH A RMI NO MOUNT AIN HO MR, fully furnished for large private family, or two smoll families; two bath rooms, etc., hot and cold water, throughout. Ap ply Tcneriffe, Flat Rook, Henderson caun ty. North Carolina. “The laurels,” Tryon, N. C.; well kept house; cxicr.jdve ground; beautiful seen ery, excellent table, moderate terms. Mr*. M. M. Carter. - ■ - 11 1 I —!1 LEGAL SALES. CHATHAM SHERIFF SALE. STATE OF GEORGIA, CHATHAM COUNTY.—Undvr nnd by virtue of fl fl. fa. issued out of Chatham Superior Court In favor of George W. Allen vs. John T. Rowland, 1 have levied upon the following described property of the de fendant to-\vit: All that certain lot of land situate, lying and being in the said state and county, and known as Lot Let ter “A” in a map or plan of the subdivis ion of the five (5) acre tract of land, known as lot number three (3), of the estate of Harrington King, made by J. Deßruyn Kops. Jr., on May 5, 1889; said Lot Letter A" being bounded as follows: North, by Pearl street: east, by lot number fourteen (14>; south, by Lot Letter “13.“ and west, by lot number eleven (11), and containing i front of lifty (SO) feet on Pearl street, and n depth of eighty-three (83) feet and one-half. And I will offer the said above described property of the defendant for Hale, at pub lic outcry, before the Court House door of Chatham county. In the city of Savan nah. on the first Tuesday in July, 19i©, during the legal hours of sale, to satis fy paid ti. fa. Terms, cash, purchaser* paying for titles. T. J. SWEENY. Sheriff C. C., Ga. JOHN G. BUTLER, —DIiALKK i>i— Paints, Oils and (Hass. sash, Doors, Blinds and BuildeiV Supplies, Plain and live Wall Paper, Foreign and Domes C-s Cements, Lime, Plaster and Hair. So* Agnt for Abestlne Cold Water Paint. 20 Congress street, west, and IS St, Jullaa street, west. Drugs and Seeds. TRUSSES A SPECIALTY. Mall orders receive prompt attention. DONNKLLY PHARMACY. Liberty and Price street*. Cash orders receive discount 3